CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

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Jock Gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Jock Gooner »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 6:31 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:34 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:01 pm
Dominic Cummings is amazing.

Not only did he have the cheek to try and defend the indefensible, yesterday he was referring to blog posts where he in the past had warned about global pandemics including coronavirus. Well, it turns out that his original blog posts made no reference to Coronavirus but broadly talked about Global Pandemics caused by an error in a biosecure laboratory. On the 14th April, he changed this blog to specifically mention Coronavirus making it seem like he had the hindsight to see something like this coming.

I smell a rat, why make the amendment on 14th April. Perhaps this was the start of him covering his tracks when he realised that the shit was going to hit the fan. Seems like a few people think this now. If he was soo versed in the threat of the Coronavirus to the wider population, why didn't he quickly put in place a series of recommendations for the Government to minimise deaths? ... oronavirus

There's too much coincidence here for me and people are still prepared to give him leeway. He's a very clever bullshitter IMO.

The New Statesman.........."of the left, for the left" :roll:

I don't remember him specifically referring to "blog" posts when he made a couple of references to previous warnings about pandemics. He may well have been talking about internal memos / policy docs. I hope you've watched it all back to make sure you're right or have read the entire transcript. I take it the NS have decided it's all about blogs now as presumably they can throw more shit at DC if they take it in that direction. I didn't take those remarks as part of his explanation for what he did or of any relevance to the matter at hand tbh.

I really hope that you and tux are good law abiding citizens to take such umbrage at the actions of a man who had the good sense to try and protect his family.
Denying he opposed lockdown measures at yesterday’s conference, he said: ‘Last year I wrote about the possible threat of coronaviruses and the urgent need for planning.’

No mention of internal memos, he has his own personal blog.

The new statesman didn't amend his blog on April 14th to add the word "Coronavirus" did they?

Ok, so this lot are left-wing as well, are they? Having a default of anyone or any reference to wanting Cummings to resign/be sacked is a raging lefty is so far off the mark. There are thousands of Tories that wan't him gone from grassroots right up to cabinet level.

Sorry Jock, you are defending the indefensible. I watched the whole press briefing did you?

Hang on folks let's keep the allegations relevant and on track shall we, you are drifiting off course.

Whether he was for or against lockdown is irrelevant to his case. For what it's worth the release of the minutes from SAGE meetings around the time of lockdown will establish that in the fullness of time.

The whole writing about pandemics thing is also irrelevant - what does that convict him of??

My point about internal memos is just to demonstrate that there was no specific mention of his personal blog either (as far as I recall). If he didn't actually state where "he wrote" about pandemics then he may have written other pieces which we are unaware of. You can't just assume that he was referring solely to his blog - another missed opportunity by the assembled press to pin him on that point. It's all very desperate to 'get him'.

Not that it matters but having read your link it states that DC's original unamended post actually contained a link to an article about Coronavirus. For whatever reason he later decided to amend and include the coronavirus name in the body of his blog. Maybe it was vanity on his part for only linking a coronavirus article but not actually naming it outright. Who knows? But again, what does this actually prove? Nothing!!

Bottom line - he gave his story, it was actually quite a reasonable account and all the (mainly) leftie's who hate DC with a passion are latching onto anything they can in an attempt to keep throwing more shit at him. Yes about 10% of the Tories have a beef with DC which isn't a total surprise so they are having a moan too. I would have done exactly the same as him in the same situation and that's just a fact. As I said before, if his version of events for his movements are false then he should be picked up on ANPR and then he can be hanged.

In the meantime if his reason for breaking the lockdown is deemed insufficient then tell you what, pop a fine in the post to him cos he's a bad boy.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonertux »

Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:35 pm
goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 6:54 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 6:34 pm
goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 4:16 pm
Absolutely law abiding (apart from getting nicked at the 98 Cup Final for a bit of argie-bargie with the Old Bill). However, this isn’t just about abiding by the law, it’s also about having a conscience and a civic responsibility to the general public during a pandemic.

Fights with police and subsequently was arrested yet considers himself law abiding..........interesting.

How many driving offences have you got. I bet you've had points over the years as well.

I'm not sure if you're a fit and proper person to be judging others :rubchin:
I’ll cast the line out and you can bite the maggot Jock! Just knew you’d do anything to score a point! Actually fought the case and found not guilty. Usual case of strong arm tactics by the Old Bill against football supporters! Not fighting as you seem to somehow claim without knowing anything about it. And to then bring up driving offences? Really?? Is that all you’ve got? Still perfectly able to judge Scummings for what he did with my conscience clear.

