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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Wilson »

Its his sentiment that annoys me. Just because a country is a ''shithole'' doesnt mean it cant produce good people. Many of the people in these countries are good and can excel given the chance.

Lets Look at the Trumps shall we. Frederik Trump (Trumps grandfather) avoids service in WW1 despite being of age.

Trumps father Fred marched in a KKK rally in the 1920's and avoided service in WW2.

Trump avoided service in Vietnam due to bone spurs yet payed baseball while at the University of Pennsylvania.

And the Trump brats, none of which served in Iraq/Afghanistan.

So this family has flourished because of the chances afforded to them after Frederick migrated to the USA in the early 1900's, yet none have ever given back or fought for the USA despite having the chance to do so in every war going back to WW1.

This family is fuking repulsive, not just Trump, but every other branch of this tree.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Wilson wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:23 am
Its his sentiment that annoys me. Just because a country is a ''shithole'' doesnt mean it cant produce good people. Many of the people in these countries are good and can excel given the chance.

Lets Look at the Trumps shall we. Frederik Trump (Trumps grandfather) avoids service in WW1 despite being of age.

Trumps father Fred marched in a KKK rally in the 1920's and avoided service in WW2.

Trump avoided service in Vietnam due to bone spurs yet payed baseball while at the University of Pennsylvania.

And the Trump brats, none of which served in Iraq/Afghanistan.

So this family has flourished because of the chances afforded to them after Frederick migrated to the USA in the early 1900's, yet none have ever given back or fought for the USA despite having the chance to do so in every war going back to WW1.

This family is fuking repulsive, not just Trump, but every other branch of this tree.
You are in Australia. I'm assuming you are an Aussie citizen? If so, would you mind letting us know which wars your grandfather, father, you and your kids have fought in? Y'know, to "give something back" to Australia, the country that presumably one or more of your forefathers emigrated to?

With WWI, WWII, Vietnam, the First Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the War on ISIL to choose from, you and yours have had quite the opportunity to "give something back". Y'know, because otherwise you might come across as a typical hypocritical Clinton supporter/worshipper? :D :wink:

Don't bullshit, now.... I'll be requesting proof.... :D :wink:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Wilson »

I dont support wars though. And my point is, people in ''shithole'' countries are not bad just because they were born in a war zone or failed state. Im all for immigration to Australia, even when we have politicians who scoff at the idea of letting in Syrians and Iraqi's.

You dont think its hypocritical for the grandson of an immigrant who was born into wealth to deny others the chance to migrate to America and offer their kids a better life that they led?

Cmon, they just have different colour skin and dont speak the language............that it.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Wilson wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:54 pm
I dont support wars though. And my point is, people in ''shithole'' countries are not bad just because they were born in a war zone or failed state. Im all for immigration to Australia, even when we have politicians who scoff at the idea of letting in Syrians and Iraqi's.

You dont think its hypocritical for the grandson of an immigrant who was born into wealth to deny others the chance to migrate to America and offer their kids a better life that they led?

Cmon, they just have different colour skin and dont speak the language............that it.
Oh I do think it is extremely hypocritical. I'm a multiculturalist, once those immigrants are willing to work and pay taxes and respect their adopted countries traditions (within reason) and laws (to the letter of the law) then I'm all for it.

But I also think it's a tad hypocritical to criticize people for not fighting for their country when one is not prepared to do the same. For all we know, maybe the Trump morons are also pacifists? Not all right wing racist morons are warmongers you know - just 90% of them! :D :wink:

I'm surprised you don't support wars to be honest, given that you do support Hillary Clinton, who is a renowned and infamous warmonger. :rubchin:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Wilson »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:57 am
Wilson wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:54 pm
I dont support wars though. And my point is, people in ''shithole'' countries are not bad just because they were born in a war zone or failed state. Im all for immigration to Australia, even when we have politicians who scoff at the idea of letting in Syrians and Iraqi's.

You dont think its hypocritical for the grandson of an immigrant who was born into wealth to deny others the chance to migrate to America and offer their kids a better life that they led?

Cmon, they just have different colour skin and dont speak the language............that it.
Oh I do think it is extremely hypocritical. I'm a multiculturalist, once those immigrants are willing to work and pay taxes and respect their adopted countries traditions (within reason) and laws (to the letter of the law) then I'm all for it.

