OZIL - Merged Thread

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by DB10GOONER »

augie wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:47 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:23 pm
Augie you are one of the more intelligent posters on here but your wide player comment is a nonsense buddy. Why do we need wide players at the moment? We have no one up front that can aerially dominate a CH and score headers. We also have no wide players that can place or cross a ball. Our wing backs and wide players are all average or complete gash.

It makes no sense to set up as if we have Wrighty or vanjudascunt or Giroud in there looking for crosses when we actually have Boomerang in there who is best getting that simple crisp pass to feet or a yard in behind the defenders.

Can I start off by clarifying that what I am saying about needing wide players is my interpretation of what dick is doing, rather than me saying that it is what we should be doing.

Anyway, as you yourself alluded to when you mentioned wrighty, not every good cross has to be a high cross therefore we dont necessarily need a target man type of striker to justify having wingers. When you ask why we need wide players, I would suggest that part of the reason is that we have too many small/flaky ball players who get thrown around like rag dolls in physical contact - in theory (and I am stressing the in theory part), if we have two good wide players it stretches out the opposition defenders and midfielders, but we dont have good widemen and play narrow and thus get crowded out and bullied easily. Sometimes opposition teams have to alter their set-up to counter our wider gameplan, but of course that only works until the opposition realise how totally shit lard arse and mikki are, and they then change their system again confident that the two c.unts wont hurt them in any way :roll: :evil: :evil: :censored: :censored: :cussing: :cussing:
I certainly agree with your theory but I would say is it not better to put a creator on there especially when we as you admit don't have the calibre of wide player? This is why I'm saying I'm a bit worried about Dick. Still love the guy but I am worried.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by rich31 »

My problem with Ozil is nothing to do with his work rate....i am happy for him to leave the more defensive duties to torreira guindouzi etc .It is just the fact that he lets too many games pass him by.Literally no one can predict from game to game whether he is going to put in a display worthy of his talent or whether he is just going to be anonymous.There is no rhyme or reason to his form and against which teams he turns it off and on again.
That is where my frustration lies and why i would question whether he can be a certain starter,not whether he is busting a gut to make a last ditch tackle.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by AkneyGooner »

still our best chance creator. he plays shit some games, but mhiki and Iwobi play shit every game. just hook him if he is not getting into the game, he has had to hook both Iwobi and mhiki before 60 minutes a few times.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by 1989 »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:17 pm
The fucking stupidity on here at times is astonishing. :lol: :oops: :lol:

Read the fucking words.

No one said Ozil is the best player in the world. No one said he's Messi (whichever fucking idiot claimed I said that pull your stupid fucking head in).

Here's the facts slowly for the fucking stupid amongst us. He is light years better than Ramsey Comedy Iwobi and Mickey Tarragon.

He would have retained more possession and created more chances for Boomerang than those three clowns did last night.

Not sure which complete fucktard above dragged out the old retarded agenda gem of "he doesn't deliver against the top 6 teams". :oops: :roll:


Dick cannot stick with the 3 assclowns in midfield or we are looking at a mid table finish and out of all the cups.

Ozil is not the answer to every question and will not be top class in every game. Anyone can see that. But he is far better than, and will create far more chances than, all 3 shitards from last night put together. Anyone that can't see that (or let's a childish agenda stop them seeing that) needs a swift kick in the bollocks. :lol:

Yes I'm still in a bad fucking mood from last night. :censored: :lol: And to be honest it's a good thing I'm in the gym tonight because I'm going to fucking annihilate that punch bag. :box: :censored: :box:
Fantastic. Call whoever disagrees with you all sorts of names. Says a lot about you that. Top stuff fella, carry on.

All over a lazy overpaid player who couldn't give two fucks about you or any of us on here. Brilliant.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by DB10GOONER »

1989 wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:37 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:17 pm
The fucking stupidity on here at times is astonishing. :lol: :oops: :lol:

Read the fucking words.

No one said Ozil is the best player in the world. No one said he's Messi (whichever fucking idiot claimed I said that pull your stupid fucking head in).

Here's the facts slowly for the fucking stupid amongst us. He is light years better than Ramsey Comedy Iwobi and Mickey Tarragon.

He would have retained more possession and created more chances for Boomerang than those three clowns did last night.

Not sure which complete fucktard above dragged out the old retarded agenda gem of "he doesn't deliver against the top 6 teams". :oops: :roll:


Dick cannot stick with the 3 assclowns in midfield or we are looking at a mid table finish and out of all the cups.