That's the problem with you lefties......let's drop the bs prentence that your not eh. Always the remind me of the scousers - same principle isn't it always somebody elses fault and never your own. Fighting with police at a footy match who were just doing their job and then giving it the old sob story to some dozey old leftie judge to let you off. Reeks of class that does.

Clearly you have driving offences too as you have ducked the question. I didn't want to ask if you had any other criminal convictions just in case. You keep calling DC "scummings" while trying to maintain the moral high ground.....again a typical leftie stunt. I bet you were up in Leicester Square for the poll tax riots too.

The bottom line is like everybody else you had made up your mind that DC was guilty before you heard the facts. So busy shouting about his guilt that you ended up looking daft when the truth came out. But you don't like the truth so you just cast around aspersions that suit your point of view. That would make you no better than any police officer telling porkies about you in court but then we know they were telling the truth and that you managed to get off on a technicality no doubt.
Oh Jock. You really should learn to read properly before you reply! You still claim I was fighting with the Police? If you’ve ever suffered in a baton charge and then been arrested for not getting out of the way quickly enough, you would know what I’m talking about! Is that the police just ‘doing their job’? But you think I got off on a technicality and a Leftie judge! You really are a piece of work! And what is your obsession with driving offences? Yes, I’ve had a few points over the years just like the vast majority of drivers. But the best bit .... I ended up looking daft when the truth came out? Which truth would that be? The eye-test drive? His partners written account which failed to mention the trip to Durham? Not remembering if he stopped for fuel? When he was ill, when he wasn’t ill? It’s all bollocks and you know it!

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonertux »

Oh and Jock, a couple more points before we put this to bed.
Did you actually go to football in the 70s/80s/90s? Because I’m sure a lot on here would be surprised by your love of the police and their strong arm tactics? Yet you believe they were ‘just doing their job?’ And you seem to have no problem with police corruption?
And please don’t use the word ‘footy’!
Makes you sound like a Johnny-come-lately posh-boy Tarquin. Maybe you are?

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the playing mantis
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by the playing mantis »

goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:20 am
Tory ministers starting to resign. At least it shows some of them have principles and a conscience. First of many hopefully as they wake up to the reality of this morally corrupt government and it’s shadowy advisor. Lies are beginning to snowball now.
Can you define why they are morally corrupt?

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonertux »

the playing mantis wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 9:37 am
goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:20 am
Tory ministers starting to resign. At least it shows some of them have principles and a conscience. First of many hopefully as they wake up to the reality of this morally corrupt government and it’s shadowy advisor. Lies are beginning to snowball now.
Can you define why they are morally corrupt?
Wow. Ok. Lies, deceit, backhanders, lies, nepotism, tax avoidance, lies, two-rule elitism, Rees-Mogg (say no more), hypocrisy, xenophobia, lies, cheering when the NHS pay rise was blocked, but now clapping every Thursday, oh and did I mention lies?

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the playing mantis
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by the playing mantis »

Gunner Rob wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 11:06 am
A11M11 wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 10:44 am
I have a 6 year old granddaughter and if the needs be , I would have driven to Wales and back if neccessary. As probably would any right minded person . This is the politics of people looking to cause Cummings and by association Johnson as much embarrasment as possible .Pure and simple .
well you can now.
the fact is that back at the end of March you wouldn't have been able to - or would you have risked it like Dom did ?

can't you see how annoyed the country is by this ? The Daily Mail and The Guardian are agreeing with each other for fucks sake ! :D

the longer Cummings toughs this out then the weaker Johnson's government becomes.
forgetting his fairy story he put together yesterday (anyone who fell for that pack of lies i feel sorry for) this is the issue now.

will Cummings put the government first and resign or will he stay and bring it down with him ?

how will he bring the government down when they have a stonking majority and a 4 year term left?

the papers are hysterical as they have naff all else to report on same as everything with covid picking holes in something that no government would have foreseen or treated differently. the only people getting worked up by this are the left and those that dislike brexit or the tories (as can be seen on here, tux, nfg, you etc)and the media rent a quote them to create a story.

