CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by OneBardGooner »

goonertux wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:27 pm
“None so blind as those that will not see”.
Most appropriate quote of all, in these strange times.




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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by OneBardGooner »

BBC Website:

Which games will be free to air?
Here is the full list games and where you can watch them.

All BBC And Amazon Prime fixtures are free to air, along with selected Sky Sports games that will be shown on Pick. All kick-off times are BST.

Wednesday, 17 June: Aston Villa v Sheffield United (18:00), Sky Sports. Manchester City v Arsenal (20:15), Sky Sports.

Friday, 19 June: Norwich v Southampton (18:00), Sky Sports and Pick. Tottenham v Manchester United (20:15), Sky Sports.

Saturday, 20 June: Watford v Leicester City (12:30), BT Sport. Brighton v Arsenal (15:00), BT Sport. West Ham v Wolves (17:30), Sky Sports. Bournemouth v Crystal Palace (19:45), BBC.

Sunday, 21 June: Newcastle v Sheffield United (14:00), Sky Sports and Pick. Aston Villa v Chelsea (16:15), Sky Sports. Everton v Liverpool (19:00), Sky Sports and Pick.

Monday, 22 June: Manchester City v Burnley (20:00), Sky Sports.

Tuesday, 23 June: Leicester v Brighton (18:00), Sky Sports. Tottenham v West Ham (20:15), Sky Sports.

Wednesday, 24 June: Manchester United v Sheffield United (18:00), Sky Sports and Pick. Newcastle v Aston Villa (18:00), BT Sport. Norwich v Everton (18:00), BBC. Wolves v Bournemouth (18:00), BT Sport. Liverpool v Crystal Palace (20:15), Sky Sports.

Thursday, 25 June: Burnley v Watford (18:00), Sky Sports and Pick. Southampton v Arsenal (18:00) , Sky Sports. Chelsea v Manchester (20:15), BT Sport.

Saturday, 27 June: Aston Villa v Wolves (12:30), BT Sport.

Sunday, 28 June: Watford v Southampton (16:30), Sky Sports and Pick.

Monday, 29 June: Crystal Palace v Burnley (20:00), Amazon Prime.

Tuesday, 30 June: Brighton v Manchester United (20:15), Sky Sports and Pick.

Wednesday, 1 July: Bournemouth v Newcastle (18:00), Sky Sports and Pick. Arsenal v Norwich (18:00) , BT Sport. Everton v Leicester (18:00), Sky Sports. West Ham v Chelsea (20:15), Sky Sports.

Thursday, 2 July: Sheffield United v Tottenham (18:00), Sky Sports. Manchester City v Liverpool (20:15), Sky Sports.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by GoonerMuzz »

Ironic isnt it that an organisation called 'Black Lives Matter' is organising and condoning demonstrations in the middle of a serious health crisis that directly effects Black and minority ethnic people the most, you just couldn't make it up :roll: The entire issue with the lad in America is absolutely reprehensible but ffs some people need their heads kicking in (other than said Police) because you can't change things from the grave, the chance of a massive corona spike amongst those involved in the protests will put a strain on the exact people they are protesting for who also work on the front line and are most at risk by once again raising the levels of hospital admittances.

I truly despair of the human race :banghead:

I'd also be interested to know what exactly the Government is supposed to do right this second to resolve the BAME susceptibility issue, you could withdraw them from all front line jobs however that might cause a bit of a problem with those who have to fill the slots and may die instead...... I also notice that once again this has turned into a social issue whereby it is blamed on the living standards of said people but there is no mention of the 20M+ white people of all nationalities in this country living at the same levels of social standing, nearly twice the number of BAME of all levels of social standing in the entire country, as a politician once said some things are 'an inconvenient truth'.

Many of these deaths are down to medical susceptibility that cannot be changed overnight, unfortunately some areas of the community in question have higher rates of diabetes, types of specific cancers and so on, no government or scientist can just make these things disappear so exactly what answer were they expecting from the report? At best the scientists can say, wash your hands, wear a mask, eat healthier and avoid other people all of which they should be doing anyway.

