CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonersid »

So now “a child with an upset stomach” could have covid19 :roll:
This report was released on the week children went back to school.
Proof if anymore was needed that this whole thing is being driven by, fear, uncertainty and media created panic!
There are already 3 kids off school from my missus’ class and other parents now in a state of hysteria!
I ask again when is this fucking nonsense going to end?
Anyhow, I’ve sent away for my “mask exemption” card.
It’s a self certification process, whereby you deem yourself unable to wear a mask!
How fucking stupid is that? :lol:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Bradywasking »

goonersid wrote:
Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:28 am
So now “a child with an upset stomach” could have covid19 :roll:
This report was released on the week children went back to school.
Proof if anymore was needed that this whole thing is being driven by, fear, uncertainty and media created panic!
There are already 3 kids off school from my missus’ class and other parents now in a state of hysteria!
I ask again when is this fucking nonsense going to end?
Anyhow, I’ve sent away for my “mask exemption” card.
It’s a self certification process, whereby you deem yourself unable to wear a mask!
How fucking stupid is that? :lol:
It my place of work all visitors have to be reminded on entry that they must wear a mask. It is a public building so footfall is high (albeit nowhere near pre Covid19).
However if any visitor says that they are exempt from wearing one we have to say " Ok , go ahead " or whatever..There is no check on it because we are neither police or medical officers. Pointless having the rule .

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Herd »

The more this has gone on the more ridiculous it gets , I wear a mask on buses and avoid the tube as much as possible but that's my choice I can claim im exempt as i have asthma but i don't want to .
No fucker is distancing and the hooorays of Hampstead see not wearing them as a badge of honour ,as for pubs the stricter ones who make u sit in designated seats with no moving around have been left with no customers whilst more liberal regimes are doing well !
At the end of the day the lockdown has destroyed peoples income and lives and many more thousands will have died because they didn't get the treatments they needed .
Family and friends of the tories have made millions and the old people in care have been killed off so its been a great success for Boris and chums,treble artisan gin and tonics all round boys !#

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonersid »

Herd wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:44 pm
The more this has gone on the more ridiculous it gets , I wear a mask on buses and avoid the tube as much as possible but that's my choice I can claim im exempt as i have asthma but i don't want to .
No fucker is distancing and the hooorays of Hampstead see not wearing them as a badge of honour ,as for pubs the stricter ones who make u sit in designated seats with no moving around have been left with no customers whilst more liberal regimes are doing well !
At the end of the day the lockdown has destroyed peoples income and lives and many more thousands will have died because they didn't get the treatments they needed .
Family and friends of the tories have made millions and the old people in care have been killed off so its been a great success for Boris and chums,treble artisan gin and tonics all round boys !#
I usually agree with most of what you post, but , have to pull you up on this one!
People dying because they didn’t get the care they needed?
The UK probably handled the hospital beds, ventilators etc, better than any other “country” in the world.
On incomes and lives?
Probably the only real issue that the government can be held to account on!
They have virtually bankrupt exchequer, to bring in countless financial support schemes.
On the whole handling of the actual pandemic! This is being carried out on the advice of “ the top medical experts” in the country.
Had Corbyn been Prime Minister, he would have had to taken their lead in the exact same way. To do otherwise would potententially be political suicide as well as possible “ criminal negligence”
I fear it is with these so called medical experts, that the problem lies!
Big egos, of small men, revelling in their unprecedented power and influence.
On hooray henrys and masks?
As I said before, wear a mask if you feel vulnerable, or stay at home

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Herd »

I don't know what your smoking but the NHS failed dramaticly during the crisis .
We wiped out thousands of old people by sending Corona virus carriers back to care homes from hospitals with no testing.
People died at Home with no treatment given because the NHS couldn't cope.
Testing was an issue from day 1 they upped their game by July but until then it was pitiful.
By suspending outpatients many people with life threatening illnesses have and will die because their treatments .
The Government has helped a few with payments but its the big companies who have benefited and they pay the least tax.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by A11M11 »

One of the many problems at the outset when they were doing things on the hoof was , as found out in Catalonia that the tests that were available did not work and a lot of the PPE that was flooding on to the market was substandard .
This not to make excuses for wrong decisions but throughout this whole thing there have been too many voices being aired with too many contradictory messages with media outlets all trying to gain the moral highground and getting their opinions adopted.
Everybody knows better if any regulation doesn't suit them throughout the whole thing they have been faced with sticking or twisting .

