May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017


I totally agree that corporations should be paying their way but Labour did even less to get cash from them than the tories. They're every bit as culpable.
I don't have an issue with getting people to pay the right amount of tax but I do have an issue with people who have made a success of their lives and careers being punished for doing so. Tax the rich is an easy answer but it isn't a fair one. How about "encourage the poor to better their position"? It's totally wrong that being successful is being made to look like something we should be ashamed of. I don't owe anyone anything for being successful. I worked fucking hard to be so and at great personal expense. I had the same opportunity as anyone else, I just chose to get off my arse, stop blaming the world and took responsibility for my own life.

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by flash gunner »

SPUDMASHER wrote:I totally agree that corporations should be paying their way but Labour did even less to get cash from them than the tories. They're every bit as culpable.
I don't have an issue with getting people to pay the right amount of tax but I do have an issue with people who have made a success of their lives and careers being punished for doing so. Tax the rich is an easy answer but it isn't a fair one. How about "encourage the poor to better their position"? It's totally wrong that being successful is being made to look like something we should be ashamed of. I don't owe anyone anything for being successful. I worked fucking hard to be so and at great personal expense. I had the same opportunity as anyone else, I just chose to get off my arse, stop blaming the world and took responsibility for my own life.
Of course the Labour government allowed big business to get away without paying taxes they were conservatives under all but name but they also put more into the NHS and Child services for example.....

I agree with much of what you said and like you have worked since 16 luckily only having 2 weeks out of work in my life. I work 50/60 hour weeks regular these days. I had a very stable upbringing and were taught values of everything as a kid by my parents but many many people do not have this and they deserve to be looked after by the country. I'm not saying they shouldn't work and work hard but to compare everyone on benefits to the drug addicts (DB10 wrote about) or the sponger you wrote about is just untrue there aren't actually as many as the papers would like us to think and the money were lose to the 'un-deserving' is negligible especially compared the money lost by not taxing the big corporations correctly.....

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017


I agree that there are lots of deserving people out there but we could also fund them more than adequately by cracking down on the scumbags that get it all but deserve none of it. Stop the fraud and the revenues can be re-deployed. I'd happily pay 2p more for every pound earned if I thought it would stop the fraudulent claims getting through the system and those responsible for it being dealt with.
Big corporations are a fair target. Their tax avoidance schemes are a scandal and they should be stopped. The process of moving incomes across borders to low tax economies should be illegal. Tax has to be paid in the country where the income was realised. There's no doubt about that. I don't agree that the nations wealthy people should be made to feel guilty about being so though. All that does is stifle ambition. We need the rich just as much as any other person across society. They fund the nations coffers more than most as they pay more tax on their incomes and then pay it again in larger quantities when they spend their money simply because they spend more than others. To point a finger at them and say they're shirking a responsibility is quite simply wrong.

My personal form of politics is quite harsh, I accept that. I believe that you get out of life what you put into it. Unfortunately the modern 'Jeremy Kyle' society seem to have a sense of deserving something for nothing.

Unfortunately socialist idealists like Jeremy Cuntbin don't want people to take responsibility for their own lives. He just wants to beat up on the wealthy for having the nerve to be so. He's a fucking moron. This is a man that steadfastly refuses to sing our national anthem but then seems to think we should let him run the country! From a personal point of view I hope he stays in post after this election defeat as whilst he's there the Tories are all but assured of being in government. Labour is a joke under his leadership. We need a strong Labour party to keep some balance in our politics and by staying in post he is indirectly the cause of the problems he complains about.

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by Allgunsblazin »

The second biggest cash eater is Social Services, councils throw all our cash at it!
Bottomless pit!...

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by Herd »

If a Government managed to Tax multinational corporations a reasonable amount of tax instead of taking it out of the so called middle classes which this government despises we would be able to pay for any Social Service and NHS we need ,but they don't and rthey w3ont because they are owned by big bank/pharma/weapons .

One of the main reasons May has called an election is because of the fact that nearly 30 ofr her MP's might have to resign from parliament because of election fraud so she needs to put some new bums on seats quickly .

Corbyn wants a fairer Tax system ,fairer education , and a fairer Britain and is demonised for it !

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017


If you think this government despises the middle classes, wait to see what a prick like Cuntbyn would do to them! He despises everyone that isn't true working class or deprived. Meanwhile he takes a big fat paycheque himself ( but we won't mention that)

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by GoonerMuzz »

Corbyn wouldn't be any better than May, him and McDonell would turn the economy into a wasteland.

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by flash gunner »

Herd wrote:If a Government managed to Tax multinational corporations a reasonable amount of tax instead of taking it out of the so called middle classes which this government despises we would be able to pay for any Social Service and NHS we need ,but they don't and rthey w3ont because they are owned by big bank/pharma/weapons .

