The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

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Gunner Rob
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

Herd wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:59 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:16 am
Herd wrote:
Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:35 pm
There is no reason for celebration ,we haven't left the EU ,I find it incredulous that the media the politicians (even labour an farage say that we have ) its a massive con .
All we have done is sign Theresa Mays treaty with a few piffling amendments to a precondition to negotiation and shoved it through parliament ,that isn't Brexit .
We don't have meps ,but we still pay for them ,otherwise no a lot has changed we still adhere to EU law and now the real negotiation to see what we can do.
At Present if they don't rip up the treaty we will have a Brexit in name only deal worse than being left in the EU,that isn't Brexit .
The Public are being lied to by the entire establishment and media as they now wish the thing to go away and get on with the real job of fucking us over even more.
The next few months will either see us capitulate on everything or crash out unprepared in 11 months ………………..or of course another extension .
The whole thing is a joke !
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Brexit "the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union"
I think you will find that this has happened.

well done for working out how crap the arrangement is though.
we are still in the eu until the end of the year except now we have no meps nothing else has changed yet
I appreciate that we are in a transitional period but I think you will find that we have left the EU which is why we no longer have any MEPs.

We have no say now in what the EU does so how on earth can you say we are still in it ???

Stick to football Herd - you know a lot more about that.

nut flush gooner
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by nut flush gooner »

The Arsenal Way wrote:
Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:39 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:27 pm
The Arsenal Way wrote:
Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:13 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Feb 01, 2020 7:53 am
GoonerMuzz wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:47 pm
Well its half past 11 and the sky hasn't fallen so we may just be alright :wink:

Not particularly jubilant or satisfied just kind of relieved, it now remains to be seen not only whether the UK can prosper but whether any other countries follow suit if things dont go tits up.

I've always maintained the damn organisation should have just remained a trading block and nothing else but as with all organisations as they grow 'mission creep' comes in, power begets power, and bureaucracy gets out of control and stops listening, there are some very good parts of the EU and some utterly attrocious ones but ultimately its singular inability to listen and adapt to change from within its own member states could ultimately be its downfall, again only time will tell.

Populism as it is called these days seems to be something that the EU wants to ignore and hope it goes away but you only have to look at Macron's problems with the former Yellow and now Orange Jackets (for those who dont know yellow ones have actually been banned :roll: ) may be a sign of things to come.

By the way if you havent seen it look up the recent clash between the French Police and Firemen, absolutely shocking that two organisations who are supposed to work closely together in emergencies can act that way towards each other and the consequencies may be far reaching for France.
France is exactly what we shouldn't aspire to be. That's why we should be grateful that Corbyn didn't get anywhere near power. He wasn't a puppet for the unions, he was one of them. Could you imagine the unions who represent nationalised broadband threatening strike action every time the government sneezed? Railways even worse possibly.

Margaret Thatcher dealt with the unions here in the 80s, that has meant that largely as a country we haven't been held to ransom by people who start crying when their generous pension rights amongst other things start to get trimmed. Macron is trying to modernise the French economy, there is nothing wrong with that.

The economy grew at 1.2% last year, let's see how we fare in the coming years. That's a pretty low benchmark.

To be so reliant on a country like the US, who already are sniffing around the NHS and no doubt don't like our stance on Huawei building our 5g networks is a real issue. Don't forget we left the EU because we didn't like them dictating to us on laws, immigration etc. A trade deal from the US won't see an influx of Americans coming here but boy will they dictate any trade agreements.

The US is also sitting on a debt timebomb, both corporate and consumer. Trump has helped fuel that with his tax cuts. It won't take much to burst that bubble, as we saw in 2008. When the shit hits the fan in the US, we all get covered.

What a load of poppycock.
Scaremongering and ill informed as usual.
Your poker face must be a friggin' clown mask.
Was waiting for you to pop up. Everything in the post is a fact, how long did you take to read it 2 mins? Where is the scaremongering? All I've seen is abusive posts from you all through this thread, not well-informed opinions.

If you want to play poker with me I am game, started on an unregulated site based in the far east which given that oz doesn't allow online gambling means their players go onto sites like this. Always nice to skin a fishy with a big ego.
Oh look. FACT. Even I can type that word. Doesn't make it accurate though.
References to NHS and Huawei is the scaremongering, and you know it.
Reliant on the US too? Do your homewok ffs.
Economy growth and your predicitions, sorry, scaremongering that it will be lower ?????????
You probably weren't around at the time Arthur Scargill was? Shame. You might have learnt something if listening to him.

Now, your billy big bollix about your poker prowess?
You probably go all in with an Ace high?
I'm right aren't I?

