Announcement by Arsenal FC.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by OneBardGooner »

We were "Robbed" regardless of what anyone might say or try to infer; I Totally understand and Back Arteta's immediate reaction and I just hope that the club will stand strong and make PGMOL account (publicly) for every occasion they fuck us over - and it WILL happen again.

I've tried to be supportive of Arteta (perhaps half in the hope he will bring us success and perhaps half out of sheer desperation - seeing as not since Wenger first 10 years has there been much to truly believe in and celebrate). Okay so we won 3 FA cups (No mean feat) under the tail end of his tenure, but for me it became "embarrassing" when he would waffle and talk Wenger-bollocks to the media AND sign players who were Never going To Be Good Enough in a Million years. But because he was our manger I; like many other Gooners kept my criticisms of him to discussions with other Gooners and on here.

I too am utterly baffled by the purchase of Havertz; again I thought 'give him time' who knows, perhaps Arteta has seen 'something he can work with' but with each passing appearance Havertz has barely improved; if at all. One thing's for sure he simply doesn't fit in with what I thought our way of playing was / is? - Last season we were a very different team to how we are now and if anything with the inclusion of Rice in the team this season we should be even better, but we are not. That Dynamism we exhibited almost every game last season; with a few exceptions is Missing.

Arteta seems to be getting more and more like TOF in terms of his Arrogance and Refusal to 'change' or 'see where things are going wrong, admit to them and so adapt and progress.

My real worry is that if he is unwilling to admit to his mistakes; and everybody makes them, then we might be looking at another lengthy spell under a manager who whilst keeping us in the higher echelons of the Prem does very little else other than getting to Quarter/Semi-finals with no Trophies to show for it. It was bad enough to have to Endure that under TOF and I really don't want to go through that again. It really is too frustrating and unpleasant.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by augie »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:21 pm
We were "Robbed" regardless of what anyone might say or try to infer; I Totally understand and Back Arteta's immediate reaction and I just hope that the club will stand strong and make PGMOL account (publicly) for every occasion they fuck us over - and it WILL happen again.

I've tried to be supportive of Arteta (perhaps half in the hope he will bring us success and perhaps half out of sheer desperation - seeing as not since Wenger first 10 years has there been much to truly believe in and celebrate). Okay so we won 3 FA cups (No mean feat) under the tail end of his tenure, but for me it became "embarrassing" when he would waffle and talk Wenger-bollocks to the media AND sign players who were Never going To Be Good Enough in a Million years. But because he was our manger I; like many other Gooners kept my criticisms of him to discussions with other Gooners and on here.

I too am utterly baffled by the purchase of Havertz; again I thought 'give him time' who knows, perhaps Arteta has seen 'something he can work with' but with each passing appearance Havertz has barely improved; if at all. One thing's for sure he simply doesn't fit in with what I thought our way of playing was / is? - Last season we were a very different team to how we are now and if anything with the inclusion of Rice in the team this season we should be even better, but we are not. That Dynamism we exhibited almost every game last season; with a few exceptions is Missing.

Arteta seems to be getting more and more like TOF in terms of his Arrogance and Refusal to 'change' or 'see where things are going wrong, admit to them and so adapt and progress.

My real worry is that if he is unwilling to admit to his mistakes; and everybody makes them, then we might be looking at another lengthy spell under a manager who whilst keeping us in the higher echelons of the Prem does very little else other than getting to Quarter/Semi-finals with no Trophies to show for it. It was bad enough to have to Endure that under TOF and I really don't want to go through that again. It really is too frustrating and unpleasant.

In what way or to what end onebard ? I understand and agree with el basque's tirade cos I have always believed in speaking up when you feel that something is not right, but I am curious to know what you expect to come from this ? :? The club stood strong and backed the manager with a statement of their own, but even though I agree with both statements, I am wondering what is it exactly we expect to see come out of all this ? Are we seriously expecting the people/system to improve ? The victims looked for a replay (and we all mocked them), but even though the whole world agreed that it was a disgraceful decision, have we seen any improvements since ? If anything I would argue that we have seen more incidents since the victims v scum debacle :roll: The life of a football fan (regardless of what club they support) always seems to centre around a feeling that they are getting screwed by authorities - I must admit that I get pissed off on here sometimes when I read comments suggesting that we are getting picked on, because the reality is that all clubs are getting screwed by incompetent match officials (wolves have had 3 disgraceful decisions against them so far this season), but the reality is that in my opinion that isnt gonna change anytime soon, but getting screwed over by an incompetent referee is much easier to accept than getting screwed over by fools who have the technology but who are either too stupid or corrupt to use it properly :twisted: :twisted:

