Arsenal need to play a natural goalscorer in a 3-5-2

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I know everyone thinks they know best but...

Post by Andros14 »

Looking at the game over the weekend i was really dissapointed with some of our players, not due to the lack of effort but simply the lack of quality in their game, Flamini, Clichy, Ljungberg, Hleb when he came on, Senders, even big Jens really didn't stand up and be counted. I believe the weakness is that we aren't being dominant enough in attack, we had 2 clear chances before Bolton's 1st goal Saturday and if we had taken either the game would have been different. Maybe not for Spurs but the strongest lineup we have availbale is surely:
Gallas (Clichy isn't good enouh defensively)
Djourou (Better than Senderos)
Walcott (Genuine pace, undefendable, playing on left)
RVP (on the right, far better there)
Thierry (Either up top or on left with RVP in middle, Walcott right)

This would give the front 3 flexibility to change positions, Henry to do damage on the left where he is twice the player, Walcott can alternate with Hleb and Ljungberg for more defensive formation, Gilberto to hold and Rosicky and Ces to roam midfield, agree?

Arsenal 4 LIFE
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Post by Arsenal 4 LIFE »

Like the idea of playing a 3-5-2 but in my opinion arsenal would more suited to a 4-3-3 system similar to a Barcelona system. With this we can use more of the wide positions, which is what I have always thought, that Arsenal has lacked in order to step us up the next level. This system embodies everything that is good about arsenal and takes them to that next level. With usual back 4 consisting of Clichy & Eboue as the right back and left back because the are the best at going forward and giving us width on the flanks, however clichy's defensive capabilities are a question but you have to work with what you have. With a solid Gallas & Toure the best combination for the back. The midfield and forwards is when it gets interesting:

Henry, Adebayor (prefer Baptista but the beast has not fired YET) Rvp
Rosicky, Gilberto, Fabregas

With Henry on the left which is his best position, coming in on the inside and possibly feeding Clichy? Van the man with plan can come in from the left and do what he does best. To support my argument I look to arsenals recent showing at Watford and Blackburn where he did come in from the left and score. Also at international level Rvp plays in this system with Holland on the right and I have seen him provide the width that I have been talking about. As for Henry he cant play in the middle by himself so Wenger should stop but he can really create some fear on the left and rain some crosses in (he was a winger for half his life). With this system they can always switch the two or them and with Adebayor he can hold up the ball and header when the ball comes in who can be switched with Baptista.

With this formation we can also copy a technique from Chelsea which is to let the two forwards Henry and Persie to drop back when we don’t have the ball to create a 4-5-1 system that makes it difficult to break down especially against teams like Bolton.
This formation therefore maximises the teams potential because the midfielders that arsenal have none of them are out and out wingers they are central midfielders playing on the wing, which is why you see them coming in the middle. But with this formation you would be using them at their maximum ability.

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Post by N13Gooner »

pah!...3-5-2 is sooooooo 1995!!

4-4-2 is fine...just about picking the best team for the occassion.

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Post by bennizone »

I would like to say that the 4-5-1 formation is not favorable in all matches and this has cost us the title, but not all hoope is lost. I believe the 4-5-1 is workable in matches with man u, chelsea, liverpool and other big teams but wiht regards to the minnowers, the conventional 4-4-2 is better. Also i would prefer if Henry's position ccan be alternated from center forward to left wing player and pair van Persie with Baptista and then place Thoe Walcott as a right wing player. this would help the teams attacking options

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