Henry agrees terms with Barcelona, according to France Footb

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Post by DB10GOONER »

I think we have to look at this objectively. What's best for the club? Henry is ageing, he has the well documented Sciatica problem and his form has not been vintage Tel over the last two seasons. Should we cash in before his value drops if he has another sh!t season? What if he goes into sulk mode again? How many games did he spend sulking around the pitch last season, hands on hips, just because every single pass didn't go to him?

Then again, we need quality, experienced, senior players to bring the young stars of the future forward. The kids learn so much just from training with the likes of TH14, never mind actually playing beside them. Should we hold on to him at all costs? There's the possiblity that he stays injury free, hits form and inspires the lads around him.

I would go for the second option. At least for another year or two.

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Post by northerngooner »

It is all getting a little tiresome really isnt it? The one person that could stop all this buggering about is TH himself but he keeps harping on about being an Arsenal player for now instead of laying the sodding thing to rest by stating clearly he is not leaving this season.

Personally after last years antics on the pitch (all the stroppy arm waving and standing hands on hips shaking his head) and the severity of his sciatica problem which will only get worse with age, maybe it is time to let TH go to Barca with Eto'o in return plus cash.

Only last summer there were rumours of a £50m bid from Real Madrid, now we are talking of £20m max. That is a huge drop in value.

Maybe we are on the verge of another Viera situation, who knows?

All i can say is, for christs sake Thierry sort it out, you are a grown man so start acting like one and decide where and who you are going to play for before it drives us all up the bloody wall.

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Post by Perryashburtongroves »

What winds me up the most, is the fact that these stories appear year after year. As soon as the season ends, out come the 'Arsenal player to quit' lies. It started with Wright, continued with Adams and Bergkamp, went way overboard with Vieria and now seems to have reached record levels with Henry.

No other club has to put up with such instability each summer and I can only think that these lies are simply those brainless hacks thinking that they can fuck up Arsenal and upset our pre-season. It's about time that club of ours stood up and actually took control for once. We all got pissed off with the Vieira rumours every year but the board, manager, coaches etc did nothing to dispel the stories. I would actually like one of the senior figures at the club to come forward and speak to the fans about why these stories appear every year. Either there is truth in them and we need to know or, they are false and need to be stamped out. If the club spoke up and denied these tales, I'm sure the shitty tabloids would give up and move on to other clubs.

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Post by DB10GOONER »

Perryashburtongroves wrote: I would actually like one of the senior figures at the club to come forward and speak to the fans about why these stories appear every year. Either there is truth in them and we need to know or, they are false and need to be stamped out. If the club spoke up and denied these tales, I'm sure the shitty tabloids would give up and move on to other clubs.
I think that is our problem; we do business behind closed doors and so the "media" have nothing to write about us in the off season, thus they take whatever rumour is doing the rounds, add a couple of quotes (usually taken out of context) put two and two together and come up with our biggest name is deffo leaving.

Would a more open approach by the board stop this problem? Possibly, but then most journalists are bitter little crunts with long memories and don't like us anyway, so we may just be stuck with this sh!t every year for the forseeable future... :(

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Post by Galasso »

Perryashburtongroves -

"No other club has to put up with such instability each summer and I can only think that these lies are simply those brainless hacks thinking that they can fuck up Arsenal and upset our pre-season. It's about time that club of ours stood up and actually took control for once"

Yes, I believe that there are certain North-West centric parts of the press, who contribute to this feeling of pressure on the club. There is a particular problem again with the Spanish press who cover Real and Barcelona.

On the other hand, out of the players you mentioned, I can only remember that it is Bergkamp that didn't at any point suggest that HE was looking elsewhere. Wright was ceratinly unhappy with Rioch and spoke about leaving and Adams it has become know did have some sort of contact with ManU. And Vieira was very close to joining Real, and then there is Henry.

What I am saying is, alot of this also comes from the players, and if not directly, then from sources, close friends, agents.

It's best to trust no-one and believe nothing until you see 11 players on the pitch. And even then, I would double-check.

I would recommend Tom Bower's book - Broken Dreams. It actually paints players as the pawns in a game between agents and clubs. Makes David Dein out to be a very interesting charachter indeed!

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Post by tenementfunster5 »

Today's Arseblog makes for interesting reading. According to Arseblog TH told Lequipe

"Lots of people are speaking on my behalf. It’s impossible to stop the rumours - it’s not the first or the last time that people are speaking for me. In my head I’m still an Arsenal player and my departure is not a current issue"

Not entirely true Tel but it looks as though he is committed to the club for next season at least.

Get over to http://www.arseblog.com/WP/
and chek it out.

