The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

A11M11 wrote:
Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:38 pm
And on the subject of dictatorship :-

Euro-court outlaws criticism of EU

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels

12:00AM GMT 07 Mar 2001 Daily telegraph.

The European Court of Justice ruled yesterday that the European Union can lawfully suppress political criticism of its institutions and of leading figures, sweeping aside English Common Law and 50 years of European precedents on civil liberties.

The EU's top court found that the European Commission was entitled to sack Bernard Connolly, a British economist dismissed in 1995 for writing a critique of European monetary integration entitled The Rotten Heart of Europe.

The ruling stated that the commission could restrict dissent in order to "protect the rights of others" and punish individuals who "damaged the institution's image and reputation". The case has wider implications for free speech that could extend to EU citizens who do not work for the Brussels bureaucracy.
That's not the whole story though is it mate.

The other part of that story that the conspiracy theorists don't want you to read is that Connolly was in direct violation of the Commission's Staff Regulations because he did not seek permission prior to publishing his book. The Commission said that he was in breach of both Articles 11 and 12 of Staff Regulations. Article 11 stipulates that "an official shall carry out his duties and conduct himself solely with the interests of the Communities in mind". Article 12 adds that "an official shall abstain from any action and, in particular, any public expression of opinion which may reflect on his position".

I'm a civil servant and am bound by very similar regulations.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Herd »

Herd, please sort out your use of the reply button, it's an absolute nightmare going through what exactly you are trying to say, but I will give it a go this time. No Il reply anyway I feel ,who do u think you are ,God theres only one Sherriff in town and that's the DB Mod

With regards to Texas Holdem again I feel the need to correct you on something you know very little about. It is a skill game played by people who generally have above-average intelligence. An example of this is Liv Boeree a British poker pro who studied Astrophsysics at Manchester University leaving with a first class honours degree. She went on a reality show during the poker boom which was designed to coach a poker newbie and she won, she has since played as a poker pro winning $3.5m up to 2017. This just shows that one person with an ounce of intelligence can wipe the floor with morons ,thanks you've made my point for me One of the key skills of a poker player is their ability to read their opponent, my tongue in cheek reference to your lack of people reading skills was not only accurate but prompted one of your standard "dig jibes".I wish you woud swallow your tongue So if you think I play upwards of 25 hours a week for the fun of it, fine by me. I am not a pro, but happy to have enough skill for it to give me a nice sideline. Who wouldn't want that? Your nose is growing Pinnicio

Now, more importantly, to your point about Dr Dani Louhran, I have looked her up on LinkedIn. To address your points:

1) She has said and I quote "over the last 30 years we have grown from nothing to a medium-sized company". Where did she say I?

2) From Linkedin, she joined the company as a Marketing Manager in 2001, promoted to a Director in 2007, and then Managing Director in 2017. She's been at the company a lot more than 10 years and been a Director in some capacity for 12 years. OK I didn't look in LinkedIn I looked at how long she had been a director she didn't start the company ,saying we suggests she was there at the start though ,big fucking deal .

3) No one is disputing she is referring to a Hard Brexit, that is what Rees Mogg, Boris and Farage want. Businesses have to make contingency plans for the worst-case scenario. If this happens then what she says is correct, jobs will go to Europe. You can have all the fanciful theories you like, no one knows what will truly happen. Boris could run over the constitution that is parliament and then we would have a hard brexit. No she clearly states that she is already suffering and avoiding the UK ,this is blatant scaremongering ,don't try and fanny that one off Flush . The problem with a hard Brexit now is of course people haven't made contingency plans something the government should have done years ago but deliberately didn't ,there will be pain all-round

David Dimbleby and his successor Fiona Bruce (I really don't know where you get Ford from, perhaps you are mixing up Anna Ford with Fiona :) :) ) do not shut down people on the Brexit side of the argument any more than Remainers. As you seem to be struggling with the current presenter of Question Time how can you honestly expect to have an opinion with any credibility? By the way, Fiona Bruce is a very good looking lady, probably not far from your own age. I will excuse your ageism :D :D.
Shoot me for getting them mixed up ,really just shoot me ! Question time is a propaganda tool dressed up as a debating forum ,it is anything but that, and has even less credibility than your claim to be a online Poker earner ,but you insist otherwise ,I cant help you if you refuse to see !
Fiona Bruce is way to old for me ,my current wife is 43 and I think I need trade her for a newer model but I have no need for you to excuse me anything Flush !

But it really doesn't matter what I want because we are still in Europe today ,we will still be in in October, and next year and for ever ,be that as a full member or the Brexit in name only ,something I said on this thread before the Vote ! You on the other hand believed all the lies fro question time and even less credible sources ,the government ,and said we would be out by march this year .
You've been getting it wrong for years but you don't seem to learn anything do you ????