But I also think it's a tad hypocritical to criticize people for not fighting for their country when one is not prepared to do the same. For all we know, maybe the Trump morons are also pacifists? Not all right wing racist morons are warmongers you know - just 90% of them! :D :wink:

I'm surprised you don't support wars to be honest, given that you do support Hillary Clinton, who is a renowned and infamous warmonger. :rubchin:

I dont support Hillary, she was just a better alternative, which is evident know given the freak show Trump is offering up.

Hillary biggest crime is she is boring, a nerd more concerned with policy and governing, than entertaining and performing. it really is a sign of the times when Trump is the President of the USA. Im not a blind liberal, for instance I think the idea of Oprah Winfrey for President s silly. She is a TV talk show host, just like Trump was a reality TV star and businessmen who under performed the market and almost lost the family fortune created his his father, Fred Trump.

But for some reason, having a capable experienced person in power is not important to the American people - they want theatrics and showboating.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Wilson wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:34 am
DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:57 am
Wilson wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:54 pm
I dont support wars though. And my point is, people in ''shithole'' countries are not bad just because they were born in a war zone or failed state. Im all for immigration to Australia, even when we have politicians who scoff at the idea of letting in Syrians and Iraqi's.

You dont think its hypocritical for the grandson of an immigrant who was born into wealth to deny others the chance to migrate to America and offer their kids a better life that they led?

Cmon, they just have different colour skin and dont speak the language............that it.
Oh I do think it is extremely hypocritical. I'm a multiculturalist, once those immigrants are willing to work and pay taxes and respect their adopted countries traditions (within reason) and laws (to the letter of the law) then I'm all for it.

But I also think it's a tad hypocritical to criticize people for not fighting for their country when one is not prepared to do the same. For all we know, maybe the Trump morons are also pacifists? Not all right wing racist morons are warmongers you know - just 90% of them! :D :wink:

I'm surprised you don't support wars to be honest, given that you do support Hillary Clinton, who is a renowned and infamous warmonger. :rubchin:

I dont support Hillary, she was just a better alternative, which is evident know given the freak show Trump is offering up.

Hillary biggest crime is she is boring, a nerd more concerned with policy and governing, than entertaining and performing. it really is a sign of the times when Trump is the President of the USA. Im not a blind liberal, for instance I think the idea of Oprah Winfrey for President s silly. She is a TV talk show host, just like Trump was a reality TV star and businessmen who under performed the market and almost lost the family fortune created his his father, Fred Trump.

But for some reason, having a capable experienced person in power is not important to the American people - they want theatrics and showboating.
You are so wrong on most of that mate. Hillary is detested because, like Bill, she is an arrogant corrupt lying criminal. THAT is what drove the yanks to vote for a moron. Her constant lies, fake smile and waving at people in the crowd showed she has no substance. They looked at Trump and thought, well he's a moron but at least he is openly saying what he believes (no matter how stupid most of what he believes is). Ironically, Trump came out looking like the "honest" candidate and Clinton just enforced the impression that she is a liar.

The Democrats must have had a collective brainfart to think she could beat anyone. If they had put up anyone else, Trump would never have been elected. South Park nailed it with their vote for a "turd sandwich or a giant douche" episodes. :lol:

The American people voted for stupidity over evil. :D :wink:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by Wilson »

Are you one of those people who believes in the 'Clinton body count'?

The Clineotns are not perfect, yes Bill loves his women too much, and yes Hillary is an entitled robot. But the very worst things said about the Clintons is mostly rubbish.

I always wondered why the hatred for Bill. Budget surplus, amazing economy, over 200% gains in the stock market, no silly wars, no major fuck ups. However, he had a consensual affair with an intern which makes him the devil in some eyes.

Trumps only 1 year into whats only going to be 4 years as POTUS, he still has more than enough time to cause a major crisis. And when it does the democrat need to remind everyone they told them so. They need to do more of that, they never reminded the American people the Iraq War would never have happened if Gore beat Bush.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Wilson wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:30 am
Are you one of those people who believes in the Clinton body count?

The Clineotns are not perfect, yes Bill loves his women too much, and yes Hillary is an entitled robot. But the very worst things said about the Clintons is mostly rubbish.

I always wondered why the hatred for Bill. Budget surplus, amazing economy, over 200% gains in the stock market, no silly wars, no major fuck ups. However, he had a consensual affair with an intern which makes him the devil in some eyes.

