CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by DB10GOONER »

Northern Ireland reporting big increase in numbers. Looks like Sid's civil disobedience bollocks is going well..... :wink:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonersid »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:20 am
Northern Ireland reporting big increase in numbers. Looks like Sid's civil disobedience bollocks is going well..... :wink:
Bollox? I don’t think so!
Every *word censored* has gone covid mad!
Lying that they’ve got symptoms, so they can get tested, because they know someone who has tested positive!
It’s fucking nuts!
Derry has the one of the highest number of cases in the UK, we had 27 supposed “covid” related deaths during lockdown, we’ve had 2 since then, 2!!! and they were in their fucking 90’s! !
As I’ve said before, the whole thing is a “fear” media driven load of shite !
Being presided ovef by medical “experts” terrified of what might happen, rather than would happen!

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SteveO 35
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by SteveO 35 »

goonersid wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:09 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:20 am
Northern Ireland reporting big increase in numbers. Looks like Sid's civil disobedience bollocks is going well..... :wink:
Bollox? I don’t think so!
Every *word censored* has gone covid mad!
Lying that they’ve got symptoms, so they can get tested, because they know someone who has tested positive!
It’s fucking nuts!
Derry has the one of the highest number of cases in the UK, we had 27 supposed “covid” related deaths during lockdown, we’ve had 2 since then, 2!!! and they were in their fucking 90’s! !
As I’ve said before, the whole thing is a “fear” media driven load of shite !
Being presided ovef by medical “experts” terrified of what might happen, rather than would happen!
The average age for a COVID death in the UK is 82 - so a bit like pneumonia or flu then!

I did a bit more digging into the stats and indeed out of the 42,000+ deaths in the UK, literally just over 300 were aged 60 and under without any underlying health conditions.

We are going to wreck the lives of millions to protect the hundreds

nut flush gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

SteveO 35 wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:32 pm
goonersid wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:09 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:20 am
Northern Ireland reporting big increase in numbers. Looks like Sid's civil disobedience bollocks is going well..... :wink:
Bollox? I don’t think so!
Every *word censored* has gone covid mad!
Lying that they’ve got symptoms, so they can get tested, because they know someone who has tested positive!
It’s fucking nuts!
Derry has the one of the highest number of cases in the UK, we had 27 supposed “covid” related deaths during lockdown, we’ve had 2 since then, 2!!! and they were in their fucking 90’s! !
As I’ve said before, the whole thing is a “fear” media driven load of shite !
Being presided ovef by medical “experts” terrified of what might happen, rather than would happen!
The average age for a COVID death in the UK is 82 - so a bit like pneumonia or flu then!

I did a bit more digging into the stats and indeed out of the 42,000+ deaths in the UK, literally just over 300 were aged 60 and under without any underlying health conditions.

We are going to wreck the lives of millions to protect the hundreds
That's way too simplistic. If we go for herd immunity there will be a lot of collateral damage at all ages, not to mention an overwhelmed NHS. As I mentioned before its becoming clearer that there are long term health implications of getting COVID for some people. That in itself puts more pressure on health service. Anyone whose overweight is at risk of a nasty dose of COVID, it might not kill them but it can leave them in a bad way. 1 in 4 people are clinically obese in this country, and 62% overweight. Thats shocking. A lot of people are also hypocritical about the NHS too, the same people that were clapping them 5 months ago now want no lockdown even if it means hundreds more NHS staff will die, we've already lost more than 600 from the NHS and Social Care settings.

Sweden had a very mild lockdown and yet they still are having a recession.

We don't need a hard lockdown in the UK we just need to get through the next six months with all these covidiots winding their necks in and starting to do stuff like wearing masks. BUT, if people don't give a shit about social distancing etc then the local authorities should have the right to bring in more stringent measures. The vaccine and drugs that prevent death are on the way within the next 12 months.

