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Are Arsenal FC Still a Big Club?

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Post by OneBardGooner »

RoscommonGooner wrote:
OneBardGooner wrote:
QuartzGooner wrote:As most others have said, we are a big club.

Unique history, stadium, training ground, location, fanbase, media focus, popular culture references and some good players attest to that.

What we are not is part of the Euro elite level of clubs that Real Madrid, Barcelona, AC Milan, and Man Utd are.

Or part of the new breed of Sugar Daddy big spenders that includes Chelsea, Man City, Mallorca, PSG and Anzhi Makhachkala.

btw: does anyone know who owns these fucka's ??..cos they're spending feckin' Oooodles of moolah :shock: ... 67024.html

I've checked their website etc...but can't find an owner's name!? :? :hmmthink:
Suleyman Kerimov.

According to Forbes magazine, the self-made Kerimov holds assets worth up to $5.5billion. These assets have been stock piled through impressive investments and the financial knowledge to jump ship before the value of these investments begins to sink, as when restructuring and selling the oil trading areas of the investment company Nafta Moskva. He also has significant stakes in Polyus Gold, one of Russia’s foremost gold producers, and the potash mining company Urakali to name just a few.

Away from the world of business and investment, Kerimov has gained local acclaim in the Republic of Dagestan, one of the federal subjects of the Russian Federation, through his political and diplomatic work. First he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma – the lower house of Russian parliament – serving also as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Physical Education, Youth and Sport before moving up to the Federation Council of Russia – the upper house – in 2007.

Off the top of my head :wink:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :D :wink:

Thanks Ros - Maybe we should get him interested in Arsenal, so him and Usmanov can kick silent stan into touch - financially speaking -a nd then buy us Hiddink or Ancellotti and then the Prem, CL and few other baubles like the FA Cup, League Cup....and a whole wad of players who actually are over 5'11" and play with gusto and pride! :D

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Post by Babatunde »

hugh jardon wrote:Babatunde = attention seeker/cock sucker
Fuck off you clueless indolent semen filter. If you've got nothing of bare intelligence to denote, best you go back to finishing your episode of Thomas the Tank Engine.

Retard. :roll:

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Post by frankbutcher »

Babatunde wrote:
hugh jardon wrote:Babatunde = attention seeker/cock sucker
Fuck off you clueless indolent semen filter. If you've got nothing of bare intelligence to denote, best you go back to finishing your episode of Thomas the Tank Engine.

Retard. :roll:

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Post by arseofacrow »

We're not a big club - Marseille away hasn't sold out, contrary to Frank's prediction.


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Post by Babatunde »

QuartzGooner wrote:
Babatunde wrote:Look. No one debates Arsenal's history. No one. We all know it. And yes it is an essential composition of any big club.


Consider the facts and consider Arsenal's standing. No teams fear playing Arsenal at all. No one. In fact if anything, they are emboldened! The sign of a big club also is a club that scares the opposition at the mere mention of the name. Liverpool are shit but going to Anfield is still seen as one of the toughest fixtures for clubs.

Going to the Emirates is something that even Villa relish now.

So the question remains: no one is writing off Arsenal's history. What I am saying, is that the people carping on about things we won very long ago are beginning to sound like Liverpool fans! :shock:

No one disputes Arsenal's rich history. People dispute whether Arsenal can still be considered a big club. And according to 'Arsenal's greatest ever manager' (tm) Arsenal can no longer be considered a big club. He said it.

So I ask again: how does this work?
I strongly disagree with your viewpoint.

You seem to be trying to intentionally stir things up here.

It is your thread, but you dismiss our history as if it were barely relevant.

You cannot compare us to Liverpool, because we have won the league seven years ago, they 21 years ago.

It is a significant difference.

"BIG CLUB" status is not a "Here and Now" matter in all but the most extreme case of a club going bust.

Big Club status involves many parameters, many of which I have previously listed.

Sure, few fear us on the pitch at present.

You seem to confuse "Big Club" with "Form Team" and "Rich Owners".

For all of Chelsea and Man City's wealth, their status is built on their owners, nothing more.
They have added to their history, but only in terms of total trophies won, not unique historic achievements or stylish play.
The domestic Double has been devalued, to the point where I would say our last Double in 2002 was the last one that counted for something special.

It would take decades for Man City and Chelsea to infiltrate the public consciousness in the way we have.

Look at both of these clubs. They know that to be true, and are now investing in training ground improvements and youth.
Just as we have before them.
Though for us, our manager relied too heavily on these.

If Man City and Chelsea's owners walk away, they diminish.

If our walks away, so what?

The current state of English football is that three clubs are financially powerful enough to spend masses on players.

Ours has a different financial strength, that of long term security, all be it partially dependent on Champions League qualification.

