The 'I told you so' EU referendum - Officially the Worst Thread Ever

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Remain or leave

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by A11M11 »

I voted out and I did so knowing that it meant leaving the single market lock stock and barrel.Whilst we want the best deal possible any attempt to stay in it means that we have to accept the will of Europe to allow the other points that many voted against. If we concede and accept a halfway house then there is no point in leaving.
When I voted I also remembered the words of our then prime minister who said in May that " "I am absolutely clear a referendum is a referendum, it's a once in a generation, once in a lifetime opportunity and "" the result determines the outcome "".

I took that to mean that leave meant precisely that . Leave with no halfway houses.

nut flush gooner
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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by nut flush gooner »

A11M11 wrote:I voted out and I did so knowing that it meant leaving the single market lock stock and barrel.Whilst we want the best deal possible any attempt to stay in it means that we have to accept the will of Europe to allow the other points that many voted against. If we concede and accept a halfway house then there is no point in leaving.
When I voted I also remembered the words of our then prime minister who said in May that " "I am absolutely clear a referendum is a referendum, it's a once in a generation, once in a lifetime opportunity and "" the result determines the outcome "".

I took that to mean that leave meant precisely that . Leave with no halfway houses.
Politics at work, you know the said PM is no more?

Anyway that isn't the point, the referendum as has been stated many times is not legally binding. The referendum also doesn't specify the route out of the EU. To just say fuck it, we are going to do everything as we see fit and fuck what the EU thinks is narrow minded and dangerous. It causes consequences at all levels.

We asked for sovereignty through our legal system, well here it is at work alive and kicking. Without it our politicians are accountable to no one.

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by northbank123 »

nut flush gooner wrote:
northbank123 wrote:I fail to see how an election is a must?
How about endorsing an unelected PM and ratifying a process to leave the EU. The Conservatives would win anyway but they have to be clear what we are going to do. The referendum only starts the process.
I don't get why an election is needed to ratify this process?

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by A11M11 »

Anyway that isn't the point, the referendum as has been stated many times is not legally binding.

But before he cut and ran Cameron said the result was .Little did he know that he was to lose.
His misjudgement but the terms upon which we voted.

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by GoonerMuzz »

If a PM were to die in office the party would elect a new leader and carry on their term but because DC resigned people are calling for an election which i find a bit strange, we don't elect the PM we elect our local MPs and if we're lucky we get the right leader at the end of it, what's next challenge a GE result because we didn't get the person in charge we wanted?

I'll accept what people say about yesterdays court ruling though i still disagree with it and i think some people are being wilfully ignorant of the long term implications of the outcome but i'm more concerned over what happens with the vote in parliament if it goes against a Brexit deal.

Just to clarify there were a couple of unusually good articles on the BBC news webpage about the implications of yesterdays court case and some of you should go read them as they might clear up a few points about where we stand. The main thing i took from it is that we're going to have a long drawn out process here that will only increase the economic insecurity which you all hold so dear and even at the end of it we could end up having to go with WTO rules because the process took so long and so many stumbling blocks were deliberately put in the way, and we might even end up out on our ear any way :roll:

Another point is I personally think some people are being very shortsighted with their crowing about yesterdays result, if leaving the EU is held up or even stopped this could lead to a lot of disgruntled people in the country potentially voting in fucking UKIP at the next General Election by once more reuniting that party and giving them a focus point, they came close to gaining seats at the last election a split vote could force a coalition with them and good luck getting anything done then.

Also as i've heard talk that their is potentially a change to the EU rules on leaving in the offing this may be our one and only chance to leave without the explicit permission of all other 27 nations and if things did go tits up i personally don't want our country along with Germany and France having to prop up the remaining countries in the future because we can't get out.

This may seriously come back to bite us in the arse later but only time will tell, but keep celebrating guys all you remainers warned us over what would happen if we leave, at the moment i'm getting more and more concerned over what the outcome will be if we now decide to stay as i think we've burned any bridges we might have had and i think Tusk et al will make sure we know it in the future :rubchin:

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by nut flush gooner »

northbank123 wrote:
nut flush gooner wrote:
northbank123 wrote:I fail to see how an election is a must?
How about endorsing an unelected PM and ratifying a process to leave the EU. The Conservatives would win anyway but they have to be clear what we are going to do. The referendum only starts the process.
I don't get why an election is needed to ratify this process?
As you have asked this question a few times let me elaborate. The way things stand at present is that the last thing the government want to do is present the current plans to parliament , they will lose. So the conservatives can counter this by calling an election on the basis Labour are in no way electable, and increase their majority.

During this process they can clearly set out to the electorate what exactly they plan to do when we enact article 50 through a party manifesto. Highly tactical and political to a degree, but as I have said before it makes the government accountable.