I saw Donald Trump yesterday being interviewed on fox news, couldn't believe how he looked a week after diagnosis compared with Boris. One of those anti body drugs did the trick, and if they are approved by the FDA with clinical studies showing they can prevent deaths across the board then there is hope even before the vaccine is rolled out. The problem is his course of treatment cost 100,000 USD. Their healthcare system effectively values lives in $$$, we should make sure they never get close to ours.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonersid »

NFG, Stevo, just avoiding a tower quote post.
Stevo, you’re spot on and of those 300 deaths with no underlying conditions, most of them were from ethnic minorities, therefore allowing them to also be classed as “vulnerable” and so given the necessary info to keep themselves safe.
So that probably narrows down those who would slipped through the net to 40/50 ?
NFG, yourself and others keep on about the long term damage on covid victims health?
Overweight and obese people are already the biggest burden on the NHS, so it’s no surprise that if they contract and survive covid, that they will become an increased burden.
Therefore, in order to protect the NHS, may I suggest, banning fat people from takeaways and cake shops?
Also imposing £200 fines on any fat person caught eating a chocolate bar or a savoury snack!
We could extend it to healthy people purchasing fattie foods, which could potentially make them put on weight?
Very similar to covid restrictions, punishi all for the sake of the few, in order to protect the NHS :rubchin:

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SteveO 35
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by SteveO 35 »

goonersid wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:57 am
NFG, Stevo, just avoiding a tower quote post.
Stevo, you’re spot on and of those 300 deaths with no underlying conditions, most of them were from ethnic minorities, therefore allowing them to also be classed as “vulnerable” and so given the necessary info to keep themselves safe.
So that probably narrows down those who would slipped through the net to 40/50 ?
NFG, yourself and others keep on about the long term damage on covid victims health?
Overweight and obese people are already the biggest burden on the NHS, so it’s no surprise that if they contract and survive covid, that they will become an increased burden.
Therefore, in order to protect the NHS, may I suggest, banning fat people from takeaways and cake shops?
Also imposing £200 fines on any fat person caught eating a chocolate bar or a savoury snack!
We could extend it to healthy people purchasing fattie foods, which could potentially make them put on weight?
Very similar to covid restrictions, punishi all for the sake of the few, in order to protect the NHS :rubchin:
Agreed Sid - as I said in an earlier post 18m people a year die globally from cardiovascular illness. We have a problem here which is similar now to the US.....think of the strain that puts on the health service. There are two choices - ban all foods with a fat content of say more than 15%, or mitigate and educate through dietary advice, exercise, wider wellbeing coaching etc. Ultimately though if people want to eat burgers and pizzas every night and sit on a couch they are going to - would we hire marshals or empower the police to arrest people seen eating a kebab.

What people fail to get a grip on is when they say "implement the rules and impose strict penalties" what that actually means. Me and the missus went out in London last Friday, and 4 big builder type blokes got on the tube at Seven Sisters and made it clear they had no intention of wearing a mask and rode all the way to Victoria without them on. So, how do you 'implement the rules'? Put a marshall in every single tube coach, and every single bus operating all over the country. A lot of people wear them to get on, then drop them round their neck as soon as they get on. Similarly in shops - apart from grocery retail most of these businesses are on the brink and already making redundancies left, right and centre. So to "impose the rules" what are we suggesting? That they all employ an army of security staff ready to pounce on the first person without a mask

The army and the police are already overloaded, and believe it or not there's still a world of knife crime and burglary out there which I'd rather our officers attend to, than checking if a couple of spotty yoof have put their masks on

Right from the start the Government said we are going to have 'live with this virus'. Just like we have to live with climate change, pollution, obesity and god knows how many other forms of disease. Living with something means you can't get rid of it. It means everyone has to apply their own common sense and mitigate where possible. What it doesn't mean is that you close massive sections of industry and put 8% of the country's working population out of work and leave our youngsters with a debt burden that will last for decades. The Government only just repaid the first world war debt about 5 years ago!

There will be a sad human cost of this virus - there already is, and it will get worse. It can't be avoided, it can only be mitigated......and before we say "just enforce the rules" people need to understand from a logistical and cost point of view what that means. Its a simple phrase, but implementing it is far from simple or cost effective

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by GoonerMuzz »

But, but, but Sid/SteveO that would imply that it isn't ALL the states fault, and that individuals might have to accept responsibility for themselves for once, we cant have that we must be able to blame the Tories and Boris for everything :banghead:

The other thing that needs to be understood is that with a predicted 4M people unemployed by April next year the absolutely huge additional cost and burden this will create on the Welfare State, NHS and Local Council resources is staggering, right now the Government can borrow against its tax receipts but eventually the loss of tax receipts worldwide will begin to be felt and borrowing will begin to be cut back to protect the lenders when this happens the entire world economy will begin to tank, really, really tank, massive inflation will happen, more jobs will be lost, less tax receipts and so on and on, you'll be looking at the great depression of the 20's but on a scale never seen before.

