The "Clive Xhakatard is a C*nt" c*nt Thread

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by storrmin571 »

Bell ends with assault rifles, bell ends who think they have a cause and all revolves around that. Go fuck yourselves with a toilet brush.

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by storrmin571 »

Certain leader who can find Puerto Rico. People are dying and he's playing fucking golf. Apparently its in a big ocean and they've never had to do anything of that magnitude before. Let me think WW2 invasion of Europe, Pacific war, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, Iraq Pt2 etc etc etc. Lot of fucking dwr between America and those areas you small hand cock womble.

Plus Spanish Government can go fuck itself again in the arse with a bull

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by GranadaJoe »

The Catalonia situation is a lot more complicated than most of the media is portraying.

The Spanish constitution forbids the vote organised by the Catalan ruling coalition, the constitution that Catalonia voted overwhelmingly in favour of, and the courts declared it illegal.

The poll conducted by the ruling coalition found that 49% of Catalans didn't want independence compared to 41% who did. However, the 'indepentistas' are often very radical and violent. Catalans who speaks out against independence regularly get their car torched, their property attacked and many have lost their jobs.

The coalition has regular left-wing parties, but also some complete nutjobs. They know that they would lose a fair and democratic vote, so they don't want one. The vote on Sunday was far from fair and democratic. Vote early, vote often.

The behaviour of some of the riot police was terrible, but there was violence on both sides and if anyone's ever seen the Mossos d'Esquadra (the Catalan police force) in action they will know that level of violence is often seen on the streets.

I don't care whether Catalonia is independent or not, but this is a really dangerous situation and I hope that calm heads can rule the day.

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by A11M11 »

Yes it is more complex situation than certainly the british media is reporting and your summary on the whole is accurate to a point. The problem I saw last week as I spoke to many people in the towns and villages I visit regularly between Barcelona and Tarragona was that although there is a split between seperation and not, the people wanted to vote. Rajoy badly misjudged his actions and in subjugating the people the way he did has probably forced many of the floating voters away from his position.
As for the violence I have never seen it, I have always been quite comfortable in Catalunya and were it a regular occurence I am sure I would have heard of it. The Mossos have always been quite laid back , happy to regulate their patch and let people get on with their lives , a direct contrast to the Guardia Civil , I must say.
Whether the vote was fair and accurate perhaps if Rajoy had not been so heavy handed and allowed it then both sides would have voted and as it was already deemed illegal he could have ignored the result if it went against him. Both he and his advisors whoever and wherever they were have made a big mistake , they have alienated those on the fence and the mistrust between Madrid and Catalunya already wide has widened further.
This weeks events will not silence the problems, they have made them worse .

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by GranadaJoe »

The problem for Rajoy is that the constitution expressly forbids it, and neither the Government nor the Courts can change the Constitution on a whim. The Catalans were offered talks to consider devolving even greater powers than they have now, but the offer was declined. The Catalan Govt wanted this stand-off.
The previous vote was peaceful, but NO voters stayed away because it was illegal and carried no authority.

For me, the best solution is for all the parties to agree to change the constitution (though they are worried about the Basques wanting a similar vote), because the Catalans would almost definitely vote against independence. However, another worry is that it would become a Neverendum like in Scotland, where whenever the nationalist parties see a chance they'll want another vote.

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by storrmin571 »

Thanks for the update and a more informed view. The Civil Guard seem to have taken it to the extreme and started handing out hidings to weaker individuals, elderly, girls and young men.

Although credit to the Bomberos for getting in the way and stopping or slowing down the beatings.

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by GoonerMuzz »

I always worry when people use constitutions as a reason for things, usually they were written at different times and under different circumstances to the current ones, the latest version of the Spanish constitution was written post Franco and was written to try to reunite a divided people who had suffered under a dictator.

Use of the Constitution by parts of the media and political establishment to semi-justify the actions of the police is as stupid as the Americans using it to justify their right to bear arms :rubchin:

But every country has the right to their rules, laws and ways of doings things no matter how abhorent we view them and i'm not sure we have the right criticise or interfere until our own countries sort their shit out :roll:

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Hahahaha. Ha Ha. Hahahahaha. Ha. Hahahahahahaha. Hahaha. :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol:

The fucking level of self-delusion some of these fucking D-List "celebrities" live under is astonishing. Simply astonishing. :shock:

Step forward Louise Redkrapp, erstwhile, "singer" in some short-lived, vapid, mid-90's pop group put together by some fat cynical greedy record company scumbag. I think she was also part of the shitter, low rent version of "the Beckhams" that is "the Redkrapps".

In an interview that I can only describe as "piss funny" she now declares that, and I quote, she is "coming back to who I really am". :oops: :roll: ... ouise-red/

Daft nobody Louise says; "I wanted to sing, I wanted to perform. I wanted to go back to work on a stage in front of an audience. I actually felt physically sick at the idea that I'd never have that buzz again, that fulfilment I get from performing. And that is when the shit hit the fan. No one could understand why it was so desperately important to me."