My other feeling coming out of this saga is how the manager, the club and fans will feel justified in protesting this shitfest, but a lot of those same people will be outraged when some fans publicly complain or protest about how their club is being run - we all feel entitled to demand accountability, but this is a slippy path that el basque and the club have gone down now, and imo if you livve by the sword then you should die by the sword. Pep's cone boy is frustrated by continued bad decisions by referee's, but we are also frustrated by his continued selection of havertz and raya (and a few others too) - when the same mistakes keep getting made, why does el basque feel that he is entitled to see changes when he himself is making the same mistakes ? I will be the first to say that the match officials cost us a point on Saturday, but can he say that the performances of havertz, nketieh and raya are not costing us this season too ? If he does say that then he is a fcuking liar cos they have been dogshite. He can come out in his statement saying that when we deserve to lose he comes out and holds his hands up and maybe he does, but it is one thing saying it but another thing showing it, and when he picks those same shit players it is not him acknowledging and correcting his mistakes, but he is doubling down on them and he should be getting some stick on these decisions imo

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by OneBardGooner »

Well, Howard Webb is supposed to be meeting with Arteta (& the coaching staff and Players?) this week. First things first is (and I know they have apologised before for their incompetence & mistakes) regarding Brentford last season; not that apologies can right the wrong, but it is important that the Club/Team/Manager get a Public / Official Apology. And if they DO apologise for this fiasco, then it enables The Club, Manager and Staff to say "We were right to feel aggrieved" and to be able to justifiably say to the media and all the other gobshyte clubs and fans ' See they admit it We WERE Robbed'.

In essence shut all the detractors the Fuck UP! Especially all those who have been giving it Large on TV/Radio/Online.

Also for the club to Not Allow this to disappear into the ethers and be forgotten, but to keep it in the forefront of the minds of all the officials and VAR before and during every game and so seek any advantage; seeing as we have been dis-advantaged. We have been shat on too many times by PGMOL, The FA and Other Parties (and of Course the MediaCUNTS) so time to use it as a means to our advantage in any and every way possible.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by rodders999 »

Remember when Martinelli's goal was chalked off at Old Trafford last season for an Odegaard "foul" that took place around 5 passes earlier in the build up. Odegaard brushed up against Erikson, I think it was, in a nothing challenge and they fucked us over.

Remember when a Trossard screamer was ruled out at Leicester because Ben White was holding their keeper by the hand like a couple of love struck teenagers. Compare those incidents to the 2 hand push in the back by Jolinton Saturday and fucking LOL :roll:

Remember Martinelli's goal at Goodison ruled out a few weeks ago for "offside" when the Everton player booted the ball down the field to him, and even at that they used a camera angle about 10 meters further up the pitch to draw some half arsed line that couldn't be verified. That was offside but a Newcastle player standing on the goal line ahead of the keeper who receives a pass played by a team mates hand is ok. BANTER.

These things even themselves out over the course of a season :coffeespit:

Give me one example, just ONE of a time an opposition team was screwed out of a decision against us like the ones above and the countless others I've mentioned across numerous other threads. I'd love to hear it.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by augie »

OneBardGooner wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:57 pm
Well, Howard Webb is supposed to be meeting with Arteta (& the coaching staff and Players?) this week. First things first is (and I know they have apologised before for their incompetence & mistakes) regarding Brentford last season; not that apologies can right the wrong, but it is important that the Club/Team/Manager get a Public / Official Apology. And if they DO apologise for this fiasco, then it enables The Club, Manager and Staff to say "We were right to feel aggrieved" and to be able to justifiably say to the media and all the other gobshyte clubs and fans ' See they admit it We WERE Robbed'.

In essence shut all the detractors the Fuck UP! Especially all those who have been giving it Large on TV/Radio/Online.

Also for the club to Not Allow this to disappear into the ethers and be forgotten, but to keep it in the forefront of the minds of all the officials and VAR before and during every game and so seek any advantage; seeing as we have been dis-advantaged. We have been shat on too many times by PGMOL, The FA and Other Parties (and of Course the MediaCUNTS) so time to use it as a means to our advantage in any and every way possible.