Now I know someone is going to come along and tell me how wrong I am but having been to places where economies have failed and seen how bad things can get and how people treat each other over various tribal/ethnic/religious/racial or nationalist differences when this happens and the blame game starts i really really hope some people can climb out of their little bubbles and smell the unrest brewing nationwide already over the lockdown, fines, rule changes etc etc.

The tolerance of human nature is not limitless and more and more people are questioning why they are having to put their lives entirely on hold to protect a minority especially amongst the younger adults below 45, by the way I fall in to that minority due to my kidneys no longer operating very well, and actually I agree with them, the risks to 60M+ People have to be weighed against the risks to the 2 or 3M of us 'vulnerables' unfortunately and as time goes on there is only one way the scales of public opinion is going to go. Long term damage from Covid also has to be weighed against likelihood and again so far the percentage of people definitely suffering is low, the effects may be devastating and life changing but to be able to deal with these problems in the future we need an NHS and Welfare state which if the economy is not restarted properly soon we may not be able to pay for :roll:

nut flush gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

SteveO 35 wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:11 am
goonersid wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:57 am
NFG, Stevo, just avoiding a tower quote post.
Stevo, you’re spot on and of those 300 deaths with no underlying conditions, most of them were from ethnic minorities, therefore allowing them to also be classed as “vulnerable” and so given the necessary info to keep themselves safe.
So that probably narrows down those who would slipped through the net to 40/50 ?
NFG, yourself and others keep on about the long term damage on covid victims health?
Overweight and obese people are already the biggest burden on the NHS, so it’s no surprise that if they contract and survive covid, that they will become an increased burden.
Therefore, in order to protect the NHS, may I suggest, banning fat people from takeaways and cake shops?
Also imposing £200 fines on any fat person caught eating a chocolate bar or a savoury snack!
We could extend it to healthy people purchasing fattie foods, which could potentially make them put on weight?
Very similar to covid restrictions, punishi all for the sake of the few, in order to protect the NHS :rubchin:
Agreed Sid - as I said in an earlier post 18m people a year die globally from cardiovascular illness. We have a problem here which is similar now to the US.....think of the strain that puts on the health service. There are two choices - ban all foods with a fat content of say more than 15%, or mitigate and educate through dietary advice, exercise, wider wellbeing coaching etc. Ultimately though if people want to eat burgers and pizzas every night and sit on a couch they are going to - would we hire marshals or empower the police to arrest people seen eating a kebab.

What people fail to get a grip on is when they say "implement the rules and impose strict penalties" what that actually means. Me and the missus went out in London last Friday, and 4 big builder type blokes got on the tube at Seven Sisters and made it clear they had no intention of wearing a mask and rode all the way to Victoria without them on. So, how do you 'implement the rules'? Put a marshall in every single tube coach, and every single bus operating all over the country. A lot of people wear them to get on, then drop them round their neck as soon as they get on. Similarly in shops - apart from grocery retail most of these businesses are on the brink and already making redundancies left, right and centre. So to "impose the rules" what are we suggesting? That they all employ an army of security staff ready to pounce on the first person without a mask

The army and the police are already overloaded, and believe it or not there's still a world of knife crime and burglary out there which I'd rather our officers attend to, than checking if a couple of spotty yoof have put their masks on

Right from the start the Government said we are going to have 'live with this virus'. Just like we have to live with climate change, pollution, obesity and god knows how many other forms of disease. Living with something means you can't get rid of it. It means everyone has to apply their own common sense and mitigate where possible. What it doesn't mean is that you close massive sections of industry and put 8% of the country's working population out of work and leave our youngsters with a debt burden that will last for decades. The Government only just repaid the first world war debt about 5 years ago!

There will be a sad human cost of this virus - there already is, and it will get worse. It can't be avoided, it can only be mitigated......and before we say "just enforce the rules" people need to understand from a logistical and cost point of view what that means. Its a simple phrase, but implementing it is far from simple or cost effective
It's for that reason that I use my car now or even walk a lot more if I need to go somewhere locally. Haven't been on the tube since the last Arsenal game.

