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Are Arsenal FC Still a Big Club?

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Post by Babatunde »

rigsby wrote:
Quite amazed how many gooners seem to be suggesting that AFC are no longer "big", whether in european terms or otherwise
People like to moan.You are spot on with everything you've said. How anyone, let alone Arsenal fans, even question to size of a club is ridiculous. They all seem to be grabbing at straws to try and prove a point that isn't relevant at all.

And so what if Wenger said that? Is his word gospel? There was an Arsenal before and there will be an Arsenal after him.
So Rigsby, let me ask you this please mate. (DB10 please note, no one is twisting words here): are you saying that no one is actually allowed to even ask whether Arsenal are a big club or not?

Because this question has sparked a very two-sided debate. The fact that this debate is so split...does that not tell you anything? Cos I reckon this shows that the answer to that question is a factional split. Anything but unanimous dude....

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Post by Its Up 4 Grabs Now »

Babatunde wrote:When I say Big Club I mean ManYoo, I mean Bayern, I mean Inter, I mean AC Milan, I mean Barca, I mean Real, I mean AC Milan....
We've never been part of that elite group though have we? Unless you go back to the 30s possibly. So if that's your definition of a big club I'm not sure how it should be a question of are Arsenal still one. :?

We're definitely moving further away from being able to break into that very top tier though, and players see things differently to fans cos they're most likely looking at things in the context of the short timeframe of their own career, or even just the length of the average contract, and from a more selfish viewpoint - whose won the big trophies recently, whose likely to be genuinely competing for them in the next 5 years & who pays the big money. That's why although most fans will tell you the chavs aren't a truly big (elite level) club, a lot of players really do see them as one. In most players eyes Chavski are probably a "bigger" club than us. :(

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Post by DB10GOONER »

Babatunde wrote:
DB10GOONER wrote:
QuartzGooner wrote:
Babatunde wrote: And still no one has addressed the Wenger comment about Arsenal no longer being a big club post Cesc and Nasri? Everyone is avoiding that one for some reason!

I addressed it.

I said that Wenger has been talking "PR speak" for the last few years, and I treat whatever he says with a pile of salt.

Does not mean that everything he says is a total lie, but I treat his public remarks with a healthy dose of scepticism.

His statement on us being a big club carries no more weight than countless "I did not see it" replies to when questioned on one of our players who has committed a foul on the pitch.
It was addressed by nearly everyone on here at the time too in fairness.

Babatunde - your posting style is reminding me more and more of OCDMarty every day. You twist facts and peoples words to suit your argument but ignore other things they've written when it suits you too. I've checked your IP and I know you are not OCDMarty but it is just really weird that your posting style is so similar.

I guess what I'm trying to say is we just got rid of one fucking pain in the arse (steady Jay, steady... :wink: ) and I'm hoping you are not going to become the next pain in the arse on here. :lol: :wink:
Sorry mate but that's bollox and I won't accept that.
I never twisted a single fact. If I said no one has addressed it and they actually did - then I'll accept I am wrong. Unlike USM I never call anyone a liar and a coward for having a different opinion.

I have always said ppl are entitled to their opinion, and I never slate anyone for having one. If you actually take the time to read through some posts, you will denote that I have often asked a very simple question that has lead to Precious vitriolic responses. Augie even noticed it, as did a couple of others mate.

Some people don't like any kind of question that contravenes their slt Ianted image of Arsenal and fair enough. But no, I do not accept that I begin to insult if someone has an opinion I do not like. Whose facts did I twist? Please show me and unlike USM I'll apologize for it.

Fact is though, QuartzGooner has disagreed with me and I never called him a coward for it. He makes some good points. I'll never slate someone who uses a good factual argument to refute what I said. Someone called me out on my Newcastle squad comparison and I held my hand up and said I got that one wrong.

Of course though, perhaps it's better to not ask the questions I am asking. Perhaps I should just toe the line then and not debate anything. Like I said, I am not abusive to anyone, I just disagree with a lot of what they say. If that's what annoys you mate (and I have not 'twised people's facts, I have argued against their point of view) then perhaps an Idi Mani-style media purge is required and I will self-censor and never again dispute sthg I disagree with.

Sorry mate but I think it's proper far-fetched for you to compare me to that nob. Or shall I point you to some of the responses a simple polling question received? :?:
Well, I wasn't actually having a serious pop at you, thus my use of emoticons, and no one is saying you can't post your views, but seeing as you've offered it up I will do you the courtesy of expanding upon this.

Read the bolded bits above, mate. Go back and read any of OCDMarty's posts. You honestly don't see similarities?