Trumps only 1 year into whats only going to be 4 years as POTUS, he still has more than enough time to cause a major crisis. And when it does the democrat need to remind everyone they told them so. They need to do more of that, they never reminded the American people the Iraq War would never have happened if Gore beat Bush.
Jesus Christ mate. I have already shredded every single pro-Clinton point you just made earlier on this thread and you still try to bring up myths like "Budget surplus, amazing economy, over 200% gains in the stock market, no silly wars, no major fuck ups"?? Are you kidding?

You made me do this.
Again. :D
Read it this time.

The list of scandals and corruption involving Clinton and his wife is huge. You honestly think it was all made up? Jesus, you are a believer aren't you?

His "presidency is the closest thing to perfection post WWII"???!! (You wrote earlier in this thread). You simply must be joking. His entire presidency was based upon cheesy "charisma" and his hackneyed populist politics. Clinton was a charlatan, the ultimate bandwagon jumper and self publicist. You have bought into his publicity and his cheesy smile. Here are the facts about his presidency;

The "strong American economy" of the 90s that he gets credited with was the work of Alan Greenspan, and fortunate timing, as thanks to information technology and the disinflation of that decade, those were likely to be good years either way.

Clinton jumped on the Irish Peace Process bandwagon when the dirty (but necessary) work of speaking to the IRA had been done by John Hume (who was initially criticised by both British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern before they too jumped on the bandwagon once it looked like it might work).

His federal crime bill in 1994 certainly put some hardened criminals in jail based on "3 strikes and you are out" but it also put thousands of low level non violent criminals away for life, costing the American tax payer billions and putting huge strain on the prison system. He admits himself it was a mistake; "The problem is the way it was written and implemented is we cast too wide a net and we had too many people in prison, And we wound up... putting so many people in prison that there wasn't enough money left to educate them, train them for new jobs and increase the chances when they came out so they could live productive lives." But he even lies in that explanation. It was a deliberate choice. He saw the political popularity of being tough on crime, he fully embraced the lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key mentality, and publicly gloated about three strikes at the time. During Clinton's tenure, federal prison spending jumped $19 billion (171%), while funding for public housing declined by $17 billion (61%). Under Clinton, nearly $1 billion in state spending shifted from education to prisons.

His punitive welfare reforms led to a massive increase in poor black families living in abject poverty.

He signed into law more financial deregulation legislation than any other president. He deregulated the risky derivatives market (Commodity Futures Modernization Act), gutted state regulation of banks leading to a wave of banking mergers, which led in no small part to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the "too-big-to-fail" ethos, with the US federal government obligated to bail out multinational banks. The Columbia Journalism Review publicly stated; “The bottom line is: Bill Clinton was responsible for more damaging financial deregulation—and thus, for the [2008] financial crisis—than any other president.” ... cans_m.php

He basically gutted America’s manufacturing base by promoting and passing the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, in 1993. This caused the permanent loss of 700,000 manufacturing jobs in industrial states such as California, Texas and Michigan. It gave corporate managers an excuse to cut wages and benefits, threatening otherwise to move to Mexico. Selling U.S. farm products in Mexico dislocated millions of Mexican workers and their families, which was a major cause in the dramatic increase in undocumented workers flowing into the US labour market.

The discriminatory defense of marriage act signed into law by Clinton in 1996, defined spouse as "heterosexual" and deprived legally wed same-sex couples of many significant benefits, from Social Security benefits to hospital visitation rights. He signed it in a self serving act of moral cowardice as he wanted to keep the conservative right on his side whilst looking for re-election.

Even when the cowardly Clinton tried to get tough on terror he got it wrong; His 1998 bombing of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan destroyed a facility that provided 50 percent of Sudan’s medicines and was the country’s main source of anti-malaria drugs. Germany’s ambassador to Sudan, Werner Daum, stated the bombing led to "several tens of thousands of deaths”.

His expansion of Bush's 1990 Iraq sanctions decimated the Iraqi economy, crippled the civilian infrastructure, and according to a 1999 UNICEF survey, ultimately led to the deaths of more than 500,000 children.

Ever the moral coward, Clinton knew about the upcoming Rwandan genocide. This might be Clinton’s worst foreign policy failure. US Intelligence analysts knew in advance about the plans for the Hutu-led genocide against Tutsis in Rwanda, yet Clinton did nothing to try to stop it. In 2013, Clinton told MSNBS that he could have sent some 10,000 US troops to Rwanda to support a UN peacekeeping force and perhaps saved 300,000 lives. In retrospect, Clinton said, “You can’t stop everything bad that's happening" and pointed to "his" success ending sectarian violence in Northern Ireland - which was bollocks as he ended nothing in NI.

