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Post by Bendtners Drinking Buddy »

I actually really feel for Oliver Giroud.

To clarify - he is a 7/10 striker - 8 when in top form - but he is a tryer, he works hard and I think deserves a lot more respect than he gets. He is limited, but I don't doubt for a second he is good enough to play for this football club.

But he consistently has to carry this team in terms of goals - two seasons on the trot now he has had to play week in, week out getting battered and bruised and running himself into he ground. 3 seasons ago he was playing twice a week in games that were vital for us to finish 4th (another matter) - but it was all down to him. It affects his ability to become the best player he can be - he works hard for the team, defensively at set pieces too, and I think he has actually sacrificed 5/6 goals a season because of the amount of minutes he has to play and the work he has to do.

Yes he can be a bit of a soft sod, but look at his form when he and Walcott were interchanging, how good could he be if we was used in rotaton with 2 other good strikers? He seems to raise his game.

I actually think whilst Wenger has obviously given Giroud the chance to play in the Prem, he is hindering him by flogging him into the ground. Yes he has had some stinkers (Monaco) - but was that 3 years of fatigue all culminating in one awful night for him?

Giroud has a tournament in France at the end of the season, he could be a real Hero for his nation because he is an international class striker who can score goals. But I wouldn't bet against him being injured and missing it, or absolutely shateered and having some poor games in what should be the tournament of his life.

Notwithstanding all that - how can we seriously challenge for the league with one Striker? Walcott being unfit doesn't help of course, but we all knew this was coming.

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Post by I Hate Hleb »

augie wrote:More corkers from arseblog as he reefer's to our lack of options in the strikers department -

"Still, it could be worse. We could have spent £50m+ on a player who blackmails his international teammates. Imagine what a character like that in your dressing room could do for the spirit and harmony of a group. Wait, sorry. I forgot. It doesn’t matter what any footballer does off the pitch as long as he performs on it. How silly of me. All the same, bullet dodged there in a big way"

I get the whole harmony ethos, but this is a French squad matter and not a club matter (will bet my life that it wont affect harmony in the Madrid squad :roll: ).
It is also laughable that he sarcastically refer's to the issue of on pitch performance versus off pitch tell me which you would class as more important :roll: Would you rather have a choir boy as your main striker, or a proven top quality striker that will bag you 20+ league goals a season ? Would he rather if our club didn't have TA6 as our leader for all those years then ? How any fool would then sum up this whole debate by claiming that "we dodged a bullet there" is beyond me - it is such a bullshit idiotic statement that it embarrasses me that any Gooner could even think it much less say it :roll: :oops: :oops:
Perfectly summed up augie. 8) The kind of rationale that arseblog has come out with there is frankly embarrassing. I'm sure Ivan, Sir Chips, Stanley and Arsene will be pleased though. :oops: :oops: :roll:

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Post by StuartL »

Humoresque wrote:Can we rebuild Highbury?
Good call, start in the basement where you can purchase a couple of very very rare, Highbury seats for the bargain price of only.............. :box:

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Post by Redarmy »

Derek Acorah wrote:IF you lot win the league (and I hope you do instead of City, we won't get near the title.)

Will you still call Wenger all those nasty names then? I am not being pedantic here, it's a genuine question.

What you have to remember though Derek is that the views expressed on this forum regarding Wenger are not held by the majority of the Arsenal Fan base

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Post by augie »

Redarmy wrote:
Derek Acorah wrote:IF you lot win the league (and I hope you do instead of City, we won't get near the title.)

Will you still call Wenger all those nasty names then? I am not being pedantic here, it's a genuine question.

What you have to remember though Derek is that the views expressed on this forum regarding Wenger are not held by the majority of the Arsenal Fan base

If you believe that the majority don't want a change of manager then you are deluded - if you believe that the majority don't have the amount of hatred towards him that many of us do, then you would be 100% correct.
Just because people are not vocal enough, doesn't mean that they don't want a change

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Post by northbank123 »

7/10 is generous for Giroud. Effective sometimes but zero ability to turn a defender or get in behind, no pace and a poor finisher. 7/10 by whose standards? Not a top club's.

AKBs now hitching their wagon to the Benzema story. As if he was the only signing we could have made. Same type of straw man argument as "you would rather us waste 25m on average players like Liverpool or Spurs". As if there's no fucking alternative of actually signing quality players.

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Post by Redarmy »

augie wrote:
Redarmy wrote:
Derek Acorah wrote:IF you lot win the league (and I hope you do instead of City, we won't get near the title.)

Will you still call Wenger all those nasty names then? I am not being pedantic here, it's a genuine question.

What you have to remember though Derek is that the views expressed on this forum regarding Wenger are not held by the majority of the Arsenal Fan base

If you believe that the majority don't want a change of manager then you are deluded - if you believe that the majority don't have the amount of hatred towards him that many of us do, then you would be 100% correct.
Just because people are not vocal enough, doesn't mean that they don't want a change

Thats is exactly what i think, I'm talking about world wide fan base here, understand its hard to quantify or even understand

Even when going to the Emirates the feeling is very divided, mainly depending on the result of the last match

Best you go up there and start shouting Wenger out, sure you will get someone who wants to square up

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Post by Sean »

StuartL wrote:
MrT wrote:Fitness coach Verheijen seems to be the only person with balls to criticize Wenger publicly for his training methods. Even got Wenger to arrogantly shoot him down, as expected.
Within the space of 2 weeks the Arsenal players Ramsey, Walcott, Oxlade-Chamberlain & Bellerin have picked up muscle injuries. Who's next?

This guy will probably choose denial & put responsibility outside himself again by labelling Bellerin 'injury prone'

Or maybe he will repeat again he trusts his medical staff although they have nothing to do with causing injuries. They only cure injuries.

Do players get injured because they are injury prone or do players become injury prone because of injury after injury due to overtraining?
Not quite sure about the overtraining bit cos all they appear to do is play 1/2 touch little plays with some light jogging ( maybe it's the jogging bit they need to reign in ? )
I heard there is no real training, other than endless passing drills and five-a-sides - certainly fuck-all in defensive work and set pieces - although this Puma advert suggests they may do more gym work:

And still end up fucking injured.
augie wrote:
defleppardisking wrote:Is getting thrashed 5-1 and bottom of the CL table means competing with the best in Europe? I guess so.
Exceptional circumstances - we were missing two (maybe three) first 11 players :roll: :oops: :oops: :oops:
It was another 'accident' :roll:
Derek Acorah wrote:IF you lot win the league (and I hope you do instead of City, we won't get near the title.)

Will you still call Wenger all those nasty names then? I am not being pedantic here, it's a genuine question.
Nothing will make up for the last seven years of wilful underachievement. His legacy/reputation is damaged beyond repair.

And despite all that shite, all the humiliations and the embarrassments; he earns £970 per hour. Fucking scandalous.
rodders999 wrote:That fact that the majority of our fan base could be so nonplussed about a 5-1 dicking is utterly depressing. I suppose they've just got used to seeing us getting trounced in games in the last few years and it's just not that big of a deal anymore.

Well it was for me, last night was shameful and how that parasite isn't being lambasted from all angles this morning is beyond me :banghead:
Agreed. It is unacceptable.

It's amazing that the fanbase has been slowly conditioned over the years to tolerate failure from the same man (apparently) who managed the Invincibles. He has no fucking excuses to be the failure he has become.

It seems that Wenger without Dein is like Clough without Taylor. Without Dein, Wenger has become too powerful at the club and listens to no-one.
rodders999 wrote:We all know Suarez is a nasty piece of work but I'd give my left ball bag to have him banging in goals for the Arsenal and driving us towards a league title. It' been the same since time immemorial with players, as long as they are doing the biz on the pitch fans will basically forgive any other indiscretions that may be going on. We're a fickle bunch.

If we had Benzema and he was firing in goals for us the only thing that would concern me about this incident is how many games he may potentially miss, I couldn't give a flying fcuk about anything else.