Patronising and belittling anyone that disagrees with you? Here's a few examples from other threads;
"You seem to be missing the point entirely Boomer.
It is a cop-out to claim that because the ST been paid already that it makes no sense not attending. Sorry mate, that's bollocks and you know it."
"ooooh you must be diehard with that Red membership card."
"I especially like the way you deliberately dodged the simple question I asked."

I would say you are often abusive and insulting, in the same way OCDMarty was often abusive and insulting to those that didn't agree with him. You have called people all sorts of names on here on numerous threads. Here's couple of examples;
"Fuck off you clueless indolent semen filter. If you've got nothing of bare intelligence to denote, best you go back to finishing your episode of Thomas the Tank Engine."
"You sound like one of those fuckwits in America."

And here's a few that tick both boxes!
"Now look here. The reason you are clinically retarded is because nor you, nor Kiwomya, nor any of the apologists who are so upset by the fact that people who slate Wenger are being proved 100% correct, can substantiate ANY of the garbage you claim. You've written a post with zero substantiated, verifiable fact. Hence you are rather an imbecilic little chap are you not?"
"COTY alert! (a prize goes to whoever guesses the acronym)....
It's like this. The idiot who wrote the initial post said that getting rid of Wanker would mean 'seeing what it's like to be Everton or Newcastle for a couple of years'.

If you had a fucking clue of football my retard friend, then you would realise that right now, most Arsenal fans would give an arm and a leg to be in Everton or Newcastle's position in the league. Look at the fucking league table you Wenger semen-guzzling imbecile.

Another Red member who's followed the club since 2001 fuck off."
"If you're going to make lame attempts at proving there is more than one brain cell in that concave prison you call a brain, you should probably learn the difference between 'ingenuous' and 'disingenuous'.

I've got some kids books my nephews use here, might come in handy in a few years mate though I concur, might be a bit high brow for the time being..."

Still, you claim not to have insulted or been abusive to anyone.

And then in your next post but one you write;
"You also managed to disagree with me without wailing like a spoilt brat. Excellent."
You don't think that is similar to OCDMarty's perceived sense of persecution and, in fact, insulting to the intelligence of other people on here? You are insinuating that anyone that has disagreed with you is acting like a spoilt brat. It might not have been your intention, but you can see the way it reads.

Now I know the quotes I have used above are taken out of context, and I know you have received your share of abuse too, but I am directly answering your question as to when I thought you had been insulting, abusive and similar to USMarty - which was my original point. There are similarities. I wouldn't say you are off the wall mental like poor old Martin but there are clear similarities between your posting styles.

People are insulting and abusive on here from time to time and it's mostly let go. We all lose it at some stage. That's not a major problem.

But if it becomes a very regular thing and your posting style is constantly insulting and aggressive you will most likely end up banned. You have some excellent points to make and you seem intelligent enough, but maybe just tone down the abuse and insults, huh? Maybe just accept that not everyone actually agrees with you and that is their right.

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Post by Babatunde »

Ok cool. I'm bit sarcastic true. I'm happy you admit you took some of those quotes out of context. Think I'm on the whole firm but fair. I'll stick to just randomly abusing ppl instead then if that's bit more acceptable?

Btw telling someone you think their point is a cop-out I mean how is that even rude or insulting? Sigh...I'm not arsed to argue over this though, your house your rules etc...

Like I said if someone thinks I offended them and it hurts their feelings then I'm sorry!! I'll say no more.

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Post by DB10GOONER »

Babatunde wrote:Ok cool. I'm bit sarcastic true. I'm happy you admit you took some of those quotes out of context. Think I'm on the whole firm but fair. I'll stick to just randomly abusing ppl instead then if that's bit more acceptable?

Btw telling someone you think their point is a cop-out I mean how is that even rude or insulting? Sigh...I'm not arsed to argue over this though, your house your rules etc...

Like I said if someone thinks I offended them and it hurts their feelings then I'm sorry!! I'll say no more.
Yeah, I suppose it is subjective too and we do try and allow that the written word can often lack the tone of the spoken word.

We are pretty accomodating and easy-going on here, but we like to encourage a kind of easy pub-like atmos where people can have a bit of fun, blow off some steam, and have a healthy debate.

As I said, you do make some very excellent and relevant points (as did Marty TBF! :wink: ) but you know, we have to try and keep everyone happy here too.

Don't drop off just because of this. Keep posting, have fun.

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Post by Babatunde »

"People talk about it being a two-horse race because it is their job to talk," he said. "You can understand that. When you talk a lot, you are not always right. It's difficult to be intelligent when you always talk.

"If I didn't believe we could win the title . . . what is important for us is to give absolutely everything to do it."

Wanker still thinks Arsenal have a chance!!!