Ozil is not the answer to every question and will not be top class in every game. Anyone can see that. But he is far better than, and will create far more chances than, all 3 shitards from last night put together. Anyone that can't see that (or let's a childish agenda stop them seeing that) needs a swift kick in the bollocks. :lol:

Yes I'm still in a bad fucking mood from last night. :censored: :lol: And to be honest it's a good thing I'm in the gym tonight because I'm going to fucking annihilate that punch bag. :box: :censored: :box:
Fantastic. Call whoever disagrees with you all sorts of names. Says a lot about you that. Top stuff fella, carry on.

All over a lazy overpaid player who couldn't give two fucks about you or any of us on here. Brilliant.
Pull your knickers back on you fucking tart. :box:

I'm kidding. The name calling is obviously a bit tongue in cheek you fuckwit. See? I jest. Or do I? :lol: :wink:

Firstly though get the facts straight. I'm not having a pop at anyone for disagreeing with me. Don't be silly ffs. I will have a reasoned debate with anyone that offers an intelligent thought out argument.

I'm having a pop at people posting stupid embarrassing shit like "get rid of Ozil" straight after watching three of the worst midfielders in the game have yet another horror show. Or indeed people that offer utter gash like "he's lazy" because that's how deeply stupid SlySports-informed fans judge players in the PL - on their work rate, on running around like a fucking bobble headed useless cùnt like Comedy Iwobi or Robbie fucking Savage.

I'd rather see a player open up a defence with vision and guile and intelligent technical passes than a stupid cùnt run around pointlessly but "putting in a shift". And before you totally misconstrue that no I'm not saying we should have 4 players like that in midfield. We need sloggers too but equally 4 running gobshites in midfield will win you fuck all in the modern game.

Also you seemed obsessed with players "caring" about you. Honestly I'm an adult I couldn't give two fucks whether Ozil or whoever gives a fuck about me or comes over and claps the away fans (another child like complaint we see on hete). How fucking sad and pointless would one's life be if they feel the need to have their support recognised and qualified by spoiled rich mercenaries? :oops:

The only thing that I object to and will always have a dig at is stupid lazy posting. And tbh I really couldn't give half a flying fuck if that upsets anyone. :wink:

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by DB10GOONER »

rich31 wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:15 pm
My problem with Ozil is nothing to do with his work rate....i am happy for him to leave the more defensive duties to torreira guindouzi etc .It is just the fact that he lets too many games pass him by.Literally no one can predict from game to game whether he is going to put in a display worthy of his talent or whether he is just going to be anonymous.There is no rhyme or reason to his form and against which teams he turns it off and on again.
That is where my frustration lies and why i would question whether he can be a certain starter,not whether he is busting a gut to make a last ditch tackle.
I'd agree with most of that tbh. He's not perfect but I would say he is still our best and only creator and absolutely should be starting ahead of the 3 completely useless pieces of shit that stunk up our midfield the other night.... at least until Dick can identify and buy the type of number 10 or attacking midfield creator that he actually fancies.

Only other thing I'd add is often Ozil looks disconnected but I think he is intelligent and economical in his play. He sees a passing option then quickly realises it's not a good option and will do something simple to retain possession whereas stupid shit like Comedy Iwobi and the Welsh Messi-Lite will just try the pass and hope for the best whilst pissing possession away. That economy of play is a very European thing that is often viewed as laziness or disinterest in the fast paced far more physical PL. But it also creates far more chances and that is all we really need from him with two strikers that whilst not yet being top class are both certainly very good and will score off good chances put to them.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by 1989 »

I maintain that Ozil needs binning as he does not fit into Emery’s tactics and the manager himself seems to agree with that which I guess makes Emery a “fucking idiot” as well in your book?

You don’t agree with someone else’s opinion? Sure, but that does not warrant personal attacks and name-calling (and don’t try telling me it was tongue in cheek as it certainly didn’t appear that way). And no, nobody’s opinion is more “intelligent” than the other and nobody’s opinion or argument should be attacked just because YOU don’t deem it to be “intelligent”, get off your fucking high horse.

I don’t know why in the name of fuck you keep mentioning Iwobi or whoever else as they have bugger all to do with the argument that Ozil needs to be shipped out. Saying we need to get rid of Ozil does not equate to being happy with/wanting to see Iwobi and Mkhitaryan turning out for us. I have even clearly mentioned that Ozil’s departure must be met with a top-quality replacement – of Emery’s choosing and suitability to his system.

The argument for Ozil to be sold has nothing to do with his quality that we all know he has in spades; it has do with the fact that he clearly isn’t in Emery’s plans and we simply cannot afford to keep someone on £350k a week around as a fringe player. Hence, needs must and us selling him and replacing with a more suitable player would therefore (in my OPINION) be the correct course of action. So before you start going into a hissy fit crying over how we’re all out to get little Mesut, please read carefully.