Clinton was and is a corrupt lying criminal dressed up in an empty soundbite. As is his wife.... who incidentally voted for every US military intervention during her time in office.

For God's sake man do some research before you post the Clinton myth please! :oops:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by OneBardGooner »

:rubchin: I always though Clinton Eastwood was good in dem Dirty Arry movies! :?

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!


DB10GOONER wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:41 am
Wilson wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:30 am
Are you one of those people who believes in the Clinton body count?

The Clineotns are not perfect, yes Bill loves his women too much, and yes Hillary is an entitled robot. But the very worst things said about the Clintons is mostly rubbish.

I always wondered why the hatred for Bill. Budget surplus, amazing economy, over 200% gains in the stock market, no silly wars, no major fuck ups. However, he had a consensual affair with an intern which makes him the devil in some eyes.

Trumps only 1 year into whats only going to be 4 years as POTUS, he still has more than enough time to cause a major crisis. And when it does the democrat need to remind everyone they told them so. They need to do more of that, they never reminded the American people the Iraq War would never have happened if Gore beat Bush.
Jesus Christ mate. I have already shredded every single pro-Clinton point you just made earlier on this thread and you still try to bring up myths like "Budget surplus, amazing economy, over 200% gains in the stock market, no silly wars, no major fuck ups"?? Are you kidding?

You made me do this.
Again. :D
Read it this time.

The list of scandals and corruption involving Clinton and his wife is huge. You honestly think it was all made up? Jesus, you are a believer aren't you?

His "presidency is the closest thing to perfection post WWII"???!! (You wrote earlier in this thread). You simply must be joking. His entire presidency was based upon cheesy "charisma" and his hackneyed populist politics. Clinton was a charlatan, the ultimate bandwagon jumper and self publicist. You have bought into his publicity and his cheesy smile. Here are the facts about his presidency;

The "strong American economy" of the 90s that he gets credited with was the work of Alan Greenspan, and fortunate timing, as thanks to information technology and the disinflation of that decade, those were likely to be good years either way.

Clinton jumped on the Irish Peace Process bandwagon when the dirty (but necessary) work of speaking to the IRA had been done by John Hume (who was initially criticised by both British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern before they too jumped on the bandwagon once it looked like it might work).

His federal crime bill in 1994 certainly put some hardened criminals in jail based on "3 strikes and you are out" but it also put thousands of low level non violent criminals away for life, costing the American tax payer billions and putting huge strain on the prison system. He admits himself it was a mistake; "The problem is the way it was written and implemented is we cast too wide a net and we had too many people in prison, And we wound up... putting so many people in prison that there wasn't enough money left to educate them, train them for new jobs and increase the chances when they came out so they could live productive lives." But he even lies in that explanation. It was a deliberate choice. He saw the political popularity of being tough on crime, he fully embraced the lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key mentality, and publicly gloated about three strikes at the time. During Clinton's tenure, federal prison spending jumped $19 billion (171%), while funding for public housing declined by $17 billion (61%). Under Clinton, nearly $1 billion in state spending shifted from education to prisons.

His punitive welfare reforms led to a massive increase in poor black families living in abject poverty.

He signed into law more financial deregulation legislation than any other president. He deregulated the risky derivatives market (Commodity Futures Modernization Act), gutted state regulation of banks leading to a wave of banking mergers, which led in no small part to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the "too-big-to-fail" ethos, with the US federal government obligated to bail out multinational banks. The Columbia Journalism Review publicly stated; “The bottom line is: Bill Clinton was responsible for more damaging financial deregulation—and thus, for the [2008] financial crisis—than any other president.” ... cans_m.php

He basically gutted America’s manufacturing base by promoting and passing the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, in 1993. This caused the permanent loss of 700,000 manufacturing jobs in industrial states such as California, Texas and Michigan. It gave corporate managers an excuse to cut wages and benefits, threatening otherwise to move to Mexico. Selling U.S. farm products in Mexico dislocated millions of Mexican workers and their families, which was a major cause in the dramatic increase in undocumented workers flowing into the US labour market.

The discriminatory defense of marriage act signed into law by Clinton in 1996, defined spouse as "heterosexual" and deprived legally wed same-sex couples of many significant benefits, from Social Security benefits to hospital visitation rights. He signed it in a self serving act of moral cowardice as he wanted to keep the conservative right on his side whilst looking for re-election.