This is where we differ - to me now all these apologies from webb and referee's are worth the square root of fcuk all simply because nothing is changing - I was initially hopeful when webb started this policy of apologising for their fcuk ups because to correct their mistakes they first need to admit and acknowledge them, but it seems now that all they are doing is admitting mistakes but changing nothing. I dont need an apology from them and will gain nothing from it - sack the var officials involved cos that is taking action, but the rest is just words :blah: :blah: :blah:

It seems that the meeja c.unts seem divided on this debacle - most do seem to acknowledge that the goal should have been disallowed for at least one reason, but in this case it is the empty vessels (ratface neville and spitting scouser) who have the biggest platform and they are bashing us right now and keeping it in public domain is going to increase this bashing. They have given the match officials a way out and if webb goes to this meeting with this inconclusive nonsense all hell will break loose, so will this meeting be a good thing then ? If webb states that the evidence is inconclusive will it change your mind ? It certainly wont change my mind so I dont need his vindication of my reaction cos it was blatant regardless of who says what. We are entitled to be outraged over the 3 non decisions, but I'll say this again, we are not the only club getting screwed by incompetence and we will be screwed again regardless of what we say now publicly

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by augie »

It should also be acknowledged that el basque's comments when the victims got screwed over against the scum are not helping him now

Arteta, speaking on October 6, said: "I don’t know. It’s something that we don’t have a say on, we don’t manage.

“I think they are trying to make the best decisions, they are trying to protect the game, they are trying to get as much support and be ruthless when they need to be.

"At some point as well we need to give support and understand that mistakes happen. We’ve made mistakes as well and if the pressure is so much then it’s very difficult to manage."

Whether he or we like it or not, that statement makes his rant on Saturday look like total hypocrisy - he was ok backing the referee's when it was the victims getting screwed, but now that his team are being screwed he feels it is ok to question the integrity of referee's :rubchin: That isnt me throwing him under the bus here because I feel he was right to say what he said Saturday night, and he probably said what he said back in October thinking that it might work in his favour with referee's (clearly it hasnt), but regardless it does make him like a hypocrite

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by xgtdec »

Its a pity the club didnt thank spit, Rat boy, ill give you 1/5 that Michael owns a midget and all the rest of them for all their input, Arsenal FC wishes to thank all "pundits" for keeping this important issue in the public eye so it doesnt just go away and continues to get the attention it deserves.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by A11M11 »

we are not the only club getting screwed by incompetence and we will be screwed again regardless of what we say now publicly

And thereby hangs the problem , until all of the clubs that get screwed complain with one voice nothing will happen.
Whilst they ( pgmol and premier league ) adopt the divide and conquer system they can control the narrative. The media has no interest in cleaning up mistakes because if there were hardly any they might have to report on football . When you read around the various sites ,
supporters of every club moan and whinge about their own club's misfortune but laugh at the others.
The present system is plainly not good enough ,it needs changing but until all supporters and clubs that get screwed complain with one voice nothing will happen.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by OneBardGooner »

A11M11 wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:18 pm
we are not the only club getting screwed by incompetence and we will be screwed again regardless of what we say now publicly

And thereby hangs the problem , until all of the clubs that get screwed complain with one voice nothing will happen.
Whilst they ( pgmol and premier league ) adopt the divide and conquer system they can control the narrative. The media has no interest in cleaning up mistakes because if there were hardly any they might have to report on football . When you read around the various sites ,
supporters of every club moan and whinge about their own club's misfortune but laugh at the others.
The present system is plainly not good enough ,it needs changing but until all supporters and clubs that get screwed complain with one voice nothing will happen.
I Couldn't agree more mate... I have been voicing this for ages...Unite (pun NOT intended) and they will have to listen, as you rightly say their tactic of Divide and Rule is what they are relying on ... as it diffuses and nullifies any complaints from individual clubs and other individuals... and the Media love it because they get to mock those they are against AND it saves them from having to do any proper work.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by OneBardGooner »

augie wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:25 pm
OneBardGooner wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:57 pm
Well, Howard Webb is supposed to be meeting with Arteta (& the coaching staff and Players?) this week. First things first is (and I know they have apologised before for their incompetence & mistakes) regarding Brentford last season; not that apologies can right the wrong, but it is important that the Club/Team/Manager get a Public / Official Apology. And if they DO apologise for this fiasco, then it enables The Club, Manager and Staff to say "We were right to feel aggrieved" and to be able to justifiably say to the media and all the other gobshyte clubs and fans ' See they admit it We WERE Robbed'.

