Modern Football Bol**cks

As we're unlikely to see terraces again at football, this is the virtual equivalent where you can chat to your hearts content about all football matters and, obviously, Arsenal in particular. This forum encourages all Gooners to visit and contribute so please keep it respectful, clean and topical.
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by Redarmy »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:20 pm
Redarmy wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:04 pm
lineker is using his position in a tax payer funded organisation to spread his personal views....comparing the goverments policy on immigration to nazi germany is absurd...if anything the plan could save lives and foreign criminals profiting on exploiting refugees
It's not taxpayer funded. Why does this feel like groundhog day aka the Brexit thread. Complete and utter ignorance. Funnily enough, the same characters are popping up all over this thread.
BBC funded Licence fee paid by UK households...your the ignorant fucker...deluded wanker

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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by BobbyPires7 »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:41 pm
BobbyPires7 wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:33 pm
Nut flush.

So you have no issue with what Amazon, Starbucks and all the rest of them do? Minimising tax within the tax rules is all fair enough according to you?

Glad I’ve got that right.

Carry on as you were.
Tax laws are made by governments not companies? And governments want large companies to employ people in this country, how many thousands of jobs do those named work in the UK?

And there is no comparison between Gary Lineker's personal tax affairs to that of Amazon et al.

Have you ever wondered why so many corporates are set up in Ireland?
Total bullshit. As usual.

Amazon pays minimal PAYE and NI. Perhaps some VAT. They have crushed thousands of independent retail operators. They pay their staff a pittance and object to their workforce being unionised. They are scum. But they are working within the tax laws. When we were in the EU you could legitimately domicile in the cheapest country for corporation tax. In any case Starbucks for example would claim they were paying a royalty to their parent for using the Starbucks brand. Hence limiting tax.

Lineker is no different. Shouts the odds but wants to have his cake and eat it without paying into the pot. The bloke’s a *word censored*. And you are backing him.

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the playing mantis
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by the playing mantis »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:47 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:41 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:32 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:43 am
Gunner Rob wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:05 pm

ok interesting to hear that you no longer live in the UK.
I won't make any criticisms of your views because I appreciate that you will be viewing things in a different context to those of us living in the Tory Britain of today which is completely different now to the Britain of the past. Back then if you held a view and someone else held a view then fair enough, you could agree to disagree, but today we are seeing censorship extend everywhere. The BBC is now a mouthpiece for the Conservative government, which is appalling. It appears nobody can say anything anymore. Sad times.
Back from holiday and browsing this in taxi...and had to post...

Facking hell Rob your political views are completely naive and straight out of 6th form. Stop before you make yourself look more stupid!!!

Your so blinkered against the right it's funny. What's being censored. What can't you say? Someone who has to be impartial as part of their contractual obligation (or that of their contracting company should we want to be anal about it) not being so.

Im sure you would be wetting yourself were any bbc folk coming out tweeting in support of 'right wing' causes.

What about the Censorship of people who don't support certain causes pushed by the left yet get cancelled or prosecuted for speaking out, trans, blm, legacy of empire, someones legacy/name being removed because they like a bit of sugar that was harvested by slaves, protestors being allowed to cause disruption whilst the police stand by and watch, police more interested in spurious hate crime whilst real crime goes through the roof? Yes there certainly is censorship pushed by a noisy bunch of leftisr morons on channles such as the cesspit echo chmaber of twatter (no offence mcd!) who utilise modern media to push an agenda that is supported by very few.

Is it any wonder the country and standards have gone to shit whilst increasing focus is given to all the faffy crap and causes of last few years?
Feel embarrassed for you. Totally out of touch, but as you also support Arsenal I’m unwilling to criticise.
Like Lineker you are entitled to your opinions.
His are just a lot clearer in their message than yours. Hope you had a good holiday.
Good for you. I and a lot of people think your a complete moron but there you go!

Your borderline wumming over the years causing some to question your allegiances to boot which although think that in recent times you have improved.

Out of live in Central London and do what as a job? Same as nfg in your London bubble although nfg at least articulates it with some thought.

You simply ignore any cogent points put to you and claim people out of touch...without addressing any points.

It's like playing chess with a pigeon with you Rob.

The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.

Anyone sorry your a gooner and will agree to disagree.

FOYS and Lineker.


Sorry again DB.
Coherent points? Like the ones made on the Brexit thread several years ago?

