Now they show their true colours

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Rugby Gooner »

storrmin571 wrote:Amazing when Putin will be the one to sort it all out. Sort of makes him look good for misunderstanding nato in the Ukraine and the fact that 2000 russians are fighting alongside IS. Doesn't want that stuff being brought back home.
That's Tom Clancy novel plotline right there! 8)
By the way,I know that he is no longer with us

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by the playing mantis »

Rugby Gooner wrote:
storrmin571 wrote:Amazing when Putin will be the one to sort it all out. Sort of makes him look good for misunderstanding nato in the Ukraine and the fact that 2000 russians are fighting alongside IS. Doesn't want that stuff being brought back home.
That's Tom Clancy novel plotline right there! 8)
By the way,I know that he is no longer with us
apart fromt he fact there are not 2000 russians fighting alongside IS, they are fighting against IS

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by storrmin571 »

the playing mantis wrote:
Rugby Gooner wrote:
storrmin571 wrote:Amazing when Putin will be the one to sort it all out. Sort of makes him look good for misunderstanding nato in the Ukraine and the fact that 2000 russians are fighting alongside IS. Doesn't want that stuff being brought back home.
That's Tom Clancy novel plotline right there! 8)
By the way,I know that he is no longer with us
apart fromt he fact there are not 2000 russians fighting alongside IS, they are fighting against IS
Not according to several websites. Or this man

Had a brilliant lecture off him on Tuesday. Fascinating man. Very down to earth and spent time explaining high brow stuff to minions like me.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by storrmin571 »

Although there are a high number of "military advisors" sent by Vladimir Vladimorvich Putin currently in Syria. :wink:

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by casgooner »

Have the migrants stopped coming? Its never mentioned on the news any more. They must have realised that Europe/Germany has reached its quota. :?

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by casgooner »

Am I understanding this correctly, a few weeks ago Merkel said for everyone to come to Germany and not to bother registering in the first country they land in, just get to Germany. Now she's fast- tracking Turkey into the EU so that they can stop migrants coming to Europe via Turkey fro Syria. :hmmthink: The woman is bonkers.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Sean »

I think the immigration policy is Europe is madness; tantamount to suicide.

We can't solve the world's problems, we have enough problems in Europe as it is.

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Re: Now they show their true colours


Thank fuck we are an island nation!
If we were not, every one of them would be here by now, totally unobstructed by the other European nations.
The EU is a fallacy that could never work and we are now seeing that become a reality.

I have genuine sympathy with refugees from war torn states. However, they need to understand that our accepting them into our societies is a privilege, not their right. I am alarmed at how the middle eastern states are not taking any of these refugees. Surely the cash rich arab nations are not only more capable of dealing the economic burden of their arrival but can also offer a way of life more like that which they were used too before the conflicts. Wouldn't that actually be more beneficial for them?

I was listening to an interview that Putin gave last week. It was reported on Cypriot tv not the UK. Now I am not a Putin fan at all but what he said about the Syrian problem made absolute sense. Basically he said that the USA and UK tried to resolve the problems in Iraq by destroying the incumbent regime. That resulted in splits between multiple different parties/religious groups that were all fighting for the new powerbase. It totally destabilized the country and much of what we are experiencing today is a direct result of that flawed strategy. His view is that we should restore the country by assisting it's current regime, no matter how vile we consider that regime to be, and once done we should then put the pressure on to change that regime in a controlled manner. I found it difficult to argue with that tbh.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by casgooner »

Most of the current ills in the Middle East have been caused by Bush and Blair. They created a vacuum and vacuums have to be filled. Masses of areas of deserts and mountains were left unguarded making it easy for terrorist, freedom fighters, whatever you want to call them to fill. And it is true that they took the lid off the area, just as the fall of Communism did in the early nineties with the Bosnian conflict.

It is just a complete mess. But Merkel exacerbated the problem by letting all and sundry into the EU borders, now she's fast tracking Turkey into the EU so that they will deal with the migrants on their border. She should have thought of the impact when she told them all to come. I think we are doing it the right way by taking people from the camps in the region.

By the way, where is democratic Europe? How can Merkell open talks with Turkey without other leaders getting involved. I really want to leave the EU now.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Sean »

The fact we're an island nation doesn't help when we're part of the EUSSR. Fuck, because of that we can't have a foreigner cap in British football to force clubs to use domestic youngsters, helping the home nations develop their national sides.

American/British foreign policy has been a joke since the Cold War ended. It was a mistake to fuck with Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. It would be nice to see Britain operate independently of America and Europe for a change and finally start to get our own house in order.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by northbank123 »

It's like the fucking Fourth Reich with Merkel. She is making herself incredibly unpopular outside Germany and people's patience is wearing thin within Germany - towns are bursting at the seams with the influx.

