Racism in Milan (12/3)

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Post by Wayno »

Welcome back roly, I see that once again you are looking to retain your position of being voted the most popular forum member at the end of season awards ceremony :wink: Panto was the bookies clear favourite but I think you may have just edge it with that gem of a reply 8)

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Post by goonarmy »

JimmyD wrote:New to the forum and rolypoly you are spot on. The Duomo Dunces made me ashamed to be a gooner. The place to sing is at the stadium where we did ourselves proud for the whole 90 minutes.

I take the view that when I'm abroad I'm an ambassador for club and country and invading town squares intimidating the locals just gives us a bad name. Too many Brits abroad get shockingly pissed. We might think it's OK but the locals don't. You don't see pissed up Milanese blokes on the way to the San Siro, its only us with bottle in hand and spares in our pockets.

I didn't hear any of the stuff Lucy heard but it is so obviously unacceptable that it is amazing anyone bothers to argue otherwise. We are more of a Jewish club than Spurs anyway. Ban them - they are the opposite of what Arsenal stands for.
Simple solution, don't go or go be an ambassador in whatever way you feel fit.

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Post by MK Gould »

Well said Wayno & GoonerJim!! After years of other Europeans having to suffer the behaviour of English fans abroad, its great to be able to report that the Arsenal fans in Milan were an absolute credit to club & country. I'm sure that the Italian police were bored stiff that they had so little to do. The "hard core" of fans who sang throughout the day in Duomo Square were having a great time. I read a report (its not difficult to pick your way through an Italian newspaper report!) the next day saying how much beer they had drunk in one of the expensive bars...so I don't think the Milanese will be complaining. What the fuck is so wrong with them enjoying themselves. They didn't do anyone any harm - unlike many Italians from Rome, Florence etc, when visiting the San Siro for league matches! I couldn't believe that the bars outside the ground were selling....beer, in....bottles...but didn't see one get thrown or smashed. And for that, we must also give a lot of credit to the Milan fans. Italian football fans have the reputation now that we used to have - maybe even worse - but on the day they were terrific! Hard to believe that the Milan fans would have stood and applauded the Arsenal team, and then the fans, at the end of the game if we were as loutish as some on here have said!!

And racist?? Don't make me laugh! Lucy, you must have just been spectacularly unlucky - or highly sensitive! My party included an Indian and, poor guy, an Australian Italian - who was seeing his team - AC Milan - for the first time. Neither experienced even the tiniest hint of anything that could be described as racism....

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Post by Arsenalscoop »

I think I was unlucky!

Cus Geezer
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Re: Racism

Post by Cus Geezer »

Rainham Red wrote:Sorry you had to endure that Lucy but unfortunately it`s symptomatic of our society today.No discipline,no respect for authority the youngsters of today thanks to political correctness know they can get away with virtually anything.Until we get a government which brings back the old values and parents take more responsibility for their children we will continue to descend into the gutter.
Sorry Rainham this is reactionary nonsense

There's no evidence that racism is more prevailant today - looking at Toxteth, Brixton and Tottenham riots of 20 years ago. Racism towards Jews in society is even less so. And you're claiming that pc is responsible for racism - well that's a novel approach.

According to much evidence crime is actually lower than years gone by.

This problem is an Arsenal specific one - society shoulders virtually no blame in this one.

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Post by myarsenal »

Arsenalscoop wrote:I am the author of the piece and I apologise for the Ade typo. :oops: I did hear the song about the friendship bracelet guys in the Duomo (how annoying were they?!) and that is NOT the song I was talking about. I was prompted to write in because although the chanting was isolated it was embarrassing to hear especially when it continued after people had asked them to stop.
ooohhhh bet you told them to sit down aswell

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MK Gould
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Post by MK Gould »

Ok. Was I the only one who actually believed that the guys in the Square might be related to Ade?? They seemed such nice guys - big smiles - and I thought that were just happy to meet some people who thought their "brother" was god. Next thing I know the guy is tying some coloured string round my wrist and asking for €10....!!

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Post by GoonerJim »

MK Gould wrote:Ok. Was I the only one who actually believed that the guys in the Square might be related to Ade?? They seemed such nice guys - big smiles - and I thought that were just happy to meet some people who thought their "brother" was god. Next thing I know the guy is tying some coloured string round my wrist and asking for €10....!!
At which point i ripped it off, dropped it on the floor and walked away!
Cheeky fuckers!

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Post by QuartzGooner »

Offensive chants happen. Not easy to do at all in face of being outnumbered, but the individual has to say something to the chanters at the time.

Any Arsenal fans singing anti Semitic or anti Black songs gotta be of low intelligence anyway and one wonders what planet they are on.
Without our Jewish directors and Black players we'd have about quarter of the shares up for grabs by dodgy takeover speculators and only half a team!

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Post by GoonerJim »

QuartzGooner wrote:Offensive chants happen. Not easy to do at all in face of being outnumbered, but the individual has to say something to the chanters at the time.