And people like you still won't acknowledge what a shower of shit the whole process has been and the damage it's done to this country.

You talk about a London bubble, hate to tell you this. Arsenal is right in the middle of it, an affluent area predicated by rich gooners. So perhaps Arsenal isn't the team for you, maybe you'll feel more at home at some provincial club.
I always suspected you were Highbury jd AICMFP

Bond holder since northbank mate and been going years before so suggest you stop that. Most people get out of London these days and most fans don't live locally.

It's completlry irrelevant to a debate about Lineker though. London bubble view as you well know is political why being arsenal into it.

Nice strawman and told you so ism by bringing brexit into it. Hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Brexit has been pointless in practise as it was executed terribly i fully agree with you there. What we didnt know before is it would have been executed so poorly. No one knew the tory idiots in power would make such a mess of such an opportunity almost as if some didn't want it to work...add in the war and covid and suggest its pretty hard to judge either way but let's stick to the topic in question heh Highbury?

nut flush gooner
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Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:23 am

Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by nut flush gooner »

Perryashburtongroves wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:48 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:18 pm
Perryashburtongroves wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:35 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:11 pm
Perryashburtongroves wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:00 pm

I've answered your question about his tax status. I find it hypocritical that he is dragging out a case against HMRC when he can clearly afford to pay the money that is in dispute. If he wants better public sevices or better immigration rights, pay the fucking tax you are supposed to pay. Don't dispute it, pay it. I get fucking furious about the wealthy avoiding tax through their ability to pay more money to accountants to avoid what they could and should pay.
I've found Lineker to be a reprehensible human being for years. The stories I have heard about him and his hands and his creepy behaviour and then his absolutely sickening David Brent style desperation for attention and affection are abhorrent. I couldn't give a fuck what he thinks, I could give a fuck what he tweets but I do give a fuck when he wants free speech and has gone through the courts to prevent stories about him being published. And when it comes to Brexit, how the fuck do you work out that I voted for it? I wasn't even allowed a vote. Not every opposing view makes someone Nigel fucking Farrange.
You haven't answered anything. He hasn't done anything wrong, as a freelancer he has much more flexibility over how he draws an income from his own company. He's no different to any businessman that runs a Limited Company.

He will have been advised about the optimal way of drawing a salary by his tax advisers/accountants. That's not tax evasion. HMRC can investigate his tax affairs, that happens all the time with not only celebrities but people in business.

So why don't you jump on the BBC then for its Chairman making a donation in the hundreds of thousands to the Conservative Party. Or Fiona Bruce giving Stanley Johnson a pass for breaking his Mrs nose, saying it only happened once? Both much more controversial than anything Lineker has said ?
As I say, if you've got millions, pay what you owe, don't fuck about trying to find ways out of paying. If I'd been caught out and paid back 5m pounds, I'd have been ashamed and shut up forever.
As for the other stuff, I honestly don't know about what you're referring to with regards to the BBC and money and politics, so I can't comment. What I will say however is that I remember people feeling the same way you feel but the other way round when Blair and Mandelson were manipulating them and pressurising them with the Iraq dossier or Prescott punching people or Ron Davis getting caught cottaging on Clapham Common after the Labour Party had paid for stories to out gay Conservative MPs and the 45 minute claim and the death of Dr. David Kelly. That upset me. That was horrendous. That select committee with the "You're just chaff" comment. We all have reasons for feeling the way we do or have experienced things in our professional backgrounds which have influenced how we feel about things. As I say, I don't know what goes on in Britain these days too much but if it comes to offering a counter or alternative view based on my thoughts and experiences and if asked to defend my views, I'm happy to. I live in another country, I didn't vote for Brexit. As I say, having another view and being uncomfortable with someone or something doesn't make you Nigel Farrage.
Again I reiterate and you really seem to struggle with this Perry, Gary Lineker owns his own business for which he offers freelancing services to various Media organisations. He doesn't have an employment contract, the BBC doesn't pay into a pension for him, or give him the same rights as any other employee.

He (Gary Lineker) is like any businessman in this country and has the right to set up a Limited company through which he can then decide how much he pays himself. That could be zero in any tax year it could be a million quid. He can also pay himself dividends which by definition are taxed at a much lower rate than Income Tax. That is TAX PLANNING, any successful businessman with the guidance of an Accountant or Financial Advisor will look at this route as a viable way of drawing an income from their company. This is nothing special, in fact, it is the norm.

