Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

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Should We (UK) Bomb Syria?

I don't know
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Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by OneBardGooner »

I know that the Terrorists are evil and will stop at Nothing to achieve their aims - a world of one extremist religion..and they are to be fought on all fronts - But to bomb Syria will also kill many thousands of innocent people - I do not think we should bomb Syria - If anything put troops in there..and finish them off once and for all...though of course having said that - Terrorism can never truly be defeated and removed , as it only takes one person to commit acts of terrorism for it to still be alive....Yes the terrorists must be stopped but they first need to be isolated - then destroyed....and surely the only way for that to be achieved is by troops and not bombing...

There is no easy answer or solution....for Osama Bin Laden spoke of a hundred year war - perhaps he meant the 1,000 year war - as I just don't see a way of ending terrorism within the next 10 decades...not without destroying half the world or worse....

I know that Tony Benn had his detractors...But I went to an evening's audience with him some 20 years ago and he was an amazing speaker, raconteur and spoke with a passion and artistry that we so rarely see in politics these days... hence the link...I wonder what he thinks of his son who actually votes for the bombing..

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by northbank123 »

You're too late, they had a vote on it and everything :lol:

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by augie »

Of course they should bomb Syria but they should also send troops in on the ground. The problem is that there are far too many countries who want to talk the talk when it comes to terrorism, but don't want to walk the walk and do something about it :roll: Would france have ever bombed Syria if it wasn't for the attacks on paris ? Not in a million fcuking years :roll:

I also cannot understand the process where the English prime minister has to go to parliament to get permission to launch attacks - if the man is voted in as prime minister, then isn't it his job to make decisions like this ? :? The president/prime minister or whoever, is supposed to be the person running the country and as such should be making decisions like this without asking someone else to decide for him :oops:

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by augie »

Obviously there are at least 2 people who disagree with me (as the voting shows right now), so I am curious to know what action they believe that the western countries should take - should the uk wait until AFTER isis attack London (more likely that other uk cities imo) ?

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by northbank123 »

Technically Augie he isn't elected by the people as Prime Minister. I don't think parliamentary oversight is a bad thing at all and an inevitable consequence of the mess in Iraq. It's not a legal requirement but has become a convention since then.

I just wonder what the fuck the point in the UN is at times like this. This is A massive potentially politically unifying event, which could in theory bring the West, Russia and China closer together and working in tandem. Yet the national governments are all acting independent as they please, in their own self-interests. Meanwhile the vaunted UN release a damning resolution saying that ISIS are basically baddies.

Not pretending that it is an easy diplomatic solution but let's be honest, the only real solution here is coordinated bombing campaign combined with ground support and a political solution. Islamist extremism is sadly here to stay and this mess will take decades to sort out, but from a military point of view a targeted coordinated campaign could decimated Isis within a few months. They are better financed and trained than predecessors but ultimately once you start taking territory back they will become far less attractive and will lose numbers rapidly. The longer we effectively sit on our hands with this incoherent mess, the bigger and more dangerous they will become and the more difficult to eradicate.

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by arseofacrow »

Get tribal leaders in the region onside and attack the problem from this angle.

No to bombing, We're just going to kill more innocent people and alienate another generation of people.

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by Skooner »

There isn’t a right or wrong option here in my opinion. Although I think you can split out the debate into a few areas:

1) Will the bombing make Britain safer? In the short term no, if anything probably slightly less safe as the action will move us up the list of targets. Winning the battle overall will make us safer but everyone agrees just air attacks will not win the battle.

2) Will the bombing cause additional civilians deaths? Maybe, but I think that part of the argument is being overplayed for two reasons.

Firstly the bombs are so much more sophisticated now that they are much more accurate and generally cause less collateral damage. When people think of bombing they remember the “Shock & Awe” assault that the US led in Afghanistan post 9/11. This bombing will not be like that.

Secondly, the bombing is in part being used to reduce the capabilities of the terrorists, these particular terrorists have been very happy to slaughter thousands of civilians at a time for not being one of them. So from a civilian point of view, you may end up being one of the relatively few that gets hit by one of the bombs, or you community could be ransacked by these nutcases. Is the bombing therefore increasing or potentially decreasing the civilian casualty overall?

3) Lastly, and in relation to the answer to the first question, what is the expected outcome of doing the bombing? Clearly the bombing is being done in the hope that it gives the other “armies” on the ground the upper hand and they can drive ISIS out. No one seems to think this is actually likely and to beat them will need a significant ground force of properly trained armed forces.

So if I was voting on whether Britain should be bombing, question one makes me want to vote against, question two is something we don’t have conclusive numbers either way and question three suggests we should be more than just dropping bombs.

So in conclusion I don't know whether we should be or not :? :? :?

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by casgooner »

augie wrote:Of course they should bomb Syria but they should also send troops in on the ground. The problem is that there are far too many countries who want to talk the talk when it comes to terrorism, but don't want to walk the walk and do something about it :roll: Would france have ever bombed Syria if it wasn't for the attacks on paris ? Not in a million fcuking years :roll:

I also cannot understand the process where the English prime minister has to go to parliament to get permission to launch attacks - if the man is voted in as prime minister, then isn't it his job to make decisions like this ? :? The president/prime minister or whoever, is supposed to be the person running the country and as such should be making decisions like this without asking someone else to decide for him :oops:
I think France was bombing Syria before the Paris attacks, that's why they were attacked. I think it's right that Parliament should vote on a big decision like this one. Do I think we should bomb? I don't know, but I don't think it will make any difference in terms of ISIS attacking the UK, they've tried many times in the last few months and failed. I don't like the fact the innocent Syrian civilians might get killed, but they are being killed by ISIS and Assad right now.

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by Sean »

I'd support an isolationist foreign policy and leave everyone else in the world the fuck alone and enforce our borders. We have enough problems in Britain without getting into yet another unwinnable 'Vietnam'.

It is happening anyway and it is ridiculous. The treasonous bastards in parliament are basically saying 'Fuck the money this is costing the taxpayers; fuck the national debt and fuck the economy'. The public will never have a say in anything that is important. We also have the perfect group of potential fifth columnists inside the country ready to strike at any time, as they did with 7/7.

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind the Yanks just nuking the Middle East and just be fucking done with it. I am so sick of it.


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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by Rosie_titters »

i think it's a damn if you and damn if you don't situation.

Air strikers are only going to cause more problems and major cities will continue to bombed and random shootings.

But if we don't do fuck all ISIS will continue to do what they want, know there will be no reprecussions.

Not sure what the answer is :?

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by QuartzGooner »

Because ISIS have already killed many British civilians and plotted numerous atrocities in the UK.

So you have to fight back.

Smart bombs are only as focussed as the intelligence that selects the target
You have to expect that merciless murderers such as ISIS will use civilian human shield hostages for PR purposes in their main centres of operation, in order that the civilians die when the bombs fall.

So many of you on here criticised Israel for fighting back in Gaza...well welcome to Israel's world.



You want the UK to take an isolationist approach?
The UK has been deeply entrenched in Middle Eastern geopolitics for over 100 years, and is a net importer of oil and gas from the region, and it sells arms to the region.
It needs to secure that fuel supply, and make cash from arms.

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by Rugby Gooner »

These people hate us,and everything we stand for. They see Democracy, equality, political correctness, multi-culturalism,and freedom of expression as weaknesses,and things to exploit!
We should not only bomb the fuck out of their cess pool so-called Islamic state,but we should also root out the fuckers from the U.K. who enjoy all the benefits of living here,(in every sense of that word in some cases),yet passively support what these :censored: are doing| :twisted:

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by StuartL »

Rugby Gooner wrote:These people hate us,and everything we stand for. They see Democracy, equality, political correctness, multi-culturalism,and freedom of expression as weaknesses,and things to exploit!
We should not only bomb the fuck out of their cess pool so-called Islamic state,but we should also root out the fuckers from the U.K. who enjoy all the benefits of living here,(in every sense of that word in some cases),yet passively support what these :censored: are doing| :twisted:
What I don't understand is why the government stop British citizens who have been "turned" or radicalized from leaving these shores to journey to Syria - as far as I am concerned they are very welcome to join their brothers in arms as far away from these shores. ( and also catch the welcoming presents being dropped )

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by Top Londoner »

It's a NO from me.

I struggle to comprehend the bigger picture, but I think there is more to this than popular media explains or reports.
I don't think that its just the threat from ISIS. There are enemies within. :shock:
I wouldn't be averse to 'dismantling' the funding if ISIS. Turkey and Saudi Arabia for a start.
I don't think that Syria is a problem, I think that the European Union is.

Just my thoughts.

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Re: Should We (The UK) Bomb Syria ?

Post by OneBardGooner »


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