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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Wilson »

This intelligence report put together by this former MI6 guy, reckons the Russians filmed Trump in an orgy in a Moscow hotel doing plenty of weird stuff, and are now using it to blackmail him - hence Trump's unconditional love for Putin and Russia.

Normally I would bat this away as complete BS. But Trump comes across as a filthy individual with no regard for women. But then again, if it is true, were talking about the Russian President blackmailing the US President. So what of it? Down come the missile defence systems in Europe? Forget about the rest of Ukraine, and Poland for that matter? Lift sanctions......without explanation? Support Assad in Syria?

Has Putin pulled of the greatest masterstroke in history, or is this MI6 guy winding us all up?

Again, normally I would bat this type of stuff away, but with Trump, you just dont know the limits of the freak show. I literally believe he would be an unwitting Russian agent, as an alternative to the world seeing just how small his cock is, and just how unfit he is under those massive suits.

I dont mean to sound like a tin foiled hat conspiracy theorist, but its not just fringe websites citing this theory - CNN, BBC, Sky, CNBC and CBS have reported it.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by OneBardGooner »

I somehow don't ever see Fart making this kind of speech..farewell or otherwise.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Wilson »

OneBardGooner wrote:I somehow don't ever see Fart making this kind of speech..farewell or otherwise.

Obama is a good orator.

As opposed to Trump, who for someone who hates immigrants, its ironic, as most Mexicans border crosses likely have a better command of the English language that he does.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Wilson wrote:
OneBardGooner wrote:I somehow don't ever see Fart making this kind of speech..farewell or otherwise.

Obama is a good orator.

As opposed to Trump, who for someone who hates immigrants, its ironic, as most Mexicans border crosses likely have a better command of the English language that he does.
The irony of your sentence structure, spelling and grammar is priceless! :lol: :wink:

I think you can probably untwist your knickers though. :lol: There is very little chance that Trumptard will serve a full term, never mind go for a second term. My money is still absolutely on him being impeached or assassinated long before those first four years are up. Trumptard served a purpose; he stopped another criminal scumbag lying Clinton piece of shit getting the Presidency. But, in fairness, even a convicted paedophile transgender Kardashian-owned gerbil with retardation issues could have stopped the Clinton cúnt, such is the hatred of her and her lying corrupt husband Blowjob Bill. :lol: 8)

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Allgunsblazin »

What a clever spy this MI6 agent was!...

He spills the alleged beans! then realises his life is in danger and decides to leave his cat with a neighbour and leaves his Surrey home to some unknown location, sorry but if this was a clever geezer he would have at least had some anonymity, obviously no fucking 007....
As for the US, as I keep saying they are fucked!
Maybe the Russkis had something on Obama as he was a pussy in dealing with them...
The family Obama walk into the sunset was so nauseating, honestly the First Lady strutting about like some fashion icon...
Anyway goodbye Liberal Obama, enjoy your 24 hour protection for the rest of your naturals....

As for Trump, I agree, I give it up to 6 months max, and he will be gone....

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by flash gunner »

Judging by the press conference yesterday the next 6 months or 4 years of Trump are going to be entertaining, if nothing else........

We might be dragged into World War 3 but we'll do it with a smile on our faces :lol:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

flash gunner wrote:Judging by the press conference yesterday the next 6 months or 4 years of Trump are going to be entertaining, if nothing else........

We might be dragged into World War 3 but we'll do it with a smile on our faces :lol:
:barscarf: :lol: :lol:

I'll always remember the day the Russians nuked us. Trump had just called Putin a peado on Twitter... oh how we laughed. :lol:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by flash gunner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
flash gunner wrote:Judging by the press conference yesterday the next 6 months or 4 years of Trump are going to be entertaining, if nothing else........

We might be dragged into World War 3 but we'll do it with a smile on our faces :lol:
:barscarf: :lol: :lol:

I'll always remember the day the Russians nuked us. Trump had just called Putin a peado on Twitter... oh how we laughed. :lol:
:lol: :shock: :?

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by OneBardGooner »


I wonder what the betting odds are on Trumptard getting assassinated ?

Worth a flutter surely?

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

flash gunner wrote:
DB10GOONER wrote:
flash gunner wrote:Judging by the press conference yesterday the next 6 months or 4 years of Trump are going to be entertaining, if nothing else........