people forget that we ere in unofficial lockdown 2 weeks prior to 'official lockdown'. boris told everyone to distance and not do any non essential travel etc. the problem was he trusted this stupid country too much and a lot of people took no notice of him, so he then made it official policy. the biggest mistake he made was trusting the people and not going draconian on them, but this may have worked 30 years ago, but nowadays everyone wants everything now and doesnt think rules of life apply to them and so ignored it. witness the weekend scenes at matlock bath that forced boris's hand.

i think we should have lockdowned earlier too because i have no faith in the public to adhere to guidance/rules. i also think we should have closed the borders which we didnt do. but had we gone into official lockdown and closed borders sooner, the media and noisy left on social media wuld have gone crazy at that, as they are now doing in hindsight that we didnt. he was damned if he did and damned if he didnt. its all pure politics. you cannot compare us to other countries. density wise, spatially, demographically, behaviorally, culturally we are different and that will have impacted the virus spread.

the biggest mistake johnson did was not set up a government of 'national unity' or similar ias in the war, and get the fraud and nonce lover starmer on board and nicola so that this couldn't be turned into a political situation, which the bored media and cheesed off left have done. this will cost him his job in 4 years unless people see thrugh that this is not a politcal issue and would have been the same whatever the colour of the ruling party.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by the playing mantis »

goonertux wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 9:43 am
the playing mantis wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 9:37 am
goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:20 am
Tory ministers starting to resign. At least it shows some of them have principles and a conscience. First of many hopefully as they wake up to the reality of this morally corrupt government and it’s shadowy advisor. Lies are beginning to snowball now.
Can you define why they are morally corrupt?
Wow. Ok. Lies, deceit, backhanders, lies, nepotism, tax avoidance, lies, two-rule elitism, Rees-Mogg (say no more), hypocrisy, xenophobia, lies, cheering when the NHS pay rise was blocked, but now clapping every Thursday, oh and did I mention lies?
ok. anyevidence of all this, im sure the mass media would be interested in all these smoking guns and pursue them vehemently if there veracity can be proven 100%.

and the NHS. the scared cow that must not be touched or queried come what may in many eyes that has been reinforced by the virus. i have nothing but thanks for the workers putting themselves in harms way to fight this virus, but lets not use it as an excuse to think the nhs is world beating or perfect despite it being a heinous crime to dare question it in the eyes of many such is its mythological status. lets not rationally analysis and compare it to how other heath systems have worked/responded. the nhs is in need of massive reform, but no one is allowed to touch it.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by DB10GOONER »

Chaps can we please leave the personal jibes insults etc out of the debate? Thanks.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonertux »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 10:21 am
Chaps can we please leave the personal jibes insults etc out of the debate? Thanks.
Sir, sir. Jock started it sir :wink: :lol:

nut flush gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 10:32 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 6:31 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:34 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:01 pm
Dominic Cummings is amazing.

Not only did he have the cheek to try and defend the indefensible, yesterday he was referring to blog posts where he in the past had warned about global pandemics including coronavirus. Well, it turns out that his original blog posts made no reference to Coronavirus but broadly talked about Global Pandemics caused by an error in a biosecure laboratory. On the 14th April, he changed this blog to specifically mention Coronavirus making it seem like he had the hindsight to see something like this coming.

I smell a rat, why make the amendment on 14th April. Perhaps this was the start of him covering his tracks when he realised that the shit was going to hit the fan. Seems like a few people think this now. If he was soo versed in the threat of the Coronavirus to the wider population, why didn't he quickly put in place a series of recommendations for the Government to minimise deaths? ... oronavirus

There's too much coincidence here for me and people are still prepared to give him leeway. He's a very clever bullshitter IMO.

The New Statesman.........."of the left, for the left" :roll:

I don't remember him specifically referring to "blog" posts when he made a couple of references to previous warnings about pandemics. He may well have been talking about internal memos / policy docs. I hope you've watched it all back to make sure you're right or have read the entire transcript. I take it the NS have decided it's all about blogs now as presumably they can throw more shit at DC if they take it in that direction. I didn't take those remarks as part of his explanation for what he did or of any relevance to the matter at hand tbh.

I really hope that you and tux are good law abiding citizens to take such umbrage at the actions of a man who had the good sense to try and protect his family.
Denying he opposed lockdown measures at yesterday’s conference, he said: ‘Last year I wrote about the possible threat of coronaviruses and the urgent need for planning.’

No mention of internal memos, he has his own personal blog.

The new statesman didn't amend his blog on April 14th to add the word "Coronavirus" did they?