The reason such a storm is created is because people like you who don't get how our tax system works blast off on what he should pay, when the reality is if you were in the same position being advised by professionals to draw your income in an optimal tax strategy would do exactly the same.
People like me, eh? Always good to have generalisations based on absolutely nothing... All I'm saying is that if he wants to complain about services and how bad things are or whatever, perhaps actually pay tax. That sort of helps society doesn't it. When that horrible Greenfell fire happened and all those 'celebs' appeared outside demanding money from the Government, I remember reading a piece by a social worker which said that the best way for wealthy people to help those less well off, is to pay the tax that you actually owe rather than using your money to pay less. Having been in a line of work in one of the most deprived areas of Britain and seeing at first hand the absolute desperation and lack of any help under the previous government and the abject waste of money and complete disinterest in chasing up wealthy tax evaders, I find all this "Fuck the Tories" shit so short sighted and agenda driven. I'm the first to criticise things but I also like to see a bit of perspective and balance to things.
Well it's not absolutely nothing is it, the whole of Social Media and pretty much the country has kicked off about this. And the response is from people taking soundbites because something sounds good, when in reality they don't know how this countries tax system works. This type of rhetoric is all over twitter.

What it boils down to is the majority of people are sick to the back teeth of the right-wing narrative, and it's not anywhere near moderate. The Conservatives have sold themselves down the river over the last few years.

You've got Suella Braverman, an Asian 2nd Gen immigrant acting like Enoch Powell with some of the bollocks she comes out with. How ironic that far-right groups wanted her parents out of the country 40/50 years ago, and here she is peddling the same narrative, the same goes for Rishi as well, although he isn't as much of a bellend as she is.

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the playing mantis
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by the playing mantis »

NFG social media, you mean twitter is a leftwing platform. Everyone knows that. The vast majority of thr country don't care one way or the other. The MSM simply sensationalise and fans the flames for clicks and newspaper sales as they are a dying medium. Short of thr usual left wing twitter pile on no one really cares.

Some people probably think Lineker massive wages could be better spent on content and towards maybe winning sports rights...but hey let's pretend the whole country agrees with you view and yours only and is in meltdown.

This government is awful everyone agrees. Incompetent. That's not a left right thing it's a talent thing, I doubt the next lot will be much better.

What are all these hard right policies other than the outthere solutions to people dying on small boats given everything else has failed that they have actually put in place?

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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by BobbyPires7 »

Why are Albanians coming here? What war have they been involved in? Answers on a postcard please.

It’s all wacist though.

nut flush gooner
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by nut flush gooner »

the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:01 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:47 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:41 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:32 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:43 am

Back from holiday and browsing this in taxi...and had to post...

Facking hell Rob your political views are completely naive and straight out of 6th form. Stop before you make yourself look more stupid!!!

Your so blinkered against the right it's funny. What's being censored. What can't you say? Someone who has to be impartial as part of their contractual obligation (or that of their contracting company should we want to be anal about it) not being so.

Im sure you would be wetting yourself were any bbc folk coming out tweeting in support of 'right wing' causes.

What about the Censorship of people who don't support certain causes pushed by the left yet get cancelled or prosecuted for speaking out, trans, blm, legacy of empire, someones legacy/name being removed because they like a bit of sugar that was harvested by slaves, protestors being allowed to cause disruption whilst the police stand by and watch, police more interested in spurious hate crime whilst real crime goes through the roof? Yes there certainly is censorship pushed by a noisy bunch of leftisr morons on channles such as the cesspit echo chmaber of twatter (no offence mcd!) who utilise modern media to push an agenda that is supported by very few.

Is it any wonder the country and standards have gone to shit whilst increasing focus is given to all the faffy crap and causes of last few years?
Feel embarrassed for you. Totally out of touch, but as you also support Arsenal I’m unwilling to criticise.
Like Lineker you are entitled to your opinions.
His are just a lot clearer in their message than yours. Hope you had a good holiday.
Good for you. I and a lot of people think your a complete moron but there you go!

Your borderline wumming over the years causing some to question your allegiances to boot which although think that in recent times you have improved.

Out of live in Central London and do what as a job? Same as nfg in your London bubble although nfg at least articulates it with some thought.