In a supermarket I wouldn't have a problem asking someone politely to either step away from me if they don't wear a mask. That's pretty much telling them not to come near me you fucker because you think your special. It also cuts out the embarassing part of a conversation with someone saying I have a medical condition that exempts them.

With regards to the economy, china had about the most severe lockdown in the world and yet things are pretty much back to normal now with the economy growing again. So my question is, why do we always seem to do worse than places like the US and China. ... neill.html

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SteveO 35
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by SteveO 35 »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:29 am
SteveO 35 wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:11 am
goonersid wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:57 am
NFG, Stevo, just avoiding a tower quote post.
Stevo, you’re spot on and of those 300 deaths with no underlying conditions, most of them were from ethnic minorities, therefore allowing them to also be classed as “vulnerable” and so given the necessary info to keep themselves safe.
So that probably narrows down those who would slipped through the net to 40/50 ?
NFG, yourself and others keep on about the long term damage on covid victims health?
Overweight and obese people are already the biggest burden on the NHS, so it’s no surprise that if they contract and survive covid, that they will become an increased burden.
Therefore, in order to protect the NHS, may I suggest, banning fat people from takeaways and cake shops?
Also imposing £200 fines on any fat person caught eating a chocolate bar or a savoury snack!
We could extend it to healthy people purchasing fattie foods, which could potentially make them put on weight?
Very similar to covid restrictions, punishi all for the sake of the few, in order to protect the NHS :rubchin:
Agreed Sid - as I said in an earlier post 18m people a year die globally from cardiovascular illness. We have a problem here which is similar now to the US.....think of the strain that puts on the health service. There are two choices - ban all foods with a fat content of say more than 15%, or mitigate and educate through dietary advice, exercise, wider wellbeing coaching etc. Ultimately though if people want to eat burgers and pizzas every night and sit on a couch they are going to - would we hire marshals or empower the police to arrest people seen eating a kebab.

What people fail to get a grip on is when they say "implement the rules and impose strict penalties" what that actually means. Me and the missus went out in London last Friday, and 4 big builder type blokes got on the tube at Seven Sisters and made it clear they had no intention of wearing a mask and rode all the way to Victoria without them on. So, how do you 'implement the rules'? Put a marshall in every single tube coach, and every single bus operating all over the country. A lot of people wear them to get on, then drop them round their neck as soon as they get on. Similarly in shops - apart from grocery retail most of these businesses are on the brink and already making redundancies left, right and centre. So to "impose the rules" what are we suggesting? That they all employ an army of security staff ready to pounce on the first person without a mask

The army and the police are already overloaded, and believe it or not there's still a world of knife crime and burglary out there which I'd rather our officers attend to, than checking if a couple of spotty yoof have put their masks on

Right from the start the Government said we are going to have 'live with this virus'. Just like we have to live with climate change, pollution, obesity and god knows how many other forms of disease. Living with something means you can't get rid of it. It means everyone has to apply their own common sense and mitigate where possible. What it doesn't mean is that you close massive sections of industry and put 8% of the country's working population out of work and leave our youngsters with a debt burden that will last for decades. The Government only just repaid the first world war debt about 5 years ago!

There will be a sad human cost of this virus - there already is, and it will get worse. It can't be avoided, it can only be mitigated......and before we say "just enforce the rules" people need to understand from a logistical and cost point of view what that means. Its a simple phrase, but implementing it is far from simple or cost effective
It's for that reason that I use my car now or even walk a lot more if I need to go somewhere locally. Haven't been on the tube since the last Arsenal game.

In a supermarket I wouldn't have a problem asking someone politely to either step away from me if they don't wear a mask. That's pretty much telling them not to come near me you fucker because you think your special. It also cuts out the embarassing part of a conversation with someone saying I have a medical condition that exempts them.

With regards to the economy, china had about the most severe lockdown in the world and yet things are pretty much back to normal now with the economy growing again. So my question is, why do we always seem to do worse than places like the US and China. ... neill.html
Can't disagree with that and I have challenged people on numerous occasions, usually to be told that they're an asthma sufferer (amazing how many of those have recently all gone shopping together) or given the 'what the f+++ is it to do with you' disdainful look. China is a thriving manufacturing economy - most of the stuff people buy from Amazon is sourced from there. We are a service economy and make less stuff than ever before - its why ours is worst hit, because we aren't generating any tourism revenue, whilst financial services from things like mergers and acquisitions have dropped. Look at the redundancies we are announcing - they are all airlines, high street retailers etc. There haven't been as many manufacturers to the best of my knowledge?

China's lockdown was extreme in Wuhan and less extreme elsewhere - they contained it by insisting people basically didn't leave their city, or often their house for weeks on end. We didn't do that to anywhere near the same degree. We were one of very few countries that didn't lock its borders or impose any form of quarantine to those on arrival, and we allowed things like the Cheltenham festival and CL football matches to go ahead until it was too late. The science bods believe that when we weren't testing people properly the level of infections could have been as high as 100,000 per day. Once it's at that level, containment goes out of the window. Mistakes were made too early sadly - Boris was busy shaking hands, and Trump dismissing it as seasonal flu when China implemented extreme lockdown

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by augie »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:26 am
SteveO 35 wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:32 pm
goonersid wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:09 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:20 am
Northern Ireland reporting big increase in numbers. Looks like Sid's civil disobedience bollocks is going well..... :wink:
Bollox? I don’t think so!
Every *word censored* has gone covid mad!
Lying that they’ve got symptoms, so they can get tested, because they know someone who has tested positive!
It’s fucking nuts!
Derry has the one of the highest number of cases in the UK, we had 27 supposed “covid” related deaths during lockdown, we’ve had 2 since then, 2!!! and they were in their fucking 90’s! !
As I’ve said before, the whole thing is a “fear” media driven load of shite !
Being presided ovef by medical “experts” terrified of what might happen, rather than would happen!
The average age for a COVID death in the UK is 82 - so a bit like pneumonia or flu then!

I did a bit more digging into the stats and indeed out of the 42,000+ deaths in the UK, literally just over 300 were aged 60 and under without any underlying health conditions.

We are going to wreck the lives of millions to protect the hundreds
That's way too simplistic. If we go for herd immunity there will be a lot of collateral damage at all ages, not to mention an overwhelmed NHS. As I mentioned before its becoming clearer that there are long term health implications of getting COVID for some people. That in itself puts more pressure on health service. Anyone whose overweight is at risk of a nasty dose of COVID, it might not kill them but it can leave them in a bad way. 1 in 4 people are clinically obese in this country, and 62% overweight. Thats shocking. A lot of people are also hypocritical about the NHS too, the same people that were clapping them 5 months ago now want no lockdown even if it means hundreds more NHS staff will die, we've already lost more than 600 from the NHS and Social Care settings.

Sweden had a very mild lockdown and yet they still are having a recession.

We don't need a hard lockdown in the UK we just need to get through the next six months with all these covidiots winding their necks in and starting to do stuff like wearing masks. BUT, if people don't give a shit about social distancing etc then the local authorities should have the right to bring in more stringent measures. The vaccine and drugs that prevent death are on the way within the next 12 months.

I saw Donald Trump yesterday being interviewed on fox news, couldn't believe how he looked a week after diagnosis compared with Boris. One of those anti body drugs did the trick, and if they are approved by the FDA with clinical studies showing they can prevent deaths across the board then there is hope even before the vaccine is rolled out. The problem is his course of treatment cost 100,000 USD. Their healthcare system effectively values lives in $$$, we should make sure they never get close to ours.

Obesity is a self inflicted "illness" so should they be entitled to take away resources from those seriously ill with co-vid ? I make no bones about it when I say that I am slightly overweight and have a serious weakness with chocolate etc, and I absolutely agree that there should be some sort of a "fat levy" on all confectionary, but I dont feel that I am entitled to medical care at a time of a global pandemic.

This clapping health care workers really fcuk me off if I'm honest - their jobs are far less life threatening than that of cops, soldiers etc, but I dont think we have ever seen a day or time when a country has been expected to come to a standstill for them :roll: If any of us went in to a hospital 12 months ago and in a fair percentage of cases we would be left sitting around for hours waiting to be seen whilst staff "shoot the breeze" :evil: My wifes friend works as an A & E nurse and believe me when I tell you that she was absolutely taking the piss when it came to taking days off when she didnt feel like going in - c.unts like her are now being forced to actually work for their wages for the first time in years, and I dont think that they are entitled to any type of special apprecaition that any other person doing their job in either the private or public sector

I have to say that, even those none of us like wearing masks, is it such a big sacrifice for people to wear them ? Some absolute c.unts are having a second protest in dublin today where a few thousand are expecting to attend to register their opposition to being forced to wear masks as it infringes their civil liberties - what absolute c.unts these people are :evil: :evil: It is one thing for an individual to move around on their own without wearing a mask (and I dont agree with that either), but for hundreds of thousands of them to congregate together is totally unacceptable to me. As for this civil liberties bollox ...... these are the same c.unts that would be protesting with trump supporters for their right to carry arms despite the absolute mayhem such a policy is causing :roll: :censored: :censored:

Anyway nutflush, please lets not use anything that dangerous b.ast.ard in america is doing as the way forward - do we actually believe that he has the fcuking virus and that it isnt some election tactic ? For someone who seems so concerned about potential collateral damage, I am amazed that you would even for a second think about using unproven and unauthorised vaccinations :shock:

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SteveO 35
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by SteveO 35 »

augie wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:24 am
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:26 am
SteveO 35 wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:32 pm
goonersid wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:09 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:20 am
Northern Ireland reporting big increase in numbers. Looks like Sid's civil disobedience bollocks is going well..... :wink:
Bollox? I don’t think so!
Every *word censored* has gone covid mad!
Lying that they’ve got symptoms, so they can get tested, because they know someone who has tested positive!
It’s fucking nuts!
Derry has the one of the highest number of cases in the UK, we had 27 supposed “covid” related deaths during lockdown, we’ve had 2 since then, 2!!! and they were in their fucking 90’s! !
As I’ve said before, the whole thing is a “fear” media driven load of shite !
Being presided ovef by medical “experts” terrified of what might happen, rather than would happen!
The average age for a COVID death in the UK is 82 - so a bit like pneumonia or flu then!

I did a bit more digging into the stats and indeed out of the 42,000+ deaths in the UK, literally just over 300 were aged 60 and under without any underlying health conditions.

We are going to wreck the lives of millions to protect the hundreds
That's way too simplistic. If we go for herd immunity there will be a lot of collateral damage at all ages, not to mention an overwhelmed NHS. As I mentioned before its becoming clearer that there are long term health implications of getting COVID for some people. That in itself puts more pressure on health service. Anyone whose overweight is at risk of a nasty dose of COVID, it might not kill them but it can leave them in a bad way. 1 in 4 people are clinically obese in this country, and 62% overweight. Thats shocking. A lot of people are also hypocritical about the NHS too, the same people that were clapping them 5 months ago now want no lockdown even if it means hundreds more NHS staff will die, we've already lost more than 600 from the NHS and Social Care settings.

Sweden had a very mild lockdown and yet they still are having a recession.

We don't need a hard lockdown in the UK we just need to get through the next six months with all these covidiots winding their necks in and starting to do stuff like wearing masks. BUT, if people don't give a shit about social distancing etc then the local authorities should have the right to bring in more stringent measures. The vaccine and drugs that prevent death are on the way within the next 12 months.

I saw Donald Trump yesterday being interviewed on fox news, couldn't believe how he looked a week after diagnosis compared with Boris. One of those anti body drugs did the trick, and if they are approved by the FDA with clinical studies showing they can prevent deaths across the board then there is hope even before the vaccine is rolled out. The problem is his course of treatment cost 100,000 USD. Their healthcare system effectively values lives in $$$, we should make sure they never get close to ours.

Obesity is a self inflicted "illness" so should they be entitled to take away resources from those seriously ill with co-vid ? I make no bones about it when I say that I am slightly overweight and have a serious weakness with chocolate etc, and I absolutely agree that there should be some sort of a "fat levy" on all confectionary, but I dont feel that I am entitled to medical care at a time of a global pandemic.

This clapping health care workers really fcuk me off if I'm honest - their jobs are far less life threatening than that of cops, soldiers etc, but I dont think we have ever seen a day or time when a country has been expected to come to a standstill for them :roll: If any of us went in to a hospital 12 months ago and in a fair percentage of cases we would be left sitting around for hours waiting to be seen whilst staff "shoot the breeze" :evil: My wifes friend works as an A & E nurse and believe me when I tell you that she was absolutely taking the piss when it came to taking days off when she didnt feel like going in - c.unts like her are now being forced to actually work for their wages for the first time in years, and I dont think that they are entitled to any type of special apprecaition that any other person doing their job in either the private or public sector

I have to say that, even those none of us like wearing masks, is it such a big sacrifice for people to wear them ? Some absolute c.unts are having a second protest in dublin today where a few thousand are expecting to attend to register their opposition to being forced to wear masks as it infringes their civil liberties - what absolute c.unts these people are :evil: :evil: It is one thing for an individual to move around on their own without wearing a mask (and I dont agree with that either), but for hundreds of thousands of them to congregate together is totally unacceptable to me. As for this civil liberties bollox ...... these are the same c.unts that would be protesting with trump supporters for their right to carry arms despite the absolute mayhem such a policy is causing :roll: :censored: :censored:

Anyway nutflush, please lets not use anything that dangerous b.ast.ard in america is doing as the way forward - do we actually believe that he has the fcuking virus and that it isnt some election tactic ? For someone who seems so concerned about potential collateral damage, I am amazed that you would even for a second think about using unproven and unauthorised vaccinations :shock:
Calm down mate - its been 2 days since Matt Doherty's penalty miss :wink:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonersid »

Going to play devils advocat here Augie.
Why should I, or a father of 6 kids pay more for a chocolate bar or an occasional takeaway?
I’m not poking fun at any one who is overweight or obese, but as you say, it is self inflicted.
Paying for any obesity related hospital treatment would be a better option.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by A11M11 »

Paying for any obesity related hospital treatment would be a better option.

But who would collect the money and what if the patient could'nt pay ?
Already we know that the NHS loses a fortune on not claiming money back from foreign patients because they claim that it's not financially viable to chase people that have left the country. We also know that insurance details are never questioned at the point of treatment and also obesity itself is not always due to a diet of crisps , chocolate and beer , as nice as that sounds , Some people are genetically designed to be bigger than others .
What measure is to be used to detect obesity as the BMI invented many years ago is no longer reliable .

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonersid »

A11M11 wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:09 pm
Paying for any obesity related hospital treatment would be a better option.

But who would collect the money and what if the patient could'nt pay ?
Already we know that the NHS loses a fortune on not claiming money back from foreign patients because they claim that it's not financially viable to chase people that have left the country. We also know that insurance details are never questioned at the point of treatment and also obesity itself is not always due to a diet of crisps , chocolate and beer , as nice as that sounds , Some people are genetically designed to be bigger than others .
What measure is to be used to detect obesity as the BMI invented many years ago is no longer reliable .
That’s not true mate, there are only a few cases where obesity has been attributed to genes.
It’s environmental, if your parents are obese then there’s a good chance you’ll be obese, simply due to poor diet.
Any programme I’ve ever watched on obesity, usually has an obese person blaming everything, but their diet.
On hospital treatment, simply refuse it if they don’t show true intent to lose weight.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by augie »

goonersid wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:50 pm
A11M11 wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:09 pm
Paying for any obesity related hospital treatment would be a better option.

But who would collect the money and what if the patient could'nt pay ?
Already we know that the NHS loses a fortune on not claiming money back from foreign patients because they claim that it's not financially viable to chase people that have left the country. We also know that insurance details are never questioned at the point of treatment and also obesity itself is not always due to a diet of crisps , chocolate and beer , as nice as that sounds , Some people are genetically designed to be bigger than others .
What measure is to be used to detect obesity as the BMI invented many years ago is no longer reliable .
That’s not true mate, there are only a few cases where obesity has been attributed to genes.
It’s environmental, if your parents are obese then there’s a good chance you’ll be obese, simply due to poor diet.
Any programme I’ve ever watched on obesity, usually has an obese person blaming everything, but their diet.
On hospital treatment, simply refuse it if they don’t show true intent to lose weight.

An obese man who lives a few miles away from me has suffered with mobility in recent years and uses a motorised scooter/wheelchair type of thing to get around - a few days ago the man fell out of his bed and the fire brigade had to be called and it took EIGHT of them to lift him back onto his bead :lol: :lol: :lol:

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