How much do you REALLY drink?

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How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by Block93 »

Having just read for the umpteenth time (today's Telegraph) about how much is safe to drink in a week, and for the umpteenth time wondered how anyone could possibly ever contemplate drinking so little, I thought I would open it up (to what I imagine is somewhat of a peer group, or at least we all have something in common), to see if my own alcohol consumption is as alarming as the advice suggests it might be.

Apparently, for an average person, 15 units or more (in a week!!) is too many and brings with it all sorts of nasty health risks.

A pint of beer is 3 units, and a bottle of wine is 10.

I gave up drinking beer and lager a while back, other than in pubs, but can (and do) quite happily consume a bottle of white wine each day. Unless at cricket, I try not to drink before 7pm for some inexplicable reason, as if that is in some way showing real restraint. Lots of my friends drink a similar amount - we are all mid-50s or older - and, touch wood, are all pretty active and healthy.

I reckon an average week for me is maybe 55-60 units. Probably never less, but certainly more some weeks.

So, I would be interested in hearing from others.

We are all anonymous pretty much, so be honest! (I have been....)

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by A11M11 »

At your rates between 25 and 35 a week. 3to 4 pints on two nights down my local , wine shared with the missus maybe once a week and a couple of pints at football . Late 60's and don't drink at home except parties.

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by Allgunsblazin »

Difficult one for me to gauge as I take it or leave it, socially I can knock em back especially in good football company...
At home I do store the Fosters deals and can have 1-2 cans every other evening which is about 1.75 pints as the bastards keep tapping the volumes...
So about 5 pints a week X 3 units makes me average or too much according to the Health Stasi Police!...
As I still partake in sport that is a good counter balance, if I was not active then I would have to cut it down as the lager sits far too nicely on the waist and my trousers end up round my chest like Simon Cowells
... :lol:

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by StuartL »

I drink less now than at any time in my adult life !

Will have a night cap of red stag ( cherry whiskey, highly recommended btw ) probably once a week or twice including the weekend.
When out for a meal I am usually the driver, so may have just a shandy or alcohol free beer.

Did have 2/3 bottles of bud each night over the long weeekend away at centreparc a couple of weeks back which was the most I drank since holiday in June when I will go mad and have a few each day / night.

Really not fussed about drinking lots now, prefer to watch other people make idiots of themselves :wink: :D

Only exception is of I am out for a night of playing pool with old mates, but that is only occasional.

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by NickF »

I'm the secretary of the local CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) branch, beer manager at the annual beer festival and Brewdog shareholder.

Generally I will have 4 or 5 beers either bottles or pints on a Friday and Saturday night. The rest of the week I tried to avoid alcohol but will have a couple if I'm going to a CAMRA meeting or a gig. I don't drink spirits but will drink wine if I go out for a meal. Almost never get drunk or get a hangover though.

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by Allgunsblazin »

Supporting Arsenal drives you to drink!.... :corkbarry:

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by DB10GOONER »

I was the living breathing walking Oirish cliche of an EXTREMELY heavy drinker throughout my twenties and early thirties. I seriously would be on the piss every night of the week and all day either Saturday or Sunday (depending which day I was playing football). I often went on 24 hour and 48 hour drinking binges - and on a couple occassion that got pushed out to 72 hours. Absolutely fucking loved it. Had a great time tbh. I could hold my drink and had a huge capacity for drinking. Not bragging there as it is not a talent, it's something you are either born with or not. I'd often go through two or three beer buddies in a weekend - I think the fuckers were running relay to keep up with me! :oops: :lol:

Then a couple things happened and I started to drink less and less (got married and had kids) and then eventually stopped drinking altogether (one of my dearest and oldest mates was a chronic proper disease-type alcoholic and he drank himself to death a few years back). My mate's death took the fucking fun right out of it for me. Also, I don't think it's good for kids to grow up in a house where their dad is falling around drunk all the time.