For me most personally, I didn't vote for TM as prime minister nor did I expect her to be Prime Minister so I want the right to vote for or against what she plans to do. Sorry Brexit doesn't necessarily mean hard Brexit, it's such a simplistic populist thing to say.

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by Allgunsblazin »

Good point on UKIP, maybe Proportional Representation is the way to go lol....
If I were Theresa I would call an election now, and send these remoaner MP's back to their constituents, let's see how many of these chinless europhiles actually get to remoan in Parliament based on their allegiance to remoan, time for the nation to decide....

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by nut flush gooner »

Allgunsblazin wrote:Good point on UKIP, maybe Proportional Representation is the way to go lol....
If I were Theresa I would call an election now, and send these remoaner MP's back to their constituents, let's see how many of these chinless europhiles actually get to remoan in Parliament based on their allegiance to remoan, time for the nation to decide....
You know UKIP are in turmoil right now? Their idea of a weekend in Brussels is like a boozy lads stag do with a punch up thrown in ;).

Seriously though without Farage the party are nothing. They have no one that is a credible alternative (even though in reality Farage is a hypocrite of the highest order) and can appeal to the working classes.

Even their largest donor has pulled the plug on funding. Without money, they cannot get their warped messages out.

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by Allgunsblazin »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Allgunsblazin wrote:Good point on UKIP, maybe Proportional Representation is the way to go lol....
If I were Theresa I would call an election now, and send these remoaner MP's back to their constituents, let's see how many of these chinless europhiles actually get to remoan in Parliament based on their allegiance to remoan, time for the nation to decide....
You know UKIP are in turmoil right now? Their idea of a weekend in Brussels is like a boozy lads stag do with a punch up thrown in ;).

Seriously though without Farage the party are nothing. They have no one that is a credible alternative (even though in reality Farage is a hypocrite of the highest order) and can appeal to the working classes.

Even their largest donor has pulled the plug on funding. Without money, they cannot get their warped messages out.
Only because Theresa has nicked their mantra, anyway not my cuppa thank you, did his job when the rest backed away lol!... :lol: :barscarf:

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by nut flush gooner »

Allgunsblazin wrote:
nut flush gooner wrote:
Allgunsblazin wrote:Good point on UKIP, maybe Proportional Representation is the way to go lol....
If I were Theresa I would call an election now, and send these remoaner MP's back to their constituents, let's see how many of these chinless europhiles actually get to remoan in Parliament based on their allegiance to remoan, time for the nation to decide....
You know UKIP are in turmoil right now? Their idea of a weekend in Brussels is like a boozy lads stag do with a punch up thrown in ;).

Seriously though without Farage the party are nothing. They have no one that is a credible alternative (even though in reality Farage is a hypocrite of the highest order) and can appeal to the working classes.

Even their largest donor has pulled the plug on funding. Without money, they cannot get their warped messages out.
Only because Theresa has nicked their mantra, anyway not my cuppa thank you, did his job when the rest backed away lol!... :lol: :barscarf:
She is extremely shrude, add a couple of policy changes to the Conservative manifesto of 2015 and UKIP are defunct I agree. I will abstain from voting Conservative at the next election because of the way the likes of Johnson and Gove have behaved, and how TM jumped all over DC's grave as soon as she got a sniff.

But can you see northern working class people voting for the Tories?

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by Allgunsblazin »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Allgunsblazin wrote:
nut flush gooner wrote:
Allgunsblazin wrote:Good point on UKIP, maybe Proportional Representation is the way to go lol....
If I were Theresa I would call an election now, and send these remoaner MP's back to their constituents, let's see how many of these chinless europhiles actually get to remoan in Parliament based on their allegiance to remoan, time for the nation to decide....
You know UKIP are in turmoil right now? Their idea of a weekend in Brussels is like a boozy lads stag do with a punch up thrown in ;).

Seriously though without Farage the party are nothing. They have no one that is a credible alternative (even though in reality Farage is a hypocrite of the highest order) and can appeal to the working classes.

Even their largest donor has pulled the plug on funding. Without money, they cannot get their warped messages out.

Only because Theresa has nicked their mantra, anyway not my cuppa thank you, did his job when the rest backed away lol!... :lol: :barscarf:
She is extremely shrude, add a couple of policy changes to the Conservative manifesto of 2015 and UKIP are defunct I agree. I will abstain from voting Conservative at the next election because of the way the likes of Johnson and Gove have behaved, and how TM jumped all over DC's grave as soon as she got a sniff.

But can you see northern working class people voting for the Tories?
That's where UKIP come in for the Northerners, but with no real leader, or someone to take up the chalice who knows.
With the swift put down of the miners old bill I would doubt that right now....

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by A11M11 »

Sorry Brexit doesn't necessarily mean hard Brexit, it's such a simplistic populist thing to say.

Actually the referendum gave two choices :- Leave or Remain

. If you stay, you stay and accept all the rules of the club , If you leave you walk out of the door and close it behind you.