Oh the glorious irony of Wenger talking about people who talk too much being unintelligent saps!

Says the man who talks and has something to say about:

Man City's naming rights deal

Their financial doping

Mourinho's performances at Madrid

Abramovich's refusal to publicly state his intentions!! (unlike Kroenkunt)

Chelski's financial doping

The impending football financial crisis that will DEFINITELY happen in three months...errr...or perhaps three weeks!

Madrid's spending

Unsustainable excessive wages in football (how much he on again?)

There's much more! Absolutely fackin hilarious.

I think to be fair I mighta been wrong about the whole big club thing...we must be cos Mr Knows has come out and said we are still in it!! At least he ain't thrown in the towel

:). :D

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Post by kiwomya »

If he said we had no chance he would be slated for a lack of ambition! i.e when he mentioned about finishing top 4 every year.

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Post by rigsby »

are you saying that no one is actually allowed to even ask whether Arsenal are a big club or not?
No. Its as simple as that. Arsenal are a big club. Everyone knows it, and anyone who claims we aren't is just wrong. Are we a good team at the moment? No. That means nothing to the size of the club.

The European Cup argument has been blown out of the water with the fact that teams like Forest etc have won it in the past. They are not bigger than Arsenal.

Theres a lot of short term anger, which I can understand, but that has fuck all to do with the stature of Arsenal. Anyone who tries to claim we aren't a big club is wrong. Its as simple as that. There is no debate. And it amazes me that anyone can argue against it.

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Post by Babatunde »

rigsby wrote:
are you saying that no one is actually allowed to even ask whether Arsenal are a big club or not?
No. Its as simple as that. Arsenal are a big club. Everyone knows it, and anyone who claims we aren't is just wrong. Are we a good team at the moment? No. That means nothing to the size of the club.

The European Cup argument has been blown out of the water with the fact that teams like Forest etc have won it in the past. They are not bigger than Arsenal.

Theres a lot of short term anger, which I can understand, but that has fuck all to do with the stature of Arsenal. Anyone who tries to claim we aren't a big club is wrong. Its as simple as that. There is no debate. And it amazes me that anyone can argue against it.
Well so far it appears that 46% of Gooners reading Online Gooner are idiots according to you! Quite the statement non? :shock:

I think, as I stated earlier, the fact that it's such a close run question is pretty damning evidence in itself. The European question is a very pertinent one mate, sorry. The Forest example is known as exceptionalism which occurs with every theory. It is not reflective of a patterned trend.

The inverse is actually true: not one recognised big club in Europe has no European cup. I personally think it's a paradox in terms to talk about being a big club when there's nothing in Europe to show for it. Ok own up to at least this perhaps Rigsby....

Maybe Arsenal are a big club in English terms - but in European terms, surely, there is no case for calling a team with one European cup final in the last 50 years a big club??

As I said Rigsby. You might find this issue cut and dried mate but I think your anger is clouding the fact that increasingly, Arsenal is viewed by many many people (both inside and outside the club) as being nothing but a small-time feeder club.

Big clubs don't have their best players consistently picked off by their so-called rivals, on terms that suit their rivals - and then fail to replace them. That's the way I see it in any case, and it'd appear a sizeable amount of people agree with me?

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Post by SWLGooner »

Don't agree Baba for once.

Think our record in CWC, Fairs Cup, consistent reaching of last 8 etc in Europe shows we are a big club in European terms.

Not massive like Surrey Utd Inter Real or Barca but in the second tier, with clubs like the red Scouse, Chelski, Bayern, AC etc

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Post by Babatunde »

Do you think we're a big club in Europe SWL? I don't personally mate..
I see your point on making last eight consistently etc for sure...
Yet again though do you think there's maybe a case of us being at times a bit of qn Olympiakos? I.e. probably defo make it out the group, finished the minute the last 16 hits?
Totally see how you can think that re: our Euro runs

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Post by SWLGooner »

Babatunde wrote:Do you think we're a big club in Europe SWL? I don't personally mate..
I see your point on making last eight consistently etc for sure...
Yet again though do you think there's maybe a case of us being at times a bit of qn Olympiakos? I.e. probably defo make it out the group, finished the minute the last 16 hits?
Totally see how you can think that re: our Euro runs
Well mate, I would say that we could do any team bar Barcelona over two legs. That would be the criteria for me.

Okay -
00/01 - Quarters
01/02 - 2nd GS
02/03 - 2nd GS
03/04 - Quarters
04/05 - Round of 16
05/06 - Final
06/07 - Round of 16
07/08 - Quarters
08/09 - Semis
09/10 - Quarters
10/11 - Round of 16

That's an impressive record, no, mate? Up there surely in the top 6/7 over the past decade?

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