Now I don't drink past maybe one glass of wine if out for dinner or maybe one bottle of girl beer (lager) if at a family bar-b-que or similar - and sometimes not even that much. Amazingly, I don't miss it at all. I love spending sober quality time with my kids. When I look back now I think how the fuck did I keep a job, play football, play in a metal band, keep girlfriends etc etc whilst almost constantly hammered... and not end up an alcoholic? It's probably why I believe "alcoholism" is a geneticly-predisposed disease for many people (like my mate) and just a cultural attention-seeking device for others.... :roll:

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by OneBardGooner »

Well. Every time I start drinking I think t myself, I'll keep count of how many drinks I have...but in thre morning I can never remember how many I had. :?

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by OneBardGooner »

But it has to be said (and Respected) There ain't NO ONE can drink like the Oirish...Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk I mean - I have been on a few benders, but they just seem to keep going and going and.......

I recall meeting up with a load of Oirish blokes on holiday in Beniform, there were about 20 of them - all crazy as feckk - this was back in the mid-eighties I'd been there about 3 or 4 days and was developing that permanent 'blur' from drinking, sleeping, waking up and drinking for brekkies, lunch and supper etc. Anyway we were just going out on the lash when we got talking to them in The Shamrock Bar - there were three of them naked on a table full of spilled beer, loads of glasses and all these beer soaked clothes...And they were proudly and loudly measuring each others knobs!
So we end up staying was about about 8pm. I vaguely recall playing Human Dart Boards; seeing who could stay the longest in front of the dart board while everyone threw darts in said direction (I still have a scar on my right shoulder to this day) - it was summer in Spain and HOT so eventually everyone in the darts gang was down to their shorts or bundies or like the Irish lads starkers.

Me and my mates 6 in total thought we were doing well to stay with them through the night... we went outside and down to this small beach to see the sun came up - returned to the bar to carry on - then about 9 or 10am (apparently) 'they all said right lets go for a cooked breakfast' - I remember trying to swallow a very greasy fried (spanish) egg and up-chucking - and lot's of laughter...we finish breakfast of a fry up with Murphies..I am ready to 'Crash' but Ohhh! Nooo - They knew of a 'nice little watering hole' just outside west Benidorm - so everyone piles into 5 taxi's and off we go....

We go in and the barman greets a couple of the Irish lads like long lost brothers...They then introduce us and this means we have to be initiated with this 'Cocktail' I recall it was whisky and this bright green stuff... after that I woke up at 2pm wrapped in a table cloth, cradling an empty champange bottle and one of them old style squeezy tomato ketchup things shaped like a big tomato.
I then look around and not only are they still drinking but there are the remains of a tomato sauce fight everyone either awake or asleep are covered in the stuff.

All but one of my mates is nowhere to be seen, so I check the bogs, behind the bar, behind the sparkly curtains on the little stage...NOWHERE, so I ask Sean one of the Irish lads...he turns to me and said they're outside with the Lion.. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I go outside onto the pavement and it is fuckin' boiling and there under this stripey awning are about 10 of the gang and 3 of my mates taking it in turns to pet this genuine BIG FuckOff Real Lion :shock: And I'm like - Is this 'real' am I still dreaming or am I hallucinating....and they are betting on it...this one Irish lad lies down in front of the lion (within swiping distance) and starts saying 'Here Kitty Kitty' and I see he has what looks like a hamburger in his hand, the Lion snarls and snaps it right out of his hand...apparently he won the much laughter and applause...

I feel like de-hydrated warm Spanish death.

Next thing taxi's back to the hotels there's was 2 down the road from ours and we arrange to meet up at 8pm.... I see them the following day about Noon by the pool and some of them have NOT Stopped...Utter, Utter Madness.

Man that was the BIGGEST Hangover I have EVER had...I couldn't eat - and just kept drinking bottles and bottles of water...all day and evening...