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Post by Galasso »


Henry is holding out for confirmation that the club has secured the long-term future of Alex Song. He said in an exclusive interview with the Western Samoan Times "Dein leaving Arsenal was terrible but if we also lose Song...I think I am either going to go to kill myself or go to Barcelona"

Henry has since sign languaged to the BBC that he has never spoken to the Western Samoan Times, David Dein or Alex Song. In addition, he confirms that he has never spoken to his wife or children and the last time he did speak was to say "googoo, gaagaa" to his Mum.

The Western Samoan Times have refused to comment, or indeed, exist.

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Post by U.F.G Anfield '89 »

Why do we put up with this bullishit from the tabloids. the simple answer to this is to vote with our feet. Arsenal has a big fan base If we were to organise a large enough boycott of the worst offending tabloids then maybe they would lay off.

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Post by Trevheff »

When Galasso has the exclusive so I guess we can all shut up now!!

On a serious note (you were joking Galasso right?!!) the purpose of a contract is to no longer to secure a players services for the length of that contract, it's simply to ensure you get a sizeable fee (or any fee) should they move on. If a player has a year or less on his contract buying clubs know they can take the piss with the fee they offer as they know full well the selling club risk losing the player for nothing if the contract runs down (Just as Spuds about a ceratin Sol Campbell). So in that respect we're in a much better position than last season with Henry.

It's all about money guys. The press make money from selling papers so write sensationalist crap. Websites get money from hits so again post bollocks shite onto their sites. And half the time prats in Barca and Madrid spout tripe just to help their Club Presidential Election Campaigns.

I suppose until any concrete announcements are made by the club we must give Thierry, his agents and the club the benefit of the doubt. Only when we know for certain can we then judge.

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Post by Chopper »

We have to face the fact that we will face these sorts of rumours every year. Once TH has passed we will get Cesc rumours and so on.

Last year fair enough, but my sympathy lies with TH, every year he has to deny he is leaving and every year the rumour starts up again. What more does he have to do? He signs a new contract, declares his love for the club and another season on here we go again. Think the fact his agent is taking legal action says it all.

With all the speculation surrounding takeovers, DD leaving, etc, he doesn't want to be made to look a muppet by denying he is leaving then things change at the club and he gets told a deal has been made and he can go.

He is our leading scorer, our captain, an example to his colleagues and still our player, so lets back him, ignore the tabloids and get good odds for him to be leading scorer in the Emirates cup and beyond...

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Post by Dicko »

Wouldn't expect any other reaction from for Henry also he said he'd had enough of a "holiday".

What about Sonny's son's performance at the end :?: quality!

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Post by Galasso »


That was a nice finish - although he did miss a one-on-one a few minutes earlier! He could slip straight into our Carling Cup Team :)


Am I being serious?? The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction my friend :wink:

I reiterate that I want Henry to stay. He seems to be a pretty savvy guy so I think he knows anything he says is subject to forensic scrutiny and varying interpretation.

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Post by I Hate Hleb »

Just read this statment by Tomas Rosicky, who was questioned about rumours that he might be leaving Arsenal:

He told Czech newspaper Sport: "I was told it was published in newspapers. Nobody spoke about it with me direct.

"I am happy in Arsenal and this is the end of this story for me.

"I have no reason to change anything. I want to stay in Arsenal."

There you go. That's put an end to the story. Why then, is it proving to be so difficult for Thierry to come out and say the same?

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Post by tenementfunster5 »

It matters not what T says. We have been through this shit with Vieira and no matter what he said Marca, France football or whoever will come up with the same reconstituted bullshit.

If Henry wants to say something to the fans then he should but it will make fuck all difference to anyone.

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Post by Eboue Can't Defend »

tenementfunster5 wrote:It matters not what T says. We have been through this shit with Vieira and no matter what he said Marca, France football or whoever will come up with the same reconstituted bullshit.

If Henry wants to say something to the fans then he should but it will make fuck all difference to anyone.
Oh, but I'm afraid you're wrong my friend. It might not matter to the fucking media scum but it does matter to the Arsenal fans!

We thought that when he signed a new 4 year contract last summer that would be the end of it. However, we have all been confused due to his recent comments. Henry hasn't made his position clear. If anything, mud has more transparency then the current statements coming out of the Arsenal captain's mouth.

Don't get me wrong, I love Henry to bits and spent a couple of hours this afternoon watching videos of him on youtube. It reminded me of what a truly great player we had - and have still got, hopefully - in Henry. Unlike fans who think Thierry is past it, I really believe he can be as good again when he gets back to full fitness.

I don't want him to leave. I do want him to come out and say, unequivocally, that he will be staying and - more importantly - that he wants to stay at Arsenal. That isn't too much to ask, is it?

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