We might be dragged into World War 3 but we'll do it with a smile on our faces :lol:
:barscarf: :lol: :lol:

I'll always remember the day the Russians nuked us. Trump had just called Putin a peado on Twitter... oh how we laughed. :lol:
:lol: :shock: :?
Wilson will spit testicles from his mouth to hear this, :lol: :wink: but Obama is such a small minded bitter little bastard that he is risking invoking a possible conflict with Russia just to leave a shit pile for Trumptard to deal with. In a less-chance-of-nuclear-war way, it's a bit like when the Clinton scum evacuated the White House and stole half the furniture and artworks and vandalised the place before the new administration moved in. :oops: :roll:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

OneBardGooner wrote: :rubchin:

I wonder what the betting odds are on Trumptard getting assassinated ?

Worth a flutter surely?
Odds on Trumptard not serving full term have gone in from 3/1 to 9/4... :(

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

flash gunner wrote:Judging by the press conference yesterday the next 6 months or 4 years of Trump are going to be entertaining, if nothing else........

We might be dragged into World War 3 but we'll do it with a smile on our faces :lol:
TBH I think we had more chance of WW3 with Hilarious Cunton at the helm. This is a woman that rabidly supported the 2009 increase in US troop levels in Afghanistan. During the Obama administration's Afghanistan War review in 2010, she endorsed General Stanley McChrystal's recommendation for 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan, before endorsing a fallback proposal (ultimately accepted by Obama) for 30,000 troops. As a Senator she voted to authorise the war. She strongly backed the Iraq invasion. Only after it turned out badly and threatened to damage her political career did she acknowledge her mistake and change her position.

She has supported every one of the last seven US military interventions abroad. Even as First Lady she pushed for US intervention in the Balkans—attacking the Bosnian Serbs and then Serbia. She was an enthusiastic war advocate, quoted as saying: “I urged him [Bill Clinton] to bomb.”

Have I also mentioned she is a lying corrupt filthy fucking cúnt? :rubchin:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by OneBardGooner »

flash gunner wrote:Judging by the press conference yesterday the next 6 months or 4 years of Trump are going to be entertaining, if nothing else........

We might be dragged into World War 3 but we'll do it with a smile on our faces :lol:

We might all fry but I bet Trump's wig would survive.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by OneBardGooner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
flash gunner wrote:Judging by the press conference yesterday the next 6 months or 4 years of Trump are going to be entertaining, if nothing else........

We might be dragged into World War 3 but we'll do it with a smile on our faces :lol:
TBH I think we had more chance of WW3 with Hilarious Cunton at the helm. This is a woman that rabidly supported the 2009 increase in US troop levels in Afghanistan. During the Obama administration's Afghanistan War review in 2010, she endorsed General Stanley McChrystal's recommendation for 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan, before endorsing a fallback proposal (ultimately accepted by Obama) for 30,000 troops. As a Senator she voted to authorise the war. She strongly backed the Iraq invasion. Only after it turned out badly and threatened to damage her political career did she acknowledge her mistake and change her position.

She has supported every one of the last seven US military interventions abroad. Even as First Lady she pushed for US intervention in the Balkans—attacking the Bosnian Serbs and then Serbia. She was an enthusiastic war advocate, quoted as saying: “I urged him [Bill Clinton] to bomb.”

Have I also mentioned she is a lying corrupt filthy fucking cúnt? :rubchin:

1. That may be to do with her (and her cunto husband) having large shares in one of the big arms manufacturers (in the Mid-west?)

2. No mate I don't think you have....but I think you just may have something there! :D

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Rugby Gooner »

I appreciate the fact that he maybe a liability,a egotist,and a Clintonesque sexual harasser,but he has been democratically elected by an agreed process,so why are all these wankers protesting,smashing windows,declaring that,"We will not accept this,"(Cher).
I am from the Left of politics,at one time involved with the Militant Tendency,and during the 80's had to watch the Conservatives,along with Thatcher the Milk Snatcher,win election after election.
As much as we didn't agree,and as much as we took to the streets to protest about their policies,(from nuclear weapons to poll tax),we NEVER questioned the democratic will of the electorate.
Today however,the politically correct Left,assume that they are so correct,that they are entitled to dispute any election/referendum result that they do not agree with.
It's democracy you idiots!
Give Trump enough rope and he will probably hang himself,but if you don't agree with the right of the electorate to determine the outcome of votes say so,so we know just where you stand.
I am off to listen to "Masters of War" by Bob Dylan,followed by some Bill Hicks

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