This from The Guardian of all sources :-


Sweden’s health authorities are blaming the country’s death toll – which is higher than in neighbouring Denmark, Norway and Finland – on the fatality rate in care homes.

About 90% of the 3,700 people who have died from coronavirus in Sweden were over 70, and half were living in care homes, according to a study from Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare at the end of April.

“We failed to protect our elderly. That’s really serious, and a failure for society as a whole,” health minister Lena Hallengren told Swedish Television.

More than half of the country’s coronavirus victims have died in care homes. Care home workers say the sector was initially overlooked, and they suffered from shortages of masks and skyrocketing prices for hand sanitiser.

“Belgian society has decided that the lives of these confined elderly counted much less than those of the so-called ‘actives’,” social scientist Geoffrey Pleyers wrote in Le Soir last month.

More than three-quarters of deaths in care homes (77%) are suspected cases, leading to complaints that Belgium is over-counting coronavirus deaths. Belgium’s crisis centre, which collates the data, counters that its approach is more transparent.

The country was shocked at the end of March when the defence minister revealed that soldiers drafted in to disinfect residential homes had found some elderly people abandoned and dead in their beds.

The central government has asked the country’s 17 regional governments to send in their figures on care home deaths, but has yet to publish them. However, the regional governments of Madrid and Catalonia have been publishing their own figures on people who have died in care homes from the virus, or while exhibiting symptoms consistent with it.

In Madrid, the total for Covid, or suspected Covid, deaths since 8 March stood at 5,886 on Thursday. In Catalonia, it was 3,375. Between them, care home deaths in the two regions account for more than a third of all the coronavirus deaths in the country.

Deaths from coronavirus in Italy’s care homes came to light only when newspapers started to report on the issue in early April.

The prime focus was on a care home in Milan, which had more than 1,000 residents and where there was an unusual increase in deaths in March. An investigation began, and care home officials found that 300 residents had died between January and April.

Of the 900 residents still in the home, 34% were positive for Covid-19. Italy’s higher health institute found that between 1 February and 17 April there had been 6,773 deaths across all care homes, 40% of which were due to Covid-19.

Seems we did no better or worse than the rest of Europe.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by g88ner »

Herd wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:44 pm
The more this has gone on the more ridiculous it gets , I wear a mask on buses and avoid the tube as much as possible but that's my choice I can claim im exempt as i have asthma but i don't want to .
No fucker is distancing and the hooorays of Hampstead see not wearing them as a badge of honour ,as for pubs the stricter ones who make u sit in designated seats with no moving around have been left with no customers whilst more liberal regimes are doing well !
At the end of the day the lockdown has destroyed peoples income and lives and many more thousands will have died because they didn't get the treatments they needed .
Family and friends of the tories have made millions and the old people in care have been killed off so its been a great success for Boris and chums,treble artisan gin and tonics all round boys !#
I’m sure it doesn’t surprise you herd, but mask wearing and social distancing is impeccably observed (and enforced :lol: ) here in Singapore.

None of this mask exemption bullshit either. Wear a mask or stay home. :barscarf:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

