CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by the playing mantis »

flash gunner wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:29 pm
We need to stay out of this war...

The people who were shit scared of COVID are now calling for action that could lead to nuclear war. What a farce.

Haven't we learnt anything from Iraq/Afghan wars

Humanitarian help absolutely... Direct involvement or supplying weapon no way
Exactly. Nuclear war is what will happen then we are all fucked. Politicians on both sides of this have a lot to answer for.

Yes Putin is lunatic and there's is 0 justification for invasion but you dont p off russia for no reason given how erratic/crazy/suspicious they are...the world almost went to war over Cuba being in/or potential part of the Warsaw pact and housing Russian weapons, as the US didnt like it on there doorstep, but the exact same thing is happening here, with Russia paranoid about 'encirclement'.

The de-russification in recent years in Ukraine of predominantly Russian ethnic areas has given the madman putin an excuse in his head and just increased the likelihood of this, why couldn't there have been peaceful coexistence and without all this pivot east/west bllox. Nato is a defensive organization and shouldnt be needed in such formal terms when the soviet union fell, but i cannot help feeling it and the EU's overtures to Ukraine have not helped this. Why not invite Russia to join both as well as otherwise you are pitting yourselves against them as an adversary and threat and given how batshit they are everyone knew it would p them off, when a more collaborative approach could have avoided this.

I hope Putin gets assasinated or a military coup to remove him as thats the only way this will stop. Western boots on the ground will be end of humanity, its a tragedy for the people of Ukraine but politicians have masses to answer for as it should never have got like this, but as ever the politics cause the little man to suffer.

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by the playing mantis »

augie wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:30 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:11 pm
augie wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:23 pm
flash gunner wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:29 pm
We need to stay out of this war...

The people who were shit scared of COVID are now calling for action that could lead to nuclear war. What a farce.

Haven't we learnt anything from Iraq/Afghan wars

Humanitarian help absolutely... Direct involvement or supplying weapon no way

Putin is a dictator who in all likelihood wont stop with Ukraine - at what stage do you say enough, or are you in favour of allowing him to plunder his way through europe as he pleases ? If we are bringing up previous wars, why not talk about hitler who wasnt satisfied with killing jews and decided he wanted to conquer all of europe. It is shameful watching these supposedly big powerful countries stand back whilst innocent people are getting massacred :oops: :oops: What good is supplying humanitarian aid ? In a few weeks (maybe months) ukraine as a country will be no more, and most of their population will either be dead, homeless, in russian prisons, or exiled to other parts of the world (obviously not the uk though as ye are only accepting 50 of them in :roll: ), so who are you sending aid to then ? These bigger countries should at the very least be supplying weapons to Ukraine, but preferably send in proper soldiers of their own to help.

Btw I wasnt one running scared of covid, and argued for a long long time that the world should be opened up and learn to deal with it
The west in recent years has not dealt with Putin well enough because the leaders have been so poor .

You currently have a clown as UK PM, and a senile American president who followed on from the stupidest president in US history.
Result has been Putin getting more and more confident, and I’m afraid that it is now too late for Ukraine.

However if Putin puts one step outside of Ukraine into NATO countries then yes of course we retaliate and go in hard.
Trouble is at that point you have WW3 and Putin likely to use nuclear bombs against us - oh and he will fire first - unless you think we should have a go at nuking Moscow ?

I'm saying that if Ukraine requested our help, and if soldiers from "the west" never went outside Ukraine borders, then it can in no way be portrayed as an attack on russia - it is defending a country within its own borders only
you really think given how batshit putin is, he would accept that and not use it as an excuse to press the button?

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by the playing mantis »

augie wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:23 pm
flash gunner wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:29 pm
We need to stay out of this war...

The people who were shit scared of COVID are now calling for action that could lead to nuclear war. What a farce.

Haven't we learnt anything from Iraq/Afghan wars

Humanitarian help absolutely... Direct involvement or supplying weapon no way

Putin is a dictator who in all likelihood wont stop with Ukraine - at what stage do you say enough, or are you in favour of allowing him to plunder his way through europe as he pleases ? If we are bringing up previous wars, why not talk about hitler who wasnt satisfied with killing jews and decided he wanted to conquer all of europe. It is shameful watching these supposedly big powerful countries stand back whilst innocent people are getting massacred :oops: :oops: What good is supplying humanitarian aid ? In a few weeks (maybe months) ukraine as a country will be no more, and most of their population will either be dead, homeless, in russian prisons, or exiled to other parts of the world (obviously not the uk though as ye are only accepting 50 of them in :roll: ), so who are you sending aid to then ? These bigger countries should at the very least be supplying weapons to Ukraine, but preferably send in proper soldiers of their own to help.