Name a site and game and I will go heads up with you.
one off, best of, name your limits.
Probably won't get you to respect a Brexiteer when I win though
So the Huawei reference is scaremongering..... ... index.html

Trump has been battling with the Chinese since he became President, so it was pretty clear when one of his allies undermined his stance on the provision of 5g networks he would do the usual throw his toys out of the pram.

Still waiting for the poker game 😂.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

You cùnts think you got problems? We now have the political wing of a fucking terrorist organisation holding sway on who will form our next government. :oops: :censored:

Still if they get into power maybe they can finally tell the families of some of the people their "active duty" comrades have murdered where the bodies are buried so those families can give their murdered love ones a funeral. Huh Mary-fucking-Lou you gonna do that huh? :censored:

"Best" part is they had a huge upswing in votes from Generation Stupid. :oops: :roll: The entitled snowflakes of course have no idea about the intimidation these sinn fein cùnts still carry out in estates around this country or the "rent a mob" practices they still love so much. Need a riot in O'Connell Street? Cool - head on down to Matt Talbot flats in Summerhill and pop out €20 a head to all the dole sponging cùnts to put the windows in at Foot Locker. :roll: :censored:

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Bradywasking »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:21 am
You cùnts think you got problems? We now have the political wing of a fucking terrorist organisation holding sway on who will form our next government. :oops: :censored:

Still if they get into power maybe they can finally tell the families of some of the people their "active duty" comrades have murdered where the bodies are buried so those families can give their murdered love ones a funeral. Huh Mary-fucking-Lou you gonna do that huh? :censored:

"Best" part is they had a huge upswing in votes from Generation Stupid. :oops: :roll: The entitled snowflakes of course have no idea about the intimidation these sinn fein cùnts still carry out in estates around this country or the "rent a mob" practices they still love so much. Need a riot in O'Connell Street? Cool - head on down to Matt Talbot flats in Summerhill and pop out €20 a head to all the dole sponging cùnts to put the windows in at Foot Locker. :roll: :censored:
Not going to argue your points and not getting into a political debate if I can help it, but the vast majority of Irish people have been disconnected from politicians for too long. SinnFein may be a poor choice but sadly were the only alternative choice to the duopoly who have played politics for far too long. Personally I would love to see the resurgence of a Labour movement/party in Ireland that working class people can identify with. Won't hold my breath though..
Fianna Fail mortgaged the future of generations to bail out the banks.Fine Gael resurrected the economy for big business..The workers were left behind and not for the first time taken for granted by the government.
There is anger over the housing crisis, and I'm not talk the professional beggars on social media or Grafton Street, I am talking about families living with grandparents because of crippling rents and unobtainable mortgages.
This anger had to go somewhere and it went to Sinn Fein candidates, and despite the best effort of the media and the political duopoly to say otherwise it wasnt a populist vote, it was an angry vote.
There is anger of a dysfunctional health service tet the big two promised solutions that have eluded them for 100 years..
The SinnFein vote wasnt a populist vote, it wasn't a pro Republican vote, it was a vote of anger and we have to live with it..

Jock Gooner
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Jock Gooner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:21 am
You cùnts think you got problems? We now have the political wing of a fucking terrorist organisation holding sway on who will form our next government. :oops: :censored:

Still if they get into power maybe they can finally tell the families of some of the people their "active duty" comrades have murdered where the bodies are buried so those families can give their murdered love ones a funeral. Huh Mary-fucking-Lou you gonna do that huh? :censored:

"Best" part is they had a huge upswing in votes from Generation Stupid. :oops: :roll: The entitled snowflakes of course have no idea about the intimidation these sinn fein cùnts still carry out in estates around this country or the "rent a mob" practices they still love so much. Need a riot in O'Connell Street? Cool - head on down to Matt Talbot flats in Summerhill and pop out €20 a head to all the dole sponging cùnts to put the windows in at Foot Locker. :roll: :censored:

It's quite interesting to watch from the outside. You seem to have a main political party too many. How much difference really is there between Gael and Fail in this day and age when you strip out all the bs. Surely you need just one "liberal" and "pro EU" party then all the good guys could vote for that which should defeat the other mob.

What happens if you end up back at the polls later this year and SF put out a full compliment of candidates. That could get messy.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Bradywasking »

Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:29 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:21 am
You cùnts think you got problems? We now have the political wing of a fucking terrorist organisation holding sway on who will form our next government. :oops: :censored:

Still if they get into power maybe they can finally tell the families of some of the people their "active duty" comrades have murdered where the bodies are buried so those families can give their murdered love ones a funeral. Huh Mary-fucking-Lou you gonna do that huh? :censored:

"Best" part is they had a huge upswing in votes from Generation Stupid. :oops: :roll: The entitled snowflakes of course have no idea about the intimidation these sinn fein cùnts still carry out in estates around this country or the "rent a mob" practices they still love so much. Need a riot in O'Connell Street? Cool - head on down to Matt Talbot flats in Summerhill and pop out €20 a head to all the dole sponging cùnts to put the windows in at Foot Locker. :roll: :censored:

It's quite interesting to watch from the outside. You seem to have a main political party too many. How much difference really is there between Gael and Fail in this day and age when you strip out all the bs. Surely you need just one "liberal" and "pro EU" party then all the good guys could vote for that which should defeat the other mob.