Final point is why the fuck do we have to listen to these tedious Political correspondents at these briefings every day, surely to god it would be better to have Scientific and Health correspondents to make sure the correct questions are being asked, you know people who might actually understand the answers they are being given and tailor their questions to get deeper into the meat of things rather than as seems to happen daily where the subsequent questions asked are a rehash of what the previous journalist has just asked hoping to score a political point or two, i dont give a shit about party politics right now people are still dying ffs..... christ the most intelligent questions are coming from the public ones submitted :rubchin:

On the football televised matches, why the hell are our matches mainly on Sky which typically is the one service they are being shown on which no-one in my family is subscribed to :rubchin:

nut flush gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

Jock Gooner wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:41 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:16 am
Jock Gooner wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:17 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:05 pm
Jock Gooner wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:27 pm ... 26/3fb8f/2

Just put it to bed. Nothing better than a survey to clarify the obvious.

You haven't put anything to bed, you've just avoided a perfectly reasonable question.

I asked you what you problem with DC was......if it's not Brexit....then what on earth is it.
No all along you've been saying it was a political witchhunt against DC, from the left and from Remainers. There's nothing more to say.

Ha ha, another classic nutty boy swerve when you don't like the direction of travel.

It is a perfectly reasonable question and failure to provide a reasonable answer leads me to conclude you've simply still got the hump about Brexit.
Classic? The survey disproves two of your theories, that lefties and remainers want him out. Look at the numbers, its clear that a significant number of leavers and Conservative voters also want him out. The condemnation is across the board.

All we need now is for you to label yougov as a bunch of left wing loonies. :lol: :x

Whilst were at it you probably support Rees Moggs directive to abandon online voting in parliament, despite his colleague Alok Sharma showing Covid like symptoms at the despatch box.

I chatted with two mates yesterday, who have generally voted Conservative in the past.We were all very impressed with Kier Starmer systematically taking Boris apart during PMQs. Boris needs to up his game because his style over substance way of governing is getting found out, let's face it Starmer has held back so far so its going to be a rough few years for the PM that has presided over multiple failures in managing this crisis properly.

The DC witch hunt was started by the Guardian and Mirror in a carefully orchestrated attempt to take out Boris' chief advisor. That couldn't be any more leftie in origin. They know that Boris hasn't a clue about public opinion but DC seems rather useful on the subject so go for him. Of course there will be others who don't like DC who will jump on board the bandwagon. Some of them will even lie about their true motives.

But, once again you avoid the question. What is your problem with DC ? How difficult can it be to give a straight answer to that.

Were you on here shouting about Kinnock breaking the lockdown......or.......Ferguson.....or......the Labour whip lady ? Have you been shouting about all the protestors breaking social distancing rules? No all these things apparently don't register with you but that DC......what a bastard eh.

The word that is beginning to form in my mind is hypocrite.

ANYONE who breaks lockdown in a position of power should step down IMO. It happened with Catherine Calderwood formerly Scotlands CMO who stepped down in April, it also happened in England when Neil Ferguson a government scientist fancied a bit of slap and tickle with his mistress.

Rosie Duffield stepped down the other week, and so she should have done. Stephen Kinnock and now Barry Gardiner have broken lockdown rules, they should be fined just like any other member of the public and stand down from public office. In saying that as they do not hold any ministerial roles that is not likely to happen unless their local parties turn against them in a vote of no confidence if that is possible.

Whether I mentioned it on this thread or not is irrelevant but Cummings not only breached the rules but lied through his teeth about his journey to Barnard Castle. As I said if you're gullible enough to believe him, not my problem.

You keep pointing at the left, but the survey disproves your theories time and time again. Go on call me a Labour supporter, then I will know that your marbles have departed your body!

Every day academic studies are indicating around 9,000 new infections in the UK. With the death rate for COVID around 1.4% in the UK, that indicates still over 100 deaths a day in one months time. You can defend Cummings all you like, but inevitably his actions will lead to needless deaths because the population has lost faith in the government and won't listen to any instructions. With 40,000 official deaths and the true figure being much higher they should hang their heads in shame.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Bradywasking »

In Ireland we have the Chief Medical Officer give the daily briefings, the Government ministers come on to expand on his advice..However in Ireland we are greatly blessed that Sharon on Facebook and someone who gives themself a Latin name on Twitter know more than the CMO and his team. So for real information we can log onto social media. Alternatively we have a radio presenter who at the start of the pandemic praised the efforts of the authorities and Government but now is telling his listeners that social distancing is an option and personal choice.
I don't support the party still in power in Ireland, I dont support the parties that will go into coalition with them to form.the new Government. What I do know is that the two main parties in Ireland are in the pockets of the big corporations and businesses. If those parties are taking measures and advocating procedures that hurt the economy then there must be good reason for it, so I believe in staying on the side of caution and taking that medical advice on board.

