The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

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nut flush gooner
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by nut flush gooner »

Herd wrote:
Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:12 pm
In order of Preference I would like
1) No Deal Brexit
2) Stay in the Eu

3) May's half in half out and get screwed by each nation ,not really Brexit !

BTW Its been little spoke about but there has been one Brexit deal done should we go ahead and thats the City of London's deal with Brussels which unlike Theresa Mays has been negotiated and agreed a long time ago although its details are beginning to leak a bit .
Few people know or realise but the City of London is in itself a independent state allbeit within the UK and business will go on as usual regardless of what happens as the Powers that be within it are so powerful that even Brussels has made a number of concessions and the City will trade with it on equal terms ,hard or soft Brexit. :shock: 8) :shock:
Where did you hear this about the City Herd. My understanding is a hard brexit will do harm to the City as a Financial centre, in that we will not be able to transact certain types of Financial Services across the EU ie jobs will move.

The City is powerful no doubt, but Brussels wants some of the work we do here in London to be divided between other Financial Centres such as Paris and Frankfurt post Brexit. I am not even sure if TM's deal gets ratified where passporting rights fits in.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Herd »

I had lunch last week with an old colleague and friend who is shall we ,ITK .
I wont name him but he's a former and quite recent Lord Major of London .
though not a freemason ,I've long known about the independent Nature of the City and it was he that spilled the beans on Brexit and the Square Mile.
The EU wanted more Jobs to move to the Eu but the City said no and that was that ,there will be some face saving movements but the City will remain where it is thank you .
I've seen odd bits on it ,the BBC did a surreal bit on it on TV the other day but it's done thats for sure according to my source and I beleive him .

Gunner Rob
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

i don't quite get what the PM is trying to achieve by going on tour trying to sell her Brexit.

half the country don't want Brexit and the other half don't want her version of it! :lol:
madness. is she deliberately trying to get sacked ?

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Jock Gooner »

She is a complete fucking idiot. Her advisers are complete fucking idiots too.

Only complete fucking idiots could have thrown away the lead they had before the last General Election.

A political cartoonist was on Sky earlier and said that people are confusing 'admiration' and 'pity' when speaking about the complete fucking idiot for some reason. He was spot on.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:42 pm
She is a complete fucking idiot. Her advisers are complete fucking idiots too.

Only complete fucking idiots could have thrown away the lead they had before the last General Election.

A political cartoonist was on Sky earlier and said that people are confusing 'admiration' and 'pity' when speaking about the complete fucking idiot for some reason. He was spot on.
probably a bit over the top.

"complete fucking idiots" are the ones who voted for Brexit in the first place.
the Chancellor Philip Hammond has today admitted that EVERY Brexit option will make the UK poorer :roll:

and before anyone says that Brexit is not about the economy can someone please remind me what benefits exactly Brexit will bring ??! Maybe a tax benefit to the rich ? Is that what you all wanted ?

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

I think her idea is to win over the people to put pressure on their mp's to vote her way. Other than that I can't see why she is spending so much time and effort employing 70 odd more people and spending more of the tax players hard earned.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

With respect I did not expect Hammond to say anything different . He and those who produced these figures have been steadfastly against it from day 1 and he won't change now. As they all cling on to their last opportunity to stop it they will up the ante with as much bad news as possible in the hope of getting their so called people's vote. Should they get it and win I wonder how many of you will say ok how about "best of three "

Gunner Rob
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 9:20 am
With respect I did not expect Hammond to say anything different . He and those who produced these figures have been steadfastly against it from day 1 and he won't change now. As they all cling on to their last opportunity to stop it they will up the ante with as much bad news as possible in the hope of getting their so called people's vote. Should they get it and win I wonder how many of you will say ok how about "best of three "
have 2, 3, 4 more. fine by me.

the point is that only NOW is the Brexit reality being presented.
in 2016 people voted on a BREXIT fantasy suggested by Boris, Nigel and the boys. Where are they now in 2018 ? Looks like they are in hiding, because they know that they fooled a lot of people.

I doubt that people will be so stupid as to be conned a second time.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

In hiding ? NO
Excluded YES.
They are still there arguing their corner but one by one they have been pushed aside by May and her civil servant "negotiation" or should we say capitulation team.
The bit you can't stomach is the possibility of WTO , It's a bit scary but they had 2 1/2 years to negotiate it , but didn't bother.
If the real lie from the real liar that " Brexit meant Brexit " was true , then she would have prepared to walk away and change the whole basis of the talks with the E.U.
We had an election and both major parties campaigned on carrying out Brexit to get the votes . If the country wanted it overturned they should have voted for the Liberals who ended up with 7.4% of the vote.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 10:00 am
In hiding ? NO
Excluded YES.
They are still there arguing their corner but one by one they have been pushed aside by May and her civil servant "negotiation" or should we say capitulation team.
The bit you can't stomach is the possibility of WTO , It's a bit scary but they had 2 1/2 years to negotiate it , but didn't bother.
If the real lie from the real liar that " Brexit meant Brexit " was true , then she would have prepared to walk away and change the whole basis of the talks with the E.U.
We had an election and both major parties campaigned on carrying out Brexit to get the votes . If the country wanted it overturned they should have voted for the Liberals who ended up with 7.4% of the vote.