What happens if you end up back at the polls later this year and SF put out a full compliment of candidates. That could get messy.
Hit the nail on the head Jock, one political party too many because "one party" masquerades as two..

Jock Gooner
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Jock Gooner »

Bradywasking wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:08 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:29 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:21 am
You cùnts think you got problems? We now have the political wing of a fucking terrorist organisation holding sway on who will form our next government. :oops: :censored:

Still if they get into power maybe they can finally tell the families of some of the people their "active duty" comrades have murdered where the bodies are buried so those families can give their murdered love ones a funeral. Huh Mary-fucking-Lou you gonna do that huh? :censored:

"Best" part is they had a huge upswing in votes from Generation Stupid. :oops: :roll: The entitled snowflakes of course have no idea about the intimidation these sinn fein cùnts still carry out in estates around this country or the "rent a mob" practices they still love so much. Need a riot in O'Connell Street? Cool - head on down to Matt Talbot flats in Summerhill and pop out €20 a head to all the dole sponging cùnts to put the windows in at Foot Locker. :roll: :censored:

It's quite interesting to watch from the outside. You seem to have a main political party too many. How much difference really is there between Gael and Fail in this day and age when you strip out all the bs. Surely you need just one "liberal" and "pro EU" party then all the good guys could vote for that which should defeat the other mob.

What happens if you end up back at the polls later this year and SF put out a full compliment of candidates. That could get messy.
Hit the nail on the head Jock, one political party too many because "one party" masquerades as two..
But fortunately that masquerade is down to serious important political differences and not just massive egos huh :roll:

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Bradywasking »

Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:58 pm
Bradywasking wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:08 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:29 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:21 am
You cùnts think you got problems? We now have the political wing of a fucking terrorist organisation holding sway on who will form our next government. :oops: :censored:

Still if they get into power maybe they can finally tell the families of some of the people their "active duty" comrades have murdered where the bodies are buried so those families can give their murdered love ones a funeral. Huh Mary-fucking-Lou you gonna do that huh? :censored:

"Best" part is they had a huge upswing in votes from Generation Stupid. :oops: :roll: The entitled snowflakes of course have no idea about the intimidation these sinn fein cùnts still carry out in estates around this country or the "rent a mob" practices they still love so much. Need a riot in O'Connell Street? Cool - head on down to Matt Talbot flats in Summerhill and pop out €20 a head to all the dole sponging cùnts to put the windows in at Foot Locker. :roll: :censored:

It's quite interesting to watch from the outside. You seem to have a main political party too many. How much difference really is there between Gael and Fail in this day and age when you strip out all the bs. Surely you need just one "liberal" and "pro EU" party then all the good guys could vote for that which should defeat the other mob.

What happens if you end up back at the polls later this year and SF put out a full compliment of candidates. That could get messy.
Hit the nail on the head Jock, one political party too many because "one party" masquerades as two..
But fortunately that masquerade is down to serious important political differences and not just massive egos huh :roll:
I would like to agree with you there...................but !!

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Bradywasking »

There is an obvious solution that would keep SinnFein out of government, that being a coalition between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael supported or joined by the Green Party. But that would mean ending the charade that there are policy and ideology differences between the two. And to admit all that would end the duopoly of power sharing by ironically sharing power.
Fianna Fail and Fine Gael created the vacuum that allowed a third force to emerge. Their indifference to workers and working class people has finally come home to roost. We live in a country where the average industrial wage is approx €40,000 but the benefits culture means that a man not working ,with children in college or second level education , earns the equivalent of €76,000 a year in medical benefits , educational benefits and allowances and so on.The working man has to fork out €65 for every GP visit on top of medication costs etc, his neighbour on the dole who never worked doesn't. The lack of empathy in the system for workers coming from the big two parties created this situation that allowed a surge towards Sinn Fein. There were other factors also at play.

Red Snapper
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Red Snapper »

I'm just wondering if, after 344 pages of "debate" and "discussion", anybody changes their minds one way or the other about Brexit or whether entrenched opinions and ideology carried the day.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

Leave it. :banghead:

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

:lol: :wink:

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

You really want to do this Snappy ?

Red Snapper
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Red Snapper »

A11M11 wrote:
Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:37 pm
You really want to do this Snappy ?
Not really; I'm bored!

Gunner Rob
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

oh are we resurrecting this thread ?

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