Totally Rocked Though! :barscarf:

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Henry Norris 1913
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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by Henry Norris 1913 »

a lot more at 7:30 tomorrow i reckons :oops: :drunk:

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by OneBardGooner »

Henry Norris 1913 wrote:
Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:56 pm
a lot more at 7:30 tomorrow i reckons :oops: :drunk:


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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by arsenalmorris »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:21 pm
But it has to be said (and Respected) There ain't NO ONE can drink like the Oirish...Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk I mean - I have been on a few benders, but they just seem to keep going and going and.......

I recall meeting up with a load of Oirish blokes on holiday in Beniform, there were about 20 of them - all crazy as feckk - this was back in the mid-eighties I'd been there about 3 or 4 days and was developing that permanent 'blur' from drinking, sleeping, waking up and drinking for brekkies, lunch and supper etc. Anyway we were just going out on the lash when we got talking to them in The Shamrock Bar - there were three of them naked on a table full of spilled beer, loads of glasses and all these beer soaked clothes...And they were proudly and loudly measuring each others knobs!
So we end up staying was about about 8pm. I vaguely recall playing Human Dart Boards; seeing who could stay the longest in front of the dart board while everyone threw darts in said direction (I still have a scar on my right shoulder to this day) - it was summer in Spain and HOT so eventually everyone in the darts gang was down to their shorts or bundies or like the Irish lads starkers.

Me and my mates 6 in total thought we were doing well to stay with them through the night... we went outside and down to this small beach to see the sun came up - returned to the bar to carry on - then about 9 or 10am (apparently) 'they all said right lets go for a cooked breakfast' - I remember trying to swallow a very greasy fried (spanish) egg and up-chucking - and lot's of laughter...we finish breakfast of a fry up with Murphies..I am ready to 'Crash' but Ohhh! Nooo - They knew of a 'nice little watering hole' just outside west Benidorm - so everyone piles into 5 taxi's and off we go....

We go in and the barman greets a couple of the Irish lads like long lost brothers...They then introduce us and this means we have to be initiated with this 'Cocktail' I recall it was whisky and this bright green stuff... after that I woke up at 2pm wrapped in a table cloth, cradling an empty champange bottle and one of them old style squeezy tomato ketchup things shaped like a big tomato.
I then look around and not only are they still drinking but there are the remains of a tomato sauce fight everyone either awake or asleep are covered in the stuff.

All but one of my mates is nowhere to be seen, so I check the bogs, behind the bar, behind the sparkly curtains on the little stage...NOWHERE, so I ask Sean one of the Irish lads...he turns to me and said they're outside with the Lion.. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I go outside onto the pavement and it is fuckin' boiling and there under this stripey awning are about 10 of the gang and 3 of my mates taking it in turns to pet this genuine BIG FuckOff Real Lion :shock: And I'm like - Is this 'real' am I still dreaming or am I hallucinating....and they are betting on it...this one Irish lad lies down in front of the lion (within swiping distance) and starts saying 'Here Kitty Kitty' and I see he has what looks like a hamburger in his hand, the Lion snarls and snaps it right out of his hand...apparently he won the much laughter and applause...

I feel like de-hydrated warm Spanish death.

Next thing taxi's back to the hotels there's was 2 down the road from ours and we arrange to meet up at 8pm.... I see them the following day about Noon by the pool and some of them have NOT Stopped...Utter, Utter Madness.

Man that was the BIGGEST Hangover I have EVER had...I couldn't eat - and just kept drinking bottles and bottles of water...all day and evening...

Totally Rocked Though! :barscarf:
Loved this story :D :D

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by DB10GOONER »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:21 pm
But it has to be said (and Respected) There ain't NO ONE can drink like the Oirish...Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk I mean - I have been on a few benders, but they just seem to keep going and going and.......