nut flush gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

GoonerMuzz wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:18 am
Ironic isnt it that an organisation called 'Black Lives Matter' is organising and condoning demonstrations in the middle of a serious health crisis that directly effects Black and minority ethnic people the most, you just couldn't make it up :roll: The entire issue with the lad in America is absolutely reprehensible but ffs some people need their heads kicking in (other than said Police) because you can't change things from the grave, the chance of a massive corona spike amongst those involved in the protests will put a strain on the exact people they are protesting for who also work on the front line and are most at risk by once again raising the levels of hospital admittances.

I truly despair of the human race :banghead:

I'd also be interested to know what exactly the Government is supposed to do right this second to resolve the BAME susceptibility issue, you could withdraw them from all front line jobs however that might cause a bit of a problem with those who have to fill the slots and may die instead...... I also notice that once again this has turned into a social issue whereby it is blamed on the living standards of said people but there is no mention of the 20M+ white people of all nationalities in this country living at the same levels of social standing, nearly twice the number of BAME of all levels of social standing in the entire country, as a politician once said some things are 'an inconvenient truth'.

Many of these deaths are down to medical susceptibility that cannot be changed overnight, unfortunately some areas of the community in question have higher rates of diabetes, types of specific cancers and so on, no government or scientist can just make these things disappear so exactly what answer were they expecting from the report? At best the scientists can say, wash your hands, wear a mask, eat healthier and avoid other people all of which they should be doing anyway.

Final point is why the fuck do we have to listen to these tedious Political correspondents at these briefings every day, surely to god it would be better to have Scientific and Health correspondents to make sure the correct questions are being asked, you know people who might actually understand the answers they are being given and tailor their questions to get deeper into the meat of things rather than as seems to happen daily where the subsequent questions asked are a rehash of what the previous journalist has just asked hoping to score a political point or two, i dont give a shit about party politics right now people are still dying ffs..... christ the most intelligent questions are coming from the public ones submitted :rubchin:

On the football televised matches, why the hell are our matches mainly on Sky which typically is the one service they are being shown on which no-one in my family is subscribed to :rubchin:
And on top of all of the above, Vitamin D. When will the government scientists acknowledge that this simple Vitamin could save your life. Probably when we get to 100k deaths.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by A11M11 »

I am surprised that the colour aspect has not been discussed, probably due to accusations being levelled against those that do. However it is scientific fact and needs to be considered .

Melanin is the substance in skin that makes it dark. It "competes" for UVB with the substance in the skin that kick-starts the body's vitamin D production. As a result, dark-skinned people tend to require more UVB exposure than light-skinned people to generate the same amount of vitamin D.

We live in a country where there is limited sunlight compared to countries nearer the equator so maybe a course of vitamin D tablets might help solve some of the BAME problem.

Jock Gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Jock Gooner »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:26 am
Jock Gooner wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:41 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:16 am
Jock Gooner wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:17 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:05 pm

You haven't put anything to bed, you've just avoided a perfectly reasonable question.

I asked you what you problem with DC was......if it's not Brexit....then what on earth is it.
No all along you've been saying it was a political witchhunt against DC, from the left and from Remainers. There's nothing more to say.

Ha ha, another classic nutty boy swerve when you don't like the direction of travel.

It is a perfectly reasonable question and failure to provide a reasonable answer leads me to conclude you've simply still got the hump about Brexit.
Classic? The survey disproves two of your theories, that lefties and remainers want him out. Look at the numbers, its clear that a significant number of leavers and Conservative voters also want him out. The condemnation is across the board.

All we need now is for you to label yougov as a bunch of left wing loonies. :lol: :x

Whilst were at it you probably support Rees Moggs directive to abandon online voting in parliament, despite his colleague Alok Sharma showing Covid like symptoms at the despatch box.

I chatted with two mates yesterday, who have generally voted Conservative in the past.We were all very impressed with Kier Starmer systematically taking Boris apart during PMQs. Boris needs to up his game because his style over substance way of governing is getting found out, let's face it Starmer has held back so far so its going to be a rough few years for the PM that has presided over multiple failures in managing this crisis properly.