Even when the cowardly Clinton tried to get tough on terror he got it wrong; His 1998 bombing of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan destroyed a facility that provided 50 percent of Sudan’s medicines and was the country’s main source of anti-malaria drugs. Germany’s ambassador to Sudan, Werner Daum, stated the bombing led to "several tens of thousands of deaths”.

His expansion of Bush's 1990 Iraq sanctions decimated the Iraqi economy, crippled the civilian infrastructure, and according to a 1999 UNICEF survey, ultimately led to the deaths of more than 500,000 children.

Ever the moral coward, Clinton knew about the upcoming Rwandan genocide. This might be Clinton’s worst foreign policy failure. US Intelligence analysts knew in advance about the plans for the Hutu-led genocide against Tutsis in Rwanda, yet Clinton did nothing to try to stop it. In 2013, Clinton told MSNBS that he could have sent some 10,000 US troops to Rwanda to support a UN peacekeeping force and perhaps saved 300,000 lives. In retrospect, Clinton said, “You can’t stop everything bad that's happening" and pointed to "his" success ending sectarian violence in Northern Ireland - which was bollocks as he ended nothing in NI.

Clinton was and is a corrupt lying criminal dressed up in an empty soundbite. As is his wife.... who incidentally voted for every US military intervention during her time in office.

For God's sake man do some research before you post the Clinton myth please! :oops:
Having said all that.........Trump’s still a cock!

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by LeftfootlegendGooner »

Worse.Thread.Ever :roll: :wink: :lol:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by DB10GOONER »

Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:31 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:41 am
Wilson wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:30 am
Are you one of those people who believes in the Clinton body count?

The Clineotns are not perfect, yes Bill loves his women too much, and yes Hillary is an entitled robot. But the very worst things said about the Clintons is mostly rubbish.

I always wondered why the hatred for Bill. Budget surplus, amazing economy, over 200% gains in the stock market, no silly wars, no major fuck ups. However, he had a consensual affair with an intern which makes him the devil in some eyes.

Trumps only 1 year into whats only going to be 4 years as POTUS, he still has more than enough time to cause a major crisis. And when it does the democrat need to remind everyone they told them so. They need to do more of that, they never reminded the American people the Iraq War would never have happened if Gore beat Bush.
Jesus Christ mate. I have already shredded every single pro-Clinton point you just made earlier on this thread and you still try to bring up myths like "Budget surplus, amazing economy, over 200% gains in the stock market, no silly wars, no major fuck ups"?? Are you kidding?

You made me do this.
Again. :D
Read it this time.

The list of scandals and corruption involving Clinton and his wife is huge. You honestly think it was all made up? Jesus, you are a believer aren't you?

His "presidency is the closest thing to perfection post WWII"???!! (You wrote earlier in this thread). You simply must be joking. His entire presidency was based upon cheesy "charisma" and his hackneyed populist politics. Clinton was a charlatan, the ultimate bandwagon jumper and self publicist. You have bought into his publicity and his cheesy smile. Here are the facts about his presidency;

The "strong American economy" of the 90s that he gets credited with was the work of Alan Greenspan, and fortunate timing, as thanks to information technology and the disinflation of that decade, those were likely to be good years either way.

Clinton jumped on the Irish Peace Process bandwagon when the dirty (but necessary) work of speaking to the IRA had been done by John Hume (who was initially criticised by both British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern before they too jumped on the bandwagon once it looked like it might work).

His federal crime bill in 1994 certainly put some hardened criminals in jail based on "3 strikes and you are out" but it also put thousands of low level non violent criminals away for life, costing the American tax payer billions and putting huge strain on the prison system. He admits himself it was a mistake; "The problem is the way it was written and implemented is we cast too wide a net and we had too many people in prison, And we wound up... putting so many people in prison that there wasn't enough money left to educate them, train them for new jobs and increase the chances when they came out so they could live productive lives." But he even lies in that explanation. It was a deliberate choice. He saw the political popularity of being tough on crime, he fully embraced the lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key mentality, and publicly gloated about three strikes at the time. During Clinton's tenure, federal prison spending jumped $19 billion (171%), while funding for public housing declined by $17 billion (61%). Under Clinton, nearly $1 billion in state spending shifted from education to prisons.

His punitive welfare reforms led to a massive increase in poor black families living in abject poverty.