Btw I wasnt one running scared of covid, and argued for a long long time that the world should be opened up and learn to deal with it
Putin doesnt want to concur Europe. Hes paranoid and doesn't like the 'threats' non existent, but in his crazy head, around him... hes not an expansionist like Hitler with ideological goals. He may use the excuse of Ukraine being part of wider Russia and people think its ideological, its not, its a madmans paranoia about having a threat on his border...before all the Ukrainian political anti russian rhetoric and wish to join western anti russian organisations that rightly or wrongly Russia percieve as a threat this would not have happened. The tragedy is politics have caused the population to suffer as ever.

We are supplying military aid. Why should we police other soverign states issues, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan all went brilliantly and they were actively posing a threat to us allegedly by their housing of terrorists.

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Re: CoronaVirus Latest

Post by the playing mantis »

Gunner Rob wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:03 am
the playing mantis wrote:
Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:29 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Sun Mar 06, 2022 5:26 pm
shu wrote:
Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:52 pm
Gunner Rob , how is your anxiety with the Ukraine situation ? Covid is so 2020/1 and wtf was brexit :D
There is a clear link between Brexit and the Ukraine crisis.

The Russians have been significant donors to the Conservative party which is why Johnson has been so soft on the Oligarchs.
Also it is becoming obvious that without Russian influence Brexit would not have happened. There was a massive online campaign to brainwash the U.K. public into voting for Brexit and so to therefore destabilise the U.K. and the EU.

It was also a distraction - instead of cutting ourselves off from the EU we should have been getting closer and making NATO stronger and focusing on the real issue - the dictator Putin.

It is no accident that he has decided to invade Ukraine now with Johnson at his weakest and the EU diminished. We like the rest of Europe have been completely played by him.
i thought you had been getting better with your more sensible football posting but the above is just moronic on so many levels. Sorry Moronic!

one point how would staying in the EU make Nato stronger?
The same EU where France are one of the 2 key members who say fuck Nato? The same EU who mostly don't spend the proportion of GDP they are meant to on defense as per Nato stipulations? Facking hell Rob, is Brexit to blame for you having a small cock too?! (dont ask how i know, well actually DB10 told me ;) )
fair enough if you don't agree but by dismissing it completely you just come across like a Russian who doesnt believe there is a war going on in Ukraine. ... referendum ... 24817.html
ssh comrade you will blow my cover...

address my points rob not quote a biased media source or the trustworthy wikipedia.

Of course there's a war, an illegal one too. Putin deserves to rot in hell and its a tragedy for the people of Ukraine, but thats not the point i was addressing. You jumped the shark and blamed Brexit. I did too to show how silly that was, for all i care you may have a massive knob.

On the wests side if anyone is to blame its the idiot Macron and his crappy diplomacy and the German self interest. UK has been forthright from the beginning but the EU completely divided over self interest for each country. We have all played Putin wrong before this though. We know hes nuts, you dont give people like that an excuse, being it staring at the nut job talking to himself flicking his switchblade on the bus or indirectly pissing off a basket case country that has the means to end the world as in this case.

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by begeegs »

augie wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:23 pm

Putin is a dictator who in all likelihood wont stop with Ukraine - at what stage do you say enough, or are you in favour of allowing him to plunder his way through europe as he pleases ? If we are bringing up previous wars, why not talk about hitler who wasnt satisfied with killing jews and decided he wanted to conquer all of europe. It is shameful watching these supposedly big powerful countries stand back whilst innocent people are getting massacred :oops: :oops: What good is supplying humanitarian aid ? In a few weeks (maybe months) ukraine as a country will be no more, and most of their population will either be dead, homeless, in russian prisons, or exiled to other parts of the world (obviously not the uk though as ye are only accepting 50 of them in :roll: ), so who are you sending aid to then ? These bigger countries should at the very least be supplying weapons to Ukraine, but preferably send in proper soldiers of their own to help.

