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I'm sorry but he doesnt know there's a camera on him here?

And what about his sniggering on air at women's football?

He gets paid 1.7 million a year for his archaic views which as i've said before reflects his attitude towards everything else regardless of his tactical knowledge - he's comfy in his job of 10+ years and handsomely rewarded for it, ergo he thinks he can get away with prejudicing a person's ability to do a job she has worked hard for and is qualified at? Look at the reporter wanting to engage with him eagerly in that clip - Gray's viewership means his opionion is sought and repeated, perhaps within earshot of people who might further undermine Sian Massey's capabilities if they have the power. If he's caught on camera being racist, is that ok because he thought he was off air? You think there arent more enlightened people out there who can be respectful to someone in her job based on her ability and be able to talk tactics as well? Of course there are.[/quote

Basically \i think they are outdated, and pricks - if they said it on air they should get fucked out the door, but now i see it is a recording of a conversation i still think they are idiots, but i am not sure it is enough to sack them,

I think the that fact they looked so stupid is enough, and if anything they achieved nothing more than to highlight the fact she ran the line very well, and actually raised the profile of her.

Keys does seem a very nasty person though.

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Post by OnlyGotOneSong »

Do men officiate in womens football? Genuine question.

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Post by Bergkamp-Genius »

If what Gray says in earshot of anyone could effect this ladies career then surely that must apply to what he says about any ref or linesmen, or player or manager for that matter...What are we going to do stop any pundit or presenter from passing any negative opinion on anyone involved in the game not only on air but also off air in case their bosses act on that opinion..i don't think so...

And yes i do think if he had made a racist remark when he thought he was off air it has no bearing on his job, it might make him an asshole but unless he does it on air it should have no relevance to his job as this particular issue shouldn't have..

As for there being more enlightened pundits and presenters out there...enlightened to what, to what you want to hear, what you want to see, what you would prefer.. yes i'm sure there is. But i and many others i would imagine prefer the likes of Andy Gray to your idea of more 'enlightened' pundits, it's one of the reasons he's been on there so long..
I don't mind you and others being a bit annoyed by what was said, it was out of order, i agree, but i do get so sick of watching the minority with agendas constantly trying to use every little issue to change the game and everything around it to the way they would prefer it to be when the majority were happy the way it was...

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Post by highburyJD »

literally whatever they do off air doesnt matter then?
or is there a line?

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highburyJD wrote:literally whatever they do off air doesnt matter then?
or is there a line?
is that a pun??

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Post by Bergkamp-Genius »

highburyJD wrote:literally whatever they do off air doesnt matter then?
or is there a line?
Well obviously if they get arrested for something then that would have an effect on their employment as it would wherever you worked, but as far as i'm aware there is nothing illegal about passing a negative opinion to a friend about the opposite sex..
If there was a lot of women i have known would have spent a lot of time in jail...

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Post by BT »

But he doesnt have a job like you or I - he's a pundit, he's paid to make opinions and its watched by, and paid, millions to do so. Dont you think with that comes responsibility? There's a bloody camera trained on him focusing in when he talks there! He's not chatting to his missus is bed.

I'm not saying he can't judge or pass comment to those who have PUT IN A BAD PERFORMANCE or displayed a poor attitude etc but to diminish someone's ability and belittle them, to patronise & mock someone based purely on their gender and nothing else is discrimination and there's no place for it in football or elsewhere. Its not watering down the game. Its the same expert that says 'Messi couldnt perform on a rainy night in Stoke'- its archiac, its xenophobic, its not based on fact, its not helpful or insightful. It doesnt add anything to my viewing experience. Its just someone who likes the sound of his own voice and who's elevated status allows him to spout such banality. If you think he's good at what he does, fine. Its just a shame he can't afford the same generosity to others.

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Post by safcftm »

SWLGooner wrote:
Boomer wrote:
safcftm wrote:not the first time keys has been caught out. i remember him getting stick when there was a faroe islands v scotland game and when he thought the mic was off he said "stupid game, silly stadium, fuck off" (i believe that clip is on youtube if you search for "richard keys swears"). He does come across as an utter prick tbh, seems to think he is important and not just some bloke who introduces football on tele, he could be replaced at the drop of a hat but seems to be arrogant beyond belief

Dont mind Gray as much, but he is an irritating prick anarl- he's got a cheek saying about someone not understanding the offside rule, he is constantly saying how complicated it is
That's the 2nd time you've used that, what's its meaning?
even, too, also
pretty much - i suppose "as well" is probably the closest definition. we just tend to write as we speak, i never normally think twice about it but on a gooner forum it can cause confusion at times :wink: :lol:

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Post by safcftm »

Perryashburtongroves wrote:The pair of them can piss right off. They're just a couple of smug, egotistical wankers that spout a load of shit, suck Manure, Victim and 'Ingerland' cock and fucking hate us with a vengence. They sit there thinking they're some sort of fucking gods and give off all this we invented football bollox. Gray is just a cowardly c**t that never had the bottle to manage and Keys is just a hairy, TV-AM cast-off c**t that got lucky.
spot on

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Post by safcftm »

kingjayson1 wrote:
Boomer wrote:
safcftm wrote:not the first time keys has been caught out. i remember him getting stick when there was a faroe islands v scotland game and when he thought the mic was off he said "stupid game, silly stadium, fuck off" (i believe that clip is on youtube if you search for "richard keys swears"). He does come across as an utter prick tbh, seems to think he is important and not just some bloke who introduces football on tele, he could be replaced at the drop of a hat but seems to be arrogant beyond belief

Dont mind Gray as much, but he is an irritating prick anarl- he's got a cheek saying about someone not understanding the offside rule, he is constantly saying how complicated it is
That's the 2nd time you've used that, what's its meaning?
It means you like a cock up your arse, see Flash or Marcengles for more info.
aye, that anarl like :wink:

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Post by Eboue-Why? »

Bergkamp-Genius wrote:
highburyJD wrote:literally whatever they do off air doesnt matter then?
or is there a line?
Well obviously if they get arrested for something then that would have an effect on their employment as it would wherever you worked, but as far as i'm aware there is nothing illegal about passing a negative opinion to a friend about the opposite sex..
If there was a lot of women i have known would have spent a lot of time in jail...
B-G, BT is 100% correct and you, Gray and Keys are wrong. You can't have a view off air that says women can't be capable officials because they are women and then sit in front of the camera with everyone knowing they're your views. Based on that theory, you would have allowed Ron Atkinson back in front of the cameras, even though his was a racist comment but to most sensible people there isn't a big gap between racism and sexism.

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Post by flash gunner »

Is this safcftm from the forum tweaking her nipples??? :shock: :wink:


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Post by DB10GOONER »

Stan Doggymore commenting on this is priceless! It's not ok to offend women but perfectly fine to punch and kick them around a pub - up until an Oirish barman stitches you a loaf huh you cunt? :evil:

On the subject of women in the men's game I guess I would be considered a dinosaur/mysoginist/sexist/chauvinist /whatever. I make no apologies. I'm not perfect. The professional game is played by men, managed by men and should be refereed/lined by men. All this PC bollocks has gone too far. Why can't women let us have this one thing? Do we insist on getting involved in their world?

I have nothing against women football fans as such and I have nothing against women in any other occupation, but I'm 43 years old and my generation went to football to hang out with their mates, escape the wife or GF and the pressures of home/work etc. It has been a bastion of male bonding all my life.

As I said I'm not perfect and am probably old fashioned and very un-PC, but I am honest, and I do not like the idea of women being involved in the men's game. They have their own game, why can't they stick to that? :roll:

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Post by djhdjh »

I fail to see how this is PC bollocks (a phrase made up by those in the media who are upset that they can no longer display their prejudices without being pulled up for it). We're short of good officials so we widen the pool available by opening it to women as well. I struggle to see a reason why women, properly qualified, could not do the job as well as men. It's not like the male linesmen are high level sprinters who no woman could run as fast as to keep up with play. Given that she's a fair bit younger than most of them it's probably the other way round. I'd just like good officials and I think that's more important than 'it's a man's game.'

Or would someone like to come up with a reason that women can't do the job? Because Massey and Amy Rayner have clearly proven they can (not perfectly but as well as most of the muppets we see).

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Post by BT »

Thats a different argument DB10 and one we've had on here before. This is about someone questioning the person's ability to understand the main requirement of her job on the basis that she is too thick and dainty to understand a simple rule of a game she is qualified to officiate at the top level.

My gran has be going to football since the 30s, my mum since the 50s, me since before Jack Wilshere was born. Its not a new phenomenon. Some female supporters do make me cringe, as do some male ones, but if i turn up at arsenal on saturday an the steward refuses to let me in on the basis i'm incapable of understanding the rules because I have a fanny and tits, and lets in a bloke who has never watched a game in life, well fuck off frankly (no offence frank).

The point is Keys and Gray wouldnt have made the assumption a male linesman didnt know the rules BEFORE kick off. Regardless what you think of women in football at whatever level, to say they don't and can't possibly understand the basic rules is insulting.

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