Any Arsenal fans singing anti Semitic or anti Black songs gotta be of low intelligence anyway and one wonders what planet they are on.
Without our Jewish directors and Black players we'd have about quarter of the shares up for grabs by dodgy takeover speculators and only half a team!
Your right - but at the same time views like Rolypolys are complete and utter bollocks. 8)

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Post by flash gunner »

Hi Lucy not sure if youre gonna read these replies but ill reply anyway. Firstly i wasnt in Milan unfortunately but i am aware of the songs you heard. I am totally against any songs about the holocaust, i dont see a problem with the Y word but if jewish people are offended by its use then i would and have refrained from using it. You say in the article that there are plenty of other songs to be sung about our close and "friendly" neighbours including the pope song as a catholic (non-practising but still)should i be offended by this song? Are you anti catholic by suggesting this song? of course not. Where does it end? Before long we wont be able to sing or chant anything in case it upsets someone, remember the TONY, TONY ADAMS OOH OOH song? should this have been banned in case black people think we are monkey chanting? (which we werent).

Not sure where im going with this but i think there will always be a stupid/ignorant minority and personally would let it go over my head and be grateful i wasnt as stupid/ignorant as them. I also dont see what can be done about this on a tube/bus as these areas cant be policed by the club

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Post by NBN »

rolypoly wrote:HULLO LUCY

agree with most of your comments but maybe you ought to be more selective as whose company you choose to share on these trips.

whats prompted me to reply is your comment about the gooners entertaining tourists pre - match in duomo square. ihope yourcomment was tongue in cheek but i fear not. i would have no idea what tourists you are referring to but i bet the locals were anything but entertained and impressed.

i was not there that afternoon nor did i hear racist chanting anywhere but next day i read the local italian newspaper -my italian is ltd but my spanish aint bad and so pretty easy to get the gist - and apart from reporting 4 wankers who destroyed one floor of a hotel - they should be named and shamed and banned for life from going anywhere near another arsenal match - there was a report and photo about 300 or so drunken gooners in the square singing and dancing and one minor skirmish when some local ac milan fans dared show their faces.

lets get it right. the mobs who congregate in foreign city squares are morons dickheads and sheep-they have no interest in the local culture and while their drunken antics may entertain each other they piss off the locals cos the behaviour is nothing but boorish and obnoxious. these morons are so insecure they have to congregate in large groups because they have the need to draw attention to themselves andthat is the only way they know how before retreating to their boring lives back home.

these are the same morons and dickheads you hear speaking loudly in airport waiting areas and on planes. have you not noticed how many morons speak loudly thinking that in doing so everyone around will give more importance to the rubbish they are spouting.

its these morons dickheads and sheep who gather in the duomo square pre-match who more likely to be racist. so the answer is dont be a sheep-do something different than the safe boring option of hanging around the main square on match day -milan is big enough to get well away from the mob - and you will have a far more pleasant time.

incidentally i`m jewish and chants about y**s dont bother me personally but thats me. i`m not totally convinced the term y** is an insult but be that as it may michael is a completely arrogant shit who firmly fits into my category of moron and dickhead. he a non jew says its ok by him to call others y** so therefore its ok. wrong. your opinion you racist shit is worthless. if someone is offended by being called a y** because they feel its racist then there`s no argument - you dont do it.

as for the other idiot who says the subject of racism is boring, dont know how often you use this forum but regretfully it appears to be monopolised by a clique of morons and dickheads. they are more concerned about how you spell ade`s name than the substance of your article. regetfully your sensible words will not make a scrap of difference . the same morons dickheads and sheep will congregate in the next foreign town we visit.
So basically your saying that 'your catagory' of a moron or a dickhead (very orignal) is someone who doesn't share the same values, beliefs that you do and that chooses to act in a different way. Who the fuck are you to go around abusing people for having different views to you. I have never heard such unbeliavable ignorance. So i take it that you believe that everyone should be moulded to fit into your deluded idea of what is socially acceptable, acting and thinking the same? Because that is very reminisant of the ideologies of a certain German dictator.

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Post by Rainham Red »

I hear what you say Cus but unfortunately anti-semitism is on the increase and although overall crime is down violent crime is up.You can`t pick up a paper without reading some innocent person has been kicked or stabbed to death by some drunken yobs.One of the reasons they do it is that they have no respect for anyone or anything because they have been brought up in a society where it is not politically correct to disipline children so they grow up thinking they can get away with anything and they invariably do.If they do go to jail it`s often more comfortable than some hotels and oh yes prison officers have to call them Mister.

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Post by REB »

roly calls everyone who doent agree with him a moron and dickhead :roll:

arsenal fans are a credit to the club and get credit and praise every where they travel by police and press etc and then you read articles like this :roll:
a few pissed up guys out of 5000 and people go to print, now that is sad :cry:

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Post by NBN »

rebel gooner wrote:guys,,
roly calls everyone who doent agree with him a moron and dickhead :roll:

arsenal fans are a credit to the club and get credit and praise every where they travel by police and press etc and then you read articles like this :roll:
a few pissed up guys out of 5000 and people go to print, now that is sad :cry:
Bang on - although im not quite sure what the problem with being pissed up is :?

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