In essence shut all the detractors the Fuck UP! Especially all those who have been giving it Large on TV/Radio/Online.

Also for the club to Not Allow this to disappear into the ethers and be forgotten, but to keep it in the forefront of the minds of all the officials and VAR before and during every game and so seek any advantage; seeing as we have been dis-advantaged. We have been shat on too many times by PGMOL, The FA and Other Parties (and of Course the MediaCUNTS) so time to use it as a means to our advantage in any and every way possible.

This is where we differ - to me now all these apologies from webb and referee's are worth the square root of fcuk all simply because nothing is changing - I was initially hopeful when webb started this policy of apologising for their fcuk ups because to correct their mistakes they first need to admit and acknowledge them, but it seems now that all they are doing is admitting mistakes but changing nothing. I dont need an apology from them and will gain nothing from it - sack the var officials involved cos that is taking action, but the rest is just words :blah: :blah: :blah:

It seems that the meeja c.unts seem divided on this debacle - most do seem to acknowledge that the goal should have been disallowed for at least one reason, but in this case it is the empty vessels (ratface neville and spitting scouser) who have the biggest platform and they are bashing us right now and keeping it in public domain is going to increase this bashing. They have given the match officials a way out and if webb goes to this meeting with this inconclusive nonsense all hell will break loose, so will this meeting be a good thing then ? If webb states that the evidence is inconclusive will it change your mind ? It certainly wont change my mind so I dont need his vindication of my reaction cos it was blatant regardless of who says what. We are entitled to be outraged over the 3 non decisions, but I'll say this again, we are not the only club getting screwed by incompetence and we will be screwed again regardless of what we say now publicly
Totally agree Augie, BUT an "Apology" means that all our complaints and Protesting etc etc etc Are Justified. Which is why I say If the PGMOL (ie: CuntyWebbThe Smug) do not apologise it will mean they thought all their decisions in that game we Correct, which to the world and his dog also confirms their incompetence to be the best they can do.... It will be ammunition by which the Club can protest further... All semantics in some ways I guess, But the fact that the Club have made an Official Statement rather than Arteta just voicing his dissatisfaction in a post game presser Will Add Weight to the problem they will need to address.

And as xgtdec explains perfectly...

"Its a pity the club didn't thank spit, Rat boy, ill give you 1/5 that Michael owns a midget and all the rest of them for all their input, Arsenal FC wishes to thank all "pundits" for keeping this important issue in the public eye so it doesnt just go away and continues to get the attention it deserves."

Because this stays in the News / Headlines the more it makes them HAVE to answer in some way.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by rodders999 »

What I’d love to see happen en masse next weekend is for a load of players to do the forearm smash to the head on an opponent - exactly as happened the other night.

That would leave the PGMOL morons with two choices - send the player off making an absolute mockery of themselves in the process (if that’s even possible considering the new depths they’ve now plunged) or even better to continue to allow it go unpunished so it now becomes and acceptable part of the game.

Either way they look like complete fucking c.unts making it up as they go along.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by Stuart L (2) »

arrgee wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 10:30 pm
augie wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:38 pm
I have attended local league meetings where they preach about having respect for referee's and I have pointed out that that is a two way street, and the reality is that referee's at every level are paid for their time and with that pay should come a right to a certain level of performance - it is the only profession in the world that I know that people are expected to hand over money, and when the person receiving the money has a shocker, there are no consequences and people are expected to accept it.
I would suggest you give it a try. I have done it for a year (unpaid as it happens) and it is very difficult to get it right all the time. Last week I missed a foul as there were players obstructing my view and a goal was scored at the end of the game. No matter the score was 0-4, and I pretty much called everything else right, all anyone was talking about was the fourth goal.
Even more ridiculous is players (and fans) not knowing the laws of the game and disputing decisions that a referee is obliged to make. One example is I had a missed penalty kick retaken because a defender stood on the side of the area in front of the penalty spot. The laws are clear, yet there was an argument about it until someone kindly came up with law in black and white on their phone. The re-taken penalty was scored.
I have no desire to referee at a higher level. Surprised anyone would.
I hear reffing in Dubai or Saudi Arabia can be quite lucrative money


