CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by augie »

Nos89 wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:58 am
The bit I don't understand about the lockdown is that the parks are still open and free to walk around, and if you've got friends or family working in retail you can go and visit them in the shop they are working with, along with any tom, dick or harry, yet cannot visit them in the safety and sanctity of their home.
Driving to and from work I've see more people walking, running and cycling around spitting openly (especially those exercising) and nothing happens. Yet, you can get pulled up for visiting a healthy relative or friend. Does not make sense. Close the parks, close all shops for 14 days.
Also, tensions are beginning to build up in supermarkets between customers and staff as social distancing is becoming a problem. I think this weekend is gonna be completely shit for shop workers, especially when the Easter eggs run out. There is only a certain amount of abuse shop workers can take before it all kicks off.

I too am expecting it to kick off this weekend over here - most of the year we would usually pray for good weather like we are having at the mo, but getting this weather on a bank holiday weekend is gonna cause bedlam with compliance. This weekend the cops will be out in force and last night's news showed clips of the strategy in action, and it is gonna cause some serious confrontations on the roads imo. I usually have a lot of sympathy with people when it comes to complying with this lockdown, but on this occasion I do feel that a €2500 fine is nowhere near high enough for these selfish b.astards when (not if) they ignore the staying at home bit and pile into the car to go away for the weekend or day - I'm not necessarily saying that the finish line is in sight, but at this stage I would say that we are a lot nearer to it now, so if we get a setback now and have to start all over again, it will destroy the country and imo ensure that we would be in lockdown for many months to come.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by IW8Goalmachine »

augie wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:49 am
Nos89 wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:58 am
The bit I don't understand about the lockdown is that the parks are still open and free to walk around, and if you've got friends or family working in retail you can go and visit them in the shop they are working with, along with any tom, dick or harry, yet cannot visit them in the safety and sanctity of their home.
Driving to and from work I've see more people walking, running and cycling around spitting openly (especially those exercising) and nothing happens. Yet, you can get pulled up for visiting a healthy relative or friend. Does not make sense. Close the parks, close all shops for 14 days.
Also, tensions are beginning to build up in supermarkets between customers and staff as social distancing is becoming a problem. I think this weekend is gonna be completely shit for shop workers, especially when the Easter eggs run out. There is only a certain amount of abuse shop workers can take before it all kicks off.

I too am expecting it to kick off this weekend over here - most of the year we would usually pray for good weather like we are having at the mo, but getting this weather on a bank holiday weekend is gonna cause bedlam with compliance. This weekend the cops will be out in force and last night's news showed clips of the strategy in action, and it is gonna cause some serious confrontations on the roads imo. I usually have a lot of sympathy with people when it comes to complying with this lockdown, but on this occasion I do feel that a €2500 fine is nowhere near high enough for these selfish b.astards when (not if) they ignore the staying at home bit and pile into the car to go away for the weekend or day - I'm not necessarily saying that the finish line is in sight, but at this stage I would say that we are a lot nearer to it now, so if we get a setback now and have to start all over again, it will destroy the country and imo ensure that we would be in lockdown for many months to come.
Did you see the photos of the traffic jam because people going away for the weekend?

I can't believe there are *word censored* out there that just don't give a fuck

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by NickF »

IW8Goalmachine wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:19 am
Did you see the photos of the traffic jam because people going away for the weekend?

I can't believe there are *word censored* out there that just don't give a fuck
Sad to say a lot of people are selfish *word censored*. You can ask people not to something but unless there is something physically stopping them, they will do it.

They don't seem to realise that if everyone does what is asked of them this will be over sooner.

I was walking home from the supermarket yesterday and there was a bloke also walking home but he was going at normal speed and walking right next to people as he passed them.

Most people seem to be too stupid/too arrogant to follow simple instructions.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by OneBardGooner »

Firstly: "Sincere Thanks Guys for all the replies, advice, best wishes...

What I have also noticed that these selfish fccukin cuntbag retards who are either meant to be Self-isolating or ‘working from home’ rather than do any exercise very early (ie: between 6am and 8am OR after 8pm) are choosing to ‘go for a leisurely stroll between 4pm and 5:30pm just when those of us who are still going (in)to work are coming home…so if walking we have to keep giving them a wide berth which usually means either walking IN the road or crossing the road because they are Ohhh! so too busy talking on their mobiles or with the person they are ‘strolling’ along with and just take up all the pavement.

What is it they DO NOT UNDERSTAND About Social Distancing!??? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :cussing:

There was some DULL CUNTT on the train this morning…Coughing – No hand/s to mouth – No Tissue – Not even into the crook of his arm…when I pointed out what he ‘should’ be doing – he said “So What?” – I tyhen explained how his hands will touch lot’s of surfaces that other people also touch – Hand rails/ticket Barriers etc etc etc and he said “Ohh! With a vacant look as if I’d just switched the Sun on in the sky… :cussing: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I’ve had ENOUGH! Of these Utter Retards

I’ve started carrying my Nan-chuck’s (Rice Flail) in my rucky and if some fuckka wants to get ‘uppity’ I’ll happily explain with a few swift snaps to the face and throat! :box:

Anyway my last day today in the office covering emergencies till 8pm then home! :barscarf:

I should hopefully get a laptop to work from home by next Tuesday or Wednesday..??