they have been pushed aside because Theresa May is the ONLY one to actually have negotiated a deal with the EU.
yes it is crap but Brexit is crap. thats what you lot voted for. she has delivered, now get behind it or shut up!

don't forget that it is this deal or REMAIN. At the moment you Brexiteers are doing all the remainers work for them :D

WTO will never happen and you will not want it to happen, it would destroy the country.

nearly THREE years on and STILL no sign of any Brexit benefits apart from for the rich :roll:

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

Please explain how WTO would ruin the country .
There can be no benefits until we get away from the grip of the E.U.
Of the 28 countries only 9 get back less than they pay in . We are the second lowest recipient only the Netherlands get less back but their original contribution is less than three and a half % of ours.
We are propping this lot up whilst our own infrastructure goes down. Here in Norfolk we recently got money from the E.U but it was specified as to what we could spend it on. We have a lovely new cycle lane stretching about 5 1/2 miles from nowhere to nowhere , hardly used because you need a car to get to it.

Brains and dynamite comes to mind.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Herd »

From the very outset Theresa May and her Government have done their level best to subvert the whole process of Brexit whilst pretending to be doing the opposite ,she has misled us and Parliament and should be forced by the Chiltern hundreds to leave .

The vote was on the 23rd of June 2016 ,granted there was no actual exit plan but they could and should have made plans there and then how long does that take ,perhaps 3-6 months .
Instead they just played for time and it was clear that they hoped the problem would just go away ,so in July 2017 it was hardly surprising that David Davis the Brexit cheif negotiator turned up in Brussels in July 2017 without any papers because the government didnt have a strategy for Brexit 1 year on,in stark contrast to the Eu who were ready to set their stall out immediately !

Thier own white paper which doesnt resemble the deal she has been handed only came out in August 2018 and was flatly rejected .
If you read the white paper it looks like someone has cobbled together their yearly report in 2 days .

So May has quite deliberately stalled and then is trying to rush through any old deal and if that fails call the whole thing off ,I'm now convinced they wont' allow a hard Brexit !

I've never seen such bare faced treachery in all my life but she's getting a harder time from her backbenchers than from the BBC who seem to be trying to get sympathy for the devil May !

I said a long time ago Brexit wouldn't happen or it would be so watered down it would be meaningless because the powers that be wouldn't allow it and it looks like I wasn't so wrong despite the back biting from nut flush .

The thing is even the deal isnt a deal as it has to be ratified by each and every nation and all of them are queing up to get something else from us so we shouldnt be even presenting this to Parliament because it isnt a done deal .

I cant beleive the Tories are this stupid to I have to beleive that they have gone about selling Britain by the Pound with malice aforethought !

I would rather remain in europe than the shit she has come up with ,but maybe thats precisely why they have done it !
Last edited by Herd on Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

nut flush gooner
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by nut flush gooner »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:15 am
Please explain how WTO would ruin the country .
There can be no benefits until we get away from the grip of the E.U.
Of the 28 countries only 9 get back less than they pay in . We are the second lowest recipient only the Netherlands get less back but their original contribution is less than three and a half % of ours.
We are propping this lot up whilst our own infrastructure goes down. Here in Norfolk we recently got money from the E.U but it was specified as to what we could spend it on. We have a lovely new cycle lane stretching about 5 1/2 miles from nowhere to nowhere , hardly used because you need a car to get to it.

Brains and dynamite comes to mind.
I think the question should be can you actually tell me what implications to UK business of trading on WTO terms are against specific trade deals. If you don't know the difference then again are you surprised at certain stereotypes are formed about brexiteers in general. A lot of what you say is factually incorrect and false.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

I just get my fake news from places like Euronews and just as I listened to Peter Shore all those years ago. I see virtually everything he said has come true. Unfortunately I don't trust the British media but to be fair I didn't prior to the referendum either.

Gunner Rob
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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Gunner Rob »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:05 pm
I just get my fake news from places like Euronews and just as I listened to Peter Shore all those years ago. I see virtually everything he said has come true. Unfortunately I don't trust the British media but to be fair I didn't prior to the referendum either.
I'm afraid that the world has moved on quite a bit since 1975.
you can't keep shouting Project Fear, at some point you have to deal with reality.

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