Ok, so this lot are left-wing as well, are they? Having a default of anyone or any reference to wanting Cummings to resign/be sacked is a raging lefty is so far off the mark. There are thousands of Tories that wan't him gone from grassroots right up to cabinet level.

Sorry Jock, you are defending the indefensible. I watched the whole press briefing did you?

Hang on folks let's keep the allegations relevant and on track shall we, you are drifiting off course.

Whether he was for or against lockdown is irrelevant to his case. For what it's worth the release of the minutes from SAGE meetings around the time of lockdown will establish that in the fullness of time.

The whole writing about pandemics thing is also irrelevant - what does that convict him of??

My point about internal memos is just to demonstrate that there was no specific mention of his personal blog either (as far as I recall). If he didn't actually state where "he wrote" about pandemics then he may have written other pieces which we are unaware of. You can't just assume that he was referring solely to his blog - another missed opportunity by the assembled press to pin him on that point. It's all very desperate to 'get him'.

Not that it matters but having read your link it states that DC's original unamended post actually contained a link to an article about Coronavirus. For whatever reason he later decided to amend and include the coronavirus name in the body of his blog. Maybe it was vanity on his part for only linking a coronavirus article but not actually naming it outright. Who knows? But again, what does this actually prove? Nothing!!

Bottom line - he gave his story, it was actually quite a reasonable account and all the (mainly) leftie's who hate DC with a passion are latching onto anything they can in an attempt to keep throwing more shit at him. Yes about 10% of the Tories have a beef with DC which isn't a total surprise so they are having a moan too. I would have done exactly the same as him in the same situation and that's just a fact. As I said before, if his version of events for his movements are false then he should be picked up on ANPR and then he can be hanged.

In the meantime if his reason for breaking the lockdown is deemed insufficient then tell you what, pop a fine in the post to him cos he's a bad boy.
The only reason things are drifting off course is that you keep labelling people or articles left-wing or liberal if they want rid of Cummings. Lets just put this straight, as things stand there are people of all political persuasions including over 35 Tory MPS that want this unelected bureaucrat to go (heard that somewhere before?). There also is a consensus in the wider population that what he did broke the rules, its not even open to debate. MPs have been inundated with letters/emails from their constituents, again from all political persuasions.

The discussion about predicting pandemics is relevant, especially when the government response has been found to be poor. As far as I am concerned this came up because he was using his blog as a way of squirming out of the allegations. I don't get where you keep referring to internal memos, again did you even watch or read the transcript from the press conference? If you didn't I don't know how you can form any credible opinion.

Regardless of this, to amend his blog on the 14th of April is way too much coincidence. As I said before he knew the shit was going to hit the fan, this was part of his cover-up.

In regards to his story, and yes it is a story the one thing he cannot justify over everything else is his visual impairment driving 30 miles in the wrong direction to see if he can make it to London. If his eyesight is impaired he shouldn't get into a car period, and that's under any circumstance, not just a national lockdown.

Your last comment would be fair enough if it applied to a normal citizen, but it doesn't. It applies to the most senior civil servant in the land, who directly advises the Prime Minister on wait for it Policy matters. So if he is writing the rules, and blatantly disregarding them that is why so many people are peeved with him.

By the way, SAGE minutes are widely available across the internet to read about the scientific advice that was given to the government in the run-up to lockdown. That's how it's quite well known if you look hard enough that the lockdown directive came on the 7th of March. They said to lockdown within two weeks. Now for me, if you've been given this scientific advice you don't wait 14 days let alone 16 you act immediately.

During these 16 days, two major sporting events were allowed to take place.

And SAGE is an independent body, but Dominic Cummings in his own way has made sure he stuck his oar in when it came to their policy directives to the govt. He is a bad egg at all levels. The death rates and disastrous handling of care homes prove it.

Jock Gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Jock Gooner »

goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 10:38 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:35 pm
goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 6:54 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 6:34 pm
goonertux wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 4:16 pm
Absolutely law abiding (apart from getting nicked at the 98 Cup Final for a bit of argie-bargie with the Old Bill). However, this isn’t just about abiding by the law, it’s also about having a conscience and a civic responsibility to the general public during a pandemic.

Fights with police and subsequently was arrested yet considers himself law abiding..........interesting.

How many driving offences have you got. I bet you've had points over the years as well.