Anyway, I wouldn't waste your time reading that bile Augie, he's in the club's pocket and ain't ever gonna bite the hand that feeds him. He's spin anything to look pro club/Wenger.
We would definitely have won titles with Suarez had we got him. That cannibal fucker is a disgrace, but I'd still have had him at the Arsenal even if Barca poached him anyway a few years down the line. That £40,000,001 bid was an embarrassment to the club. It showed us up as the penny-pinchers the club / Wenger are.

Plus, the victims broke the rules by refusing that bid. Henry admitted it. Why they weren't punished for that, I don't know.
northbank123 wrote:7/10 is generous for Giroud. Effective sometimes but zero ability to turn a defender or get in behind, no pace and a poor finisher. 7/10 by whose standards? Not a top club's.

AKBs now hitching their wagon to the Benzema story. As if he was the only signing we could have made. Same type of straw man argument as "you would rather us waste 25m on average players like Liverpool or Spurs". As if there's no fucking alternative of actually signing quality players.
It's embarrassing that Giroud is the starting striker for the Arsenal. He's nothing more than a bench player.

From Ian and Thierry to this.

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Post by robbo10 »

Redarmy wrote:
Derek Acorah wrote:IF you lot win the league (and I hope you do instead of City, we won't get near the title.)

Will you still call Wenger all those nasty names then? I am not being pedantic here, it's a genuine question.

What you have to remember though Derek is that the views expressed on this forum regarding Wenger are not held by the majority of the Arsenal Fan base
If......such a small word that means so much.

And for me yes,he should still get dogs abuse,and should still go,he's been found out again and again over the last decade,we've been so close to winning the league mathematically but a million miles away in reality,and its time to say enough is enough.

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Post by Robin_L »

Have to accept the point in all honesty, 8 or 9 injured is too much. Same old same old.

We're 0-1 down and our 3 attacking subs to change the course of the game are Flamini, then Arteta, then Gibbs.

We're not going anywhere towards the title until we cut this injury list down to normal size, whoever's fault that is. Not nice being outplayed by the scum but really that's a good point we have to take.

Now to get some of these players back from injury over the next 2 weeks during the interlull.

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Post by northbank123 »

And when they do come back? Rosicky, Wilshere and Welbeck have been injured for ages and ages, they will take about 10 games to get anywhere near their best form (question marks over that anyway) before breaking down again.

Oxlade-Chamberlain has been piss-poor this season and looks a worse footballer each time he steps out on the pitch. Which is a tremendous shame for a player who I still think could be devastating. Likewise Ramsey has played very poorly game after game for months on end.

Don't get me wrong, I would rather them be fit than not but even if they were available they're not a huge asset to the first team and we know that Ozil, Cazorla, Coquelin and Sanchez will continue to be run into the ground.

Walcott is definitely a miss and is the one player who would have been useful today. Limited footballer and very frustrating at times but offers something different and brings some much-needed pace.

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Post by IW8Goalmachine »

Robin_L wrote:Have to accept the point in all honesty, 8 or 9 injured is too much. Same old same old.

We're 0-1 down and our 3 attacking subs to change the course of the game are Flamini, then Arteta, then Gibbs.

We're not going anywhere towards the title until we cut this injury list down to normal size, whoever's fault that is. Not nice being outplayed by the scum but really that's a good point we have to take.

Now to get some of these players back from injury over the next 2 weeks during the interlull.
Well after almost ten years of continuous long injury lists I think all fingers have to be pointed towards the manager

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Post by BFG4 »

Our injury record further underlines the arrogance of Wenger. He continues to implement his 90's approach to fitness even though it is clearly been a complete failure for the best part of a decade. For all the failures tactically and in other areas under Wenger, had we changed our training and fitness methods then we would have been a lot more competitive over the last 10 years.

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Post by augie »

PV4 has just been appointed as head coach of New York City FC - I wish him all the best and hope that he does an amazing job before returning home to take over from the senile French c.unt 8)

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