It's a fucking joke and this has single-handedly changed my vote on an EU referendum from a resigned "stay" to a reluctant but 100% "leave". There's always going to be give and take with any political union but we can't have Germany going out on a jaunt of their own whenever they please it and everyone else is committed to follow suit. Especially when these migrants will acquire freedom of movement based on Germany's whim.

People have a problem with freedom of movement but that isn't the problem with the EU. If you want a truly effective economic union, freedom of movement is a wonderful tool. The problem isn't freedom of movement, it is 2 other things:

1) Becoming a political union rather than an economic one as originally intended.

2) Allowing all and sundry into the EU rather than the socially, politically and economically similar Northern and Western European states. Having such a disparity between member states means that you are either going to get the stronger states subsidising the weaker ones, or the stronger ones milking the weaker ones - or in reality both.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Sean »

A united Europe is a nice idea, but totally unworkable. Too many different languages and too many different cultures. It's not like America, which (mainly) used English. Let the Americans be the melting pot of the world, if they want. Europe has enough diverse cultures of their own without importing people from other continents en masse. It suits the hyper-capitalists who want cheap labour and it suits the leftists who want a one world nation. It's the people of Europe who ultimately lose.

A single currency probably makes sense though, although the economy is a basket case.

And if history has taught us anything, it's that you can't keep the Germans down.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by casgooner »

Sean wrote:A united Europe is a nice idea, but totally unworkable. Too many different languages and too many different cultures. It's not like America, which (mainly) used English. Let the Americans be the melting pot of the world, if they want. Europe has enough diverse cultures of their own without importing people from other continents en masse. It suits the hyper-capitalists who want cheap labour and it suits the leftists who want a one world nation. It's the people of Europe who ultimately lose.

A single currency probably makes sense though, although the economy is a basket case.

And if history has taught us anything, it's that you can't keep the Germans down.
I don't think a single currency does work. Greece, Spain and Italy could have devalued their own currency had they had their own currency and wouldn't be in the mess they are in. It also doesn't work because the cultures are different, Spanish people do not have the same work ethic as Northern Europeans.
Last edited by casgooner on Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Now they show their true colours


I've mentioned this previously but will do so again as it is relevant.

Several years ago a group of nations in West Africa were considering the introduction of a single currency and a political union similar to that of the EU. After about two years of negotiation they met at a conferencing centre in The Gambia for a 5 day summit. The outcome was that their nations were too diverse in culture and their economies reliant on too many aspects for a single currency or political union to work. I only know about this as I was unfortunate enough to have booked into the same hotel that the conference was taking place in. You couldn't move freely around the place all week because of the security!
What I still find interesting is that these so called 'Third World' or 'emerging nations' could see the obvious problems that the EU couldn't and still won't admit to being able to see.

A very good friend of mine has been living in Germany since he left the Army back in 1996. He tells me that Merkel is incredibly unpopular in that country now and she will not win another election. The Germans actually see Cameron as being a strong leader that is working to benefit his own country. They don't agree with some of what he says but they like the style. I was gobsmacked when he told me that. It would appear that the reporting of him in Germany is far more favourable than it is here.

One final thought......technically, Turkey is still at war with Cyprus (a full settlement has never been reached politically since the 1974 invasion). Until such time as it is they cannot become a member of the EU as they would be at war with a fellow member state which directly contravenes a major part of the EU treaty. I wonder how Merkel intends to get around that one with trying to fast-track Turkey into the union. The threat of Turkey, which is still very real in Cyprus, was one of the driving factors in Cyprus applying for membership. Being a member meant that they would be entitled to receive military assistance should Turkey attempt another invasion. Personally I don't think they will owing to the British Military bases (soon to be a Russian one too) that are already in place on the island but it was one of the reasons they wanted to join the EU. Apart from that reason I think they're regretting the decision in many ways now. It has largely had a negative impact on the country.

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Re: Now they show their true colours

Post by Rugby Gooner »

Sky News has just confirmed that another two of these crunts have been found guilty of trying to commit a terrorist act in the U.K.,(even though they were born and bred here). I say hang the mother-fuckers! Also,how their family,neighbours etc can come out with the same bullshit that,"They didn't know what they were up to", and they are "Wonderful.peacefull people", is beyond me.I know that they think non muslims are Kuffah scum,but do they really think that we are stupid enough to believe that these people are all "Lone Wolves" acting at random? Fuck Off! :banghead: :evil:

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