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Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:24 am
by swimmer1
All I want is Wenger to spend some fucking money and Silent Stan to speak and I will be happy .

Arsenal till I diie .

:barscarf: :barscarf:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:25 am
by USMartin
To some extent yes JFG that's true but nobody makes anybody else to choose to lie about anyone else or their actions. I may have helped make Alan dislike me (though I did not set out to do that) but I didn't make him lie about my behavior at all. That is his choice and his alone.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:33 am
by jamjc64
Welcome back Martin. The point of a messageboard / forum is surely point of view and although we all dont share the same there inlays the problem. So thank flock for democracy.

Anyway im sure we are all able to moderate ourselves without the prospect of people being banned or threatened. That of course works both ways.

Dont hide away martin although i dont share most of your views it shouldnt stop you contributing :barscarf:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:34 am
Martin, I honestly think you need to go and see a psychiatrist. You are not normal. To obsess over this stuff is just silly.

To answer your acusations of unfair treatment I will respond this one time.


You have been treated with more leniency than any other single member on this forum. On a daily basis I received requests to have you banned, to delete your thread-hijacking posts and to lock your threads for being abusive to other members. ON A DAILY BASIS for months on end.

I defended your right to post and asked you on several occasions to stop hijacking threads and moderate your behaviour. As did nearly every regular member at some stage or another.

You asked could you set up one single "USMARTIN" board related thread as you suggested this would lower the amount of abuse you were receiving from other members. I agreed to this ON THE CONDITION THAT IT WOULD BE ONE THREAD AND YOU WOULD KEEP THE BOARD RELATED RUBBISH THERE. I stated you were free to post anything non-board related on any other thread, but you had to keep the board related rubbish on the board thread. I even made it a sticky for you.

You broke this agreement the very next day by opening a second board related thread and calling it something silly like "A daily update" or something. THAT WAS EXTREMELY UNDERHANDED AND DISINGENUOUS OF YOU AND YOU KNOW IT. And it led to numerous complaints from other regular members. I therefore locked it and unstickied your original board related thread as you BROKE OUR AGREEMENT.


Recently I was asked would I support a motion to ban you for troll/WUM type behaviour. I declined, stating that a banning should be a last resort. It was decided to warn you regarding your behaviour.

You then went into overdrive insulting other members that dared to disagree with you and posting huge boring REPETITIVE posts and hijacking multiple threads.

I changed my vote and agreed you should be banned as a troll/WUM. I still think you should be banned as you have ruined this forum for many, many of our regular members. It is no coincidence that you are banned from 3 other forums for similar behaviour - as your "friend" Babu kindly informed us.

I repeat; you were treated with nothing but fairness and consistency by both myself and the other mods and if we did anything wrong it was that we put up with your stupidity, ignorance and trolling for too long, to the detriment of both our other members enjoyment of the forum and indeed the forum itself.

You are an obsessive. SERIOUSLY GO AND GET SOME HELP.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:34 am
by Percy Dalton
Nobody is saying to him do not contribute!

All that is asked is that he doesn't ruin every other thread with his moral crusade to get the board shot!


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:37 am
by g88ner
Hello Martin.

I've not been on here much in recent months, but if I was asked to bet on one thing and one thing only, it would be you ranting about, or feuding with, a member of the forum. You didn't let me down - it's as predictable as Arsenal's passing. But whatever gets you through the day, I suppose :?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:38 am
by safcftm
Personally I thought the idea of having a "board thread" was a decent one as it was getting to the point where every Arsenal related topic was becoming a discussion on the board no matter how tenuous the link and it was very much going over old ground. I write some pretty lengthy posts myself, but when there are multiple several paragraphed posts on several threads all about the board, people get to the point where they think "yes, we know your opinion on the board FFS". Maybe it should have been agreed that comment briefly on the board is fine but that overly lengthy posts about them should be confined to a specific board discussion thread to prevent the topic from taking over and dominating other threads when, by and large, people tend to feel they have pretty much discussed everything there is to discuss about the issue.

I know nowt about the discussions that have gone on between yourself and the mods like, but much though I think a lot of your opinions are worth listening to, it was getting to the point where there were so many anti-board posts, not many with substantially more info than the last, that is was ruining several threads. Regardless of what was or wasnt agreed, keeping most of the length posts for discussion about the board to one thread where those seeking discussion on it could join in and those not wanting to read about it could easily avoid it seems like a sensible idea. Following his move to Sunderland I've been posting a lot about Bendtner but rather than writing lots about him on lots of threads and pissing people off, I've just opted to create one thread and am happily sticking all posts in there so that people who dont give a shit can easily avoid it

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:53 am
by swimmer1
One tread per subject is the way to go .

:titles: 11/12 ? 40/1 worth a shot .


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:56 am
by 12thGooner
One of the things i love about this forum is how every now and then something brews and really brews then blows up to the point where it gets silly...

The board sticky , in my opinion , was a really good idea as i knew where not to look when browsing the forum.

@safcftm you are a legend.. link us the forum you post on, i'd love to know what the guys there think of your posts..

now play nice everyone.. :barscarf:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:18 am
by topcat
This is so fucking sad... US Martin why are you taking this so far? Its an internet football forum! I don't know you but it seems like you need to get a life mate, really! before you typed all that why didn't you think to yourself "hang on, does this actually matter a fuck".... Your posts are just so boring.



Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:19 am
safcftm wrote:Personally I thought the idea of having a "board thread" was a decent one as it was getting to the point where every Arsenal related topic was becoming a discussion on the board no matter how tenuous the link and it was very much going over old ground. I write some pretty lengthy posts myself, but when there are multiple several paragraphed posts on several threads all about the board, people get to the point where they think "yes, we know your opinion on the board FFS". Maybe it should have been agreed that comment briefly on the board is fine but that overly lengthy posts about them should be confined to a specific board discussion thread
And therein is the problem. Martin could not contain his 10,000 word rants about the board to that one (stickied) thread. He was still posting huge repetitive 10,000 word posts about the board on other threads as well as having a sticky for that purpose. The idea did not work because Martin broke the agreement that justified the idea being tried.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:24 am
by swimmer1
Bring back hanging .


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:40 am
by frankbutcher
US Martin was right about the Board. - The End

Wenger has lost the plot as a Manager - The End

There is a clique on this Forum :lol: - The End

:barscarf: :barscarf: :barscarf:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:51 am
by Revgoon89
How does this account for PMing a lot of us to spout whatever bullshite you happen to be rolling in then? :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:52 am
frankbutcher wrote:US Martin was right about the Board. - The End

Wenger has lost the plot as a Manager - The End

There is a clique on this Forum :lol: - The End

:barscarf: :barscarf: :barscarf:
You're still not getting in. Flash is in charge of new admissions and he has poo-poo'd you. Literally. :lol: