Now they show their true colours

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Rugby Gooner
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Now they show their true colours

Post by Rugby Gooner »

All the while Europe passively allowed the Syrian "Refugees" to stream into Europe,(some from already safe countries such as Turkey), they were happy to play and be portrayed as innocent harmless victims of strife in their own country that was nothing to do with them.
Suddenly, when Hungary closed its borders, they produce megaphones to organise their riot,(remember we were led to believe that they possessed nothing except the clothes they stood up in), start fires, and reveal stockpiles of rocks and other weapons that they have been assembling. They totally disrespect a sovereign countries borders by tearing down fences and attacking those defending them, accompanied by their muslim cries to arms against the infidels.
Wake up Europe, open your eyes, if these people do not get what they want, when they want it, these scenes will be repeated in Britain, France, Germany, Sweden etc etc. :banghead: :evil:

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by augie »

I know a Hungarian woman and she has told me that the media stories being portrayed over here are nowhere near a proper reflection of what is really happening - she says that most of these "refugee's" are not families but are men travelling on their own and that one in particular tried to storm his way onto a train by pretending that the woman and children beside him were his family, and when they got to the train doors he threw her onto the ground and almost caused a riot by claiming that the cops did it (all of this is on some clip on youtube). She also told me that there were places set up for them in hungary to sleep wash and eat, and all they had to do was sign their names on a register but they refused to do so and instead fed the media stories by claiming that they were homeless and sleeping on the streets. Apparently they have basically been shitting on the streets, in the buses and anywhere else that they see fit :roll:

I cant understand how Europe can just open their doors to these people - if there is the possibility that even 5% of them are terrorists, then isn't that a huge risk to take ? What background checks are being made on these refugee's ? Personally I think that going into the isis territory and bombing the place to kingdom come, is a cheaper and better solution

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by casgooner »

I'm all for helping genuine refugees but this wasn't done properly. Merkel was so naive in just making a publicised statement saying that all refugees from Syria were welcome in Germany. She has created the trouble on the borders by saying that they could come straight to Germany to register. Firstly, it meant that people would be rewarded by paying people to get them to European borders. Secondly, A lot of people were picked up along the way who are just economic migrants. Why wouldn't they? I know Pakistanis might have a better life in Europe, but many people try to enter Europe the legal way. We can't take everyone.

I also would like to know if the people who landed in Germany in their thousands at Merkel's behest can move anywhere in Europe once they have residency papers etc. Britain has paid a lot of money to help refugees who are camping close to Syria, almost as much as the rest of Europe put together, that's not mentioned when other European leaders are criticising us.

I agree about the terrorist bit too, they must be rubbing their hands. It will all end in tears! Should have been done properly.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by armchair »

A lot are young men of conscript age avoiding "the draft".(Somehow with all the license fee money they get the BBC seem to have overlooked this :rubchin: )
But hey, dont say that or you're a heartless, racist bastard. :|

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by northbank123 »

They won't register in countries like Hungary because they fear that they will then be prevented from travelling elsewhere. The Dublin Regulation requires refugees to seek asylum in the first EU country they enter, although this has obviously gone out the window as Angela Merkel decides to circumvent agreed EU legislation. Seems that the EU's principles on freedom of movement are flexible when the Fuhrer decides. I'm not sure how much truth there is behind her actions being spurred by Germany's ageing and declining population and a need for labour but either way her actions have been irresponsible.

Not only has it made life immeasurably more difficult for the likes of Hungary, Austria etc by drastically increasing the influx of immigrants, the newer smaller members of the EU are never going to toe the line if Germany are dictating EU policy (as usual) as they see fit. Whilst a humanitarian crisis merits a review of the normal rules, you can't just throw the doors open and say welcome all. Especially not if you are then going to turn round and demand that all the other countries take a quota.

Fair play to the UK for actually focusing on taking in refugees - those stuck in unsafe, horrendous camps in the Middle East.

This has tipped the scales for me and I would (very reluctantly) vote to leave the EU if the referendum was tomorrow.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by casgooner »

northbank123 wrote:They won't register in countries like Hungary because they fear that they will then be prevented from travelling elsewhere. The Dublin Regulation requires refugees to seek asylum in the first EU country they enter, although this has obviously gone out the window as Angela Merkel decides to circumvent agreed EU legislation. Seems that the EU's principles on freedom of movement are flexible when the Fuhrer decides. I'm not sure how much truth there is behind her actions being spurred by Germany's ageing and declining population and a need for labour but either way her actions have been irresponsible.

Not only has it made life immeasurably more difficult for the likes of Hungary, Austria etc by drastically increasing the influx of immigrants, the newer smaller members of the EU are never going to toe the line if Germany are dictating EU policy (as usual) as they see fit. Whilst a humanitarian crisis merits a review of the normal rules, you can't just throw the doors open and say welcome all. Especially not if you are then going to turn round and demand that all the other countries take a quota.