We cannot compete equally financially with the other clubs, but we do have enough cash to buy some good enough players and with better team management/coaching we can compete for the title.
In the knowledge that our financial security is better.

That said I would be happy for Usmanov to join the board and inject a bit of cash if he wants to. Why not?
1. Here we go again. Because I have a legitimate question, the only counter-argument you can proffer is that this is an attempt to 'stir things up'
I especially like the way you deliberately dodged the simple question I asked. Which was: if we are still a big club, why is this in immediate contravention of what Wenger said about us not being a big club if we lost Cesc and Nasri? Please don't avoid this question and selectively answer what you want to.

2. Yet again, you have peddled the myth that Arsenal cannot compete with the rich clubs. This despite having a shareholder who is a billionaire, and another major shareholder who was recently declared the richest man in the UK with a wealth that surpasses Abramovich. You conveniently ignore that this very man, despite all the laughable pleas of poverty from Arsenal fans in denial; offered a Rights issue of over £100 million which was flatly turned dow. That sound like a club that can't compete with the richest to you? Did you read Alex Fynn's interview? He CLEARLY stated that Arsenal are as rich as Real Madrid. I suspect his knowledge is superior to yours somewhat, with all due respect.
Again, why is the myth that Arsenal 'cannot compete' being peddled?
Arsenal WON'T compete. Not to be confused with 'cannot'.

3. You claim Chelski are not in the public consciousness like Arsenal are. Interesting. I'll tell you what. Get on the Eurostar and go to Paris tomorrow. Talk to 100 people in the street who are regular footballl followers. Ask them who the big clubs in England are. And see if Arsenal make the top three names. You could always go and check the survey TeleFoot carried out a few months ago, where Arsenal weren't even mentioned as one of the top three clubs in England.
Chelski on the other hand, were.
If Arsenal are 'in the public consciousness' it's a shame they ain't in the players' consciousness. Or else Juan Mata wouldn't have said he chose to join a club where he had a chance of winning things.

4. I have not confused a 'big club' with a 'form team'. I know exactly what I am saying. I asked if Arsenal could be considered a big club. Arsenal ain't even a form team right now so that's irrelevant.
I clearly stated that Arsenal's history cannot be overlooked.
You then went on to claim I am dismissive of Arsenal's history.

5. You conveniently overlooked my question also of which big club in footballing history has had an unsackable manager? I suspect because you cannot actually answer it.

The point - and it very much still remains - is that a Big club has a particular mindset that marks it out from the small an average clubs. That means each time ManYoo, Chelsea, Liverpool et al start a season, there are certain expectations. To win something. I have yet to hear a single manager of these clubs state at the start of a season that they would be happy with 4th. Not one. I've not known of a single manager of any of these clubs who has been unsackable. Not one. I do not know of a single one of those clubs with a manager who has ever gone seven years without a bean, and has never been in a safer position.

Those are the Facts.

As Augie mentioned: the reaction of plenty of people is indicative of a genuine 'la la la' fingers-in-ears- attitude that refuses to even contemplate the question.

It speaks volumes.

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Post by Babatunde »

rigsby wrote:Of course we are a big club. Were United suddenly not a big club when they won enarly fuck all for 26 years? History and stature plus fan base dictate the size of a club. Anyone who think we're not is an idiot
So are you calling 42% of the respondents on this survey idiots because they do not share your opinion?
If you asked a ManYoo fan if they were a big club, I doubt you'd get the vitriolic angry responses such a question seems to generate from Arsenal fans right now. I suspect the reason for this is because they know they are a big club.

ManYoo's 26 years without a trophy? Between which and which years were these please? Please elaborate. And if 26 years is indeed correct, again like I said: does that explain the mindset of big clubs? Even after ManYoo were relegated to the second division they filled Old Trafford every week.

Arsenal can't even get a full ground for their season opener at home to Liverpool in the Premier League right now.

Seems some precious people are riled at the mere hint of this question. Like I said. It is quite revealing...

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Post by Babatunde »

For what it's worth, I feel that Wenger's words about Arsenal no longer being a big club if they lost Cesc and Nasri has very much altered the exterior perception of Arsenal as a big club. He dug a massive hole for himself with those comments and people are now holding him to it.

When your manager is saying you can no longer be considered a big ambitious club if you lose your two biggest players....and then you go on to lose both these players....then I think the explanation is right there.

For me I feel Arsenal are still a big club but that's only just. If they finish mid-table this season - very real possibility - it will take years for Arsenal to recover. As things stand Arsenal are a CL club and they can't sell out their ground for love or money, players like Mata make disparaging comments about the club in public, big big players would not look twice at joining Arsenal - and this is in spite of us being a CL club with a 60,000 seater stadium. How do things change when Arsenal are a Europa League team?

Spuds fans claim they are a Big club if you speak to them but that's based on nothing but history. We laugh at them because the recent past is very, very relevant.