You simply ignore any cogent points put to you and claim people out of touch...without addressing any points.

It's like playing chess with a pigeon with you Rob.

The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.

Anyone sorry your a gooner and will agree to disagree.

FOYS and Lineker.


Sorry again DB.
Coherent points? Like the ones made on the Brexit thread several years ago?

And people like you still won't acknowledge what a shower of shit the whole process has been and the damage it's done to this country.

You talk about a London bubble, hate to tell you this. Arsenal is right in the middle of it, an affluent area predicated by rich gooners. So perhaps Arsenal isn't the team for you, maybe you'll feel more at home at some provincial club.
I always suspected you were Highbury jd AICMFP

Bond holder since northbank mate and been going years before so suggest you stop that. Most people get out of London these days and most fans don't live locally.

It's completlry irrelevant to a debate about Lineker though. London bubble view as you well know is political why being arsenal into it.

Nice strawman and told you so ism by bringing brexit into it. Hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Brexit has been pointless in practise as it was executed terribly i fully agree with you there. What we didnt know before is it would have been executed so poorly. No one knew the tory idiots in power would make such a mess of such an opportunity almost as if some didn't want it to work...add in the war and covid and suggest its pretty hard to judge either way but let's stick to the topic in question heh Highbury?
If you actually wade your way through the cesspit of that thread you will find all the things that were predicted have actually happened. Weaker economy, rampant inflation, and interest rates are on their way onward and upwards. It wasn't hindsight it was discussed at length, and dismissed as scaremongering,

With regards to Lineker good on him, about time that the immigration debate came to the fore rather than allowing the right wing to create the narrative. The UK has been responsible for several fuck ups in various regions of the world, and yet they don't think twice about welcoming Ukrainians with open arms. Yet there isn't a system in place to offer refugee status to the thousands of people whose lives are in jeopardy in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, places we fucked up and you wonder why there is a trade in illegal people smuggling.

We take a fraction of the refugees the Spanish, Italians and Germans do. Even the French have higher net migration stats.

nut flush gooner
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by nut flush gooner »

the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:09 pm
NFG social media, you mean twitter is a leftwing platform. Everyone knows that. The vast majority of thr country don't care one way or the other. The MSM simply sensationalise and fans the flames for clicks and newspaper sales as they are a dying medium. Short of thr usual left wing twitter pile on no one really cares.

Some people probably think Lineker massive wages could be better spent on content and towards maybe winning sports rights...but hey let's pretend the whole country agrees with you view and yours only and is in meltdown.

This government is awful everyone agrees. Incompetent. That's not a left right thing it's a talent thing, I doubt the next lot will be much better.

What are all these hard right policies other than the outthere solutions to people dying on small boats given everything else has failed that they have actually put in place?
What Twitter are you looking at?

You clearly miss the Daily Mail reading, GB News watching, right-wing brigade. And they are the moderates.

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the playing mantis
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by the playing mantis »

BobbyPires7 wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:11 pm
Why are Albanians coming here? What war have they been involved in? Answers on a postcard please.

It’s all wacist though.
Await modern slavery bingo...3 2 1...

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the playing mantis
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by the playing mantis »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:13 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:09 pm
NFG social media, you mean twitter is a leftwing platform. Everyone knows that. The vast majority of thr country don't care one way or the other. The MSM simply sensationalise and fans the flames for clicks and newspaper sales as they are a dying medium. Short of thr usual left wing twitter pile on no one really cares.

Some people probably think Lineker massive wages could be better spent on content and towards maybe winning sports rights...but hey let's pretend the whole country agrees with you view and yours only and is in meltdown.

This government is awful everyone agrees. Incompetent. That's not a left right thing it's a talent thing, I doubt the next lot will be much better.

What are all these hard right policies other than the outthere solutions to people dying on small boats given everything else has failed that they have actually put in place?
What Twitter are you looking at?

You clearly miss the Daily Mail reading, GB News watching, right-wing brigade. And they are the moderates.
I try to avoid it. Its awful as are most of those who use it. You quote 2 sensationalist right wing sources whose remit is to sensationalise for views so you underlining my point. All mass media sensationalise every flippant issue as it generates interest. This thread a case in point.

Artifical meltdowns. Most people don't care.