I'm not sure if you're a fit and proper person to be judging others :rubchin:
I’ll cast the line out and you can bite the maggot Jock! Just knew you’d do anything to score a point! Actually fought the case and found not guilty. Usual case of strong arm tactics by the Old Bill against football supporters! Not fighting as you seem to somehow claim without knowing anything about it. And to then bring up driving offences? Really?? Is that all you’ve got? Still perfectly able to judge Scummings for what he did with my conscience clear.

That's the problem with you lefties......let's drop the bs prentence that your not eh. Always the remind me of the scousers - same principle isn't it always somebody elses fault and never your own. Fighting with police at a footy match who were just doing their job and then giving it the old sob story to some dozey old leftie judge to let you off. Reeks of class that does.

Clearly you have driving offences too as you have ducked the question. I didn't want to ask if you had any other criminal convictions just in case. You keep calling DC "scummings" while trying to maintain the moral high ground.....again a typical leftie stunt. I bet you were up in Leicester Square for the poll tax riots too.

The bottom line is like everybody else you had made up your mind that DC was guilty before you heard the facts. So busy shouting about his guilt that you ended up looking daft when the truth came out. But you don't like the truth so you just cast around aspersions that suit your point of view. That would make you no better than any police officer telling porkies about you in court but then we know they were telling the truth and that you managed to get off on a technicality no doubt.
Oh Jock. You really should learn to read properly before you reply! You still claim I was fighting with the Police? If you’ve ever suffered in a baton charge and then been arrested for not getting out of the way quickly enough, you would know what I’m talking about! Is that the police just ‘doing their job’? But you think I got off on a technicality and a Leftie judge! You really are a piece of work! And what is your obsession with driving offences? Yes, I’ve had a few points over the years just like the vast majority of drivers. But the best bit .... I ended up looking daft when the truth came out? Which truth would that be? The eye-test drive? His partners written account which failed to mention the trip to Durham? Not remembering if he stopped for fuel? When he was ill, when he wasn’t ill? It’s all bollocks and you know it!

You got lifted for fighting with the police, you've said that there was argie-bargy so you were obviously out of order and scrapping with the boys in blue. Sometimes you have just got to accept what you are which in your case is a criminally minded (arrested for fighting and have driving convictions) individual who mistakenly thinks they are a middle of the road, freethinking good guy. But quite clearly you are not, you are more representative of the underbelly of society than those of us who obey law and order. The facts don't lie. I note you didn't deny attending the poll tax riots so I think I am within my rights to assume that you were there which will not come as a great surprise to anybody reading about your criminal ways. I am very disappointed in you tux I thought you were better than that.

Funnily enough I got caught up in some of the police goings on after the final in Paris in 95 but I didn't get arrested for anything because I didn't start fighting with the French police. I behave myself at football and try to keep out of the way of the police - that's just common sense. I think the fact that you got arrested only goes to demonstrate your argumentative nature. On the subject of your highly offensive other post I have posted on here as having started going to the footy with my dad in the late 70s and then with a group of mates in the early 80s. I have chatted with more reasonable guys on here about memories of the good old days on the NB and have nothing to prove to you on that front. There may be some Tarquins kicking about in Walthamstow these days but back in the mid 60s I don't think that was a hugely popular name. Nice try though!

Finally we come to you looking daft. DC gave his account of what he did and why and any reasonable person would admit that they would quite possibly take the same action if in that position. Why is the eye test a lie. The WHO have eye problems in their standard symtoms list even though the UK do not. If he was conducting an unofficial eye test don't you think it more sensible to take a local drive rather than to use the rather busy A1 as some have said he should have. If his account was a lie then all your leftie journo mates who had a pop at DC in the gardens should resign for incompetence. Instead of breaking his story, if it was untrue, they were all so fuelled up on leftie righteous indignation that they missed the chance. But then that tends to be the leftie way doesn't it......all noise and no end result.

As I've said before the way to disprove the DC version of events is through ANPR which I am sure most police forces along the London to Durham route will be having a little look at. If they can prove he is lying then it's game over. Innocent until proven guilty.....unless of course you've been fighting with the police in which case your guilty.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonertux »

You know what Jock, there’s so much supposition in that long, drawn out, boring message. I clearly stated I was trying to avoid any aggro, but when the old bill take no prisoners, it can be difficult. And the Poll Tax riots? No, for your info I wasn’t there if that helps you. My criminal ways include doing 36mph in a 30 zone. Hang me! Not going back into the Scummings debate as you clearly think he is some sort of saint. Let’s just see how it pans out now, shall we? Hopefully gone by the end of the week and might take some more with him, with a bit of luck! Have a nice day.