Ya feel? :?

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Post by augie »

rigsby wrote:Of course we are a big club. Were United suddenly not a big club when they won enarly fuck all for 26 years? History and stature plus fan base dictate the size of a club. Anyone who think we're not is an idiot

See I understand that point but at what stage does your distant history be disregarded in a discussion like this ? :? As I said earlier, forest and villa have both won the big eared cup and we havent so that does that propel them into big club status ? If we were to go another 20 years without winning anything can we still claim to be a big club ? A few decades ago st ettiene were france's top club and were successful in europe as well but surely they wouldnt be classed as a top club now either domestically or internationally ?

We might like to pretend now that winning trophies doesnt make a club a top club but cos we are not winning anything that is a very convenient opinion. Fact is that nobody looks at the geordies as a big club and nobody doubts their big support or tradition but time has passed them by to the point that they are at best a level 3 club now. We could be going down the very same road ourselves now as we continue to tell ourselves that we are a big club cos of history but all the while other clubs will be passing us out - we are not at that point yet but a big club doesnt talk about being big but rather they show it in their actions and that is something our club needs to learn and fast if we are to grow this club and make us one of the world's elite

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Post by frankbutcher »

arseofacrow wrote:We're not a big club - Marseille away hasn't sold out, contrary to Frank's prediction.


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Post by I Hate Hleb »

Gunnersaurus wrote:We are a big club with a small club mentality.
That sums up my feelings as well. :cry:

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Post by QuartzGooner »

Babatunde wrote:
QuartzGooner wrote:
Babatunde wrote:Look. No one debates Arsenal's history. No one. We all know it. And yes it is an essential composition of any big club.


Consider the facts and consider Arsenal's standing. No teams fear playing Arsenal at all. No one. In fact if anything, they are emboldened! The sign of a big club also is a club that scares the opposition at the mere mention of the name. Liverpool are shit but going to Anfield is still seen as one of the toughest fixtures for clubs.

Going to the Emirates is something that even Villa relish now.

So the question remains: no one is writing off Arsenal's history. What I am saying, is that the people carping on about things we won very long ago are beginning to sound like Liverpool fans! :shock:

No one disputes Arsenal's rich history. People dispute whether Arsenal can still be considered a big club. And according to 'Arsenal's greatest ever manager' (tm) Arsenal can no longer be considered a big club. He said it.

So I ask again: how does this work?
I strongly disagree with your viewpoint.

You seem to be trying to intentionally stir things up here.

It is your thread, but you dismiss our history as if it were barely relevant.

You cannot compare us to Liverpool, because we have won the league seven years ago, they 21 years ago.

It is a significant difference.

"BIG CLUB" status is not a "Here and Now" matter in all but the most extreme case of a club going bust.

Big Club status involves many parameters, many of which I have previously listed.

Sure, few fear us on the pitch at present.

You seem to confuse "Big Club" with "Form Team" and "Rich Owners".

For all of Chelsea and Man City's wealth, their status is built on their owners, nothing more.
They have added to their history, but only in terms of total trophies won, not unique historic achievements or stylish play.
The domestic Double has been devalued, to the point where I would say our last Double in 2002 was the last one that counted for something special.

It would take decades for Man City and Chelsea to infiltrate the public consciousness in the way we have.

Look at both of these clubs. They know that to be true, and are now investing in training ground improvements and youth.
Just as we have before them.
Though for us, our manager relied too heavily on these.

If Man City and Chelsea's owners walk away, they diminish.

If our walks away, so what?

The current state of English football is that three clubs are financially powerful enough to spend masses on players.

Ours has a different financial strength, that of long term security, all be it partially dependent on Champions League qualification.

We cannot compete equally financially with the other clubs, but we do have enough cash to buy some good enough players and with better team management/coaching we can compete for the title.
In the knowledge that our financial security is better.

That said I would be happy for Usmanov to join the board and inject a bit of cash if he wants to. Why not?
1. Here we go again. Because I have a legitimate question, the only counter-argument you can proffer is that this is an attempt to 'stir things up'
I especially like the way you deliberately dodged the simple question I asked. Which was: if we are still a big club, why is this in immediate contravention of what Wenger said about us not being a big club if we lost Cesc and Nasri? Please don't avoid this question and selectively answer what you want to.

What's with the "Here we go again"?

I have not deliberately dodged any question. If I fail to answer a question it is because I forgot, so a simple reminder on your part without any accusation is required, not an insinuation.
I do not base my asumption on whether we are a big club on what Wenger says. He has been talking PR speak for years, I pay attention to what he says and take it with a pile of salt.