He signed into law more financial deregulation legislation than any other president. He deregulated the risky derivatives market (Commodity Futures Modernization Act), gutted state regulation of banks leading to a wave of banking mergers, which led in no small part to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the "too-big-to-fail" ethos, with the US federal government obligated to bail out multinational banks. The Columbia Journalism Review publicly stated; “The bottom line is: Bill Clinton was responsible for more damaging financial deregulation—and thus, for the [2008] financial crisis—than any other president.” ... cans_m.php

He basically gutted America’s manufacturing base by promoting and passing the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, in 1993. This caused the permanent loss of 700,000 manufacturing jobs in industrial states such as California, Texas and Michigan. It gave corporate managers an excuse to cut wages and benefits, threatening otherwise to move to Mexico. Selling U.S. farm products in Mexico dislocated millions of Mexican workers and their families, which was a major cause in the dramatic increase in undocumented workers flowing into the US labour market.

The discriminatory defense of marriage act signed into law by Clinton in 1996, defined spouse as "heterosexual" and deprived legally wed same-sex couples of many significant benefits, from Social Security benefits to hospital visitation rights. He signed it in a self serving act of moral cowardice as he wanted to keep the conservative right on his side whilst looking for re-election.

Even when the cowardly Clinton tried to get tough on terror he got it wrong; His 1998 bombing of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan destroyed a facility that provided 50 percent of Sudan’s medicines and was the country’s main source of anti-malaria drugs. Germany’s ambassador to Sudan, Werner Daum, stated the bombing led to "several tens of thousands of deaths”.

His expansion of Bush's 1990 Iraq sanctions decimated the Iraqi economy, crippled the civilian infrastructure, and according to a 1999 UNICEF survey, ultimately led to the deaths of more than 500,000 children.

Ever the moral coward, Clinton knew about the upcoming Rwandan genocide. This might be Clinton’s worst foreign policy failure. US Intelligence analysts knew in advance about the plans for the Hutu-led genocide against Tutsis in Rwanda, yet Clinton did nothing to try to stop it. In 2013, Clinton told MSNBS that he could have sent some 10,000 US troops to Rwanda to support a UN peacekeeping force and perhaps saved 300,000 lives. In retrospect, Clinton said, “You can’t stop everything bad that's happening" and pointed to "his" success ending sectarian violence in Northern Ireland - which was bollocks as he ended nothing in NI.

Clinton was and is a corrupt lying criminal dressed up in an empty soundbite. As is his wife.... who incidentally voted for every US military intervention during her time in office.

For God's sake man do some research before you post the Clinton myth please! :oops:
Having said all that.........Trump’s still a cock!
Absolutely. He's a spoiled child. He's a moron. And a dangerous moron at that.

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by augie »

LeftfootlegendGooner wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:35 am
Worse.Thread.Ever :roll: :wink: :lol:

Absolutely - actually it is tied for worst thread ever with the brexit thread. At this stage everyone must have said all they have to say on the subjects, but yet there is bitching and sniping aplenty.

At the end of the day, the one thing I think that both the clinton haters and clinton supporters agree on, is that trump is a dangerous egotistical b**tard who could very well start another world war if he is still in power for full presidency (or god forbid a second term :speechless: )

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by OneBardGooner »

fuck trump and clinton - this guy would get my vote - He managed to run the West Wing very successfully whilst being in the grips of the early signs & symptoms of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.




FOUR MORE YEARS! :barscarf:

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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Post by AkneyGooner »

Clinton's run in the whitehouse pretty much setup all the building blocks for the 2008 collapse. finance deregluation takes a time to hit, ever since the 90s the extreme rich are accelrating away from the middle class and poor, middle class is being thinned out. the "american dream" gets further and further away, clinton administration was the start of the extreme rise of the lobbiest, everything was for sale.

These pressure groups then demand things are added to Laws making it very hard for a small company to supass any current large company/corp.
you can see this most clearly with the Food and drugs administration, banning anything that harms the lobby group corps, and allowing anything no matter how much the danger from the corps that lobby,

The US banks made a huge mistake with Trump, they lent what they thought was an inteligent billionare billions of dollars, they had instead given a stupid twat who was a millionaire billions, and he wasted it, but they supported him for ages because he was too big to fail (he just did not have enough assets to chase) so the banks owned his brand. making building and calling them Trump this and Trump that, he is just a buffoon with a expertly managed brand, even though he does his best to destroy it. so bad was the clintons as a family they lost to a brand!

But in the end, on one side you a *word censored* backed by Big buisness with bad intentions, and on the other side you have a *word censored* backed by Big Business with bad intentions.

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