Championship Strikers

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by gp543 »

I'm not suggesting one of them would replace giroud but rather offer cover better than Sanogo would do.

To be honest, at the time of writing the first post, I had forgotten about Campbell.

I'll take the above as a resounding no. Back to Football Manager for me!

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by SteveO 35 »

So tonight on I'm A Striker in Ligue 1 Get Me Outta Here.......Wenger and Gazidis have been voting who'd they'd most like to see at the Emirates next season from the five remaining strikers ... -1?cc=5739

ZLATAN ! it's not you

EDINSON ! it's not you

RADAMEL! it's not you

WHICH MEANS.........Salomon and might be you

The Babatunde public have decided that the striker they'd most like to see at the KALOU


:barscarf: :barscarf: :barscarf:

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by donaldo »

Chamakh Park Giroud Bendtner Sanogo havent we had enough shit strikers?

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by RVP2 »

How you can include Giroud in that list I have no idea. He's a really decent international striker who works hard for our team. The issue is we have no other option and with Theo injured very little variety.

I am puzzled as to why we didn't go for Remy last summmer, but I fail to believe in January there was absolutely nobody in world football who would have improved our squad up front.

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by A11M11 »

If you are punting for a lower division forward then Danny Ings fits the bill . Whether Burnley would sell is another matter.

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by northbank123 »

Would Sanogo cut it in the Championship?

I don't watch much Championship so although he's well out of his depth at this level I'm not really sure. Is he better than young strikers we've loaned/sold there like Bendtner (in his younger, slimmer days), Afobe, Sanchez Watt?

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by QuartzGooner »

RVP2 wrote:
I am puzzled as to why we didn't go for Remy last summer,
Was under accusation of criminal activity but has since been acquited.

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by Brady_49unbeaten »

Why would we even have a punt at a championship striker when we have people like joel Campbell, Benick afobe and Wellington da silva out on loan and will be available as rotation forwards next season (and they all have attributes to succeed with us as a club,Rhodes technical ability is no we're near good enough to play at arsenal and to even think to play him in Europe it's a poor shout to be honest) to giroud and a world class striker if we've signed one but punts at the championship are the least of our worries. Unless we take the young centre half from Nottingham Forrest Jamaal Lascelles he's going to be top draw plus he will be beaded in nicely with the likes of the big German and kosh and will learn even more things of them two and we eventually become possible better than either of them plus he's British wish will mix nice with the likes of theo, jack, Rambo and so on.. Keep that blood flowing and the unity strong. On a world class striker we're crying out for one but who! Morata sign him up morata morata sign him up or the likes of Jackson Martinez, Diego Costa, chicharito and loic remy there realistic targets with real quality to take us forward. Not championship journeymen like ross prodistant McCormack

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by markyp »

anybody fancy a punt on Benteke whilst we are talking about strikers?? he wouldn't break the bank and REALISTICALLY is the best we can hope for under tight wads regime :shock:

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by northbank123 »

Still think you're going to pay over the odds with Benteke. Would rather go out and spend £30-35m on a class player than the £20m Villa will demand for him. Could see Mourinho signing him though.

Remy is a decent option for a reasonable price but won't pacify the fans as the main man. Moyes is not going to sign his own death warrant by selling Hernandez to a PL opponent - especially as he's the sort of player who could hit the ground running and produce a great goalscoring return as he has in the past for United. On a similar note I'd love Dzeko but think even Man City aren't foolhardy enough to sell him to us and if/when he goes I think he will go to Italy for the comfy lifestyle and payday a la Tevez, de Jong etc.

I'll be honest and say I watch next to no foreign football so I can't profess to have an informed opinion on many of these names. We are not in the very elite tier of clubs but we are not far off and the good thing about strikers is that there is always top quality available if you're willing to pay top dollar. I don't think Diego Costa is a realistic possibility, don't really know anything about Jackson Martinez so can't really comment on him. Is Morata the sort of player we want? Obviously talented but worth the gamble with his lack of experience and hefty fee, is it the direction we should be looking in? Mandzukic likely to be looking elsewhere even though I imagine Guardiola has/will suggest otherwise, worth a punt? Guess dependent on price (as ever) given that he will be 28.

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by Brady_49unbeaten »

It's such a hard decisions but it isn't if you understand me, we want proven, good age and technical gifted also pacey basically a complete forward! But your not going to get that unless you pay the top money and we don't want someone is above the age of 27 if we pay top dollar we want sustainability not someone who is getting old and he's best days are only round the corner, at the end of the day we can only wait and see this summer I just hope for Arsenes sake he does get a top draw striker because If not no doubt all of us will really want he's head and for real because when everyone in football can identify our problem wether they have a knowledge of the game or not we know our problem and so do they we need a striker to kill teams off with the football we play. I'm getting sick and tired of because it's rediculous now it should have been put right in January/ summer not so much jan because I believe a signing would of disrupted giroud all together especially with he's JT off pitch antics, the good thing about if we do sign a strike giroud knows what it is he's prepared to accept a roll more withdrawn and come of the bench consistently and have an impact.

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by 1989 »

Jamaal Lascelles is a great shout Brady. Probably the best young English CB around. Hope we get him as 4th choice.

For strikers there's no one we could get that is better tham Diego Costa. He's a genuine world class striker. Think of a Suárez wih a bigger frame, more pace and even more aggression! And yes we CAN afford him. He has a £35m buyout clause. We were happy to pay more than that for Özil.

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by mcdowell42 »

Rumours suggest Costa is chelsea bound in the summer.

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Re: Championship Strikers

Post by 1989 »

mcdowell42 wrote:Rumours suggest Costa is chelsea bound in the summer.
That would be an absolute nightmare.

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