Keep SAFE Fellow Gooners! :barscarf:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by augie »

NickF wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:49 am
IW8Goalmachine wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:19 am
Did you see the photos of the traffic jam because people going away for the weekend?

I can't believe there are *word censored* out there that just don't give a fuck
Sad to say a lot of people are selfish *word censored*. You can ask people not to something but unless there is something physically stopping them, they will do it.

They don't seem to realise that if everyone does what is asked of them this will be over sooner.

I was walking home from the supermarket yesterday and there was a bloke also walking home but he was going at normal speed and walking right next to people as he passed them.

Most people seem to be too stupid/too arrogant to follow simple instructions.

Over here we have passed a law whereby the cops can tell people to turn their cars around and go home, and if they don't then the will face a max of a €2500 fine or up to 6 months imprisonment - does that mean the cops can only advise them to turn around and go home, but cant actually force them to go home ? Does anybody really believe that (a) the state will enforce the €2500 fine and (b) people will actually pay it ? Some will claim poverty and be excused (cos we have a lot of entitled social welfare scroungers in this country :roll: ), and some will probably enter into an agreement with they will pay €250 a year for 10 years :roll: :roll: Regardless of whether they pay the fine or dont pay the fine, they will still have had their weekend away by then, and will have put 2 communities in danger by doing so (the holiday weekend destination and the community where they live when they return home), so the harm will be done by then :evil: As for the threat of jail ........ dont make me laugh - already we have seen stories of convicts going to be released becausde of the risk that they will catch the virus in jail :roll:

The bottom line is that there is only one way to make these laws work if people refuse to turn around and go home - confiscate the vehicle in which they are travelling for a period of 2 weeks, then greatly reducing the risk of them travelling for weekends away or day trips

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by StuartL »

Hope all are keeping well ?

On the plus side I’m getting to watch Lucy Vasamy presenting the weather on a regular basis :barscarf:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Jock Gooner »

I'm all for supporting the police who are having to deal with a bunch of dickheads on a daily basis.

They very quickly lose my support when they let a CC go on the telly as per the Northants twat today shouting about how they will marshal supermarkets and how his officers will check trolleys for "essential" items.

What a penis. Power freak. Moron.

There is no legal definition of an essential and wine are my essentials at the moment. I'm pretty sure there is no power of search attached to the new Act. He is at odds with government advice saying we can buy whatever is on the shelves. If this clown is indicative of the public sector bosses behind our efforts to combat the virus then no wonder we are struggling / fooked.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by GoonerMuzz »

To be honest the whole situation has been badly handled worldwide, but then with the quality of politicians of all stripes and colours we have who expected anything else?

Also the politicians are during this crisis are being advised by the scientists and medical experts and taking direction from them on policy yet daily you can read or watch news bulletins where there is absolutely no concensus between them....

I watched an interview with a scientist on BBC earlier who is part of the government policy advisers and he mentioned 'this wave' of coronavirus, does that mean we can expect more, of course the excellent female journalist presenting the bulletin absolutely failed to recognise what he had said or raise the point on it.

More than ever i am reminded of the fact that all these University educated people spouting their opinions are incredibly highly skilled in their individual areas of expertise but absolutely lacking in a general understanding of anything outside the sphere they work in and therefore have a very myopic view of complex situations.

I dont really blame the politicians if i'm honest they are beholden to all these specialist advisers they are surrounded by and can only act on the information they are given by these people, how is a politician who is not a pandemiologist, virologist or other expert in something like this supposed to know what to do other than by the advice they are given by the so called experts :rubchin:

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by SydneyGooner »


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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonersid »

There are good things to come out of this dreadful time!
Im enjoying late mornings, breakfast together with my family, gardening, even cutting the grass!
Most of all, my little 9 year old Donal, who has Downs Syndrome and is who is ensuring we will be exhausted but never bored!!
And a beer every nite :wink:
I hope you’re all managing well and staying healthy!!
Take care!!

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Red Snapper »

StuartL wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:55 pm
Hope all are keeping well ?

On the plus side I’m getting to watch Lucy Vasamy presenting the weather on a regular basis
Yeah well there's a queue and you're behind me! 8)

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by A11M11 »

Yeah well there's a queue and you're behind me!

Don't bend over ! :o

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner » ... 57046.html

It beggars belief how stupid some people are.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by IW8Goalmachine »

Further three weeks of restrictions in Ireland

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by GoonerMuzz »

goonersid wrote:
Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:38 pm
There are good things to come out of this dreadful time!
Im enjoying late mornings, breakfast together with my family, gardening, even cutting the grass!
Most of all, my little 9 year old Donal, who has Downs Syndrome and is who is ensuring we will be exhausted but never bored!!
And a beer every nite :wink:
I hope you’re all managing well and staying healthy!!
Take care!!
Same mate, me and my two eldest have spent the last five days lifting the back lawn and we're about halfway through, we're spending 3 or 4 hours a day on it, it went to ratshit over the winter and was basically weeds and tree roots with no grass, never tried something like this before so its a steep learning curve but we're sort of enjoying it and it is surprisingly good exercise, i reckon i've lost a few kilos already... :rubchin:

Any gardiners on here with advice on how to level it properly without a roller :wink:

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