goonersid wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:47 pm
Herd wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:44 pm
The more this has gone on the more ridiculous it gets , I wear a mask on buses and avoid the tube as much as possible but that's my choice I can claim im exempt as i have asthma but i don't want to .
No fucker is distancing and the hooorays of Hampstead see not wearing them as a badge of honour ,as for pubs the stricter ones who make u sit in designated seats with no moving around have been left with no customers whilst more liberal regimes are doing well !
At the end of the day the lockdown has destroyed peoples income and lives and many more thousands will have died because they didn't get the treatments they needed .
Family and friends of the tories have made millions and the old people in care have been killed off so its been a great success for Boris and chums,treble artisan gin and tonics all round boys !#
I usually agree with most of what you post, but , have to pull you up on this one!
People dying because they didn’t get the care they needed?
The UK probably handled the hospital beds, ventilators etc, better than any other “country” in the world.
On incomes and lives?
Probably the only real issue that the government can be held to account on!
They have virtually bankrupt exchequer, to bring in countless financial support schemes.
On the whole handling of the actual pandemic! This is being carried out on the advice of “ the top medical experts” in the country.
Had Corbyn been Prime Minister, he would have had to taken their lead in the exact same way. To do otherwise would potententially be political suicide as well as possible “ criminal negligence”
I fear it is with these so called medical experts, that the problem lies!
Big egos, of small men, revelling in their unprecedented power and influence.
On hooray henrys and masks?
As I said before, wear a mask if you feel vulnerable, or stay at home
What are you talking about Sidney. How can you say the government handled the crisis well, when despite 200,000 dying in the US our death rates per mill are still higher.and thats with an NHS that didn't get overwhelmed. And the reason it didn't get overwhelmed is because they said fuck every other condition going including cancer we are all in on the COVID battle.

Every single issue right from the beginning has been handled with pure unbridled incompetence by Boris and Matt. The list is so long I would have to spend the rest of the day repeating what I have said previously and add to it.

Anyone who thinks the government has done a good job is deluded, sorry. And now the infection rates are spiking, be prepared for a grim winter at all levels.

Just to cap it all off, this morning I went to North Middlesex Hospital for a Blood Test. Walked into the clinic. Doctor no facemask, receptionists facemasks covering their chins not their mouths and noses. I did a bit of research into clinical masks and bought 20 from a medical supplier last month, they are CE approved FFP2 masks the sort a clinician would use in a medical setting. So what does the doorman do, asks me to remove my mask and don an inferior FFP1 mask. you couldn't make this up.

If the compliance/leadership in a hospital is the same as Tesco's what hope have we got in preventing another 60,000 excess deaths this winter.
Last edited by nut flush gooner on Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

g88ner wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:32 am
Herd wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:44 pm
The more this has gone on the more ridiculous it gets , I wear a mask on buses and avoid the tube as much as possible but that's my choice I can claim im exempt as i have asthma but i don't want to .
No fucker is distancing and the hooorays of Hampstead see not wearing them as a badge of honour ,as for pubs the stricter ones who make u sit in designated seats with no moving around have been left with no customers whilst more liberal regimes are doing well !
At the end of the day the lockdown has destroyed peoples income and lives and many more thousands will have died because they didn't get the treatments they needed .
Family and friends of the tories have made millions and the old people in care have been killed off so its been a great success for Boris and chums,treble artisan gin and tonics all round boys !#
I’m sure it doesn’t surprise you herd, but mask wearing and social distancing is impeccably observed (and enforced :lol: ) here in Singapore.

None of this mask exemption bullshit either. Wear a mask or stay home. :barscarf:
This, all the Asian countries are culturally used to wearing masks after the SARS outbreak. And people in this country cry about their freedom being compromised wearing a fucking mask. Get a grip.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by g88ner »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:41 am

This, all the Asian countries are culturally used to wearing masks after the SARS outbreak. And people in this country cry about their freedom being compromised wearing a fucking mask. Get a grip.
Bang on mate!

I’ve been seriously impressed in how well Singapore (and much of Asia) have responded to coronavirus. Time will tell if the world has overreacted but the general public are doing what they’re told and the virus infections/deaths have so far stayed Low.

They look at American and European news in disbelief, and rightly so.

Honestly, the BLM demonstrations and riots in the middle of a global pandemic summed up perfectly how mental People behave when they’ve been brought up not to respect authority.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by GoonerMuzz »

Which masks? N99s, N95s, 50 percenters, part of an old ripped up T-shirt or a bandana.......... get real the number means % pass rate of individual virus proteins, I'd be willing to bet that 75% of the masks worn in the UK fall well below any regulatory testing and are worthless, add in the idiots wearing them incorrectly.....or in the case of 50% of the youngsters I see at the train station on a daily basis, not wearing them at all and some people wearing masks is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard except in properly clinically controlled and sterilised environments.