The DC witch hunt was started by the Guardian and Mirror in a carefully orchestrated attempt to take out Boris' chief advisor. That couldn't be any more leftie in origin. They know that Boris hasn't a clue about public opinion but DC seems rather useful on the subject so go for him. Of course there will be others who don't like DC who will jump on board the bandwagon. Some of them will even lie about their true motives.

But, once again you avoid the question. What is your problem with DC ? How difficult can it be to give a straight answer to that.

Were you on here shouting about Kinnock breaking the lockdown......or.......Ferguson.....or......the Labour whip lady ? Have you been shouting about all the protestors breaking social distancing rules? No all these things apparently don't register with you but that DC......what a bastard eh.

The word that is beginning to form in my mind is hypocrite.
ANYONE who breaks lockdown in a position of power should step down IMO. It happened with Catherine Calderwood formerly Scotlands CMO who stepped down in April, it also happened in England when Neil Ferguson a government scientist fancied a bit of slap and tickle with his mistress.

Rosie Duffield stepped down the other week, and so she should have done. Stephen Kinnock and now Barry Gardiner have broken lockdown rules, they should be fined just like any other member of the public and stand down from public office. In saying that as they do not hold any ministerial roles that is not likely to happen unless their local parties turn against them in a vote of no confidence if that is possible.

Whether I mentioned it on this thread or not is irrelevant but Cummings not only breached the rules but lied through his teeth about his journey to Barnard Castle. As I said if you're gullible enough to believe him, not my problem.

You keep pointing at the left, but the survey disproves your theories time and time again. Go on call me a Labour supporter, then I will know that your marbles have departed your body!

Every day academic studies are indicating around 9,000 new infections in the UK. With the death rate for COVID around 1.4% in the UK, that indicates still over 100 deaths a day in one months time. You can defend Cummings all you like, but inevitably his actions will lead to needless deaths because the population has lost faith in the government and won't listen to any instructions. With 40,000 official deaths and the true figure being much higher they should hang their heads in shame.

Dom lives on just as Kinnock, Gardiner and Duffield have all retained their jobs. It's got nothing to do with gullibility, it's all about consistency for me. I honestly couldn't give two fucks about any of them breaking lockdown. Loads of people have broken lockdown including many of the leftie hypocrites who were busy howling for DC to go.

You have yet to counter the fact that the witch hunt was leftie led (the Guardian and Mirror ffs) whatever you claim to the contrary with your little survey. That is simply public reaction to the event and nothing to do with those who instigated and led the witch hunt (and failed). The survey doesn't even reflect a majority of tories wanting him to resign. Mind you if we listened to survey results we would never have bothered holding the EU referendum vote would we - we'd have just remained. Don't recall the surveys predicting an 80 seat tory majority either....surveys huh!!

Why would I call you a labour supporter if you vote conservative? You are clearly in the same boat as the likes of Ken Clarke i.e a bit of a liberal posing as a Tory so you can have a go in government. That's your choice, just don't be too disappointed if some of your politics aren't quite in tune with the rest of the party.

Oh and of course Dom is to blame for all the protestors on the street at the moment. If only Dom (shall we ignore Kinnock and Gardiner and co and just stick with Dom for now - yes let's) hadn't broken lockdown then all the protesters would probably have stayed at home. Let's just pin that on Dom - have you worked out an exact figure for the number of deaths that he is personally responsible for yet?

Academic studies. If there is one thing we have learnt from this virus is that no fucker has much of a clue what is going to happen. I can drag up scientists who predicted last week that we will have zero deaths by the end of June. All a bit pointless.

Still waiting for an answer to the question.......

Jock Gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by Jock Gooner »

A11M11 wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:34 pm
I am surprised that the colour aspect has not been discussed, probably due to accusations being levelled against those that do. However it is scientific fact and needs to be considered .

Melanin is the substance in skin that makes it dark. It "competes" for UVB with the substance in the skin that kick-starts the body's vitamin D production. As a result, dark-skinned people tend to require more UVB exposure than light-skinned people to generate the same amount of vitamin D.

We live in a country where there is limited sunlight compared to countries nearer the equator so maybe a course of vitamin D tablets might help solve some of the BAME problem.

There have been a couple of studies mentioned in the press. One (can't recall who) promoted vit D and the other (oxford uni) claimed there was no scientific evidence that D was effective against the virus. Neither research has been through the independent assessment process yet but chances are they will be soon.

nut flush gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

Jock Gooner wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:05 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:26 am
Jock Gooner wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:41 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:16 am
Jock Gooner wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:17 pm

No all along you've been saying it was a political witchhunt against DC, from the left and from Remainers. There's nothing more to say.