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

I'm a civil servant and am bound by very similar regulations.

Yet leaks happen all the time and nothing seems to get done.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by nut flush gooner »

Herd wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:38 am
Herd, please sort out your use of the reply button, it's an absolute nightmare going through what exactly you are trying to say, but I will give it a go this time. No Il reply anyway I feel ,who do u think you are ,God theres only one Sherriff in town and that's the DB Mod

With regards to Texas Holdem again I feel the need to correct you on something you know very little about. It is a skill game played by people who generally have above-average intelligence. An example of this is Liv Boeree a British poker pro who studied Astrophsysics at Manchester University leaving with a first class honours degree. She went on a reality show during the poker boom which was designed to coach a poker newbie and she won, she has since played as a poker pro winning $3.5m up to 2017. This just shows that one person with an ounce of intelligence can wipe the floor with morons ,thanks you've made my point for me One of the key skills of a poker player is their ability to read their opponent, my tongue in cheek reference to your lack of people reading skills was not only accurate but prompted one of your standard "dig jibes".I wish you woud swallow your tongue So if you think I play upwards of 25 hours a week for the fun of it, fine by me. I am not a pro, but happy to have enough skill for it to give me a nice sideline. Who wouldn't want that? Your nose is growing Pinnicio

Now, more importantly, to your point about Dr Dani Louhran, I have looked her up on LinkedIn. To address your points:

1) She has said and I quote "over the last 30 years we have grown from nothing to a medium-sized company". Where did she say I?

2) From Linkedin, she joined the company as a Marketing Manager in 2001, promoted to a Director in 2007, and then Managing Director in 2017. She's been at the company a lot more than 10 years and been a Director in some capacity for 12 years. OK I didn't look in LinkedIn I looked at how long she had been a director she didn't start the company ,saying we suggests she was there at the start though ,big fucking deal .

3) No one is disputing she is referring to a Hard Brexit, that is what Rees Mogg, Boris and Farage want. Businesses have to make contingency plans for the worst-case scenario. If this happens then what she says is correct, jobs will go to Europe. You can have all the fanciful theories you like, no one knows what will truly happen. Boris could run over the constitution that is parliament and then we would have a hard brexit. No she clearly states that she is already suffering and avoiding the UK ,this is blatant scaremongering ,don't try and fanny that one off Flush . The problem with a hard Brexit now is of course people haven't made contingency plans something the government should have done years ago but deliberately didn't ,there will be pain all-round

David Dimbleby and his successor Fiona Bruce (I really don't know where you get Ford from, perhaps you are mixing up Anna Ford with Fiona :) :) ) do not shut down people on the Brexit side of the argument any more than Remainers. As you seem to be struggling with the current presenter of Question Time how can you honestly expect to have an opinion with any credibility? By the way, Fiona Bruce is a very good looking lady, probably not far from your own age. I will excuse your ageism :D :D.
Shoot me for getting them mixed up ,really just shoot me ! Question time is a propaganda tool dressed up as a debating forum ,it is anything but that, and has even less credibility than your claim to be a online Poker earner ,but you insist otherwise ,I cant help you if you refuse to see !
Fiona Bruce is way to old for me ,my current wife is 43 and I think I need trade her for a newer model but I have no need for you to excuse me anything Flush !
But it really doesn't matter what I want because we are still in Europe today ,we will still be in in October, and next year and for ever ,be that as a full member or the Brexit in name only ,something I said on this thread before the Vote ! You on the other hand believed all the lies fro question time and even less credible sources ,the government ,and said we would be out by march this year .
You've been getting it wrong for years but you don't seem to learn anything do you ????

Waffle, waffle and more waffle.

I've been getting it wrong for years and yet you' ve got more inaccuracies in one post than a conservative party manifesto. It really is baffling.

Every time you're found out, you squirm out of it. Have to admire your stickability for that though.

BTW whether I am a mod or not is irrelevant, open up one of your posts and try to reply to it, all you will see is a mess of text that isn't structured in any way. A bit like your debate.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Herd »

I don't do squirming Flush ,ever !
Now since thou art the font of all knowledge ,what's your take on Olly Robbins ?.
Mays chief negotiator who failed to get anything we wanted from Brussels but spent a lot of time and money in Bars over there telling everyone with ears what was going on gets a knighthood .
His only success was to bring home the Treaty Brussels prepared for us ,DHL would have been a lot cheaper, there was no negotiation .
More than that he's now taking up a lucrative job at Goldman Sachs who no doubt appreciate his skills in drinking !
Treble gin and tonics all-round ,boys played a blinder !
Smells Doesn't it ?

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 » ... ence-union.