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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by OneBardGooner »

Stuart L (2) wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:58 pm
arrgee wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 10:30 pm
augie wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:38 pm
I have attended local league meetings where they preach about having respect for referee's and I have pointed out that that is a two way street, and the reality is that referee's at every level are paid for their time and with that pay should come a right to a certain level of performance - it is the only profession in the world that I know that people are expected to hand over money, and when the person receiving the money has a shocker, there are no consequences and people are expected to accept it.
I would suggest you give it a try. I have done it for a year (unpaid as it happens) and it is very difficult to get it right all the time. Last week I missed a foul as there were players obstructing my view and a goal was scored at the end of the game. No matter the score was 0-4, and I pretty much called everything else right, all anyone was talking about was the fourth goal.
Even more ridiculous is players (and fans) not knowing the laws of the game and disputing decisions that a referee is obliged to make. One example is I had a missed penalty kick retaken because a defender stood on the side of the area in front of the penalty spot. The laws are clear, yet there was an argument about it until someone kindly came up with law in black and white on their phone. The re-taken penalty was scored.
I have no desire to referee at a higher level. Surprised anyone would.
I hear reffing in Dubai or Saudi Arabia can be quite lucrative money


Put it this way Michael Oliver and Howard Webb BOTH came back with (real! Not Fake) Top Of The Range Rolexes.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by Gunner Rob »

A11M11 wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:18 pm
we are not the only club getting screwed by incompetence and we will be screwed again regardless of what we say now publicly

And thereby hangs the problem , until all of the clubs that get screwed complain with one voice nothing will happen.
Whilst they ( pgmol and premier league ) adopt the divide and conquer system they can control the narrative. The media has no interest in cleaning up mistakes because if there were hardly any they might have to report on football . When you read around the various sites ,
supporters of every club moan and whinge about their own club's misfortune but laugh at the others.
The present system is plainly not good enough ,it needs changing but until all supporters and clubs that get screwed complain with one voice nothing will happen.
Yeah basically if Newcastle or any other club for example are on the end of a bad decision next week then again Arteta needs to speak out.

If all clubs started moaning then they would have to do something.

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Re: Announcement by Arsenal FC.

Post by OneBardGooner »

The lines were drawn long ago By George Graham


He knew and said that it was Us (Arsenal) against the World... always has been always will be. So as Fans (whether agreeing with what Arteta said or not )- And I DO 1,000% - we as Gooners must stand with the Manager, Team and Club.

Once again the Media machinery are doing all they can to Discredit Arteta, the Team, The Club the Fans. Newcastle Utd are the new media Luvvies... a No Mark bunch of Lightbulb worshipping, sister shagging, inbredCUNTS...who because of their new found wealth think that anyone turning up at their Gaff should just roll over and let them Win; whether that be by hook or by crook (or both). The reason they didn't like it was because we matched their attempts to physically intimidate us on the pitch. And No we didn't play 'Well' But we controlled the game, ie: We played and matched them at their own game. We haven't played well all season so far, BUT we definitely denied their tactics with some outstanding Defending & Mid-field work (ie: Declan Rice Marshalled the Mid-field brilliantly).
So when VAR then Stole the game from us and handed them the 3 points on a silver platter, I can totally understand why & how Arteta said what he said.
Of all the Ex-Arsenal players now doing Media Work / Punditry to the best of my knowledge (and I Amy be wrong and open to be corrected) Only ONE has come out and said he was Absolutely 100% Correct to say what he said and that is Keven Campbell.
Even Keown has said he should have waited till he 'calmed down".. WHY? Fer Fucks Sake! Theft is Theft and that's what VAR are 100% Guilty of.
Lee Dixon, Ray Parlour, Smudger Smith and TH14 ALL should be using the platforms they have to Defend the club, because as sure as a bear shits in the woods all the Low-life ex-players from other clubs: Spit the Scouse, Rat Face Neville, Fat dwarf Michael Owen, CuntyCundy etc etc are ALL doing all they can to use their platforms to Slag us off whilst trying to claim some kind of higher moral ground... Yeah riiight!

We ARE THE Arsenal And Fuck Anyone Who Isn't.

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