Ha ha, another classic nutty boy swerve when you don't like the direction of travel.

It is a perfectly reasonable question and failure to provide a reasonable answer leads me to conclude you've simply still got the hump about Brexit.
Classic? The survey disproves two of your theories, that lefties and remainers want him out. Look at the numbers, its clear that a significant number of leavers and Conservative voters also want him out. The condemnation is across the board.

All we need now is for you to label yougov as a bunch of left wing loonies. :lol: :x

Whilst were at it you probably support Rees Moggs directive to abandon online voting in parliament, despite his colleague Alok Sharma showing Covid like symptoms at the despatch box.

I chatted with two mates yesterday, who have generally voted Conservative in the past.We were all very impressed with Kier Starmer systematically taking Boris apart during PMQs. Boris needs to up his game because his style over substance way of governing is getting found out, let's face it Starmer has held back so far so its going to be a rough few years for the PM that has presided over multiple failures in managing this crisis properly.

The DC witch hunt was started by the Guardian and Mirror in a carefully orchestrated attempt to take out Boris' chief advisor. That couldn't be any more leftie in origin. They know that Boris hasn't a clue about public opinion but DC seems rather useful on the subject so go for him. Of course there will be others who don't like DC who will jump on board the bandwagon. Some of them will even lie about their true motives.

But, once again you avoid the question. What is your problem with DC ? How difficult can it be to give a straight answer to that.

Were you on here shouting about Kinnock breaking the lockdown......or.......Ferguson.....or......the Labour whip lady ? Have you been shouting about all the protestors breaking social distancing rules? No all these things apparently don't register with you but that DC......what a bastard eh.

The word that is beginning to form in my mind is hypocrite.
ANYONE who breaks lockdown in a position of power should step down IMO. It happened with Catherine Calderwood formerly Scotlands CMO who stepped down in April, it also happened in England when Neil Ferguson a government scientist fancied a bit of slap and tickle with his mistress.

Rosie Duffield stepped down the other week, and so she should have done. Stephen Kinnock and now Barry Gardiner have broken lockdown rules, they should be fined just like any other member of the public and stand down from public office. In saying that as they do not hold any ministerial roles that is not likely to happen unless their local parties turn against them in a vote of no confidence if that is possible.

Whether I mentioned it on this thread or not is irrelevant but Cummings not only breached the rules but lied through his teeth about his journey to Barnard Castle. As I said if you're gullible enough to believe him, not my problem.

You keep pointing at the left, but the survey disproves your theories time and time again. Go on call me a Labour supporter, then I will know that your marbles have departed your body!

Every day academic studies are indicating around 9,000 new infections in the UK. With the death rate for COVID around 1.4% in the UK, that indicates still over 100 deaths a day in one months time. You can defend Cummings all you like, but inevitably his actions will lead to needless deaths because the population has lost faith in the government and won't listen to any instructions. With 40,000 official deaths and the true figure being much higher they should hang their heads in shame.

Dom lives on just as Kinnock, Gardiner and Duffield have all retained their jobs. It's got nothing to do with gullibility, it's all about consistency for me. I honestly couldn't give two fucks about any of them breaking lockdown. Loads of people have broken lockdown including many of the leftie hypocrites who were busy howling for DC to go.

You have yet to counter the fact that the witch hunt was leftie led (the Guardian and Mirror ffs) whatever you claim to the contrary with your little survey. That is simply public reaction to the event and nothing to do with those who instigated and led the witch hunt (and failed). The survey doesn't even reflect a majority of tories wanting him to resign. Mind you if we listened to survey results we would never have bothered holding the EU referendum vote would we - we'd have just remained. Don't recall the surveys predicting an 80 seat tory majority either....surveys huh!!

Why would I call you a labour supporter if you vote conservative? You are clearly in the same boat as the likes of Ken Clarke i.e a bit of a liberal posing as a Tory so you can have a go in government. That's your choice, just don't be too disappointed if some of your politics aren't quite in tune with the rest of the party.

Oh and of course Dom is to blame for all the protestors on the street at the moment. If only Dom (shall we ignore Kinnock and Gardiner and co and just stick with Dom for now - yes let's) hadn't broken lockdown then all the protesters would probably have stayed at home. Let's just pin that on Dom - have you worked out an exact figure for the number of deaths that he is personally responsible for yet?