I recall meeting up with a load of Oirish blokes on holiday in Beniform, there were about 20 of them - all crazy as feckk - this was back in the mid-eighties I'd been there about 3 or 4 days and was developing that permanent 'blur' from drinking, sleeping, waking up and drinking for brekkies, lunch and supper etc. Anyway we were just going out on the lash when we got talking to them in The Shamrock Bar - there were three of them naked on a table full of spilled beer, loads of glasses and all these beer soaked clothes...And they were proudly and loudly measuring each others knobs!
So we end up staying was about about 8pm. I vaguely recall playing Human Dart Boards; seeing who could stay the longest in front of the dart board while everyone threw darts in said direction (I still have a scar on my right shoulder to this day) - it was summer in Spain and HOT so eventually everyone in the darts gang was down to their shorts or bundies or like the Irish lads starkers.

Me and my mates 6 in total thought we were doing well to stay with them through the night... we went outside and down to this small beach to see the sun came up - returned to the bar to carry on - then about 9 or 10am (apparently) 'they all said right lets go for a cooked breakfast' - I remember trying to swallow a very greasy fried (spanish) egg and up-chucking - and lot's of laughter...we finish breakfast of a fry up with Murphies..I am ready to 'Crash' but Ohhh! Nooo - They knew of a 'nice little watering hole' just outside west Benidorm - so everyone piles into 5 taxi's and off we go....

We go in and the barman greets a couple of the Irish lads like long lost brothers...They then introduce us and this means we have to be initiated with this 'Cocktail' I recall it was whisky and this bright green stuff... after that I woke up at 2pm wrapped in a table cloth, cradling an empty champange bottle and one of them old style squeezy tomato ketchup things shaped like a big tomato.
I then look around and not only are they still drinking but there are the remains of a tomato sauce fight everyone either awake or asleep are covered in the stuff.

All but one of my mates is nowhere to be seen, so I check the bogs, behind the bar, behind the sparkly curtains on the little stage...NOWHERE, so I ask Sean one of the Irish lads...he turns to me and said they're outside with the Lion.. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I go outside onto the pavement and it is fuckin' boiling and there under this stripey awning are about 10 of the gang and 3 of my mates taking it in turns to pet this genuine BIG FuckOff Real Lion :shock: And I'm like - Is this 'real' am I still dreaming or am I hallucinating....and they are betting on it...this one Irish lad lies down in front of the lion (within swiping distance) and starts saying 'Here Kitty Kitty' and I see he has what looks like a hamburger in his hand, the Lion snarls and snaps it right out of his hand...apparently he won the much laughter and applause...

I feel like de-hydrated warm Spanish death.

Next thing taxi's back to the hotels there's was 2 down the road from ours and we arrange to meet up at 8pm.... I see them the following day about Noon by the pool and some of them have NOT Stopped...Utter, Utter Madness.

Man that was the BIGGEST Hangover I have EVER had...I couldn't eat - and just kept drinking bottles and bottles of water...all day and evening...

Totally Rocked Though! :barscarf:
Great tale of debauchery OneBard. Love it. 8)

I've drank that filthy green cocktail in Spain, Amshterdamsh, Portugal and Dublin! It's (usually) Jameson whiskey and Green Chartreuse. Sometimes with a shot of Absolut vodka thrown in too. Heard it called various names like The Green Hat, The Tipperary, The Septic Shot. :lol:

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by AkneyGooner »

Some days like an early ko Saturday I can drink as many as 15 or more pints... Over a really long day mixed in with shots, I seem to be able to drink quite a bit, my mates I tend to go football with do the same

Most of my work mates get pissed on 6 beers and a couple shots, I used to drink every second day, so drink day then hangover day ... Which is why I think I have such a tolerance, but now I drink probably 2 times a week .. Not sure how I kept a job etc during on that time, and it made me disorganized.

I agree with db10 on the alcoholism thing, and to a certain extent I think women seem even harder to turn around once they get dependent on it.