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the playing mantis
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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by the playing mantis »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:12 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:01 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:47 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:41 pm
Gunner Rob wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:32 pm

Feel embarrassed for you. Totally out of touch, but as you also support Arsenal I’m unwilling to criticise.
Like Lineker you are entitled to your opinions.
His are just a lot clearer in their message than yours. Hope you had a good holiday.
Good for you. I and a lot of people think your a complete moron but there you go!

Your borderline wumming over the years causing some to question your allegiances to boot which although think that in recent times you have improved.

Out of live in Central London and do what as a job? Same as nfg in your London bubble although nfg at least articulates it with some thought.

You simply ignore any cogent points put to you and claim people out of touch...without addressing any points.

It's like playing chess with a pigeon with you Rob.

The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.

Anyone sorry your a gooner and will agree to disagree.

FOYS and Lineker.


Sorry again DB.
Coherent points? Like the ones made on the Brexit thread several years ago?

And people like you still won't acknowledge what a shower of shit the whole process has been and the damage it's done to this country.

You talk about a London bubble, hate to tell you this. Arsenal is right in the middle of it, an affluent area predicated by rich gooners. So perhaps Arsenal isn't the team for you, maybe you'll feel more at home at some provincial club.
I always suspected you were Highbury jd AICMFP

Bond holder since northbank mate and been going years before so suggest you stop that. Most people get out of London these days and most fans don't live locally.

It's completlry irrelevant to a debate about Lineker though. London bubble view as you well know is political why being arsenal into it.

Nice strawman and told you so ism by bringing brexit into it. Hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Brexit has been pointless in practise as it was executed terribly i fully agree with you there. What we didnt know before is it would have been executed so poorly. No one knew the tory idiots in power would make such a mess of such an opportunity almost as if some didn't want it to work...add in the war and covid and suggest its pretty hard to judge either way but let's stick to the topic in question heh Highbury?
If you actually wade your way through the cesspit of that thread you will find all the things that were predicted have actually happened. Weaker economy, rampant inflation, and interest rates are on their way onward and upwards. It wasn't hindsight it was discussed at length, and dismissed as scaremongering,

With regards to Lineker good on him, about time that the immigration debate came to the fore rather than allowing the right wing to create the narrative. The UK has been responsible for several fuck ups in various regions of the world, and yet they don't think twice about welcoming Ukrainians with open arms. Yet there isn't a system in place to offer refugee status to the thousands of people whose lives are in jeopardy in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, places we fucked up and you wonder why there is a trade in illegal people smuggling.

We take a fraction of the refugees the Spanish, Italians and Germans do. Even the French have higher net migration stats.
Had it been implemented by a competent gov it could have been much better. Everyone said short term pain anyway. Yes it's been crap so far i agree but you didn't know that. Add in compleltey unique scenarios such as covid and the war it's very easy to say its been a disaster but you have no way of judging it in isolation. No one does of either way. I can use them as a defence you can use there effects as due to brexit instead. Pointless debate.

Wrong thread anyway. Its done I don't care anymore.

Asylum seekers. Yes we should take in more and expand legal channels.

The boat people howevrr are not legal and often not genuine despite most allocations simply being waved through given the costs of fighting HR lawyers. They are mostly young men.

We should take in more but as for the other countries they do not have the population density we do to accommodate. Factor out Scotland and Wales and vast spaces of the North where no one actually lives we are incredibly dense population wise so taking in same levels as Germany and France is unrealistic anyway although we should take in more than we do legally.
Last edited by the playing mantis on Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by Perryashburtongroves »

nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:03 pm
Perryashburtongroves wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:48 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:18 pm
Perryashburtongroves wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:35 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:11 pm

You haven't answered anything. He hasn't done anything wrong, as a freelancer he has much more flexibility over how he draws an income from his own company. He's no different to any businessman that runs a Limited Company.

He will have been advised about the optimal way of drawing a salary by his tax advisers/accountants. That's not tax evasion. HMRC can investigate his tax affairs, that happens all the time with not only celebrities but people in business.