Academic studies. If there is one thing we have learnt from this virus is that no fucker has much of a clue what is going to happen. I can drag up scientists who predicted last week that we will have zero deaths by the end of June. All a bit pointless.

Still waiting for an answer to the question.......

A little survey as opposed to one person peddling a particular opinion through a media source. You can't discredit something is effectively an independent source, that makes it so clear that the condemnation is across the board. There's a pattern here with your replies, always reverts back to having a go at the left.

Ken Clarke is a wise old sage in my eyes, it's funny that because he pushed back against Brexit you tag him with the word Liberal. John Major and David Cameron are also decent principled conservatives that sit just right of centre. They are not Liberals, and in the case of David Cameron, he brought the Conservatives back from the gutter giving Tony Blair and Gordon Brown a bloody nose quite a few times at PMQs before he kicked them out in 2010. The right-wing of the Conservative party would do well to remember that because in Keir Starmer Labour have a leader that will do to Boris what Cameron used to back in the day.

Going back to COVID, I've been watching loads of videos on the Scientific side of the virus. My god, Vitamin D keeps coming up and it's not just BAME people who are deficient its older population too. If there's no sun and you know you're deficient speak to your quack and decide if you need to take supplements, especially if the sun isn't going to make an appearance for the rest of the summer.
Last edited by nut flush gooner on Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by augie »

GoonerMuzz wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:18 am
Ironic isnt it that an organisation called 'Black Lives Matter' is organising and condoning demonstrations in the middle of a serious health crisis that directly effects Black and minority ethnic people the most, you just couldn't make it up :roll: The entire issue with the lad in America is absolutely reprehensible but ffs some people need their heads kicking in (other than said Police) because you can't change things from the grave, the chance of a massive corona spike amongst those involved in the protests will put a strain on the exact people they are protesting for who also work on the front line and are most at risk by once again raising the levels of hospital admittances.

I truly despair of the human race :banghead:

I'd also be interested to know what exactly the Government is supposed to do right this second to resolve the BAME susceptibility issue, you could withdraw them from all front line jobs however that might cause a bit of a problem with those who have to fill the slots and may die instead...... I also notice that once again this has turned into a social issue whereby it is blamed on the living standards of said people but there is no mention of the 20M+ white people of all nationalities in this country living at the same levels of social standing, nearly twice the number of BAME of all levels of social standing in the entire country, as a politician once said some things are 'an inconvenient truth'.

Many of these deaths are down to medical susceptibility that cannot be changed overnight, unfortunately some areas of the community in question have higher rates of diabetes, types of specific cancers and so on, no government or scientist can just make these things disappear so exactly what answer were they expecting from the report? At best the scientists can say, wash your hands, wear a mask, eat healthier and avoid other people all of which they should be doing anyway.

Final point is why the fuck do we have to listen to these tedious Political correspondents at these briefings every day, surely to god it would be better to have Scientific and Health correspondents to make sure the correct questions are being asked, you know people who might actually understand the answers they are being given and tailor their questions to get deeper into the meat of things rather than as seems to happen daily where the subsequent questions asked are a rehash of what the previous journalist has just asked hoping to score a political point or two, i dont give a shit about party politics right now people are still dying ffs..... christ the most intelligent questions are coming from the public ones submitted :rubchin:

On the football televised matches, why the hell are our matches mainly on Sky which typically is the one service they are being shown on which no-one in my family is subscribed to :rubchin:

Problem with that is that some BAME will complain about discrimination because we live in a world where people (of all races and sexes) will claim discrimination or prejudice no matter what decisions are made in consideration of them

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by A11M11 »

Just as one ""expert decries the theory another comes out with this
Professor Rose Anne Kenny of Trinity College said: “Whereas there are currently no results from randomised controlled trials to conclusively prove that vitamin D beneficially affects COVID-19 outcomes, there is strong circumstantial evidence of associations between vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 responses, including death .
Needs investigating before we go into the depths of social circumstances.

As for PMQ's it displays all that is bad about the parliamentry system . Now that it's televised it has become little more than a Punch and Judy show . It should be about asking serious questions and getting serious answers but it's really just about pontification and point scoring.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by OneBardGooner »

GoonerMuzz wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:18 am
Ironic isnt it that an organisation called 'Black Lives Matter' is organising and condoning demonstrations in the middle of a serious health crisis that directly effects Black and minority ethnic people the most, you just couldn't make it up :roll:

The entire issue with the lad in America is absolutely reprehensible but ffs some people need their heads kicking in (other than said Police) because you can't change things from the grave, the chance of a massive corona spike amongst those involved in the protests will put a strain on the exact people they are protesting for who also work on the front line and are most at risk by once again raising the levels of hospital admittances.