Finally, as I’m sick of the needless insults and name-calling, I will not post on this forum any longer as it really isn’t worth being personally attacked and abused for having the temerity to voice an opinion. I’m also not one to engage in silly name-calling on here so I’ll leave you to be the internet hardman. Insult away.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by SydneyGooner »

Arsenal will investigate the possibility of a swap deal involving Mesut Ozil for Real Madrid's Isco.

The German has fallen out of favour with Unai Emery, who on Wednesday refused to confirm Ozil has a future at the club, and The Independent has been told they will be open to offers.

Ozil's huge £300,000-a-week contract will make him hugely difficult to offload, but some club figures feel a solution may be possible with Isco. Real Madrid are targeting a major squad overhaul in the summer and issues with the Spanish playmaker - not least his fitness being questioned - mean the European champions are now willing to sell him to fund their plans.

Ozil is also a popular figure at the Bernabeu after a successful spell there between 2010 and 2013, although there would now be considerable differences in valuation. Madrid would want around £100m for Isco, meaning any deal for Ozil would also involve a considerable fee from Arsenal.

The north London club would also face heavy competition from Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur and maybe even Manchester City for the Spain international.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by Jock Gooner »

Tbh I don't give a fuck about whether Ozil stays or goes anymore but I do wonder where we are headed if Dick is going to ship both him and Ramsey out. How much will it cost to replace them...and importantly where is that money coming from. I'm looking forward to this transfer window as surely we will get an idea of where we are headed as a club. Chances are that the sort of player we will be after (bargains!) could well be available in this window so maybe a couple of new faces for the rest of the season. Something has got to happen because the imbalance in our midfield badly needs addressing. No signings would equal scary times!

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by DB10GOONER »

1989 wrote:
Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:50 am
I maintain that Ozil needs binning as he does not fit into Emery’s tactics and the manager himself seems to agree with that which I guess makes Emery a “fucking idiot” as well in your book?

You don’t agree with someone else’s opinion? Sure, but that does not warrant personal attacks and name-calling (and don’t try telling me it was tongue in cheek as it certainly didn’t appear that way). And no, nobody’s opinion is more “intelligent” than the other and nobody’s opinion or argument should be attacked just because YOU don’t deem it to be “intelligent”, get off your fucking high horse.

I don’t know why in the name of fuck you keep mentioning Iwobi or whoever else as they have bugger all to do with the argument that Ozil needs to be shipped out. Saying we need to get rid of Ozil does not equate to being happy with/wanting to see Iwobi and Mkhitaryan turning out for us. I have even clearly mentioned that Ozil’s departure must be met with a top-quality replacement – of Emery’s choosing and suitability to his system.

The argument for Ozil to be sold has nothing to do with his quality that we all know he has in spades; it has do with the fact that he clearly isn’t in Emery’s plans and we simply cannot afford to keep someone on £350k a week around as a fringe player. Hence, needs must and us selling him and replacing with a more suitable player would therefore (in my OPINION) be the correct course of action. So before you start going into a hissy fit crying over how we’re all out to get little Mesut, please read carefully.

Finally, as I’m sick of the needless insults and name-calling, I will not post on this forum any longer as it really isn’t worth being personally attacked and abused for having the temerity to voice an opinion. I’m also not one to engage in silly name-calling on here so I’ll leave you to be the internet hardman. Insult away.
Whoa whoa whoa you don't dictate what my intention was.

I hope you don't leave the forum over some "industrial language" but if you want to then it's a free world.

I would say to you though if you genuinely feel insulted by me then I absolutely apologise to you unreservedly.

My comments were meant more as an indictment of the general stupid shit that often gets posted on here. Wasn't my intention to make any one poster feel singled out.

I've pm'd you.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by augie »

1989 will own you now DB10 - you will become part of his gang and start labelling all sorts of useless cunting players as world class after 10 minutes of great football :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by Topside Northbank »

Well maybe due to injuries or whatever else Ozil is in the 18 man squad for tomorrow against Burnley.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by rich31 »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:13 am
rich31 wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:15 pm
My problem with Ozil is nothing to do with his work rate....i am happy for him to leave the more defensive duties to torreira guindouzi etc .It is just the fact that he lets too many games pass him by.Literally no one can predict from game to game whether he is going to put in a display worthy of his talent or whether he is just going to be anonymous.There is no rhyme or reason to his form and against which teams he turns it off and on again.
That is where my frustration lies and why i would question whether he can be a certain starter,not whether he is busting a gut to make a last ditch tackle.
I'd agree with most of that tbh. He's not perfect but I would say he is still our best and only creator and absolutely should be starting ahead of the 3 completely useless pieces of shit that stunk up our midfield the other night.... at least until Dick can identify and buy the type of number 10 or attacking midfield creator that he actually fancies.