Babatunde wrote:
2. Yet again, you have peddled the myth that Arsenal cannot compete with the rich clubs. This despite having a shareholder who is a billionaire, and another major shareholder who was recently declared the richest man in the UK with a wealth that surpasses Abramovich. You conveniently ignore that this very man, despite all the laughable pleas of poverty from Arsenal fans in denial; offered a Rights issue of over £100 million which was flatly turned dow. That sound like a club that can't compete with the richest to you? Did you read Alex Fynn's interview? He CLEARLY stated that Arsenal are as rich as Real Madrid. I suspect his knowledge is superior to yours somewhat, with all due respect.
Again, why is the myth that Arsenal 'cannot compete' being peddled?
Arsenal WON'T compete. Not to be confused with 'cannot'.

I have not "peddled" any myth. We have cash to buy more players, I said that. But we do not have the mega billions that Man City have, nor the vast access to credit that Real Madrid have enjoyed on occasion.
I do not ignore Usmanov and his rights issue, I have mentioned in my post that I would take cash from him, and since his offer, was made, I have mentioned the subject in a few other posts on a few other threads.
I said at the time I would take cash from him, but I doubt that other share holders would want to see the value of their shares reduced by a rights issue.
Usmanov is not a board member, so what he says is limited to the media and is not club policy.

Babatunde wrote:
3. You claim Chelski are not in the public consciousness like Arsenal are. Interesting. I'll tell you what. Get on the Eurostar and go to Paris tomorrow. Talk to 100 people in the street who are regular footballl followers. Ask them who the big clubs in England are. And see if Arsenal make the top three names. You could always go and check the survey TeleFoot carried out a few months ago, where Arsenal weren't even mentioned as one of the top three clubs in England.
Chelski on the other hand, were.
If Arsenal are 'in the public consciousness' it's a shame they ain't in the players' consciousness. Or else Juan Mata wouldn't have said he chose to join a club where he had a chance of winning things.

Arsenal have been an integral part of the lore and popular culture of the UK for many years. Chelsea are just a football team.
Yes, the people who have followed football for just the last five years think Chelsea are the bees knees, but older fans know a bit of persepctive.

Babatunde wrote:
4. I have not confused a 'big club' with a 'form team'. I know exactly what I am saying. I asked if Arsenal could be considered a big club. Arsenal ain't even a form team right now so that's irrelevant.
I clearly stated that Arsenal's history cannot be overlooked.
You then went on to claim I am dismissive of Arsenal's history.

You attempted to dictate the terms of the debate by saying you were aware of the club's history but that it could not be considered a qualifying factor to be a big club.
I say it is a qualifying factor that cannot be dismissed.

Babatunde wrote:
5. You conveniently overlooked my question also of which big club in footballing history has had an unsackable manager? I suspect because you cannot actually answer it.

Never saw this question. No club has an unsackable manager, but Wenger and Ferguson come close possible.

Babatunde wrote:
The point - and it very much still remains - is that a Big club has a particular mindset that marks it out from the small an average clubs. That means each time ManYoo, Chelsea, Liverpool et al start a season, there are certain expectations. To win something. I have yet to hear a single manager of these clubs state at the start of a season that they would be happy with 4th. Not one. I've not known of a single manager of any of these clubs who has been unsackable. Not one. I do not know of a single one of those clubs with a manager who has ever gone seven years without a bean, and has never been in a safer position.

Those are the Facts.

As Augie mentioned: the reaction of plenty of people is indicative of a genuine 'la la la' fingers-in-ears- attitude that refuses to even contemplate the question.

It speaks volumes.


Quite simply, I regard Arsenal as a big club.
Six seasons without silverware, and relative lack of prowess in the transfer market, are not pleasant, but do not signify that we are suddenly not a big club.

As I said before, we are not part of the Euro elite, nor a Sugar Daddy moneybags club.

I read Alex Fynn's interview.
Before you joined this Forum, I campaigned with other Forum members for us to spend more of our transfer kitty.

But I do know that we have to cut our cloth accordingly, and right now we cannot go head to head with Man City and Chelsea in terms of spending.
But I do believe with more astute management of the players we do have, and the future renegotiation of commercial deals, we are not forever also-rans.

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Post by hugh jardon »

Reckon Babatunde must be unemployed to be able to have the time to post such lengthy and repetitive babble.

I really cannot wait for his next informative thread or intreguing poll, I genuinely hope I don't have to wait too long.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by SWLGooner »

hugh jardon wrote:Reckon Babatunde must be unemployed to be able to have the time to post such lengthy and repetitive babble.

I really cannot wait for his next informative thread or intreguing poll, I genuinely hope I don't have to wait too long.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
He's a lawyer, meaning some poor bastard is being billed now, as Babatunde's apparently thinking about him :?

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Post by flash gunner »

A big team in England - Yes
A big team in Europe - No

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Post by King Vieira »

Gunnersaurus wrote:We are a big club with a small club mentality.
Pretty much this.

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