Jock Gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Jock Gooner »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 11:29 am
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 10:32 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 6:31 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:34 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:01 pm
Dominic Cummings is amazing.

Not only did he have the cheek to try and defend the indefensible, yesterday he was referring to blog posts where he in the past had warned about global pandemics including coronavirus. Well, it turns out that his original blog posts made no reference to Coronavirus but broadly talked about Global Pandemics caused by an error in a biosecure laboratory. On the 14th April, he changed this blog to specifically mention Coronavirus making it seem like he had the hindsight to see something like this coming.

I smell a rat, why make the amendment on 14th April. Perhaps this was the start of him covering his tracks when he realised that the shit was going to hit the fan. Seems like a few people think this now. If he was soo versed in the threat of the Coronavirus to the wider population, why didn't he quickly put in place a series of recommendations for the Government to minimise deaths? ... oronavirus

There's too much coincidence here for me and people are still prepared to give him leeway. He's a very clever bullshitter IMO.

The New Statesman.........."of the left, for the left" :roll:

I don't remember him specifically referring to "blog" posts when he made a couple of references to previous warnings about pandemics. He may well have been talking about internal memos / policy docs. I hope you've watched it all back to make sure you're right or have read the entire transcript. I take it the NS have decided it's all about blogs now as presumably they can throw more shit at DC if they take it in that direction. I didn't take those remarks as part of his explanation for what he did or of any relevance to the matter at hand tbh.

I really hope that you and tux are good law abiding citizens to take such umbrage at the actions of a man who had the good sense to try and protect his family.
Denying he opposed lockdown measures at yesterday’s conference, he said: ‘Last year I wrote about the possible threat of coronaviruses and the urgent need for planning.’

No mention of internal memos, he has his own personal blog.

The new statesman didn't amend his blog on April 14th to add the word "Coronavirus" did they?

Ok, so this lot are left-wing as well, are they? Having a default of anyone or any reference to wanting Cummings to resign/be sacked is a raging lefty is so far off the mark. There are thousands of Tories that wan't him gone from grassroots right up to cabinet level.

Sorry Jock, you are defending the indefensible. I watched the whole press briefing did you?

Hang on folks let's keep the allegations relevant and on track shall we, you are drifiting off course.

Whether he was for or against lockdown is irrelevant to his case. For what it's worth the release of the minutes from SAGE meetings around the time of lockdown will establish that in the fullness of time.

The whole writing about pandemics thing is also irrelevant - what does that convict him of??

My point about internal memos is just to demonstrate that there was no specific mention of his personal blog either (as far as I recall). If he didn't actually state where "he wrote" about pandemics then he may have written other pieces which we are unaware of. You can't just assume that he was referring solely to his blog - another missed opportunity by the assembled press to pin him on that point. It's all very desperate to 'get him'.

Not that it matters but having read your link it states that DC's original unamended post actually contained a link to an article about Coronavirus. For whatever reason he later decided to amend and include the coronavirus name in the body of his blog. Maybe it was vanity on his part for only linking a coronavirus article but not actually naming it outright. Who knows? But again, what does this actually prove? Nothing!!

Bottom line - he gave his story, it was actually quite a reasonable account and all the (mainly) leftie's who hate DC with a passion are latching onto anything they can in an attempt to keep throwing more shit at him. Yes about 10% of the Tories have a beef with DC which isn't a total surprise so they are having a moan too. I would have done exactly the same as him in the same situation and that's just a fact. As I said before, if his version of events for his movements are false then he should be picked up on ANPR and then he can be hanged.

In the meantime if his reason for breaking the lockdown is deemed insufficient then tell you what, pop a fine in the post to him cos he's a bad boy.
The only reason things are drifting off course is that you keep labelling people or articles left-wing or liberal if they want rid of Cummings. Lets just put this straight, as things stand there are people of all political persuasions including over 35 Tory MPS that want this unelected bureaucrat to go (heard that somewhere before?). There also is a consensus in the wider population that what he did broke the rules, its not even open to debate. MPs have been inundated with letters/emails from their constituents, again from all political persuasions.

The discussion about predicting pandemics is relevant, especially when the government response has been found to be poor. As far as I am concerned this came up because he was using his blog as a way of squirming out of the allegations. I don't get where you keep referring to internal memos, again did you even watch or read the transcript from the press conference? If you didn't I don't know how you can form any credible opinion.