A true alcoholic is so hard to bring round it changes them I am sure of it after a while, and they get a distant look when they drink, I've seen it in family members

Also I notice on holidays I can't drink more than 3 days in a row like I could in my late 20s, I'm early 30s now

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Re: How much do you REALLY drink?

Post by OneBardGooner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:00 pm
OneBardGooner wrote:
Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:21 pm
But it has to be said (and Respected) There ain't NO ONE can drink like the Oirish...Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk I mean - I have been on a few benders, but they just seem to keep going and going and.......

I recall meeting up with a load of Oirish blokes on holiday in Beniform, there were about 20 of them - all crazy as feckk - this was back in the mid-eighties I'd been there about 3 or 4 days and was developing that permanent 'blur' from drinking, sleeping, waking up and drinking for brekkies, lunch and supper etc. Anyway we were just going out on the lash when we got talking to them in The Shamrock Bar - there were three of them naked on a table full of spilled beer, loads of glasses and all these beer soaked clothes...And they were proudly and loudly measuring each others knobs!
So we end up staying was about about 8pm. I vaguely recall playing Human Dart Boards; seeing who could stay the longest in front of the dart board while everyone threw darts in said direction (I still have a scar on my right shoulder to this day) - it was summer in Spain and HOT so eventually everyone in the darts gang was down to their shorts or bundies or like the Irish lads starkers.

Me and my mates 6 in total thought we were doing well to stay with them through the night... we went outside and down to this small beach to see the sun came up - returned to the bar to carry on - then about 9 or 10am (apparently) 'they all said right lets go for a cooked breakfast' - I remember trying to swallow a very greasy fried (spanish) egg and up-chucking - and lot's of laughter...we finish breakfast of a fry up with Murphies..I am ready to 'Crash' but Ohhh! Nooo - They knew of a 'nice little watering hole' just outside west Benidorm - so everyone piles into 5 taxi's and off we go....

We go in and the barman greets a couple of the Irish lads like long lost brothers...They then introduce us and this means we have to be initiated with this 'Cocktail' I recall it was whisky and this bright green stuff... after that I woke up at 2pm wrapped in a table cloth, cradling an empty champange bottle and one of them old style squeezy tomato ketchup things shaped like a big tomato.
I then look around and not only are they still drinking but there are the remains of a tomato sauce fight everyone either awake or asleep are covered in the stuff.

All but one of my mates is nowhere to be seen, so I check the bogs, behind the bar, behind the sparkly curtains on the little stage...NOWHERE, so I ask Sean one of the Irish lads...he turns to me and said they're outside with the Lion.. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I go outside onto the pavement and it is fuckin' boiling and there under this stripey awning are about 10 of the gang and 3 of my mates taking it in turns to pet this genuine BIG FuckOff Real Lion :shock: And I'm like - Is this 'real' am I still dreaming or am I hallucinating....and they are betting on it...this one Irish lad lies down in front of the lion (within swiping distance) and starts saying 'Here Kitty Kitty' and I see he has what looks like a hamburger in his hand, the Lion snarls and snaps it right out of his hand...apparently he won the much laughter and applause...

I feel like de-hydrated warm Spanish death.

Next thing taxi's back to the hotels there's was 2 down the road from ours and we arrange to meet up at 8pm.... I see them the following day about Noon by the pool and some of them have NOT Stopped...Utter, Utter Madness.

Man that was the BIGGEST Hangover I have EVER had...I couldn't eat - and just kept drinking bottles and bottles of water...all day and evening...

Totally Rocked Though! :barscarf:
Great tale of debauchery OneBard. Love it. 8)

I've drank that filthy green cocktail in Spain, Amshterdamsh, Portugal and Dublin! It's (usually) Jameson whiskey and Green Chartreuse. Sometimes with a shot of Absolut vodka thrown in too. Heard it called various names like The Green Hat, The Tipperary, The Septic Shot. :lol:
That's the fuckkaaa - like a watery version of Swarfega only stronger. :lol:

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