Only other thing I'd add is often Ozil looks disconnected but I think he is intelligent and economical in his play. He sees a passing option then quickly realises it's not a good option and will do something simple to retain possession whereas stupid shit like Comedy Iwobi and the Welsh Messi-Lite will just try the pass and hope for the best whilst pissing possession away. That economy of play is a very European thing that is often viewed as laziness or disinterest in the fast paced far more physical PL. But it also creates far more chances and that is all we really need from him with two strikers that whilst not yet being top class are both certainly very good and will score off good chances put to them.
Yeah that;s a fair point about him looking disconnected, whilst he is actually aware of what is going on and there is no questioning his natural talent and footballing brain.The most damning indictement of his lack of consistency is that he is even mentioned in the same fucking breath as iwobi.I dont know what Dick sees in iwobi but with Ozil's talent he really shouldnt ever be in a position where a manager even considers iwobi or mkhitaryan over him.However that is where he finds himself and he cant really blame anyone else.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by Topside Northbank »

rich31 wrote:
Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:06 pm
DB10GOONER wrote:
Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:13 am
rich31 wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:15 pm
My problem with Ozil is nothing to do with his work rate....i am happy for him to leave the more defensive duties to torreira guindouzi etc .It is just the fact that he lets too many games pass him by.Literally no one can predict from game to game whether he is going to put in a display worthy of his talent or whether he is just going to be anonymous.There is no rhyme or reason to his form and against which teams he turns it off and on again.
That is where my frustration lies and why i would question whether he can be a certain starter,not whether he is busting a gut to make a last ditch tackle.
I'd agree with most of that tbh. He's not perfect but I would say he is still our best and only creator and absolutely should be starting ahead of the 3 completely useless pieces of shit that stunk up our midfield the other night.... at least until Dick can identify and buy the type of number 10 or attacking midfield creator that he actually fancies.

Only other thing I'd add is often Ozil looks disconnected but I think he is intelligent and economical in his play. He sees a passing option then quickly realises it's not a good option and will do something simple to retain possession whereas stupid shit like Comedy Iwobi and the Welsh Messi-Lite will just try the pass and hope for the best whilst pissing possession away. That economy of play is a very European thing that is often viewed as laziness or disinterest in the fast paced far more physical PL. But it also creates far more chances and that is all we really need from him with two strikers that whilst not yet being top class are both certainly very good and will score off good chances put to them.
Yeah that;s a fair point about him looking disconnected, whilst he is actually aware of what is going on and there is no questioning his natural talent and footballing brain.The most damning indictement of his lack of consistency is that he is even mentioned in the same fucking breath as iwobi.I dont know what Dick sees in iwobi but with Ozil's talent he really shouldnt ever be in a position where a manager even considers iwobi or mkhitaryan over him.However that is where he finds himself and he cant really blame anyone else.
Ozil playing in home games especially is an automatic choice for me compared to the other current options,you play him at number 10 and you try to get him on the ball last third of the pitch to do what he does,key passes to unlock defenses.Tracking back waste of time but even our last two defeats we have had breaks on the opponents where possession and weight of pass has let us down,it depends what you are willing to sacrifice I suppose. :roll:

Iwobi or HM over him,the good or bad Ozil no thanks until we get the quality of player in that provides a footballing argument to keep him on the sidelines in home games especially he plays for me.Yes he is ineffective at times but you can talk workrate of other players but when they get the ball Iwobi or HM rabbit in headlights.dispossessed and just poor weight and range of pass offset all the 'workrate' argument for me.

Away from home certain games Ozil again playing anything but of the striker/strikers is a waste of time playing him out wide under this or the previous manager waste of time also.

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Re: OZIL No shows, Injury, illness ??

Post by Topside Northbank »

rich31 wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:15 pm
My problem with Ozil is nothing to do with his work rate....i am happy for him to leave the more defensive duties to torreira guindouzi etc .It is just the fact that he lets too many games pass him by.Literally no one can predict from game to game whether he is going to put in a display worthy of his talent or whether he is just going to be anonymous.There is no rhyme or reason to his form and against which teams he turns it off and on again.
That is where my frustration lies and why i would question whether he can be a certain starter,not whether he is busting a gut to make a last ditch tackle.
Like I say at home with our current options Ozil plays for me but I can't disagree with any of what you have posted it is frustrating but personally I get far more frustrated by watching players like Iwobi,HM who gift away possession and for the many shortcomings Ozil will always have he has put in some great performances for us but of course inconsistent.

Iwobi or HM honestly have never seen either put in anything near a MOTM performance for us what we are crying out for is better options as neither are good enough to be starting regularly for a side like Arsenal.

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