One of the main reasons May has called an election is because of the fact that nearly 30 ofr her MP's might have to resign from parliament because of election fraud so she needs to put some new bums on seats quickly .

Corbyn wants a fairer Tax system ,fairer education , and a fairer Britain and is demonised for it !

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by Herd »

SPUDMASHER wrote:If you think this government despises the middle classes, wait to see what a prick like Cuntbyn would do to them! He despises everyone that isn't true working class or deprived. Meanwhile he takes a big fat paycheque himself ( but we won't mention that)
Corbyn takes the MP's salary nothing more,he has the lowest expense returns of any MP ,uses public transport and lives like we do,how despicable .

Theresa May lives like a princess in a tower and hands out billions of tax payers monies out to her friends in big business who then fuck us even more !

It isnt the rich that pay for the austerity program its middle income people like you and me and of course the poor it kills !

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by Theoperator »

Herd wrote:
SPUDMASHER wrote:If you think this government despises the middle classes, wait to see what a prick like Cuntbyn would do to them! He despises everyone that isn't true working class or deprived. Meanwhile he takes a big fat paycheque himself ( but we won't mention that)
Corbyn takes the MP's salary nothing more,he has the lowest expense returns of any MP ,uses public transport and lives like we do,how despicable .

Theresa May lives like a princess in a tower and hands out billions of tax payers monies out to her friends in big business who then fuck us even more !

It isnt the rich that pay for the austerity program its middle income people like you and me and of course the poor it kills !
Herd he also claims £27- 30,000 as leader of the opposition as well mate. His expenses are low, but then I expect he doesn't have far to travel as a London MP :?

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by Herd »

OK I didnt know he did ,sorry ,but that's not extortionate compared to the millions claimed by others for their 2nd houses for both parties

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by northbank123 »

flash gunner wrote:
Herd wrote:If a Government managed to Tax multinational corporations a reasonable amount of tax instead of taking it out of the so called middle classes which this government despises we would be able to pay for any Social Service and NHS we need ,but they don't and rthey w3ont because they are owned by big bank/pharma/weapons .

One of the main reasons May has called an election is because of the fact that nearly 30 ofr her MP's might have to resign from parliament because of election fraud so she needs to put some new bums on seats quickly .

Corbyn wants a fairer Tax system ,fairer education , and a fairer Britain and is demonised for it !
I don't think you will find much of the electorate disagreeing with those vague concepts being desirable.

It's the way in which he would go about trying to achieve it and his prospects of successfully doing so which people generally take issue with.

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by Herd »

We shouldn't give them benefit money to spend on booze, fags and the bookmakers. They should be given a percentage of their benefit in supermarket vouchers for food and vouchers for clothing etc. Whilst our totally broken benefits system continues to hand out cash only they will never have the incentive to try and work.
Fuck yea , lock em up in the work house and send their children up those chimmneys ,and while we are at it lets sterilise teenage mothers and male juvenile delinquents, shame on the poor it's their own fault you know !

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by Red Snapper »

Herd wrote:
We shouldn't give them benefit money to spend on booze, fags and the bookmakers. They should be given a percentage of their benefit in supermarket vouchers for food and vouchers for clothing etc. Whilst our totally broken benefits system continues to hand out cash only they will never have the incentive to try and work.
Fuck yea , lock em up in the work house and send their children up those chimmneys ,and while we are at it lets sterilise teenage mothers and male juvenile delinquents, shame on the poor it's their own fault you know !
Are you standing for election? You get my vote!! :wink:

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Re: May calls for General Election 8th June 2017

Post by bergkamp10 »

SPUDMASHER wrote:I totally agree that corporations should be paying their way but Labour did even less to get cash from them than the tories. They're every bit as culpable.
I don't have an issue with getting people to pay the right amount of tax but I do have an issue with people who have made a success of their lives and careers being punished for doing so. Tax the rich is an easy answer but it isn't a fair one. How about "encourage the poor to better their position"? It's totally wrong that being successful is being made to look like something we should be ashamed of. I don't owe anyone anything for being successful. I worked fucking hard to be so and at great personal expense. I had the same opportunity as anyone else, I just chose to get off my arse, stop blaming the world and took responsibility for my own life.
SPUD. Ditto I worked my arse off for 30+ plus years. Lost a business started a new one & now employ 6 people. I paid over 50% tax most of my working life. Also used the allowances and tax system to help my business & staff. I have a large house but that is my pension / care home costs in my old age. I have Never taken from the state and never will. I have worked 70+ hours most of my working life.

We Tax all the hard working families, companies way too much in my mind. If we ever get out the EU it will be a good move for my kids & their off-spring.

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