Personally I feel "physically sick" at the thought of this flat chested harpy crooning any further vapid moronic pop shite. :censored:

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by Bradywasking »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:34 am
Hahahaha. Ha Ha. Hahahahaha. Ha. Hahahahahahaha. Hahaha. :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol:

The fucking level of self-delusion some of these fucking D-List "celebrities" live under is astonishing. Simply astonishing. :shock:

Step forward Louise Redkrapp, erstwhile, "singer" in some short-lived, vapid, mid-90's pop group put together by some fat cynical greedy record company scumbag. I think she was also part of the shitter, low rent version of "the Beckhams" that is "the Redkrapps".

In an interview that I can only describe as "piss funny" she now declares that, and I quote, she is "coming back to who I really am". :oops: :roll: ... ouise-red/

Daft nobody Louise says; "I wanted to sing, I wanted to perform. I wanted to go back to work on a stage in front of an audience. I actually felt physically sick at the idea that I'd never have that buzz again, that fulfilment I get from performing. And that is when the shit hit the fan. No one could understand why it was so desperately important to me."

Personally I feel "physically sick" at the thought of this flat chested harpy crooning any further vapid moronic pop shite. :censored:
She isn't a lot to look at either ..maybe Jamie (my Dad is a manager) Redknapp is no longer of use to her after years of casterating himself with his tight trousers on Sky..

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Bradywasking wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:00 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:34 am
Hahahaha. Ha Ha. Hahahahaha. Ha. Hahahahahahaha. Hahaha. :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol:

The fucking level of self-delusion some of these fucking D-List "celebrities" live under is astonishing. Simply astonishing. :shock:

Step forward Louise Redkrapp, erstwhile, "singer" in some short-lived, vapid, mid-90's pop group put together by some fat cynical greedy record company scumbag. I think she was also part of the shitter, low rent version of "the Beckhams" that is "the Redkrapps".

In an interview that I can only describe as "piss funny" she now declares that, and I quote, she is "coming back to who I really am". :oops: :roll: ... ouise-red/

Daft nobody Louise says; "I wanted to sing, I wanted to perform. I wanted to go back to work on a stage in front of an audience. I actually felt physically sick at the idea that I'd never have that buzz again, that fulfilment I get from performing. And that is when the shit hit the fan. No one could understand why it was so desperately important to me."

Personally I feel "physically sick" at the thought of this flat chested harpy crooning any further vapid moronic pop shite. :censored:
She isn't a lot to look at either ..maybe Jamie (my Dad is a manager) Redknapp is no longer of use to her after years of casterating himself with his tight trousers on Sky..
I've never seen what anyone sees in her tbh. She is plain as fuck. She "oozes" the same amount of sex appeal as a tortilla chip. And not even a Doritos Chilli Heatwave tortilla chip, but a cheapo nasty Aldi tortilla chip. :roll:

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by augie »

I'd do her in a heartbeat, and she certainly didn't look titless in the photo's of her in todays papers :sex2: :sex2:

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by OneBardGooner »

Back on topic.

Hand this cun.t over to me with a sharp cut throat razor a sack of rough brine and and electric cow prod... ... s-41549969

I'd bring the evil cun.t to within an inch of his last screaming breath then I'd stomp his body & skull to pulp.

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by DB10GOONER »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:47 pm
Back on topic.

Hand this cun.t over to me with a sharp cut throat razor a sack of rough brine and and electric cow prod... ... s-41549969

I'd bring the evil cun.t to within an inch of his last screaming breath then I'd stomp his body & skull to pulp.
Jesus what an evil fucking scumbag. Hope he gets the living shit beaten out of him every single day in prison. :evil:

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by OneBardGooner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:03 am
OneBardGooner wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:47 pm
Back on topic.

Hand this cun.t over to me with a sharp cut throat razor a sack of rough brine and and electric cow prod... ... s-41549969

I'd bring the evil cun.t to within an inch of his last screaming breath then I'd stomp his body & skull to pulp.
Jesus what an evil fucking scumbag. Hope he gets the living shit beaten out of him every single day in prison. :evil:
Yeah! I would like to say I hope he gets it up the PineApple Fritter everyday as well but the Cun.t would enjoy that!

Let's hope he has more than his fair share of 'accidents'.

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Re: The "Total and Utter c***" Thread!!

Post by DB10GOONER »

666. All the actors and actresses jumping on the Rapey Weinstein bandwagon with their professionally polished "condemning statements" put together by teams of lawyers and PR scum. Fuckers pretending they had no idea or only heard "vague rumours" when the stories about the gropey old bastard have been well known and established in Hollywood for years. It's been the biggest "open secret" in that industry for decades ffs. :roll:

Read this toe-curling PC speak load of shit from shit "actor" (and ginger daywalker :tickedoff: ) Benedict Cumberbatch:

"We need to collectively stand up and support victims of abuse such as the brave and inspiring women who have spoken out against him and say we hear you and believe you. That way others may be emboldened by our support to come forward and speak."

And this refreshingly honest statement from 82-year-old British actress Judi Dench:

"Whilst there is no doubt that Harvey Weinstein has helped and championed my film career for the past 20 years, I was completely unaware of these offences and can confirm that he never attempted to get near my Parched Camel. Unfortunately my dried up old Cooter is like a catcher's mitt in a desert. It's fucking decades since I've had a Slick Toby." :shock:

:D :wink:

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