As such there is no hard or soft option .

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by northbank123 »

nut flush gooner wrote:
northbank123 wrote:
nut flush gooner wrote:
northbank123 wrote:I fail to see how an election is a must?
How about endorsing an unelected PM and ratifying a process to leave the EU. The Conservatives would win anyway but they have to be clear what we are going to do. The referendum only starts the process.
I don't get why an election is needed to ratify this process?
As you have asked this question a few times let me elaborate. The way things stand at present is that the last thing the government want to do is present the current plans to parliament , they will lose. So the conservatives can counter this by calling an election on the basis Labour are in no way electable, and increase their majority.

During this process they can clearly set out to the electorate what exactly they plan to do when we enact article 50 through a party manifesto. Highly tactical and political to a degree, but as I have said before it makes the government accountable.

For me most personally, I didn't vote for TM as prime minister nor did I expect her to be Prime Minister so I want the right to vote for or against what she plans to do. Sorry Brexit doesn't necessarily mean hard Brexit, it's such a simplistic populist thing to say.
If a vote was called on whether to trigger article 50 or not they wouldn't lose. It's electoral suicide for MPs who supported the referendum to oppose it because they can kiss goodbye to another vote from a Leave voter.

Nobody has ever voted for anybody to be PM. You vote for an MP, at most for a party to govern. Every government in modern history has radically changed its personnel in a reshuffle once or twice during the term, without the need for a general election to approve the change in people running our country.

You want a snap election because the government is going to do something you don't like. The government was elected with a pledge to hold a referendum, this was overwhelming agreed on by Parliament. The opportunity to vote directly on an issue via a referendum comes around once a decade or so, and this one was passed with the largest mandate in U.K. Electoral history. The public has already had more of a direct say on this issue than anything in decades. The idea that another general election is needed to give a sufficient mandate is nonsense.

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by nut flush gooner »

northbank123 wrote:
nut flush gooner wrote:
northbank123 wrote:
nut flush gooner wrote:
northbank123 wrote:I fail to see how an election is a must?
How about endorsing an unelected PM and ratifying a process to leave the EU. The Conservatives would win anyway but they have to be clear what we are going to do. The referendum only starts the process.
I don't get why an election is needed to ratify this process?
As you have asked this question a few times let me elaborate. The way things stand at present is that the last thing the government want to do is present the current plans to parliament , they will lose. So the conservatives can counter this by calling an election on the basis Labour are in no way electable, and increase their majority.

During this process they can clearly set out to the electorate what exactly they plan to do when we enact article 50 through a party manifesto. Highly tactical and political to a degree, but as I have said before it makes the government accountable.

For me most personally, I didn't vote for TM as prime minister nor did I expect her to be Prime Minister so I want the right to vote for or against what she plans to do. Sorry Brexit doesn't necessarily mean hard Brexit, it's such a simplistic populist thing to say.
If a vote was called on whether to trigger article 50 or not they wouldn't lose. It's electoral suicide for MPs who supported the referendum to oppose it because they can kiss goodbye to another vote from a Leave voter.

Nobody has ever voted for anybody to be PM. You vote for an MP, at most for a party to govern. Every government in modern history has radically changed its personnel in a reshuffle once or twice during the term, without the need for a general election to approve the change in people running our country.

You want a snap election because the government is going to do something you don't like. The government was elected with a pledge to hold a referendum, this was overwhelming agreed on by Parliament. The opportunity to vote directly on an issue via a referendum comes around once a decade or so, and this one was passed with the largest mandate in U.K. Electoral history. The public has already had more of a direct say on this issue than anything in decades. The idea that another general election is needed to give a sufficient mandate is nonsense.
Remember this is the party I would vote for by default, so saying that I want an election because I don't like the route they are taking isn't really an issue, especially if they are likely to win a lot more seats than the last election.

I want a mandate to do what is best for this country, if I don't agree with it that's my tough luck. It's a question of creating a structure where the Conservatives agree on a way forward, and they are backed up by the country, not just the Brexiteers.

If the leave campaign actually thought about what they would do if they won, then it would be a totally different situation because we would have been told during the canvassing period before the referendum.

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Re: EU referendum - What will you vote?

Post by nut flush gooner »

A11M11 wrote:Sorry Brexit doesn't necessarily mean hard Brexit, it's such a simplistic populist thing to say.

Actually the referendum gave two choices :- Leave or Remain

. If you stay, you stay and accept all the rules of the club , If you leave you walk out of the door and close it behind you.

As such there is no hard or soft option .
You see it's exactly this view point that gets Brexiteer's branded as thick. There is no thought put into what the real issues are. It isn't all or nothing, it's a series of negotiations to find a common ground. It's called diplomacy. The politics of Brexit isn't make it up as you go along.

Too simplistic an analogy in my opinion, although many Brexiteers have these sorts of views.
Last edited by nut flush gooner on Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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