No comment , must be another conspiracy theory.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by Herd »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:24 am ... ence-union.

No comment , must be another conspiracy theory.
don't worry just sleeeeeeep !

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by nut flush gooner »

Herd wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:07 am
I don't do squirming Flush ,ever !
Now since thou art the font of all knowledge ,what's your take on Olly Robbins ?.
Mays chief negotiator who failed to get anything we wanted from Brussels but spent a lot of time and money in Bars over there telling everyone with ears what was going on gets a knighthood .
His only success was to bring home the Treaty Brussels prepared for us ,DHL would have been a lot cheaper, there was no negotiation .
More than that he's now taking up a lucrative job at Goldman Sachs who no doubt appreciate his skills in drinking !
Treble gin and tonics all-round ,boys played a blinder !
Smells Doesn't it ?
Herd, if you sent Margaret Thatcher to Brussels she wouldn't have got a deal that would have been anything like acceptable. It was written on the cards as soon as we voted to leave the EU, they were going to play hardball.

Olly Robbins has gone to a big bank, so what? That's what politicians and senior civil servants do. It's a totally different discussion having a pop at the establishment to leaving the EU. Don't forget the establishment figures on the Brexit side of the debate. Rees Mogg the ultimate hypocrite setting up a Dublin Office to deal with Brexit complexities, Boris Johnson who chose Brexit as a career-enhancing opportunity and Nigel Farage the commodities dealer who claims to represent the people.

You can pick an individual out to suit your/any side of the argument and make a case for them being a charlatan.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:47 am
I'm a civil servant and am bound by very similar regulations.

Yet leaks happen all the time and nothing seems to get done.
Again simply not true. I'm currently on secondment in a major department that in the last 12 months has sacked two employees for deliberate data breaches and saw one employee jailed for profiting from deliberate data breaches. I've worked in investigative units before and it is incredibly time consuming and difficult to prove a case against someone for leaks or breaches but those cases are aggressively pursued. I've worked with the EU recruitment agency EPSO in the past and they too aggressively pursue breach of trust investigations. Some get through some get caught. No system is flawless.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

Herd wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:38 am
Herd, please sort out your use of the reply button, it's an absolute nightmare going through what exactly you are trying to say, but I will give it a go this time. No Il reply anyway I feel ,who do u think you are ,God theres only one Sherriff in town and that's the DB Mod

I prefer the term "Mein Führer" if I'm being honest.


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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

Re leaks ,
Maybe where you are North or South I am not sure but most political stories in the uk seem to originate from a civil service that resembles a seive.
Many stories begin with the line :- A leaked government document.
We never hear of anyone being held responsible , perhaps recriminations and punishment does happen behind closed doors but it's never reported on a similar scale to the publicity that the leak received . Perhaps were it so people might not be so willing to leak secret and private documents in the first place.
Lobbyists have their sources and publicise the things that further their agendas . It's where the media ( newspapers , Radio , Television ) gets it's news , like a police informer they are not likely to give up their sources and name and shame in fact the opposite they want the next story.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by DB10GOONER »

A11M11 wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:43 pm
Re leaks ,
Maybe where you are North or South I am not sure but most political stories in the uk seem to originate from a civil service that resembles a seive.
Many stories begin with the line :- A leaked government document.
We never hear of anyone being held responsible , perhaps recriminations and punishment does happen behind closed doors but it's never reported on a similar scale to the publicity that the leak received . Perhaps were it so people might not be so willing to leak secret and private documents in the first place.
Lobbyists have their sources and publicise the things that further their agendas . It's where the media ( newspapers , Radio , Television ) gets it's news , like a police informer they are not likely to give up their sources and name and shame in fact the opposite they want the next story.
Hmmmm well having interacted with your UK service only occasionally I can't comment on how those leaks are dealt with there or if the culprits are ever caught or punished. But here in Oireland and most of the EU we have secure audit tracking on all government systems so an investigator can easily see who accessed what and when.

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

Recently we have had the great Olly , leave his presenter in a taxi and his laptop on a bar , Probably too pissed up on gratis booze is the kind way of putting it or just deliberately having a mind fart is another . He gets a knighthood .
Tracking the culprit is probably done over here as well but it's the deliberate leaks that make the headlines

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by nut flush gooner »

So the document they didn't want us to see put together by the new administration, puts a quite a candid light on what could happen post Brexit. No wonder Parliament is having a hissy fit at the way Boris is behaving.

If ever there was a more untrustworthy PM we have it here, hes lied so much to get where he is today capping it off with making the Queen look like a mug over what surely now should be termed Prorogation gate. ... ns_CDL.pdf

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Re: The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

Post by A11M11 »

Reminiscent of a Doctor Pepper advert .

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