Btw I wasnt one running scared of covid, and argued for a long long time that the world should be opened up and learn to deal with it
I think that there are a lot of nuances/interests which are involved here. I don't see Putin as this insane person that is being portrayed in the media. I listened to his speech at the WEF last year and he more or less rejected The Great Reset contrived from the pantomime villain, Klaus Schwab. He sounded like an economic populist. I do believe that you have to be a bit of a sociopath to be a leader of any country, so I am not siding with him, but will say that I only see a few losers in this conflict and none of them are Putin and Russia. They are mainly you, me, the people from the Ukraine and Europe, especially if they get dragged into a conflict which they will because the US are supplying arms via surrounding regions.

This conflict will lead to an energy shortage and we are already seeing spikes in those prices which will have a knock on effect to all areas of our life. Logistics, food prices, etc. - we are dependent on oil & gas. It is almost like there is an agenda which wants to whole system to collapse because it will. It wasn't enough for Coronavirus to be shoved down our throats and now this.

I don't want to get to far down that rabbit hole of negativity, but if it did erupt, it would mean more travel restriction and yet more rights taken away. Probably Freedom of Speech being the first to fall. It was hinted at with Covid, but imagine what will happen with war. More Police/Surveillance state measures and most will think that will keep them safe, so will happily sacrifice.

What a sad state the world has become.

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by Redarmy »

From BBC today....looks like gonna see some more "spikes" (following on from above)

Russia has said it may close its main gas pipeline to Germany if the West goes ahead with a ban on Russian oil.
Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said a "rejection of Russian oil would lead to catastrophic consequences for the global market", causing prices to more than double to $300 a barrel.
The US has been exploring a potential ban with allies as a way of punishing Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.
But Germany and the Netherlands rejected the plan on Monday.
The EU gets about 40% of its gas and 30% of its oil from Russia, and has no easy substitutes if supplies are disrupted.

Nice to see America working on the there anything in the world they dont get involved with?

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by Gunner Rob »

To get back on topic - COVID cases and deaths back up again this week

Regarding the war I think we are all sitting and watching the start of WW3.
At some point I think NATO will get involved and dragged into the mess- could get pretty ugly.

But on the bright side I think Arsenal might finish in the top 4 this season :barscarf:

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by TeeCee »

:D I think we’ll get into the CL, get through to the final next season to play Ajax and at 3-0 up with 1 minute to go……, nothing to do with Clive, the bomb will drop and we’re all wiped out… close but so far!!

For what it’s worth I think we should get involved (NATO) I mean, Putins threats are see through. He’s struggling to get on top of Ukrainian forces and Dads Army FFS, Russia would crumble against NATO and someone would top Putin very very quickly to put an end to it. There’s only so long you can run from a bully, give the fucker a slap! It has to be done.

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by shu »

Ffs Rob stop going on about fucking Covid !!!!

My mate flies out in that direction tomorrow, he did a lot in Afghan and wants a fight . He said they would rip them to bits .

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by shu »

Ffs Rob stop going on about fucking Covid !!!!

My mate flies out in that direction tomorrow, he did a lot in Afghan and wants a fight . He said they would rip them to bits .

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by DB10GOONER »

Putin, or "Shitler" as he is now being called, :lol: will most likely be got rid of because of this war started by his ego driven 1980s cold war nostalgia mentality, the fucking clown.

The CIA and MI6 will already have put feelers out to certain Russian generals, oligarchs, and politicians along the lines of "here Ivan, overthrow the meerkat-looking fuckwomble and we'll light your economy back up with a few billion in aid every year".

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by Gunner Rob »

TeeCee wrote:
Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:39 pm
:D I think we’ll get into the CL, get through to the final next season to play Ajax and at 3-0 up with 1 minute to go……, nothing to do with Clive, the bomb will drop and we’re all wiped out… close but so far!!

For what it’s worth I think we should get involved (NATO) I mean, Putins threats are see through. He’s struggling to get on top of Ukrainian forces and Dads Army FFS, Russia would crumble against NATO and someone would top Putin very very quickly to put an end to it. There’s only so long you can run from a bully, give the fucker a slap! It has to be done.
Putin is prepared to nuke all of Europe - you can’t take that sort of chance with him.

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by robbo10 »

Gunner Rob wrote:
Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:14 pm
TeeCee wrote:
Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:39 pm
:D I think we’ll get into the CL, get through to the final next season to play Ajax and at 3-0 up with 1 minute to go……, nothing to do with Clive, the bomb will drop and we’re all wiped out… close but so far!!