Just for the record go into any shop selling fabric masks and read the disclaimers from the manufacturers on the packaging along the lines of 'this mask has no definite anti viral protection and this company takes no responsibility for any infection caused to the wearer's..... that breeds confidence :roll:

Some people are so willing to believe the whining bleeding heart media who change their opinion on the say so of the last 'expert' they spoke to that they'll actually think the BBC and Guardian are credible news sources these days, fuck me you might as well read the Star and watch Russia Today :banghead:

Did the Government get things wrong, damn fucking right they did, but so did the doctors, scientists, care home managers, logistics and supply chain personnel, local government, and most especially the idiot media whose only interest is telling the story in the worst and most sensational way possible, ensuring any useful message is muddied and clumsy before it even reaches the people. Add in the media ability to twist a story any which way they want to score political points and this was always going to be a catastrophe no matter WHO was in charge!

Funnily enough mentioning the WHO it took them 3 months, you know the organisation that has some of the best scientists in the world on call or as direct staff, to declare a pandemic and only did so once it had entered 60 odd countries........and once they'd spent two commitee days on working out how to ensure that it wasn't called Chinese Coronavirus or some such just so they could be seen to be onside with one of their largest contributors :roll:

Anyone who thinks any Government in the West would deliberately carry out a program of euthanasia against it's own elderly citizens in care homes is nuts, in this day and age you are almost 100% going to be found out and crucified for it but you know let's keep spreading that bollocks to score political points whilst people are still getting infected and dying rather than concentrating all the media clout on getting people to actually do the correct things.

A bit like the BLM idiots going out on protests when it had been pointed out for months that potentially ethnic minorities were more susceptible, people are getting infected because they are morons and rather than following the admittedly ropey advice from the government they are listening to the media and conspiracy theorists and questioning any thing they are told to do......'Tories told me to do it so it must be wrong' :banghead: Oh and I'd say the exact same about the Tory morons if Liebour or the Lieberal Demorats were in charge.

Simple common sense is no longer a prerequisite of humanity in the West these days all the sheeple want to be led so they can blame someone else when mistakes are made, well that has come back and bitten us on the arse and will do so well into the new year unless people start paying attention and doing what they are told even if it is only partially effective as in the cases of the shitty face masks :rubchin:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Gunner Rob »

g88ner wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:02 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:41 am

This, all the Asian countries are culturally used to wearing masks after the SARS outbreak. And people in this country cry about their freedom being compromised wearing a fucking mask. Get a grip.
Bang on mate!

I’ve been seriously impressed in how well Singapore (and much of Asia) have responded to coronavirus. Time will tell if the world has overreacted but the general public are doing what they’re told and the virus infections/deaths have so far stayed Low.

They look at American and European news in disbelief, and rightly so.

Honestly, the BLM demonstrations and riots in the middle of a global pandemic summed up perfectly how mental People behave when they’ve been brought up not to respect authority.
Couldn’t agree more.
The attitude in the west, perhaps even more so here in the UK is pathetic.
Fact is though the UK population has been fed mixed messaging from both the weak and corrupt government and the right wing press.
It was fairly easy to predict back in March that the US would have the highest death figures in the world and the UK the highest in Europe. That’s the Trump/Johnson effect for you,

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

GoonerMuzz wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:30 pm
Which masks? N99s, N95s, 50 percenters, part of an old ripped up T-shirt or a bandana.......... get real the number means % pass rate of individual virus proteins, I'd be willing to bet that 75% of the masks worn in the UK fall well below any regulatory testing and are worthless, add in the idiots wearing them incorrectly.....or in the case of 50% of the youngsters I see at the train station on a daily basis, not wearing them at all and some people wearing masks is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard except in properly clinically controlled and sterilised environments.