I truly despair of the human race :

banghead: I'd also be interested to know what exactly the Government is supposed to do right this second to resolve the BAME susceptibility issue, you could withdraw them from all front line jobs however that might cause a bit of a problem with those who have to fill the slots and may die instead...... I also notice that once again this has turned into a social issue whereby it is blamed on the living standards of said people but there is no mention of the 20M+ white people of all nationalities in this country living at the same levels of social standing, nearly twice the number of BLAME of all levels of social standing in the entire country, as a politician once said some things are 'an inconvenient truth'.

Many of these deaths are down to medical susceptibility that cannot be changed overnight, unfortunately some areas of the community in question have higher rates of diabetes, types of specific cancers and so on, no government or scientist can just make these things disappear so exactly what answer were they expecting from the report? At best the scientists can say, wash your hands, wear a mask, eat healthier and avoid other people all of which they should be doing anyway.

Final point is why the fuck do we have to listen to these tedious Political correspondents at these briefings every day, surely to god it would be better to have Scientific and Health correspondents to make sure the correct questions are being asked, you know people who might actually understand the answers they are being given and tailor their questions to get deeper into the meat of things rather than as seems to happen daily where the subsequent questions asked are a rehash of what the previous journalist has just asked hoping to score a political point or two, i dont give a shit about party politics right now people are still dying ffs..... christ the most intelligent questions are coming from the public ones submitted :rubchin:

On the football televised matches, why the hell are our matches mainly on Sky which typically is the one service they are being shown on which no-one in my family is subscribed to
I was thinking the exact same thing...But of if someone said that aloud they would be called a Racist :? I wonder what would happen if someone turned up to one of these protests with a placard saying "White Lives Matter Too" :rubchin:

Human race thing? I feel your pain GM - Truly I do. :cry:

Perhaps the Sky thing might turn out to be a Blessing in Disguise if results don't go our way, or if we get raped by $hitty. :|

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by goonertux »

A11M11 wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:53 pm
Just as one ""expert decries the theory another comes out with this
Professor Rose Anne Kenny of Trinity College said: “Whereas there are currently no results from randomised controlled trials to conclusively prove that vitamin D beneficially affects COVID-19 outcomes, there is strong circumstantial evidence of associations between vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 responses, including death .
Needs investigating before we go into the depths of social circumstances.

As for PMQ's it displays all that is bad about the parliamentry system . Now that it's televised it has become little more than a Punch and Judy show . It should be about asking serious questions and getting serious answers but it's really just about pontification and point scoring.
Particularly the odious and poisonous twerp Jacob Rees Mogg. Still thinks we’re living in 1885 and his subjects should bow to his superiority. Evil piece of work. Not only what he said about the Grenfell dead, but the fact he is earning fortunes through this pandemic and has also invested in shortening the pound when the calamity of Brexit hits home.

nut flush gooner
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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by nut flush gooner »

A11M11 wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:53 pm
Just as one ""expert decries the theory another comes out with this
Professor Rose Anne Kenny of Trinity College said: “Whereas there are currently no results from randomised controlled trials to conclusively prove that vitamin D beneficially affects COVID-19 outcomes, there is strong circumstantial evidence of associations between vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 responses, including death .
Needs investigating before we go into the depths of social circumstances.

As for PMQ's it displays all that is bad about the parliamentry system . Now that it's televised it has become little more than a Punch and Judy show . It should be about asking serious questions and getting serious answers but it's really just about pontification and point scoring.
COVID fucks up your lungs to put it simply that's why smokers, asthmatics even people who live in polluted cities are at risk of having a bad dose of the virus as well as BAME. What vitamin D does and Doctor Campbell (who I linked above) explains it as well as anyone I have seen on Social Media is to enhance your bodies defences against respiratory diseases.

The Trinity College Professor needs to read up on BMJ guidance issued in 2017 in regards to a study into acute respiratory tract infections, similar to the ones that are displayed in COVID 19 patients. I even heard a doctor discredit vitamin D on Sky News this week. Not often I scream at the TV for a non-footy program but for a GP to dismiss Vitamin D is criminal.

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