For what it’s worth I think we should get involved (NATO) I mean, Putins threats are see through. He’s struggling to get on top of Ukrainian forces and Dads Army FFS, Russia would crumble against NATO and someone would top Putin very very quickly to put an end to it. There’s only so long you can run from a bully, give the fucker a slap! It has to be done.
Putin is prepared to nuke all of Europe - you can’t take that sort of chance with him.
Putins troops on the ground may well be struggling to take control of the Ukrainian civilians but one thing that does make this different from Afghanistan or any other conflict involving the UK or NATO IS the fact Putin does have Nuclear capability,and that’s why we cannot get too involved by putting British soldiers into the fight,because that mad Russian c unt probably would fire a missile towards London as he’s clearly insane and losing the ground war (if the news is to be believed) once that first missile goes it’s probably the end of it all,as counter strikes would be inevitable
It really is fucking scary that in 2022 we are facing this madness,I understand the Ukrainian president is giving it Billy Big Bollocks about no fly zones and we are with Putin if we ain’t helping the Ukrainians,but it really ain’t that simple

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by OneBardGooner »

Source BBC:

Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich has been sanctioned by the UK government as part of its response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

He is one of seven oligarchs to be hit with fresh sanctions, including asset freezes and travel bans.

The list also includes billionaires Igor Sechin and Oleg Deripaska, both seen as allies of Vladimir Putin.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said "there can be no safe havens" for those who have supported the invasion.

Live: Latest developments in Ukraine war
Who are the mega-rich Russians facing sanctions?

Chelsea FC cannot sell any more tickets for games, its merchandise shop will be closed, and it will be unable to buy or sell players on the transfer market.

The government said it would issue a special licence that allows fixtures to be fulfilled, staff to be paid and existing ticket holders to attend matches.

Ministers have come under pressure to sanction Mr Abramovich, who said he had made the "difficult decision" to sell Chelsea FC earlier this month.

IMO: Boris Johnson should have authorised this at least1 week ago, But for me he was allowing Abramovich and Family Members to shift (Syphon) Millions of pounds worth of shares Out of the UK, it is very well hidden but all of the oligarchs have made significant donations to various Tory causes as a way of enabling them, their family members and associates to get Passports and Travel Warrants so they can come and go at their leisure in and out of the UK. Boris is a Corrupt C.U.N.T

The football club is among the assets frozen as part of the sanctions against Mr Abramovich and its sale has now been stalled. :barscarf: :barscarf: :barscarf:


But the BBC understands the government would consider allowing Mr Abramovich to apply for a special licence to sell the club, providing he can prove he would not benefit from the sale.

Mr Abramovich, 55, is alleged to have strong ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, which he has denied.

The government says Mr Abramovich, who has an estimated net worth of £9.4bn, is "one of the few oligarchs from the 1990s to maintain prominence under Putin".

Mr Abramovich has stakes in steel giant Evraz and Norilsk Nickel. He sold a 73% stake in Russian oil firm Sibneft to state-owned gas titan Gazprom for £9.87bn in 2005.

He is believed to own a number of properties in the UK, including a 15-bedroom mansion at Kensington Palace Gardens in west London, reportedly valued at more than £150m.


Chelsea reassurances
While the sanctions against him throw Chelsea's future in doubt, ministers sought to reassure the club it would not be "unnecessarily harmed".
In a tweet, Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said holding those who have "enabled the Putin regime to account" was the priority.
Tuchel criticises fans' Abramovich chants
Abramovich says he will sell Chelsea
Abramovich sanctions halt Chelsea sale
"I know this brings some uncertainty, but the government will work with the league and clubs to keep football being played while ensuring sanctions hit those intended," she wrote.
When asked if being unable to sell tickets and merchandise would hit Chelsea's finances, the culture secretary said: "Sanctions have consequences and that's a fact."


The club's shirt sponsor, telecommunications company Three, said it had put its £40m shirt deal under review.
Chelsea has enjoyed major success since Mr Abramovich bought the club in 2003 for £140m, winning major titles including the Champions League, the Premier League and the FA Cup.
Mr Abramovich has previously said that proceeds of the club's sale would be donated to victims of war.
On Wednesday, there were 20 credible interested parties looking at a potential Chelsea takeover, including British businessman Nick Candy.


Analysis from BBC home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford:

Like all the Russian billionaires who still run businesses in their motherland, Roman Abramovich has had to remain on good terms with President Putin, even though he no longer spends much time in the country.