So why don't you jump on the BBC then for its Chairman making a donation in the hundreds of thousands to the Conservative Party. Or Fiona Bruce giving Stanley Johnson a pass for breaking his Mrs nose, saying it only happened once? Both much more controversial than anything Lineker has said ?
As I say, if you've got millions, pay what you owe, don't fuck about trying to find ways out of paying. If I'd been caught out and paid back 5m pounds, I'd have been ashamed and shut up forever.
As for the other stuff, I honestly don't know about what you're referring to with regards to the BBC and money and politics, so I can't comment. What I will say however is that I remember people feeling the same way you feel but the other way round when Blair and Mandelson were manipulating them and pressurising them with the Iraq dossier or Prescott punching people or Ron Davis getting caught cottaging on Clapham Common after the Labour Party had paid for stories to out gay Conservative MPs and the 45 minute claim and the death of Dr. David Kelly. That upset me. That was horrendous. That select committee with the "You're just chaff" comment. We all have reasons for feeling the way we do or have experienced things in our professional backgrounds which have influenced how we feel about things. As I say, I don't know what goes on in Britain these days too much but if it comes to offering a counter or alternative view based on my thoughts and experiences and if asked to defend my views, I'm happy to. I live in another country, I didn't vote for Brexit. As I say, having another view and being uncomfortable with someone or something doesn't make you Nigel Farrage.
Again I reiterate and you really seem to struggle with this Perry, Gary Lineker owns his own business for which he offers freelancing services to various Media organisations. He doesn't have an employment contract, the BBC doesn't pay into a pension for him, or give him the same rights as any other employee.

He (Gary Lineker) is like any businessman in this country and has the right to set up a Limited company through which he can then decide how much he pays himself. That could be zero in any tax year it could be a million quid. He can also pay himself dividends which by definition are taxed at a much lower rate than Income Tax. That is TAX PLANNING, any successful businessman with the guidance of an Accountant or Financial Advisor will look at this route as a viable way of drawing an income from their company. This is nothing special, in fact, it is the norm.

The reason such a storm is created is because people like you who don't get how our tax system works blast off on what he should pay, when the reality is if you were in the same position being advised by professionals to draw your income in an optimal tax strategy would do exactly the same.
People like me, eh? Always good to have generalisations based on absolutely nothing... All I'm saying is that if he wants to complain about services and how bad things are or whatever, perhaps actually pay tax. That sort of helps society doesn't it. When that horrible Greenfell fire happened and all those 'celebs' appeared outside demanding money from the Government, I remember reading a piece by a social worker which said that the best way for wealthy people to help those less well off, is to pay the tax that you actually owe rather than using your money to pay less. Having been in a line of work in one of the most deprived areas of Britain and seeing at first hand the absolute desperation and lack of any help under the previous government and the abject waste of money and complete disinterest in chasing up wealthy tax evaders, I find all this "Fuck the Tories" shit so short sighted and agenda driven. I'm the first to criticise things but I also like to see a bit of perspective and balance to things.
Well it's not absolutely nothing is it, the whole of Social Media and pretty much the country has kicked off about this. And the response is from people taking soundbites because something sounds good, when in reality they don't know how this countries tax system works. This type of rhetoric is all over twitter.

What it boils down to is the majority of people are sick to the back teeth of the right-wing narrative, and it's not anywhere near moderate. The Conservatives have sold themselves down the river over the last few years.

You've got Suella Braverman, an Asian 2nd Gen immigrant acting like Enoch Powell with some of the bollocks she comes out with. How ironic that far-right groups wanted her parents out of the country 40/50 years ago, and here she is peddling the same narrative, the same goes for Rishi as well, although he isn't as much of a bellend as she is.
What's the whole of Britain and social media or whatever got to do with me and my opinion? I'm not representative of that. I'm all in favour of free speech and the opportunity to air your views, that's what makes a democracy. The point I've made is that I find it hypocritical to call out governments for policies when you yourself haven't contributed to the taxation system in a fair and appropriate manner. That's all I'm saying Services in Britain would improve if the wealthy paid tax. That's regardless of government political allegiance. Based on what I saw working in Hackney under the Labour government, I saw such waste, such disinterest, such arrogance and such absolute betrayal of the working classes and weakest members of society that it made me so angry. Yes, I can understand the feeling towards certain Conservative MPs but things were no different under Blair and Brown and Mandelson. It's just that Twitter didn't exist back then.

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Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by BobbyPires7 »

Brexit has been shit because it took several years to actually accept the result. Even now there are people on both sides trying to pull it down. The EU decided to not accept it either. And then you have COVID and the war. Clusterfuck of ingredients. The EU meanwhile is still a shit show. They have rampant inflation too.