Just for the record go into any shop selling fabric masks and read the disclaimers from the manufacturers on the packaging along the lines of 'this mask has no definite anti viral protection and this company takes no responsibility for any infection caused to the wearer's..... that breeds confidence :roll:

Some people are so willing to believe the whining bleeding heart media who change their opinion on the say so of the last 'expert' they spoke to that they'll actually think the BBC and Guardian are credible news sources these days, fuck me you might as well read the Star and watch Russia Today :banghead:

Did the Government get things wrong, damn fucking right they did, but so did the doctors, scientists, care home managers, logistics and supply chain personnel, local government, and most especially the idiot media whose only interest is telling the story in the worst and most sensational way possible, ensuring any useful message is muddied and clumsy before it even reaches the people. Add in the media ability to twist a story any which way they want to score political points and this was always going to be a catastrophe no matter WHO was in charge!

Funnily enough mentioning the WHO it took them 3 months, you know the organisation that has some of the best scientists in the world on call or as direct staff, to declare a pandemic and only did so once it had entered 60 odd countries........and once they'd spent two commitee days on working out how to ensure that it wasn't called Chinese Coronavirus or some such just so they could be seen to be onside with one of their largest contributors :roll:

Anyone who thinks any Government in the West would deliberately carry out a program of euthanasia against it's own elderly citizens in care homes is nuts, in this day and age you are almost 100% going to be found out and crucified for it but you know let's keep spreading that bollocks to score political points whilst people are still getting infected and dying rather than concentrating all the media clout on getting people to actually do the correct things.

A bit like the BLM idiots going out on protests when it had been pointed out for months that potentially ethnic minorities were more susceptible, people are getting infected because they are morons and rather than following the admittedly ropey advice from the government they are listening to the media and conspiracy theorists and questioning any thing they are told to do......'Tories told me to do it so it must be wrong' :banghead: Oh and I'd say the exact same about the Tory morons if Liebour or the Lieberal Demorats were in charge.

Simple common sense is no longer a prerequisite of humanity in the West these days all the sheeple want to be led so they can blame someone else when mistakes are made, well that has come back and bitten us on the arse and will do so well into the new year unless people start paying attention and doing what they are told even if it is only partially effective as in the cases of the shitty face masks :rubchin:
You can wrap bog roll round your head 4 times Muzz and you will expel less viral load when you cough, sneeze or breathe if you are infectious. The point about mask wearing is we all have to do it to make it effective.

When the original directive was not to wear masks it was as much western government's saying don't use the PPE that is meant for front line health workers. Since then several studies in medical journals etc have shown mask wearing does reduce the spread of virus especially indoors. And they don't have to be medical grade masks either.

The masks they wear in Asia aren’t high grade surgical masks, they are basic disposable ones that cost well under a quid each in this country. ... ks-prevent

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by A11M11 »

Yes they are all washing up on the beaches and in the rivers here in Norfolk . The next plastic bag scandal just wait for extinction rebellion to catch on .
Perhaps we could incinerate them as opposed to land fill and create heat to make electricity to power all the vehicles that the average person can't afford.

Used masks that is , although in itself that's not such a bad idea.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by augie »

Have to be honest and admit that I have now done a u turn on this whole saga - for months now over here the health experts have been telling us that for the majority the co-vid is no more than a bad flu, and now I think the numbers are bearing this out. In the last few weeks the numbers of new cases have shot upwards at an alarming rate, but yet in the same time frame we are suffering hardly any deaths (on vast majority of days we have zero deaths, and on other days we might have one death), so why is our country on verge of meltdown over here with the media and fanatical c.unts calling for lockdowns ?? It seems, judging by scenario's all over the world, that this cuntin disease is going nowhere until a cure or vaccine is created (fcuk knows how long that will take :roll: ), so do we not now need to accept that we will have high numbers of new cases and stop reporting them every single fcuking day unless those numbers turn into deaths ? At what stage do we just say that we are doing all we can and can do no more, so just keep the social distancing and sanatising and cleaning protocols, but resume other parts of life as they used to be (with the exception of capacity numbers for pubs resturaunts, nightclubs etc) ?

I am beyond fcuked off now and pissed off that I see no end in sight for this co-vid

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