This is what led to him being sanctioned, with the UK government saying he is a "pro-Kremlin oligarch" who had has a "close relationship" with Vladimir Putin for decades and has obtained "financial benefit" and "preferential treatment" from that relationship.

One example given of that is the contracts he received in the run up to the FIFA 2018 World Cup.

More specifically on Ukraine and the Russian army, the UK government claims one of Mr Abramovich's companies, Evraz Plc, may "potentially" have been involved in providing steel which "may have been used in the production of tanks".

It is probably now too late for Roman Abramovich to recover his position and he may find himself being sanctioned by the US and the EU as well.
Like many Russian businessmen he is now likely to turn to China.


The UK and its western allies have been ratcheting up sanctions against individuals and companies linked to President Putin since the invasion of Ukraine was launched on 24 February.

The government said Thursday's sanctions against "seven of Russia's wealthiest and most influential oligarchs" were part of the UK's "efforts to isolate Putin and those around him".

Among those sanctioned was Oleg Deripaska, a leading industrialist who has had links with British politicians.

Once one of the richest men linked to President Putin, Mr Deripaska made billions from his stake in Russia's aluminium industries, including EN+ Group, and has a multi-million pound property portfolio in the UK.

Media reports have named Mr Deripaska as the owner of a property on Belgrave Square, one of London's most exclusive neighbourhoods.

His net worth is now an estimated £2bn, according to the Foreign Office, and he has been subject to US sanctions since 2018.

Unlike other Russian oligarchs, who have remained silent on the war in Ukraine so far, Mr Deripaska has called for "peace as soon as possible" in a tweet.


Igor Sechin is another wealthy businessman who is said to have deep ties to President Putin.

Named Putin's right-hand man by the UK, Mr Sechin worked with the president when he was mayor in St Petersburg in the 1990s.

Igor Sechin is the chief executive of Rosneft, a Russian state oil company, and has been sanctioned by the US and EU.

In its statement, the government said the four others sanctioned included:
Andrey Kostin, chairman of VTB bank. He "has long supported Kremlin objectives" through the bank, which has already been sanctioned by the UK
Alexei Miller, CEO of energy company Gazprom. An ally of Mr Putin from his St Petersburg days, he is "one of the most important executives supporting the Russian government"

Nikolai Tokarev, president of the Russia state-owned pipeline company Transneft, He served with Mr Putin as a KGB officer in Dresden in East Germany in the 1980s and the pair have "remained closely associated ever since"

Dmitri Lebedev, chairman of the board of directors of Bank Rossiya. Sanctioned by the UK, IS "widely considered to be the Kremlin's private bank"
The has now sanctioned 18 oligarchs since the invasion of Ukraine began, a Downing Street spokesperson said.
In addition to President Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and four Belarusian generals, 23 high-profile Russian oligarchs were now on the UK's sanctions list, the spokesperson said:
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said the government had targeted the oligarchs to "ramp up the pressure on the Putin regime and choke off funds to his brutal war machine".

She said: "With their close links to Putin they are complicit in his aggression.

"The blood of the Ukrainian people is on their hands. They should hang their heads in shame."

Labour's shadow foreign secretary David Lammy said the sanctions were the "right decision" but "should not have taken the government weeks".
"Too few oligarchs linked to Putin's rogue regime have so far faced sanctions from the UK government," Mr Lammy said:

The government has been accused of moving slower than western allies the US and the EU in its sanctioning of individuals linked to President Putin.

The government's Economic Crime Bill, which is expected to become law later this month, is designed to harden and quicken these sanctions.

The government says the bill will also stop wealthy Russians using the City of London for money laundering and hiding gains linked to organised crime.

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Re: CoronaVirus / Adolf Putin / The Apocalypse etc

Post by OneBardGooner »

DB10GOONER wrote:
Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:09 pm
Putin, or "Shitler" as he is now being called, :lol: will most likely be got rid of because of this war started by his ego driven 1980s cold war nostalgia mentality, the fucking clown.

The CIA and MI6 will already have put feelers out to certain Russian generals, oligarchs, and politicians along the lines of "here Ivan, overthrow the meerkat-looking fuckwomble and we'll light your economy back up with a few billion in aid every year".

:coffeespit: Nice One! :high5:

Yeah! It's just a matter of time, sadly something that The Ukrainian people do not have as they see their homes being flattened, their cities and livelihoods Destroyed by that EVILCUNT...


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