Regardless of this, to amend his blog on the 14th of April is way too much coincidence. As I said before he knew the shit was going to hit the fan, this was part of his cover-up.

In regards to his story, and yes it is a story the one thing he cannot justify over everything else is his visual impairment driving 30 miles in the wrong direction to see if he can make it to London. If his eyesight is impaired he shouldn't get into a car period, and that's under any circumstance, not just a national lockdown.

Your last comment would be fair enough if it applied to a normal citizen, but it doesn't. It applies to the most senior civil servant in the land, who directly advises the Prime Minister on wait for it Policy matters. So if he is writing the rules, and blatantly disregarding them that is why so many people are peeved with him.

By the way, SAGE minutes are widely available across the internet to read about the scientific advice that was given to the government in the run-up to lockdown. That's how it's quite well known if you look hard enough that the lockdown directive came on the 7th of March. They said to lockdown within two weeks. Now for me, if you've been given this scientific advice you don't wait 14 days let alone 16 you act immediately.

During these 16 days, two major sporting events were allowed to take place.

And SAGE is an independent body, but Dominic Cummings in his own way has made sure he stuck his oar in when it came to their policy directives to the govt. He is a bad egg at all levels. The death rates and disastrous handling of care homes prove it.

People want DC out....not enough Tory revolt over the matter to be of any relevance yet. That could change, time will tell.

He isn't being hanged for a poor govt response ffs. He went to Durham remember - that is his alleged crime. The point about Pandemic writing is not relevant to his trip to Durham - don't you see that!! You are dragging in the seperate matter of the govt response. Irrelevant to what he is "accused" of doing. I have no intention of rewatching the presser but as I recall (I said that before - little clue!) he made no mention of where he wrote about Pandemics so you can't just turn to his blog and say that is what he was referring to unless you get him to say so which the leftie press missed out on because they were too het up with fake moral outrage and wanting him to apologise or spontaneously self combust. In a court of law you can't just assume it was his blog you have to prove it.

Oh please tell me all about the RTA 1988 and visual impairment.....I'm all eyes and ears! I'll save you bother, your generalised remark above is of course inaccurate, some would even say incorrect. To drive a car you have to be able to read a number plate from about 20m away, so as long as DC could do that then he was perfectly entitled to have a little test drive out and about. Of course it's a bit too late to prove the extent of any visual impairment now so that's just another irrelevance that a court would throw out. Next!

Oh DC is a civil servant now is sure?.....and the most senior one in the land sure about that too? Maybe you wrote that a bit too hastily eh? Mark Sedwell will be pissed to hear the news though. That statement gets thrown out too.

Oh and while we are correcting your work the full scientific advice, data, recommendations etc for SAGE will not be released until after the pandemic is over. There may have been some bits and pieces released but the full story hasn't been yet. I suggest that you hold fire until it becomes apparent who made the decisions about care homes etc before you start accusing people. I like a little bit of evidence to back a statement however from your post I can see you're not so fussy about that.

So in summary, if you don't like the fact that DC acted within the guidelines and thought for himself then send him a lockdown fine!
Last edited by Jock Gooner on Wed May 27, 2020 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Jock Gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Jock Gooner »

goonertux wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 12:27 pm
You know what Jock, there’s so much supposition in that long, drawn out, boring message. I clearly stated I was trying to avoid any aggro, but when the old bill take no prisoners, it can be difficult. And the Poll Tax riots? No, for your info I wasn’t there if that helps you. My criminal ways include doing 36mph in a 30 zone. Hang me! Not going back into the Scummings debate as you clearly think he is some sort of saint. Let’s just see how it pans out now, shall we? Hopefully gone by the end of the week and might take some more with him, with a bit of luck! Have a nice day.

Ok tux whatever you want but remember speed kills.

- hit someone in a car at 40mph - 90% chance of death

- hit someone in a car at 30mph - 50% chance of death

You be careful out there and no more fighting with the police either now, you hear me.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by DB10GOONER »

goonertux wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 10:36 am
DB10GOONER wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 10:21 am
Chaps can we please leave the personal jibes insults etc out of the debate? Thanks.
Sir, sir. Jock started it sir :wink: :lol:
:lol: :lol:

You boy! Tux! See me in my rooms after class boy! Arrive lubed and agape!


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