Gunner Rob
Posts: 9064
Joined: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:05 pm

Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by Gunner Rob »

the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:21 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:12 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:01 pm
nut flush gooner wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:47 pm
the playing mantis wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:41 pm

Good for you. I and a lot of people think your a complete moron but there you go!

Your borderline wumming over the years causing some to question your allegiances to boot which although think that in recent times you have improved.

Out of live in Central London and do what as a job? Same as nfg in your London bubble although nfg at least articulates it with some thought.

You simply ignore any cogent points put to you and claim people out of touch...without addressing any points.

It's like playing chess with a pigeon with you Rob.

The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.

Anyone sorry your a gooner and will agree to disagree.

FOYS and Lineker.


Sorry again DB.
Coherent points? Like the ones made on the Brexit thread several years ago?

And people like you still won't acknowledge what a shower of shit the whole process has been and the damage it's done to this country.

You talk about a London bubble, hate to tell you this. Arsenal is right in the middle of it, an affluent area predicated by rich gooners. So perhaps Arsenal isn't the team for you, maybe you'll feel more at home at some provincial club.
I always suspected you were Highbury jd AICMFP

Bond holder since northbank mate and been going years before so suggest you stop that. Most people get out of London these days and most fans don't live locally.

It's completlry irrelevant to a debate about Lineker though. London bubble view as you well know is political why being arsenal into it.

Nice strawman and told you so ism by bringing brexit into it. Hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Brexit has been pointless in practise as it was executed terribly i fully agree with you there. What we didnt know before is it would have been executed so poorly. No one knew the tory idiots in power would make such a mess of such an opportunity almost as if some didn't want it to work...add in the war and covid and suggest its pretty hard to judge either way but let's stick to the topic in question heh Highbury?
If you actually wade your way through the cesspit of that thread you will find all the things that were predicted have actually happened. Weaker economy, rampant inflation, and interest rates are on their way onward and upwards. It wasn't hindsight it was discussed at length, and dismissed as scaremongering,

With regards to Lineker good on him, about time that the immigration debate came to the fore rather than allowing the right wing to create the narrative. The UK has been responsible for several fuck ups in various regions of the world, and yet they don't think twice about welcoming Ukrainians with open arms. Yet there isn't a system in place to offer refugee status to the thousands of people whose lives are in jeopardy in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, places we fucked up and you wonder why there is a trade in illegal people smuggling.

We take a fraction of the refugees the Spanish, Italians and Germans do. Even the French have higher net migration stats.
Had it been implemented by a competent gov it could have been much better. Everyone said short term pain anyway. Yes it's been crap so far i agree but you didn't know that. Add in compleltey unique scenarios such as covid and the war it's very easy to say its been a disaster but you have no way of judging it in isolation. No one does of either way. I can use them as a defence you can use there effects as due to brexit instead. Pointless debate.

Wrong thread anyway. Its done I don't care anymore.

Asylum seekers. Yes we should take in more and expand legal channels.

The boat people howevrr are not legal and often not genuine despite most allocations simply being waved through given the costs of fighting HR lawyers. They are mostly young men.

We should take in more but as for the other countries they do not have the population density we do to accommodate. Factor out Scotland and Wales and vast spaces of the North where no one actually lives we are incredibly dense population wise so taking in same levels as Germany and France is unrealistic anyway although we should take in more than we do legally.
Don’t be so bloody stupid about Brexit - anyone who voted remain (practically half the country) could have told you what was going to happen. Leavers just put their fingers in their ears and shouted Project Fear like big babies.

The way to stop he boats coming is to set up a processing centre in France - something that was discussed by Macron and Sunak yesterday. It will be interesting to see how that develops.

Gunner Rob
Posts: 9064
Joined: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:05 pm

Re: Modern Football Bol**cks

Post by Gunner Rob »

BobbyPires7 wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:26 pm
Brexit has been shit because it took several years to actually accept the result. Even now there are people on both sides trying to pull it down. The EU decided to not accept it either. And then you have COVID and the war. Clusterfuck of ingredients. The EU meanwhile is still a shit show. They have rampant inflation too.
No it was shit because those who “won” had no idea how to implement it.
And what do you mean by the EU not accepting it? Of course they did - it’s just that the UK didn’t want to accept what they had voted for. Covid and the war has nothing to do with Brexit so stop making that an excuse for its failure. The inflation in the UK has been worse than the EU. Hope that helps.

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