Fair play to the UK for actually focusing on taking in refugees - those stuck in unsafe, horrendous camps in the Middle East.

This has tipped the scales for me and I would (very reluctantly) vote to leave the EU if the referendum was tomorrow.
I've heard a few people saying this.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by QuartzGooner »

I have sympathy, a read of Dave Eggers's "What is the What?" cannot leave one without that.


There is a difference between refugees and migrants.
And then there are the IS and Al Queda members who are mixed in too.

I would not trust our low morale and (let us be honest, at times outright Jihadist sympathising anti-White) Border staff to efficiently vet these Syrian, Libyan and Afghan asylum seekers.

I do not want to see children drown in the sea or get bombed by Assad, but if we are to help then it has to be more intelligently than just letting in all and sundry.

If people are desperate to get out of Syria then what is wrong with a new life in Hungary? Hmmm.

I posted on another thread the idea to buy an island off Greece and set up a new country.
Someone else has too. ... 02591.html

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Theoperator »

northbank123 wrote:They won't register in countries like Hungary because they fear that they will then be prevented from travelling elsewhere. The Dublin Regulation requires refugees to seek asylum in the first EU country they enter, although this has obviously gone out the window as Angela Merkel decides to circumvent agreed EU legislation. Seems that the EU's principles on freedom of movement are flexible when the Fuhrer decides. I'm not sure how much truth there is behind her actions being spurred by Germany's ageing and declining population and a need for labour but either way her actions have been irresponsible.

Not only has it made life immeasurably more difficult for the likes of Hungary, Austria etc by drastically increasing the influx of immigrants, the newer smaller members of the EU are never going to toe the line if Germany are dictating EU policy (as usual) as they see fit. Whilst a humanitarian crisis merits a review of the normal rules, you can't just throw the doors open and say welcome all. Especially not if you are then going to turn round and demand that all the other countries take a quota.

Fair play to the UK for actually focusing on taking in refugees - those stuck in unsafe, horrendous camps in the Middle East.

This has tipped the scales for me and I would (very reluctantly) vote to leave the EU if the referendum was tomorrow.
Good points mate but flipflopping again I see #flipflop :lol: :wink:

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by northbank123 »

Fair to say there's not many people who duck away from expressing a firm opinion on this forum.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Yankee_Gooner_Dandee »

I'm not European, but I think its a huge mistake letting in these "refugees" It will come back to haunt your countries when they try to destroy them from the inside. If there are honest refugees, then they can sign the paper work and accept the hospitality that those countries offer for you. Anyone not willing to do that needs to be shipped right back to where they came from.

You notice that none of the Gulf States are taking these people in.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by casgooner »

It's really unbelievable when you watch what is happening at these borders. I think Merkel really has a lot to answer for, people have just made their way to Europe on the back of what she said, now all borders are closing, even Germany's. What will these people do? What will we do with these people? It's a tragedy that should have been dealt with earlier and properly.

Europe turned a blind eye to the camps in Calais, yet they were coming across the med and into Europe, paving the way for others to follow. I'm so angry, not least for the people trying to get into Europe.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Theoperator »

Think we have to understand where Merkel comes from- East Germany where any movement of people at all was stamped on/ shot at perennially persecuted. No wonder she is left with free movement right through her core, and same with a lot of the Eastern Europeans.

The Australians set the standard TBH with shipping the migrants back- harsh at first but it stopped the endless attempts to come over, unlike the EU.

Its a total mess from start to finish :oops:

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Nos89 »

Problems arise because they are coming over on boats without proper papers that show there true identity and country of origin so when they hit the boarders there is nothing EU states can do but take them in. They can't send them back as they don't know where they came from. Once they get refugee, migrant status in the EU they can travel throughout the member states. They should have papers but its hardly surprising that they bypass the administration process. It's simple they are targeting member states who have weak boarder controls, and who do not have the capacity to manage vast number if migrants.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by officepest »

The problem is capitalism is a deeply flawed, bankrupt ideology. This added to that fact that there are far too many people in the world, and also humans are essentially selfish, means that this sort of behaviour is inevitable.

The only hope is to pray for an extinction level event to wipe us off the planet and let some other creature evolve and try again at this civilisation lark.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Theoperator »

officepest wrote:The problem is capitalism is a deeply flawed, bankrupt ideology. This added to that fact that there are far too many people in the world, and also humans are essentially selfish, means that this sort of behaviour is inevitable.

Dont see what this has to do with Capitalism :oops: \Arent they flocking to capitalistic "utopias" from non capitalistic often treacherous corrupt regimes
officepest wrote: The only hope is to pray for an extinction level event to wipe Wenger off the planet and let some other creature evolve and try again at this Arsenal lark.
:shock: :lol:

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